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making a full and public report of the benefits achieved by their generosity. He however recited several cases which met with strong sympathy, and the whole was received with general approbation. He further stated that he had received a donation of 1000l. from And. Strahan, Esq. and two half-yearly donations of 100 guineas each from His Majesty. Mr. Fitzgerald recited his Annual Ode; and, after the Poets and Dramatists of Great Britain had been drank, and Mr. Knowles and Mr. Colman had returned thanks, the Royal Duke left the Chair, and the Meeting separated soon after. We are happy to see that a society which has in view the alleviation of distress which is not unfrequently felt by literary characters, is supported in so noble and liberal a


The following glee, also written by Mr. Fitzgerald, and set to music by Mr. Shield, was sung on this occasion:

When warm with Hope, in Life's aspiring morn,
The tints of Fancy ev'ry scene adorn;
The glowing landscape charms the Poet's view,
And Youth believes the fairy prospect true!
But soon Experience proves his eye betrayed,
And all the picture darkens into shade.
The noble fervour of his early days,

His thirst of Fame, his love of honest praise:
All that could make his ardent mind aspire,
And kindle fair Ambition's sacred fire!
Like fleeting visions of the heated brain,
Dissolve in poverty, and end in pain.

But the warm beams your patronage bestows,
Shall dissipate at once the Muse's woes;
Raise the bright hopes, and stimulate the fame,
Of him who else had died without a name.


Anniversary Meeting of the Charity Children.-The Anniversary Meeting of the children of both sexes, educated in the charity schools of the cities of London and Westminster, borough of Southwark, and other parts of the metropolis, was celebrated at the cathedral church of Saint Paul.

Soon after ten o'clock, the streets leading to the church were lined with the children passing in procession, headed by their teachers and beadles, towards the cathedral, where on their arrival, they were conducted to the seats allotted for them under the dome of the sacred building, by the Gentlemen of the Committee; and before twelve o'clock upwards of 8,000 of the rising generation, clad in homely but decent and comfortable apparel, had assembled. The seats for the children were erected in a circular form, rising one above another to an immense height. In the middle of the circle, under the great dome, was a temporary pulpit, around which were pews and forms for the accommodation of the company; amongst whom were noticed, the Bishop of Llandaff, Dean of the cathedral; the Bishop of Bristol, Lord Bolton, Sir T. Ackland, M. P., Col. Bagwell, Sir C. S. Hunter, Alder


man T. Smith, and Is. Spencer, Esq. Mayor of York; the Countess of Mansfield, Lady Augustus Stanhope, the four Ladies Murray, Lady Georgiana Bathurst, the Ladies of Sheriffs Garratt and Venables, and Alderman Hunter, &c. &c. The Rev. Drs. Blomberg, Price, Kenny, and others of the Clergy, were seated in the residentiary pew to the left of the pulpit.

Attwelve o'clock H. R. H. the Duke of Gloucester, President of the Institution, arrived in his carriage, attended by Col. Higgins. The Royal President was met at the great western entrance by Messrs. Greenaway and Stable, the Treasurers, and the Gentlemen of the Committee, who conducted His Royal Highness to his chair on the right of the pulpit.-Immediately after, the performances commenced with the 100th Psalm, which was sung by the children, assisted by the gentlemen of the choir, and accompanied by Mr. Atwood on the organ; the first lesson ended with the choir chaunting the reading Psalms, the children joining in the Gloria Patri to each Psalm. The Te Deum, Jubilate, and grand Coronation Anthem, were performed by the choir, assisted by the children in grand chorus.

The sermon was preached by the Lord Bishop of Bristol, from Mark ix. 37. After sermon four verses of the 104th Psalm were chaunted by the children, and the performances concluded with the Hallelujah chorus.

The Prince and Princess of Denmark, and other Noble Personages, were prevented from attending on account of the Drawing-room. The collection made at the doors was very flattering. The patrons and supporters of the Institution repaired to the Old London Tavern, where at six o'clock about 200 sat down to a most sumptuous dinner, H. R. H. the Duke of Gloucester in the chair, supported on the right by the Bishop of Bristol, and on the left by Sir C. S. Hunter.

National School Society.-June 5, the Annual Meeting of the Subscribers to the National Society for the education of the poor in the principles of the Established Church, on the system of Dr. Bell, was held at the Central School-House, Baldwin's Gardens, Gray's Inn Lane. There were present the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, the Bishops of London, Salisbury, Chester, Worcester, Exeter and Llandaff, Lords Calthorp and Kenyon, Sir Js. Langham, Mr. Wilberforce, and many other distinguished philanthropists. The Archbishop of Canterbury took the Chair.

The Rev. Dr. Walmsley, the Honorary Secretary of the Society, read the Report of the Committee for the last year, by which it appeared that 82 new schools had been formed on the National Plan in different parts of the Kingdom, in the last year, and 13 schools had been discontinued; and that the total number of schools was 1790; and also that an increase of upwards of 12,000 had taken place in the last year in the number of children educated in the different schools, the total number being upwards of 250,000. The Society had in the course of the year given assistance to 39 schools, by grants of money, amounting to 3425. The total receipts of the Society for the year amounted to 3634t. and their funded property to S6001.

The Report being read,

The Archbishop of Canterbury addressed the Meeting. The Report showed that the Committee had not been inattentive to their important duties. -The Society had been maintained eleven years by the contributions of a comparatively small number of persons, the most of whom were then present, and had extended the benefits of education over a considerable portion of the

United Kingdom-much was done, but much remained to do; and when he considered the great public utility of the institution, he could not but entertain sanguine hopes that it would soon receive a more general support from the public. It must be painful to all to hear that thirteen schools had been discontinued he hoped it was owing to the peculiar circumstances of the present times, and he was persuaded that all his brethren would recollect that it was a most important part of their duty to look well to the establishment and maintenance of schools for the poor.

Lord Kenyon moved a Vote of Thanks to the Archbishop of Canterbury, for his very great attention to the prosperity of the Society, and his kindness in taking the Chair.

Mr. Browne seconded the motion, which was passed with great applause. Thanks were also voted to the Committee, the Treasurer, and other Officers of the Society, after which the Meeting dissolved.

The Annual Examination of the children of this Society, educated under the Madras System, took place on Wednesday the 15th May, at the Central School, Baldwin's Gardens, Gray's Inn-lane, when a numerous and highly respectable attendance took place, and seats were erected in the school-room, appropriate for the accommodation of the company.

The room presented a most interesting spectacle. At the head of the room the children connected with the Clergy Orphan School, and those of other public charities, attired in their school costume, were placed in order to witness the examination.

The company having taken their seats at about 1 o'clock, the Abp. of Canterbury, followed by a numerous train of the Nobility and Gentry, entered the room, and His Grace took the Chair, and was supported by the Abp. of York, Bishops of London, Llandaff, Lincoln, St. Asaph, Gloucester, and Worcester; Archdeacons Watson, Blomfield, and Prosser; Lords Radford, Kenyon, Gardiner; Sir Js. Langham and Sons; Sir R. Woodford, Sir E. Dolben; the Rev. Drs. Renny, Yates, and Shepperd; Mr. Wilberforce, M.P., &c.

On the Archbishop taking the chair, some partitions which separated an adjoining apartment were instantaneously removed, and the scholars, amounting to 486 boys and 206 girls, with their slates, &c. in their hands, were suddenly exhibited; and their innocent and interesting demeanour had the effect of exciting the most gratifying feelings. The teachers and monitors headed their separate classes, and in rotation, cach class was formed into a kind of square opposite to the Chairman and the Bishops, and they were examined in their spelling, reading, and other branches of education. They also recited several passages in the Scriptures, which were expounded to them by a Rev. Gentleman as they went on; and they were examined in other branches of their education, and answered with such accuracy as did credit to their tutors. About half-past three o'clock the examination ended with the children singing a passage in the Psalms, which they performed with much spirit. The Archbishop of Canterbury expressed in the warmest terms his satisfaction at the conduct of the children—a sentiment re-echoed by the company at large.

British and Foreign School Society.—The 17th Anniversary of this Society was held on the 16th May, at Freemasons' Hall; H. R. H. the Duke of Sussex in the chair. H. R. Highness opened the business by a few words of


congratulation on the aspect of the present Meeting, which was numerous beyond any former Anniversary; and a great part of the company consisted of Ladies, including those of the Ladies' Committee. We noticed among the company the presence of the Duke de Broglio, Professors Cairns and Hanna, of Belfast; Professor Blumhardt, of Basle; Lord Suffield, Mr. Harington, and others, besides the gentlemen whose names appear in the proceedings.

Rev. G. Clayton (one of the Committee) then read the Report, which began with stating, that if their attention were confined to the pecuniary concerns of the Society, their task would be extremely painful; as the expenses of the Society far exceeded its income, and amounted to more than double the sum of its annual subscriptions; the Committee however turn with much pleasure to the progress of the Society in the work of education. The Central School in the Borough Road contains 500 boys and 500 girls; and 21,396 children have been educated at this School since its commencement. During the last year 30 masters were prepared to propagate the system, and 8 Missionaries, who studied the plan in order to introduce it into their Schools among the heathen. The youths brought from Madagascar, who had been ten months under instruction, had made a progress beyond what could have been expected; fair specimens of their writing were handed round the room, and excited much admiration.

The Depository for Spelling and Scripture Lessons was now adverted to; and the Meeting were informed that, by a separate subscription, they were now prepared in French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, and Portuguese. Auxiliary Societies are spreading through different parts of the kingdom, and are widely extending the system; and Bristol, Plymouth, and Tavistock have aided the funds of the Society. In Ireland also, for which country the system is allowed to be particularly adapted," The Society for the Education of the Poor" (established there in 1814) has now 513 schools, and about 40,000 scholars. The circulation of Tracts in that country is also an object of vast importance, and the friends of religion and morals in Ireland have pushed this matter with so much energy, that they have already excluded from the book-market much of the trash formerly circulated in that country. The Report now turns to the foreign connexions and concerns of the Society. The Society for Elementary Instruction at Paris (formed in 1815), in the course of last year opened 157 new Schools, making about 1,400, equally open to Catholics and Protestants; adult schools have been formed, and in several departments Sunday Schools are also introduced, and 6,000 Testaments have been placed at the disposal of the Directors, by the Bible Society at Paris.

In Spain, Schools formed on the British system are continued under the sanction of the Cortes. Col. Kearney continues his exertions with great zeal, and has opened many new Schools. A Norman School has also been formed in Valencia.

In the Netherlands the Minister of public Instruction, M. de Falch, reports, that by the new system, in conjunction with schools on the Dutch system, education is greatly extended. In Brussels the School Society is making progress both in the education of boys and girls. In Ghent, Mons, Tournay, and Liege, there are schools, and in the province of Hainault education is provided for 60,000 scholars.

In Sweden, M. Gerellius has, by the king's order, introduced the British System into Military Schools.

In Russia the cause continues to spread under the same high and illustrious patronage. It is carried into Poland; and at Homel, on the Russian frontier, a School is established on an estate of Count Romanzoff's, and under his immediate patronage; conducted by Mr. Heard, a young man trained at the Borough Road School. Schools also are formed at Petersburgh, Kioff, Magiloff in Siberia, and various other places.

In Italy political events have been most unpropitious to the cause of education; but there are 26 schools on this plan in Tuscany, and a Society is formed to extend the plan. In various parts of Germany popular instruction has become an object of public attention, and the King of Denmark has begun to introduce the new system into the schools of that kingdom.

Time has not allowed to report any progress in the plan of introducing female schools in India; Miss Cooke, however, arrived there in November, was cordially received, and entered immediately on her beloved work. Of the other sex, there are above 20,000 natives under instruction, and 10,000 in Ceylon. Dr. Milne is very active in promoting schools at Malacca, and all the Missionaries of the London Society study to promote the British sy stem. It has found its way into North and South America, the Islands of the South Seas, and the West Indies. A gentleman of Barbadoes lately made a voyage to England at his own expense, in order fully to understand the system, and has returned to promote it with his utmost zeal.

In Africa also the system widely spreads. Dr. Thom, who was lately in England, has returned to the Cape to renew his exertions in its favour. Schools have been formed in Senegal under the patronage of the Society at Paris, and at Sierra Leone under that of the National Society in England. Thus has the system already made the tour of the globe, though certainly there is still much room for it to spread, both at home and abroad.

THOS. SPRING RICE, Esq. M.P., in moving that the Report be received and printed, called the attention of the Meeting to the great effects which sometimes arise from small beginnings, as was exemplified in the case of this Society, of which the leading characteristic was, that while it preserved all the great fundamental truths of religion, it had nothing sectarian about it. After reviewing the progress of the system in Ireland, Russia, &c. Mr. R. particularly adverted to the rising governments on the continent of South America, where freedom is the harbinger of universal education. It was a pleasing circumstance, that these people do not now call upon us for military stores; but for books and printing types, for the spread of Christian knowledge.

Rev. G. BURDER, Secretary to the London Missionary Society, seconded this motion, and expressed their obligations to this Society for the facilities afforded to their Missionaries, in acquiring the system previously to their going abroad. Mr. B. then adverted to the presence (behind the chair) of seven of the youths which came last year from Madagascar, who were sons of the principal chiefs, and towards whose maintenance our Government liberally allowed 501. for each. Two or three of these lads might be trained for scholars, and the others to useful mechanic trades, as weavers, dyers, &c. Mr. B. then read the names of the new Committee, and a statement of the funds, by which it appears that they are indebted to their Treasurer no less


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