Imagens das páginas

the mizzen peak of the William when she was seized. This is not true; and I enclose herewith a letter from the French vice-consul to me, positively declaring that the American flag was never hoisted on board of the vessel at Fort Liberté; she was seized as the French bark Guillaume Tell, and it was only after examination of her papers that she was proved to be the William. Captain Pelletier also complains that his wife has been thrown into prison, which is also untrue, as the lady still remains on board.

Another very suspicious circumstance about the William is, that after leaving Port-au-Prince, the name of the vessel and the port to which belonging was erased from her stern, so that the vessel bears on her hull no indication or mark of her name or nationality.

In my opinion the entire movements of the bark William, about this island, have been highly suspicious, and I have no doubt but that the intention of Captain Pelletier was to induce a number of Haytiens to go on board of his vessel, under contract or otherwise, and then make his escape with them and sell them into slavery. This project is most hardy and daring, and it is difficult to understand its conception at the present advanced age. It is very possible, however, that he would have succeeded in his nefarious design had not the vessel already had suspicion fixed upon her in Port-au-Prince; indeed, my own doubts about the legality of the vessel's proceedings were so great that, had she escaped from Fort Liberté, I should at once have written to St. Thomas, Aspinwall, and Havana, requesting the American consuls of those places to lay the facts before the commander of any foreign man-of-war in port, so that the vessel might have been apprehended and her real intention discovered.

It is possible that the vessel may be brought to this port, and the captain and crew escorted here for trial. I would therefore most respectfully ask information from the government what course I am to take if the vessel is afterwards given up and part of the crew released after examination, the latter of which will probably be the case. It is an undoubted fact that these men are composed of the refuse of all nations, and that they are not on a legal voyage, although provided with American protections. I would very respectfully call the attention of the department to these facts, and solicit an early answer as to what course I am to pursue in this matter.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Secretary of State, &c., &c.



1. Affidavit of Isaac B. Gage.

2. Letter of J. Letellier to the French vice-consul.

3. Captain A. Pelletier's letter addressed to G. E. Hubbard.

4. Hubbard to Captain Pelletier.

5. Letter from the French vice-consul denying the hoisting of the American flag on board of the William. (The last four, copies.)

Copy of affidavit of Isaac B. Gage, master of the American schooner Joseph Nickerson, about his having met a French vessel under suspicious circumstances.

I, Isaac B. Gage, master of the American schooner Joseph Nickerson, of Boston, of the burden of 1983 tons, now at anchor in the port of Cape Haytien, do hereby depose and certify that on the 29th March, at 2 o'clock a. m., we

then approaching the land of Hayti, hove to his vessel. At daylight, half-past four, Point Picolet bearing south-southwest 18 miles, made a bark three miles in shore from him, it being then calm, with a heavy sea running; both vessels stood off shore, the bark gaining somewhat on the schooner. At nine o'clock a little breeze sprung up, and he, fearing the two vessels would come too near together, kept off, and wore ship and passed astern of the bark about a mile to leeward, the bark still continuing off shore; as the vessels passed the bark saluted with the French flag, and the schooner answered by showing her colors in the main rigging. The bark had two royal yards, two quarter-boats, and when seen by the deposer was under the following easy sail: two topsails, spanker-mizzen staysail, foresail, and flying-jib; everything about the vessel was taut and shipshape, and he should judge her to be a vessel of about 400 tons. Under the circumstances in which he met the vessel, the deposer could not tell where she was bound, nor from, nor what she was about.

Signed in the presence of―



Translated copy of a letter addressed by Captain Pelletier, of the American bark William, under the false name of Captain J. Letellier, of the French bark Guillaume Tell, to the French consul in Cape Haytien—the original letter written in French.

FORT LIBERTÉ, le 1st April, 1861.

MR. CONSUL: I have the honor of informing you that the French bark Guillaume Tell, from Havre, bound to Havana, got aground on her return for her point of departure, in the passages in a gale of wind southeast to northeast, and that she has experienced heavy damage, among others broken her rudder, topmasts, and false keel, lost a chain, two anchors, sails, &c., &c.

In the impossibility to continue my voyage, I had to let the vessel drift to reach the first port to repair damages, and it is by the effect of this drifting that I find myself in the port of Fort Liberté, which port is not, as I have been informed, open to commerce.

I have the honor of informing you, Mr. Consul, that my intention is only to arrange here my rudder, to enable me to steer my vessel, in order to render myself to Cape Haytien, where I shall have the honor to put myself under your protection. This will be to-morrow or the day after.

I have the honor to be, Mr. Consul, with respect, your very obedient servant and countryman,

The FRENCH CONSUL at Cape Haytien.


Copy of a letter from Captain A. Pelletier to G. Eustis Hubbard, United States commercial agent at Cape Haytien.

FORT LIBERTÉ, April 6, 1861.

DEAR SIR: It is in a miserable dungeon that I write you, where I were placed yesterday with all of my crew. I am master of the American bark William, of New Orleans. Some time ago I left Port-au-Prince, where I was the victim of great vexation and injustice, inflicted upon me by the authorities of that place. Mr. Lewis, our American agent, did his utmost to get redress, but at last I was obliged to leave for New Orleans, and had a misfortune in a

gale of wind to drift on shore into the Bahama passage on a bank, which carried away my false keel and rudder, sprung fore and maintop masts, &c., &c. I was drifting about at sea for many days, almost unable to steer my vessel, and the first land which I reached was this place, where I could not get a pilot, and I had to put in at any rate for to save my vessel, and there again I had the misfortune to run aground. A boat put off from shore, and I was really thunderstruck when I see she was flowing the Haytien flag, because I was assure that if they should find out that I was the bark William, I should certainly get myself into more trouble. As to her bad name I will explain to you; that vessel was sold by the United States to me, having been captured on the coast of Cuba with slaves, and ever since I have owned that vessel I have been tormented by injustice of people which don't wish to inquire into the private character of a man before they should act in the manner they did against me. My social position in the United States is very good, as I will be able to prove to you, if, as of no doubt, you come here to reclaim American citizens and property to a large amount, which to-day is completely in their possession. With great trouble I got my vessel afloat again, and put myself to work with my men to repair my rudder and other injuries to enable me to put off immediately, as I were fearful they would find out who I was, and with the purpose of keeping secret I hoisted up a private signal at the head of my mainmast, which was a small French flag, leaving the American ensign always ready bent to hoist up at the mizzen peak in case of necessity. Two boats full of officers, the second day I was there, came aboard to inquire who I was, and at the same time to register my ship; they made me open my hatches and overhauled everything in the hold; when they found everything was right, and that I had in nothing but was lawful, they came in the cabin and demanded my papers, and I had, for the sake of saving myself, ship and crew, telling them that my papers having been wet with salt water after running aground, as it would be dangerous to touch them, as they would fall to pieces; that falsehood obliged me to keep up the appearance of a French vessel, and I told them that the vessel's name was the Guillaume, which means in French William, and that my name was Telleier. This is my only crime, Mr. Consul, and if it is one I will leave you to be my judge. I was expecting to leave in two days, and wrote to the commander of the place. I did not wish any communication with the shore, as this port was not a port of entreé; the only thing I was wishing to do was to fix my rudder to steer as far as the cape to put myself under the protection of my lawful protector. You will see by this that I was acting with best of motives, which were to save myself, ship and crew, which are all under American protection, which I beg of you, in the name of myself, crew, wife and family, which are all here with me, to protect us; and if I am guilty by having employed those means before stated, for the purpose of saving my ship, at least save a poor woman and family and my crew, which are not guilty, and if you wish to send me to the United States to be judged by Christian laws; but here I am in danger, so the rest are, with the feelings of hostility which exist against me and crew and family in this place.

Now, sir, you will allow me the last act of this drama, which has put me completely in their power, and which will be our complete destruction if, without a moment of lost time, you don't reclaim us and prohibit our transportation to another part of the island, which they may do at any moment. On the night of the 3d one of my men ran away from the ship and made declaration that I 'was the bark William, of New Orleans; that she had or was a slaver, and that I meant to rob, and I don't know how many falsehoods, guided by the spirit of vengeance. I was then requested immediately to come on shore with my papers; my boat was stopped, my men examined, and then sent on board again; then I received a communication from the commander of the place, if I wanted to leave he would take measures to detain me. That night, having

fixed my rudder a little, I very slowly got under way with the purpose of going to the cape to put myself under your protection, the wind very light and the current strong. I ran aground close to their fort at the mouth of the river. That morning having received a communication from the French consul, which had arrived from the cape, to come ashore immediately with my papers, and that if I didn't hostile steps would be taken against me and vessel, he was very angry, as he had been misled to believe it was a French vessel, and he is a man of great influence here with the people of the country. I am afraid my lot will be a hard one if you don't look upon me with mercy and come immediately to the rescue; and for God's sake do it.

On the morning of the 5th five schooners and several boats, full of men, about two or three hundred armed with loaded muskets and swords, came and took me by assault and firing. I was obliged to hoist a white flag to the main for the purpose of getting a conversation with the commanding officer, which came alongside. I asked him what that meant; his answer was, "by order of the French consul;" although the American flag was up, and, to save bloodshed, I had to give myself up. I was ordered to take my papers along with me, and the moment I arrived ashore I was searched, as well as my boat's crew, and my papers were overhauled and taken away from me, as well as the protections of all my men and private correspondence, which is now in the possession of the commander of this place. My ship was got off and put under way and brought back here to town, losing my anchors and other damages which I don't know yet to what amount, and we were all put in dungeon; from hour to hour I don't know what will be our fate.

Therefore, Mr. Consul, I beg of you, as a Christian and representative of the United States, to give me that protection which we stand so much in need; at the same time note my protest, and I beg of you not to condemn me until you hear me, as I am very sure the French consul will try to influence you against me. But you must recollect if there is one which has committed any fault it is nothing but me, and I only demand a lawful trial of my country; therefore, my crew and family are innocent, and deserve your pity and your protection; with all respect due to the representative of the United States, you will immediately grant to them.

I am, sir, your most obedient servant,


A. PELLETIER, Master of the American Bark William.

Commercial Agent of United States at Cape Haytien.

Since writing this last my family were likewise put in a prison. For God's sake do come; the French consul is at the head of all.

A. P.

Copy of despatch from G. Eustis Hubbard, commercial agent of the United States of America, to Captain A. Pelletier, in answer to his communication of the 6th of April, 1861.

No. 9.]

CAPE HAYTIEN, April 11, 1866.

SIR: Your communication of the 6th instant has been handed to me, open, by the Haytien authorities, and its contents have had my careful attention. You endeavor to prove to me that after having left Port-au-Prince you ran ashore in one of the Bahama passages in a gale of wind, and there lost your rudder and part of false keel; that after drifting about without being able to steer the vessel, the first land you made was Fort Liberté; that on discovering the Haytien flag you became frightened and hoisted a small French flag at the main, proclaiming your vessel to be the French bark Guillaume. These asser

tions are entirely untrue. Had you lost your rudder and part of false keel, as you pretend, it would have been impossible for you to beat up to windward from the northwestern point of this island to Fort Liberté, a distance of 100 miles ; that Fort Liberté was not the first land you made, and that you was perfectly aware that you were on the Haytien coast, and where you was going, is proved by the fact that you were in sight from the signal station of Point Picolet for five days, lying off and on the coast under easy sail, gradually working your way up to windward. On the 26th of March, at 2 o'clock p. m., I saw your vessel with my own eyes, jammed on a wind with a stiff breeze, in such a position that you might have arrived in this port in three hours, had such been your intention; that you hoisted the French colors before you arrived in Fort Liberté, and for purposes which you alone can explain, is proved by the fact that on the 29th ultimo you saluted an American schooner at sea by running the French flag up and down three times at the mizen peak, Point Picolet at the time bearing from the two vessels south-southwest, distant about 15 miles. Of this I have in my possession the written affidavit of the master of the schooner, and this alone would prove you to have acted as a pirate.

I am sorry to inform you, sir, that under the circumstances I do not deem it my duty to interfere in the least with the Haytien authorities in their action in regard to you and your crew, and must positively, in consequence of your late suspicious actions, withhold from you that protection which you might otherwise have claimed under the American flag. You have rendered yourself, by your proceedings, amenable to the law of nations, and you will have to prove your innocence before a competent court of law and justice.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

Captain A. PELletier,

Prison of Fort Liberté.


Translated copy of a despatch from E. Menuan, vice-consul of France at Cape Haytien, to G. Eustis Hubbard, United States commercial agent. No. 71.] CAPE HAYTIEN, April 12, 1861. SIR: I have the honor of advising reception of the letter which you have addressed to me this day, asking me if the American flag was floating in the vessel seized at Fort Liberty.

I hasten to write you that I remained two days in Fort Liberty, and that never the flag of your nation was hoisted, for in that circumstance I should have guarded myself about writing to Captain Letellier, and not Pelletier, as he calls himself to-day. The correspondence even which I have had the advantage to communicate to you proves that he claimed protection from me as his countryman. The authorities and the entire population of Fort Liberty, besides my statement, can always confirm this fact.

Receive, Mr. Consul, the assurance of my high consideration,

The CONSUL of the United States of America.


Vice-Consul of France.

Mr. Hubbard to Mr. Seward.

No. 42.]



City of Cape Haytien, April 15, 1861.

Since my despatch No. 41. of the 13th instant, concerning the seizure of the American bark William, at Fort Liberté, by the Haytien government, on suspiH. Ex Doc. 260-2

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