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Touch. O sir, we quarrel in print, by the book; as you have books for good manners: I will name you the degrees. The first, the Retort courteous; the second, the Quip modest; the third, the Reply churlish; the fourth, the Reproof valiant; the fifth, the Countercheck quarrelsome; the sixth, the Lie with circumstance; the seventh, the Lie direct. All these you may avoid, but the Lie direct; and you may avoid that too, with an lƒ. I knew when seven justices could not take up a quarrel; but when the parties were met themselves, one of them thought but of an If, as If you said so, then I said so; and they shook hands, and swore brothers. Your If is the only peace-maker; much virtue in If.

Jaq. Is not this a rare fellow, my lord? he's as good at any thing, and yet a fool.

Duke S. He uses his folly like a stalking-horse, and under the presentation of that, he shoots his wit.

Enter HYMEN, leading ROSALIND in woman's clothes; and
CELIA. Still Music.

Hym. Then is there mirth in heaven,
When earthly things made even
Atone together.

Good duke, receive thy daughter,
Hymen from heaven brought her,

Yea, brought her hither;

That thou might'st join her hand with his,
Whose heart within her bosom is.

[6] The poet has, in this scene, rallied the mode of formal duelling, then so prevalent, with the highest humour and address: nor could he have treated it with a happier contempt, than by making his Clown so knowing in the forms and preliminaries of it. The particular book here alluded to is a very ridiculous treatise of one Vincentio Salviolo, entitled, Of Honour and honourable Quarrels, in quarto, printed by Wolf, 1594. The first part of this tract he entitles, A discourse most necessary for all Gentlemen that have in regard their Honours, touching the giving and receiving the Lie, whereupon the Duello and the Combat in divers Forms doth ensue; and many other Inconveniences, for lack only of true Knowledge of Honour, and the right Understanding of Words, which here is set down. The contents of the several chapters are as follows:--I. What the Reason is that the Party unto whom the Lie is given ought to become Challenger, and of the Nature of Lies. II. Of the Manner and Diversity of Lies. III. Of Lies certain, [or direct.] IV. Of conditional Lies, For the lie circumstantial.] V. Of the Lie in general. VI. Of the Lie in particular VII. Of foolish Lies. VIII. A Conclusion touching the wresting or returning bach of the Lie, [or the countercheck quarrelsome.] In the chapter of conditional Lies, speaking of the particle if, he says, "-Conditional lies be such as are given condi tionally, as if a man should say or write these wordes:-if thou hast said that I have offered my lord abuse, thou liest; or if thou sayest so hereafter thou shalt lie. Or these kind of lies, given in this manner, often arise much contention in wordes,~ whereof no sure conclusion can arise." By which he means, they cannot proceed

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Ros. To you I give myself, for I am yours.

To you I give myself, for I am yours.

[To Duke S. [TO ORLA.

Duke S. If there be truth in sight, you are my daughter.

Orla. If there be truth in sight, you are my Rosalind. Phe. If sight and shape be true,

Why then, my love adieu !

Ros. I'll have no father, if you be not he: -I'll have no husband, if you be not he :Nor ne'er wed woman, if you be not she.

Hym. Peace, ho! I bar confusion :
'Tis 1 must make conclusion

Of these most strange events:
'Here's eight that must take hands,
To join in Hymen's bands,

If truth holds true contents.

You and you no cross shall part:

[To Duke S. [TO ORLA. [TO PHEBE.


You and you are heart in heart :



[To Tou. and AUD.

You to his love must accord,
Or have a woman to your lord:-
You and you are sure together,
As the winter to foul weather.
Whiles a wedlock-hymn we sing,
Feed yourselves with questioning;
That reason wonder may diminish,
How thus we met, and these things finish

to cut one another's throat, while there is an if between. Which is the reason of Shakespeare making the Clown say, "I knew when seven justices could not make up a quarrel: but when the parties were met themselves, one of them thought but of an if; as, if you said so, then I said so, and they shook hands, and swore brothers. Your if is the only peace-maker: much virtue in if" Caranza was another of these authentic authors upon the Duello. Fletcher, in his last Act of Love's Pilgrimage, ridicules him with much humour. WARBURTON.

[7] One of these books I have. It is entitled, The Boke of Nurture, or Schole of good Manners, for Men, Servants, and Children, with stans puer ad mensum; 12mo. black letter, without date. STEEVENS.

Another is, Galateo of Maister John Casa, Archbishop of Benevento; or rather, a Treatise of the Manners and Behaviours it behoveth a Man to use and eschewe in his familiar Conversation. A work very necessary and profitable for all Gentlemen or other; translated from the Italian, by Robert Peterson, 4to. 1576. REED.

[8] Rosalind is imagined by the rest of the company to be brought by enchantment, and is therefore introduced by a supposed aerial being in the character of Hymen. JOHNSON.





Wedding is great Juno's crown;
O blessed bond of board and bed!
'Tis Hymen peoples every town;
High wedlock then be honoured:
Honour, high honour and renown,
To Hymen, god of every town!

Duke S. O my dear niece, welcome thou art to me ; Even daughter, welcome in no less degree.

Phe. I will not eat my word, now thou art mine; Thy faith my fancy to thee doth combine.



Jaq. de B. Let me have audience for a word, or two;

I am the second son of old sir Rowland,

That bring these tidings to this fair assembly :-
Duke Frederick, hearing how that every day
Men of great worth resorted to this forest,
Address'd a mighty power; which were on foot,
In his own conduct, purposely to take
His brother here, and put him to the sword:
And to the skirts of this wild wood he came ;
Where, meeting with an old religious man,"
After some question with him, was converted
Both from his enterprize, and from the world:
His crown bequeathing to his banish'd brother,
And all their lands restor❜d to them again
That were with him exíl'd: This to be true,
I do engage my life.

Duke S. Welcome, young man ;

Thou offer'st fairly to thy brothers' wedding:
To one, his lands with-held; and to the other,
A land itself at large, a potent dukedom.
First, in this forest, let us do those ends
That here were well begun, and well begot:
And after, every of this happy number,

That have endur'd shrewd days and nights with us,
Shall share the good of our returned fortune,

[9] In Lodge's novel the usurping Duke is not diverted from his purpose by the pious counsel of a hermit, but is subdued and killed by the twelve peers of France, who were brought by the third brother of Rosader (the Orlando of this play) to assist him in the recovery of his right. STEEVENS.

According to the measure of their states.
Meantime, forget this new-fall'n dignity,
And fall into our rustic revelry :---

Play, music;-and you brides and bridegrooms all,
With measure heap'd in joy, to th' measures fall.

Jaq. Sir, by your patience; If I heard you rightly,
The duke hath put on a religious life,

And thrown into neglect the pompous court?
Jaq. de B. He hath.

Jaq. To him will I out of these convertites There is much matter to be heard and learn'd.You to your former honour I bequeath [To Duke S. Your patience, and your virtue, well deserves it :You to a love, that your true faith doth merit:

[TO ORLANDO. --You to your land, and love, and great allies: [To OLI. -You to a long and well-deserved bed:

-And you to wrangling; for thy loving voyage



Is but for two months victuall'd:-So to your pleasures ;
I am for other than for dancing measures.
Duke S. Stay, Jaques, stay.

Jaq. To see no pastime, I :-what you would have
I'll stay to know at your abandon'd cave.


[Exit. Duke S. Proceed, proceed: we will begin these rites, And we do trust they'll end, in true delights.

[A Dance.

[9] Amidst this general festivity, the reader may be sorry to take leave of Jaques, who appears to have no share in it, and remains behind unreconciled to society. He has, however, filled with a gloomy sensibility the space allotted to him in the play, and preserves that respect to the last, which is due to him as a consistent character, and an amiable though solitary moralist.

It may be observed, with scarce less concern, that Shakespeare has, on this occasion, forgot old Adam, the servant of Orlando, whose fidelity should have entitied him to notice at the end of the piece, as well as to that happiness which he would naturally have found, in the return of fortune to his master.


It is the more remarkable, that old Adam is forgotten; since, at the end of the novel, Lodge makes him captaine of the king's guard. FARMER.



Ros. It is not the fashion to see the lady the epilogue: but it is no more unhandsome, than to see the lord the prologue. If it be true, that good wine needs no bush,1 tis true, that a good play needs no epilogue: Yet to good wine they do use good bushes; and good plays prove the better by the help of good epilogues. What a case am I in then, that am neither a good epilogue, nor cannot insinuate with you in the behalf of a good play? I am not furnished like a beggar, therefore to beg will not become me my way is, to conjure you; and I'll begin with the women. I charge you, O women, for the love you bear to men, to like as much of this play as please them : and so I charge you, O men, for the love you bear to women, (as I perceive by your simpering, none of you hate them,) that between you and the women, the play may please. If I were a woman, 2 I would kiss as many of you as had beards that pleased me, complexions that liked me, and breaths that I defied not: and, I am sure, as many as have good beards, or good faces, or sweet breaths, will, for my kind offer, when I make curt'sy, bid me farewell. [Exeunt

[1] It appears formerly to have been the custom to hang a tuft of ivy at the door. of a vintner. I suppose ivy was rather chosen than any other plant, as it has relation to Bacchus


The practice is still observed in Warwickshire and the adjoining counties, at statute-hirings, wakes, &c. by people who sell ale at no other time. And hence, I suppose, the Bush tavern at Bristol, and other places. RITSON.

[2] Note, that in this author's time, the parts of women were always performed by men or boys.


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