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ART. VI.-On Animal Electricity: being an Abstract of the Discoveries of EMIL DU BOIS-REYMOND,

Member of the Academy of Sciences of Berlin, &c. &c. Edited by H. BENCE JONES, M.D., A.M.

Cantab., F.R.S., &c.

ART. VII.-Class-Book of Botany; being an Introduction to the Study of the Vegetable Kingdom.

By J. H. BALFOUR, M.D., F.R.S.E., F.L.S., Professor of Botany in the University of Edinburgh.

With upwards of 1000 Illustrations

ART. VIII.-The Vegetation of Europe; its Conditions and Causes. By ARTHUR HENFREY, F.L.S., &c.

With a Map


ART. IX.-Lectures on Histology, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons in England, in the Session

1850-51. By JOHN QUEKETT, Assistant Conservator of the Museum. Illustrated by 159 woodcuts ib.

ART. X.-Chemical Manipulation and Analysis, Qualitative and Quantitative. With an Introduction

Explanatory of the General Principles of Chemical Nomenclature, the Construction and Use of

Formulæ, the Doctrine of Equivalent Proportions, and the Preparation and Management of Gases.

By HENRY M. NOAD, Ph. D., Lecturer on Chemistry at St. George's Hospital. Second Edition,

considerably enlarged


ART. XI.-Climate of Italy in Relation to Pulmonary Consumption; with Remarks on the Influence of

Foreign Climates upon Invalids. By T. H. BURGESS, M.D., &c.


ART. XII.-The Physiology of Man. By ROBERT BENTLEY TODD, M.D., F.R.S., F.R.C.P., &c. &c., and

WILLIAM BOWMAN, F.R.S., F.R.C.S., &c. &c. Part IV., Section I. With 53 wood-engravings 189

ART. XIII.-The Hand: its Mechanism and Vital Endowments, as evincing Design. By Sir C. BELL,
K.G.H., F.R.S.L. & E. &c. Fifth Edit., revised, with woodcuts

ART. XIV.-1. Homoeopathy and the Homœopaths. By J. STEVENSON BUSHNAN, M.D., F.R.C.P.E., &c. 190

2. Homœopathy Unveiled: or, Observations on Hahnemann, his Doctrines, and Treatment of Disease.

By WM. PERRIN BRODRIBB, M.R.C.S Second Edition.


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JULY, 1852.


Analytical and Critical Reviews.


1. A Gyermekgyógyásazat Tankönyve. A pesti gyermekkórhárban tett vizsgalatai Stapasetalatai nyomán, a tudomany ujabb allaspontjához Kepest. Irta SCHOEPFMEREI, M.D., &c. &c.-Buda.


The Principles of Medicine in Relation to the Diseases of Children, or Pathological Inquiries and Investigations prosecuted at the Hospital for Children at Pesth. By Dr. SCHOEPF-MEREI, Chief Physician to the Hospital, and late Professor of the History of Medicine and Surgery at the Royal University of Pesth, &c. &c. Vol. I.-Buda.

2. Beiträge zur Pathologischen Anatomie der Neugebornen. Von Dr. F. WEBER, Prosector an der Universität in Kiel. Erste Lieferung. Kopf und Rücken.—Kiel, 1851. 8vo, pp. 75. Contributions to the Pathological Anatomy of New-born Children. By Dr. F. WEBER, Prosector at the University of Kiel. Part I. Head and Spine.—Kiel, 1851.

3. Die Krankheiten der Neugebornen und Säuglinge vom clinischen und pathologischanatomischen Standpuncte bearbeitet. Von ALOIS BEDNAR, Dr. der Medecin. prov. Primararzte des K.K., Findelhauses in Wien, &c. &c. Zweiter Theil. Krankheiten

des Nerven-Systems bei Neugebornen und Säuglingen.-Wien, 1851. 8vo, pp. 198. The Diseases of New-born Children, and of Children at the Breast, viewed in Relation to Clinical Medicine and Pathological Anatomy. By ALOIS BEDnar, M.D., &c. Part II. Diseases of the Nervous System.-Vienna, 1851.

4. Erster Jahres-Bericht über die wissenchaftlichen Leistungen der K.K., Klinik für Kinderkrankheiten im St. Annen-Kinderspitale im Jahre 1850-51. Von Dr. L. W. MAUTHNER, Ritter von Mautstein.-Wien, 1851. 8vo, pp. 47.

First Yearly Report of the Clinical Department of the Hospital of St. Anna for Sick Children. By Dr. L. W. MAUTHNER.- Vienna, 1851.

5. An Essay on Infantile Remittent Fever, with Especial Reference to its Diagnosis from Hydrocephalus, &c. &c. By CHARLES TAYLOR, M.R.C.S., late Surgeon to the Royal South London Dispensary.-London, 1851. 8vo, pp. 40.

6. Lectures on the Diseases of Infancy and Childhood. By CHARLES WEST, M.D., F.R.C.S., &c. Second edition, enlarged.-London, 1852. 8vo, pp. 559.

SOME years have now passed, since Lobstein addressed the profession in the following words:-"We must more than ever prosecute the study of the anatomical alterations, which even the most tender age presents, for here, every day reveals novelties and things hitherto unperceived, every day is marked by discoveries in the anatomical history of disease. Who would have said that man, even before his birth, is subject to

numerous organic affections? Who, some time ago, would have thought that there exists a pathology of the foetus, just as there is one of the adult? Who would believe that the short space of the life of the former is characterized by as many organic diseases, as is the course run through by man after his birth? The comparative study of the maladies of these two periods will be fruitful in novel and interesting results." So thought Dr. Graetzer, of Breslau, who, fifteen years ago, undertook a systematic treatise on the diseases, &c. of intra-uterine life, and now Dr. Weber extends the field of inquiry to a sort of transition-period between the latter portion of intra-, and the first portion of extra-uterine existence. It would be untrue, and evince great ignorance on our part, to affirm, that a considerable amount was added to our knowledge by Dr. Graetzer's personal observations; on the contrary, his work is mainly a compilation of the diffusely scattered records of many previous investigators; but it still, so far at least as we are aware, constitutes the chief systematic treatise on the subject, and remains to this day the best book to refer to for information up to the period when it was produced. Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind, that several inaugural dissertations (the first, we believe, being the thesis of Duettel, 1702), papers, tracts, &c., had previously been published on diseases, &c. of the foetus; and Graetzer derived also no small amount of information for his work from dictionaries of medicine, works on the general diseases of children, and on obstetrics, which touched upon his own ground. These remarks apply, also, to the treatise of Dr. Weber, so far as they relate to the fact of the field he occupies having been trodden by other labourers; but the author stands alone in this; that his work is a systematic one, limited to the transition-period before remarked upon, and quite independent of the writings of other pathologists, since he details the results of his own investigations only. Of course the work of Graetzer includes subjects discussed by Dr. Weber, and that of Dr. Bednár is occupied with many of them too; but the former (Graetzer) includes a period antecedent, and Bednar ventures upon one subsequent, to the dates to which Dr. Weber is limited, and neither are anything like so complete in their information as is our present author, within his own and special bounds. Our readers need scarcely be reminded, that the continental writers, in their general works on the diseases of infancy and childhood, have also given much increase to our knowledge; but we may direct their attention in a note to those writers by whom the nearest approach has been made in a systematic form to the treatise of Dr. Weber, though a glance at the dates of these works will be sufficient to show how different must be their contents from those of his production.t

"The pathological anatomy," says Dr. Weber," of the new-born child is less developed than many other departments of this science. Its literature dates chiefly from modern and most recent times, and is distributed here and there in journals. I will only instance the subject of deformities (towards the elucidation of which Meckel has confessedly done great service), where they are causes of other pathological conditions in the latter months of uterine, as also in first months of extrauterine life. My investigations, upon which this work is founded, relate for the greater part to the bodies of such new-born children as have died in the first days after birth, or during birth, or shortly before parturition. The commencement of the disease, consequently, dates in most cases from uterine existence, or from the act of parturition. I have not, however, absolutely and entirely limited myself to the new-born child, but have also availed myself of the autopsies of those cases in which the child died during the first months of lactation; particularly when the symptoms observed during life were, from the appearances found after death, referred with great probability of truth to the above early periods for their commencement." (p. v.)

The first portion of the work now submitted to the profession by Dr. Weber, contains the results of several years' personal observations; and although he is situated Die Krankheiten des Foetus. Von Dr. J. Graetzer, ausübendem Artze und Geburtshelfer. Breslau, 1837. 8vo, pp. 272.

t C.J. Trew. De differentiis inter natum hominem et nascendum. Norimbergæ, 1736.

C. J. Trew. Abhandlung von einigen Verschiedenheiten welche an den Menschen vor und nach der Geburt wahrgenommen werden. Nürnbg. 1770.

F. J. A. Gessner. Diss. de mutationibus quas subit infans statim post partum indeque mutata ejus œconomia naturali. Erlanga, 1795.

J. H. C. Trefurt. Diss. de mutationibus nonnullis quæ primis vitæ diebus infantium recens natorum observanda veniunt. Götting. 1829.

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