Imagens das páginas

A Discourse on the History of the Whole World, Dedicated to his Royal Highness the Dauphin, and Explicating the Continuance of Religion with the Changes of States and Empires; from the Creation till the Reign of Charles the Great. Written Originally in French by James Benigne Bossuet, sometimes Bishop of Condom, and now of Meaux, Counsellor of State to the Most Christian King, heretefore Tutor to the Dauphin, and now Chief Almoner to the Dauphiness. Faithfully Englished. London, Printed for Matthew Turner at the Lamb in High-Holborn. MDCLXXXVI. 8°. (British Museum : 9006. c.)

A Conference with Mr. Claude Minister of Charenton, Concerning The Authority of the Church. By James Benigne Bossuet, Bishop of Meaux, Councellor to the most Christian King, and formerly Preceptor to the Dauphin First Almoner to the Dauphiness. Faithfully done into English out of the French original. Publisht with Allowance. London, Printed for Matthew Turner, at the Lamb in High Holbourn.1687. 4°. (British Museum: 13. N. N. b./1838.)


The life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. Including his Tour to the Hebrides, Correspondence with Mrs. Thrale, etc., etc., by James Boswell. With numerous additions, by John Wilson Croker. Revised and enlarged under his direction by John Wright. London, Bell and Daldy, York street, Covent Garden. 1868. 10 vol. 8°.

BOURNE (H. R. Fox).

The Life of John Locke. By H. R. Fox Bourne. In two volumes. Henry
S. King and Co. London. 1876. 8°.

(Bibliothèque nationale: Nx. 1520.)


Parthenissa That most fam'd Romance : Composed by the Right Honoble
The Lord Broghill. And Dedicated to the Lady Northumberland.
London: Printed for Richard Lownes at the White Lyon in St Pauls
Church-yard. 1654. 4°.
(British Museum: 12613. b.)

Two New Tragedies. The Black Prince, and Tryphon. The first Acted at
the Theatre Royal by His Majesties Servants; The Other by his High-
ness the Duke of York's Servants. Both Written by the Right Honour-
able the Earl of Orrery. London, Printed for H. Herringman, at the
Sign of the Blew Anchor, in the Lower Walk of the New Exchange.
1672. folio.
(British Museum : 644. k. 14.).

A Treatise Of the Art of War: Dedicated to the Kings Most Excellent
Majesty. And Written by the Right Honourable Roger Earl of Or-
rery. In the Savoy Printed by T. N. for Henry Herringman at the
Anchor in the Lower Walk of the New Exchange. M.DC. LXXVII. folio.
(British Museum: 534. m. 25.)


Il y a des vers du comte d'Orrery dans le recueil suivant : A Collection of Poems: Viz. The Temple of Death: By the marquis of Normanby. An Epistle to the Earl of Dorset: By Charles Montague, Lord Halifax. The Duel of the Stags: By Sir Robert Howard. With Several Original Poems, Never before printed, By The E. of Roscommon. The E. of Rochester. The E. of Orrery. Sir Charles Sedley. Sir George Etherege. Mr. Granville. Mr. Stepney. Mr. Dryden, Etc.

London Printed for Daniel Brown, at the Black Swan and Bible without Temple-Bar; And Benjamin Tooke at the Middle-TempleGate in Fleetstreet. 1701. 8°. (British Museum: 1077. 1. 13.) The Dramatic Works of Roger Boyle, Earl of Orrery. To which is Added A Comedy, intitled, As you find it. By the Honourable Charles Boyle, Esq; Afterwards Earl of Orrery. Vol. I. Containing: The Black Prince. Tryphon. Henry the Fifth. Mustapha. London: Printed for R. Dodsley, at Tully's-Head, in Pall-mall. M. DCC.XXXIX. Le second volume a pour titre The Dramatick Works of Roger Boyle, Earl of Orrery. Volume II, Containing Herold the Great Altemira. Guzman, a Comedy. Also As you find it, a Comedy. By Charles late Earl of Orrery. London; Printed for R. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall. M.DCC XXXIX. 8°. [Henry the Fifth, pièce historique, a été représenté en 1664; Mustapha, tragédie, en 1665; The Black Prince, tragédie, en 1667; Tryphon, tragédie, en 1668; Guzman, comédie, entre 1667 et 1672; Herold the Great, tragédie, n'a pas été joué; Altemira, tragédie, a été représentée, après la mort de l'auteur, en 1702. Le comte d'Orrery est aussi l'auteur d'une comédie, Mr. Anthony, jouée vers 1671].


(British Museum: 80. c. 19-20.)

The British Poets. Including Translations. In one Hundred Volumes, LIX. Grainger. Boyse. Chiswick Printed by Whittingham, College House, for J. Carpenter, J. Booker, Rodwell and Martin, G. and W. B. Whittaker, R. Triphook, J. Ebers, Taylor and Hessey, R. Jennings, G. Cowie and Co. N. Hailes, J. Porter, B. E. Lloyd and Son, C. Smith, and C. Whittingham. 1822. 12o.



(British Museum : 11 603. aa. 4.)

Notes Upon Mr. Dryden's Poems in Four Letters. By M. Clifford late
Master of the Charter-House, London. To which are annexed some
Reflections upon the Hind and Panther. By another Hand.

Et Musarum et Apollinis æde relicta,
Ipse facit versus.

London, Printed in the Year 1687. 4°.

Juv., Sat. 7.

(British Museum: 11 626. e. 15).

The Reasons of Mr. Bays Changing his Religion. Considered in a Dialogue between Crites, Eugenius, and Mr. Bays.

Quo teneam vultus mutantem Protea nodo?

Ante bibebatur, nunc quas contingere nolis
Fundit Anigrus aquas.


Ovid., Met.

London, Printed for S. T. and are to be Sold by the Booksellers of
London and Westminster. 1688. 4o.

(British Museum : 641. h. 1/1.).

The Late Converts Exposed: Or the Reasons of Mr Bays's Changing his
Religion. Considered in a Dialogue. Part the Second. With Reflec-
tions on the Life of St. Xavier. Don Sebastian King of Portugal. As
Also the Fable of the Bat and the Birds.

Parcite Oves nimium procedere, non benè ripa
Creditur, ipse Aries etiam nunc vellera siccat.

Virg., Ecl. 3.

Rode Caper vitem, tamen hinc cum stabis ad aram,

Ovid. Fast.

In tua quod fundi Cornua possit, erit. Licensed, January, 8. 1689. London, Printed for Thomas Bennet, at the Sign of the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Church-Yard. 1690. 4o (British Museum : 641. h. 1/2.)

The Reasons of Mr Joseph Hains The Player's Conversion and Re-Con-
version. Being the Third and Last Part To The Dialogue of Mr. Bays.
Ecce iterum Crispinus, et est mihi sæpè vocandus
Ad partes.

Juv. Sat. 4.
Non compositus meliùs cum Bitho Bacchius. Hor. Serm.
London, Printed for Richard Baldwin, near the Black-Bull in the
Old-Baily. 1690. 4°.
(British Museum: 641. h. 1/3)

Numb. 9. The Lacedemonian Mercury Being A Continuation of the London Mercury. Monday March 7. 1692. folio.

(British Museum: 522. m. 11./1.)

Letters from the Dead to the Living. By Mr. Tho. Brown, Capt. Ayloff, Mr. Hen. Barker, etc. Viz. from Jo. Haines of Merry Memory, to his Friends at Wills. Perkin Warbeck, to the pretended Prince of Wales. Abraham Cowley, to the Covent Garden Society. Charon, to the Illustrious and High-born Jack Ketch. James the 2, to Lewis the 14th. Julian late Secretary to the Muses, to Will Peirre of Lincolns-Inn Playhouse. Scarron to Lewis Le Grand. Hannibal to the Victorious Prince Eugene of Savoy. Pindar of Thebes, to Tom. D. Catharine of Medicis, to the Dutchess of Orleans. Queen Mary to the Pope. Harlequin, to Father Le Chaise. The Duke of Alva, to the Clergy of France. Philip of Austria, to the Dauphin. Juvenal, to Boileau. Diana of Poitiers, to Madam Maintenon. Hugh Spencer, the younger to all the Favourites and Ministers whom it may concern. Julia, to the Princess of Conti. Christina Queen of Sweden, to the Women. Rabelais, to the Physicians. The Mitred Hog; a Dialogue between Furetiere and Scarron. Beau Norton, to his Brothers at Hippolito's. Sir Bartolomew —, to Serjeant S. And several others with their


Infanti Melimela dato, fatuasq; mariscas,

Sed mihi, quæ novit pungere, Chia Sapit. Mart. London, Printed in the Year, 1702. 8°.

(British Museum: 1079. m. 11.)

The Stage-Beaux toss'd in a Blanket, or Hypocrisie Alamode. Expos'd in a True Picture of Jerry....., a Pretending Scourge to the English Stage. A Comedy; with a Prologue on Occasional Conformity; being a full Explanation of the Poussin Doctor's Book; and an Epilogue on the Reformers. Spoken, at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Simulant Curios, et Bacchanalia vivunt. Juv. London, Printed and Sold by J. Nutt, near Stationers' Hall. 1704. 4°.

(British Museum: 643. i. 18/8.)

The Works of Mr. Thomas Brown, Serious and Comical, In Prose and Verse. In Four volumes. The Fifth Edition, Corrected from the Errors of the former Impressions. With the Life and Character of Mr. Brown, And a Key To all his Writtings. Adorn'd with Cuts. London: Printed for Sam Briscoe, at the Bell-Savage on Ludgate Hill; and sold by

[ocr errors]

R. Smith, A. Bell, J. Round, G. Strahan, E. Symons, J. Osborne,
J. Brotherton, A. Bettsworth, W. Taylor, J. Batley; R. Robison,
C. Rivington, R. King, J. Pemberton, T. Corbet, D. Browne.
W. Mears, F. Clay, and T. Warner in Paternoster-Row. 1720. 12°.
A cette édition est joint un 5o volume dont le titre suit: The Re-
mains of Mr. Thomas Brown, Serious and Comical, In Prose and
Verse. In one Volume. Collected from scarce Papers and Original Mss.
never Printed in his Works. With Mr. Brown's Legacy for the La-
dies; or Characters of the Women of the Age. To which is prefix'd,
A Key to all his Prophesies, Dialogues, Satyrs, Fables, and Poems,
London, Printed for Sam. Briscoe, at the Bell-Savage Inn-on Ludgate-
Hill. 1720. 12°.
(British Museum: 12271. a.)

BUCKHURST (LORD). Voyez SACKVILLE (Charles), Earl of Dorset.




Memoirs of the Life and Character Of the Late Earl of Orrery, And of
the Family of the Boyles. Containing Several Curious Facts, and
Pieces of History, from the Reign of Queen Elisabeth, to the present
Times Extracted from Original Papers and Manuscripts never yet
Printed. With A Short Account of the Controversy between the late
Earl of Orrery and the Reverend Doctor Bentley; and some Select
Letters of Phalaris, the famous Sicilian Tyrant: Translated from the
Greek. By Eustace Budgell Esq;


Te, animo repetentem Exempla tuorum
Et Pater Æneas, et Avunculus excitet Hector.
London Printed for W. Mears, at the Lamb in the Old Bailey.
(British Museum: 614. g. 27.)


The Pilgrim's Progress from this World to That which is to come :
delivered under the Similitude of a Dream. Wherein is Discovered,
The manner of his setting out, His Dangerous Journey, and Safe
Arrival at the Desired Country. By John Bunyan. The second Edition,
with Additions. I have used similitudes. Hosea 12. 10. Licensed and
Entered according to Order. London: Printed for Nath. Ponder, at
the Peacock in the Poultrey, near Cornhil. 1678. 12°. [Le British
Museum ne possède pas la première édition de cet ouvrage, qui est
aussi de 1678.]
(British Museum: C. 25. c. 24.)

The Third Edition. London, 1679. 12°. (C. 25. c. 28.)
The Fourth Edition. London, 1680. 12°. (4414.d.e.)

The Fifth Edition. London, 1680. 12°. (4414.a.a.a.)

The Sixth Edition. London, 1681. 12°. (4413.a.a.a.)

The Eighth Edition. London, 1682. 12o. (4414.a.a.a.) etc., etc.


Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the Proceedings in

certain Societies in London relative to that event. In a Letter in-
tended to have been sent to a Gentleman in Paris. By the Right
Honourable Edmund Burke. London: Printed for J. Dodsley, in
Pall-Mall. MDCCXC. 8°.
(British Museum : E. 2065/1).


Some Passages of the Life and Death Of the Right Honourable John
Earl of Rochester, Who died the 26th of July, 1680. Written by his
own Direction on his Death-Bed, By Gilbert Burnet, D.D. London,
Printed for Richard Chiswel, at the Rose and Crown in St. Pauls
Church-Yard. 1680. 8°.
(British Museum: 1418. c. 43.)

Bishop Burnet's History of his own time; with the suppressed passages
of the first volume, and notes by the Earls of Dartmouth and Hard-
wicke, and Speaker Onslow, hitherto unpublished. To which are
added the cursory remarks of Swift, and other observations. Oxford,
at the Clarendon Press. MDCCCXXIII. 6 vols. 8°.


Hudibras. The First Part. Written in the time of the late Wars. Lon-
don, Printed by J. G. for Richard Marriot, under Saint Dunstan's
Church in Fleetstreet. 1663. 8°. (British Museum: 239. f. 33.)
The Genuine Poetical Remains of Samuel Butler. With notes By Robert
Thyer, Keeper of the Public Library, Manchester. With a Selection
from the Author's Characters in Prose. Illustrated with humorous
Wood-cuts, and Portraits of Butler and Thyer. London: Printed for
Joseph Booker, 61, New Bond Street. 1827. 8°.


(Brilish Museum : 11 609. 1. 1.).

Towser the Second, a Bull-dog, or a short Reply to Absalom and Achitophel, 10th December 1681. 8°. [Ne se trouve ni au British Museum, ni à la Bibliotheque Bodléienne à Oxford, ni à Cambridge, ni à Paris. Voyez Malone, vie de Dryden, p. 157.)


The Life of Alexander Pope. Including Extracts from his Correspondence. By Robert Carruthers. Second Edition, revised and considerably enlarged. With numerous engravings on wood. London: Henry G Bohn, York-Street, Covent Garden. MDCCCLVII. 8°.


St Martin Mar-all.

Voyez DRYDEN (John).

The Humorous Lovers. A Comedy, Acted by His Royal Highnes's Servants. Written by His Grace the Duke of Newcastle. London, Printed by J. M. for H. Herringman, at the Sign of the Blew Anchor in the Lower-Walk of the New-Exchange, 1677. 4°.

(British Museum : 644. g. 30.)

The Triumphant Widow, or the Medley of Humours. A Comedy, Acted by His Royal Highnes's Servants. Written by His Grace the Duke of Newcastle. London, Printed by J. M. for H. Herringman, at the Sign of the Blew Anchor in the Lower-Walk of the New-Exchange, 1677. 4°. (British Museum : 644. g. 31.)

A General System of Horsemanship in All it's Branches : Containing a Faithful Translation Of that most noble and useful Work of his Grace,

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