Imagens das páginas

Dember 14, 1905.

Evans (Dr. J. W.), Identity of the Amiantos of the Ancients
with Chrysotile, 215

Evans (Lieut.), Experiments with Different Methods of
Earth Connection for Wireless Telegraphic Installations,


Evolution: the Evolution of Engraving in the Stone Age,
Ed. Piette, 81; the Evolution of the World and of Man,
George E. Boxall, 150; Vorträge über Deszendenztheorie
gehalten an der Universität zu Freiburg im Breisgau,
Prof. August Weismann, 200; the Causation of Vari-
ations, Dr. G. Archdall Reid, 318, La Sociologie
generique, François Cosentini, 482; l'Evolution de la
Matière, Dr. Gustave Le Bon, 505; Cosmical Evolution,
J. H. Jeans, 591

Ewbank (E. K.), the Ultra-violet Absorption Spectra of
Aromatic Compounds, part ii., the Phenols, 239
Experimental Mathematics, a Note-book of, C. Godfrey
and G. M. Bell, 507

Experimental Morphology, Dr. Hans Przibram, 426
Exploration of the Atmosphere above the Atlantic, the,
A. Lawrence Rotch, 244


Exploration of the Indian Ocean, A. Sedgwick, F.R.S.,
Explosives, Researches on, Sir Andrew Noble, Bart.,
K.C.B., F.R.S., 358

Explosives, a Primer on, Major A. Cooper-Key, 507

Eve, the Treatment of Diseases of the, Dr. Victor Hanke,


Eye-estimates of the Transits of Jupiter's Spots, Rev.
T. E. R. Phillips, 518

Færdes and Iceland, the, Studies in Island Life, N. Annan-
dale, 506

Fagerholm (E.), Elements of Comet 1886 viii, 567

Faint Stars, Visibility of, at the Lowell Observatory, Mr.
Lampland, 592; Mr. Lowell, 592

Faintness of Planetary Nebula, J. E. Gore, 43
Far East, the, Archibald Little, 626

Farabee (Dr. W. C.), an Hereditary Abnormality in the
Human Hand and its Relation to Mendelism, 254
Faraday Society, 142, 359

Farmer (Prof. J. B., F.R.S.), Cellular Constituents
Peculiar to Cancerous and Reproductive Tissues, 92;
Resemblances between "Plimmer's Bodies" of Malignant
Growths and Certain Normal Constituents of Repro-
ductive Cells of Animals, 164

Farr (Dr. C. Coleridge), Continuous Observations of the
Rate of Dissipation of Electric Charges in the Open Air,


Faulds (Henry), Guide to Finger-print Identification, Supp.
to October 19, iv

Faull (J. H.), Development of the Ascus and on Spore
Formation in the Ascomycetes, 327

Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma,
Butterflies, Lieut.-Colonel C. T. Bingham, 290
Fauna of Deep Lakes, the Sarcodine, Eugène Penard, 218
Fayum Province of Egypt, the Topography and Geology
of the, H. J. L. Beadnell, 535

Feather-like Form of Frost, H. M. Warner, So

Felspars, the Isomorphism and Thermal Properties of the,
Arthur L. Day and E. T. Allen, 258

Fernet (M.), Death of, 62

Ferreira (A. da Costa), the Probable Racial Constituents
of the Portuguese, 87

Fiala (A.), Return of the Ziegler North Polar Expedition,

[blocks in formation]

Fireballs in 1905, Winter, Mr. Denning, 66
Firth (J. B.), Highways and Byways in Derbyshire, 100
Fische und Reptilien aus der böhmischen Kreideformation,
Neuc, Prof. Dr. Anton Fritsch and Dr. Fr. Bayer, 454
Fisher (Dr. Karl T.), der Naturwissenschaftliche Unter-
richt bei uns und im Auslande, 333

Fisher (Rev. O.), the Cleavage of Slates, 55
Fisheries: Fishery Investigations in the Norwegian Fjords,
45; Reports on Sea Fisheries, Frank Balfour Browne,
138; Work of Sea Fish Hatchery at Piel, Andrew Scott,
138; Biology of the Plaice, with Special Regard to the
Danish Plaice Fishery, Dr. A. C. Johansen, 139; the
Transplantation of Shell-fish, 430

Fishes the Distribution of African Fresh-water Fishes,
Opening Address in Section D at the Meeting of the
British Association in South Africa, G. A. Boulenger,
F.R.S., V.P.Z.S., 413; a Guide to the Study of Fishes,
David Starr Jordan, 625

Fishing an Angler's Hours, H. T. Sherringham, 220
Fitzgerald (Prof.), Messrs. Michelson and Morley's Experi-
ments on Ether, 566

Flammarion (Camille), Astronomy for Amateurs, 29;
Observations of Jupiter, 43: Vegetation and the Sun-
spot Period, 303

Flamme (M.), Superheating for Locomotives, 212
Fleming (Prof.), a Probable Nova in Ophiuchus, 158
Fleming (Prof. J. A., F.R.S.), Oscillation Valve for
Rectifying Electrical Oscillations, 91; Direct Reading
Cymometer for Measuring the Length of the Waves used
in Wireless Telegraphy, 91; Magnetic Qualities of some
Alloys, 190; Ratio between the Mean Spherical and the
Mean Horizontal Candle-power of Incandescent Lamps,
215; Compact Form of Direct-reading Cymometer for
the Measurement of Wave-lengths and Frequencies in
Connection with Electric-wave Telegraphy, 350

Fleming (Mrs.), Stars with Peculiar Spectra, 183; Harvard
College Observatory Annual Report, 256; Discovery of
a Nova, 465; Nova Aquilæ, 542 ·

Fliche (P.), Undergrowth in Woods, 23

Flocculi, Anomalous Dispersion and, Prof. Julius, 19
Flow of Steam through Nozzles and Orifices, Experimental
Researches on the, A. Rateau, 101

Flow of Underground and River Waters, 25
Focusing Screen for Use in Photographing Ultra-violet
Spectra, a, Prof. W. N. Hartley, F.R.S., 581
Folklore Tree Worship at Naihati, H. P. Shastri, 17;
the Masai, their Language and Folklore, A. C. Hollis,
Sir H. H. Johnston, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., 83

Food: Ammonia in Milk, Evidence of Pollution, A. Trillat
and M. Sauton, 72; the Food Inspector's Handbook,
Francis Vacher, 243; Bacteriological Standard of Purity
of Milk, Dr. Newman, 307; Experience of Milk to which
Sodium Citrate had been Added in the Feeding of Infants,
Dr. F. J. Poynton, 354

Forbes (George S.), the Elimination of Accidental Loss of
Heat in Accurate Calorimetry, 206

Forbes (Dr. Henry O.), on a New Species of Guenon from
the Cameroons, 630

Forbes (Mr.), New White Sturgeon, 156

Forel (Prof. F. A.), Earthquake in Switzerland, 63; Le
Leman, Monographie Limnologique, 148
Forestry the Cowthorpe Oak, 43, 182; John Clayton,
43 Life-history of the Pine Sawfly, 133; Tree Planting
in South Africa, D. E. Hutchins, 138; Diseases of Forest
Trees, 163; Manual of the Trees of North America (ex-
clusive of Mexico), C. S. Sargent, 197; Entrance
Examination to the Indian Forest Service, 274: the
"Bee-hole" Borer of Teak in Burma, E. P. Stebbing,

Formation of Ice and the Grained Structure of Glaciers,
the, Prof. G. Quincke, For.Mem. R.S., at Royal Society,

Forster (M. O.), Camphoryl-pseudo-semicarbazide, 71
Forsyth (Prof. A. R., Sc.D., LL.D., Math.D., F.R.S.),
Opening Address in Section A at the Meeting of the
British Association in South Africa, 372

Forthcoming Books of Science, 619

Fosse (R.), Basicity of Pyranic Oxygen, 119; Halogen
Compounds of Dinaphthopyryl with Metals and
Metalloids, 648

Fossils Catalogus Mammalium, tam viventium quam
fossilium, E. L. Trouessart, 427

Foster (Sir C. Le Neve, F.R.S.), the Investigation of Mine
Air, 124

Fourcade (H. G.), Instrument for Stereoscopic Surveying,

Fourneau (M.), Aromatic Substitution Derivatives of
Ethylene Oxide, 192

Fowler (Prof. A.), Visibility of D, as a Dark Line in the
Solar Spectrum, 184

Fox (Phillip), Spectroheliograph Results, 183

Franklin (Cooper), Medical Education, Past, Present, and
Future, 330

Frassetto (Fabio), I Nuovi Indirizzi e le Promesse della
Odierna Antropologia, 173

Frederick (Mr.), Observations of the Satellites of Saturn
and Uranus, 230

Frémont (Ch.), Mechanical Properties of Iron in Isolated
Crystals, 392

French Glacier Commission, Two Reports of the, 561
French Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse, Prof.
Janssen, 518; M. Bigourdan, 518; M. Stephan and M.
Trépied, 518; M. Bourget, 518; M. Nordmann, 518;
M. Salet, 518; M. Moye, 518

French Observers, Further Eclipse Results by, MM.
Deslandres and Andover, 567; M. Salet, 591; Prof.
Janssen, 639; E. Stephan, 640

Freundler (P.), Eromination of Paraldehyde, 239; Deri-
vatives of Cyclohexane, 624

Frič (M.), the Circumzenithal Apparatus, 230
Friend (J. A. N.), Estimation of Potassium Permanganate
in Presence of Potassium Persulphate, 23; Estimation of
Hydrogen Peroxide in the Presence of Potassium Per-
sulphate, 166

Fritsch (Prof. Dr. Anton), Neue Fische und Reptilien aus
der böhmischen Kreideformation, 454; Palaeozoische
Arachniden, 577

Frölich (Dr. O.), die Entwickelung der electrischen
Messungen, 579

Fron (G.), Conditions of Development of the Mycelium of
Morchella, 47

Frost, a Feather-like Form of, H. M. Warner, So

Frost (Prof.), Harvard College Observatory Annual Report,
256; the Orbit of Tauri, 592

Frost (R. H.), an Interesting Asteroid Occlo [475], 330;
Observations of Phoebe, 330; the Minor Planet Ocelo
(475), 388

Frost (Dr. William Dodge), a Laboratory Guide in
Elementary Bacteriology, 483

Fruit Farm, the Woburn Experimental, Prof. T. H.
Middleton, 461

Fruit Growing, British, 297; Alfred O. Walker, 342;
Spencer Pickering, F.R.S., 396

Fuchs (C.), Method for Determining the Specific Heats of
Solutions, 216

Fungus-galls: Beiträge zur physiologischen Anatomie der
Pilzgallen, Hermann Ritter von Guttenberg, E. R.
Burdon, 339

Furnace, the Electric, Adelphe Minet, R. S. Hutton, 267
Fursac (J. R. de), Manual of Psychiatry, 363

Gadow (Dr. H.), Distribution of Mexican Amphibia and
Reptilia, 191

Galbraith (D. R. S.), Electric Furnace for the Direct Pro-
duction of Steel from Magnetic Iron Sands of Taranaki,
New Zealand, 299

Game Bird, a Rare, John S. Sawbridge, 605; Sir Herbert
Maxwell, Bart., 630

Gans (Dr. Richard), Einführung in die Vektoranalysis mit
Anwendungen auf die mathematische Physik, 483
Garden, an Indian, Mrs. Henry Cooper Eggar, Dr. Otto
Stapf, 125

Gardens, Stone, Rose Haig Thomas, 629
Gardiner (J. Stanley), the Percy Sladen Expedition in
H.M.S. Sealark, the Chagos Archipelago, 571
Gardner (Walter M.), the Synthetic Dyestuffs and the
Intermediate Products from which they are derived, J. C.
Cain and J. F. Thorpe, Supp. to October 19, vii
Garnett (J. C. Maxwell), Colours in Metal Glasses, in


[merged small][ocr errors]

Garwood (Prof. E. J.), Tarns of the Canton Ticino, 215
Gas Calorimetry, 186

Gas-engines, Large, R. Mathot, 213; Mr. Crossley, 213
Gas Turbines, Steam Turbines with an Appendix on, Dr.
A. Stodola, 219

Gases the Dynamical Theory of Gases and of Radiation,
Lord Rayleigh, O.M., F.R.S., 54; J. H. Jeans, 101
Gassendis zu Deskartes, die Stellung, Dr. Hermann
Schneider, 292

Gaupp (Prof.), the Origin and Nature of the Mammalian
Lower Jaw, 401

Geese of Europe and Asia, the, Sergius Alpheraky, 266
Geikie (Sir Arch., F.R.S.), Scientific Worthies, Eduard
Suess, I

Geikie (Dr. Jas.), Structural and Field Geology, 223
Geitel (Prof. H.), Observations of the Electric Conditions
of the Atmosphere during the Recent Solar Eclipse, 490
Gelatin, Action of Radium Salts on, W. A. Douglas Rudge,

Gelatin Media, on the Spontaneous Action of Radio-active
Bodies on, John Butler Burke, 78

Gelatin Media, on the Spontaneous Action of Radium on,
John Butler Burke, 294

Geminorum, Magnitudes of Nova Persei and Nova, Prof.
A. A. Nijland, 110

[ocr errors]

Geodesy: Geodetic Measurements from Solar Eclipses.
C. E. Stromeyer, 230; Trattato di Geodesia Theoretica,
Paolo Pizzetti, Captain W. J. Johnston, 242; Dante's
Quaestio de Aqua et Terra " in Light of Modern
Geodesy, Prof. O. Zanotti Bianco, 350
Geography: Scientific Results of the National Antarctic
Expedition, 57; Antarctic Expedition, Dr. J. Charcot,
203; the Bahama Islands, 154: der Oeschinensee im
Berner Oberland, Max Groll, 197; Death and Obituary
Notice of Sir Augustus Gregory, K.C.M.G., 204; Death
and Obituary Notice of Elisée Reclus, 252; Summary of
the Dimensions of the Nile and its Basin, Captain H. G.
Lyons, 349; Explorations in Turkestan, with an Account
of the Basin of Eastern Persia and Sistan, Raphael
Pumpelly, R. W. Pumpelly, Prof. W. M. Davis, and
Ellsworth Huntington, Prof. Grenville A. J. Cole, 366;
New Island Discovered, Terre de France, Lieut.
Bergendahl, 461; Handbuch der geographischen Ort-
bestimmung für Geographen und Forschungsreisende, Dr.
Adolf Marcuse, 481; the Position of Ophir, W. Kings-
mill, 491; the Færöes and Iceland, Studies in Island
Life, N. Annandale, 506; Death of Sir William Wharton,
K.C.B., F.R.S., 563; Obituary Notice of, 586; Death
of Ferdinand Baron von Richthofen, 588; Death and
Obituary Notice of M. de Brazza, 515; Death and
Obituary Notice of Captain J. Wiggins, 515; the Far
East, Archibald Little, 626

Geology: Scientific Worthies, Eduard Suess, Sir Archibald
Geikie, F.R.S.. 1; Chalk Masses in the Cliffs near
Cromer, Prof. T. G. Bonney, F.R.S., 8; the Rigidity
of the Earth's Interior, Rev. A. Irving, 8; the Con-
solidation of the Earth, Dr. T. J. J. See, 30; Rev. A.
Irving, 79: Eruptive Rocks of the Chain of Tila-
Kanjakowsky-Cérébriansky, Perm, Prof. Louis Duparc
and Dr. Francis Pearce, 18; Experiments on Schistosity
and Slaty Cleavage, George F. Becker, 20; Alfred
Harker, 152; the Cleavage of Slates, Rev. O. Fisher,
55; an Introduction to the Geology of Cape Colony,
A. W. Rogers, Prof. Grenville A. J. Cole, 35: les Con-
crétions phosphatées de l'Agulhas Bank (Cape of Good
Hope), Dr. Leon W. Collet, avec une Description de la
Glauconie qu'elles renferment, Gabriel W. Lee, 286-7;
the Geology of South Africa, F. H. Hatch and G. S.
Corstorphine, 346; Shoal-water Deposits of the Bermuda
Banks, H. B. Bigelow, 40; Geological Society, 40, 118,
160, 215, 263, 284; the Blea Wyke Beds and the Dogger
in North-east Yorkshire, R. H. Rastall, 46; Geological
Aspect of North-eastern Territories of the Congo Free
State, G. F. J. Preumont and J. A. Howe, 46; Geologie
der Umgebung von Sarajevo, Ernst Kittl, 51; a Hand-
book to a Collection of the Minerals of the British
Islands in the Museum of Practical Geology, F. W.
Rudler, 76; Geology of Upper Assam, J. Malcolm

Peter 14, 1y03.

P. Marshall, 118; Carboniferous Limestone of the
Weston-super-Mare District, T. F. Sibley, 118; Karl
Ernst Adolf von Hoff, der Bahnbrecher moderner
Geologie, Dr. Otto Reich, 123; Relation of the Miocene
of Maryland to that of Other Regions, and to the Recent
Fauna. W. H. Dall, 162; Igneous Rocks between St.
David's Head and Strumble Head (Pembrokeshire),
J. V. Elsden, 166; Rhætic and Contiguous Deposits of
Glamorganshire, L. Richardson, 166; Rhætic Rocks at
Berrow Hill, near Tewkesbury, L. Richardson, 166; the
Face of the Earth (Das Antlitz der Erde), Prof. Eduard
Supss, 193: Death and Obituary Notice of Dr. William
Thomas Blanford, F.R.S., 202; Microscopic Structure
of Minerals forming Serpentine, Prof. T. G. Bonney,
F.R.S., and Miss C. A. Raisin, 215; Tarns of the Canton
Ticino, Prof. E. J. Garwood, 215; Structural and Field
Geology, Dr. Jas. Geikie, 223: Continuation of Saar-
brucken Coal-measures into Lorraine, B. Schulz-Briesen,
236; Geological Structure of the Mining District of
Iglesias, G. Merlo, 236; Mineral Deposits of the Banks
of the Meuse, G. Lespineux, 236; Geological Survey of
India, T. H. Holland, F.R.S., 254; the Glacial (Dwyka)
Conglomerate in the Transvaal, E. T. Mellor, 263: New
Oolitic Strata in Oxfordshire, E. A. Walford, 263; the
Relations of the Eocene and Cretacecus Rocks in the
Esna-Aswan Reach of the Nile Valley, H. J. L.
Beadnell, 263; the Topography and Geology of the
Fayum Province of Egypt, H. J. L. Beadnell, 535; Death
of George H. Eldridge, 275; a Glacial Conglomerate,
the Pakhuis Bed, in the Table Mountain Series, Mr.
Rogers, 285; the Sources of the Superficial Deposits
found Above the Jurassic and Cretaceous Strata on the
South, North-west, and West of London, Dr. A. E.
Salter, 285; Geology of the Provinces of Tsang and Ü
in Tibet, H. H. Hayden, 285; Geology, Processes and
their Results, Thomas C. Chamberlin and Rollin D.
Salisbury, 280: Glacial Studies in Canada, Dr. William
H. Sherzer, Prof. Grenville A. J. Cole, 310; Explorations
in Turkestan, with an Account of the Basin of Eastern
Persia and Sistan, Raphael Pumpelly, R. W. Pumpelly,
Prof. W. M. Davis, and Ellsworth Huntington, Prof.
Grenville A. J. Cole, 366; Clays and Clay Industries of
Iowa, S. W. Beyer, G. W. Bissell, I. A. Williams,
J. B. Weems, and A. Marston, 388; Clays and Clay
Industries of New Jersey, H. Ries and H. B. Kümmel,
388 the Kangra Earthquake of April 4, 1905, T. H.
Holland, F.R.S., 428; a Large Block of Serpentine
traversed by Veins of Asbestos from Canada, George P.
Merrill, 433 on the Origin of Eoliths, Marcellin Boule,
438. 635 Dr. Hugo Obermaier, 636: Machine-made
Eoliths, Marcellin Boule, 538; Geological Features of
the Diamond Pipes of the Pretoria District, H. Kynaston
and A. L. Hall, 464; the Coal and Lignites of the United
States, Preliminary Report, E. W. Parker, J. A. Holmes,
and M. R. Campbell, 493-4; Value of Fossil Mollusca
in Coal-measure Stratigraphy, John T. Stobbs, 519; the
Formation of Ice and the Grained Structure of Glaciers,
Prof. G. Quincke, For.Mem. R.S., at Royal Society, 543;
the Older Tertiary Foraminiferal Rocks on the West
Coast of Santo, New Hebrides, F. Chapman, 552; Ice

Water, another Appeal to Induction from the
Scholastic Methods of Modern Geology, Sir Henry H.
Howorth, F.R.S., 553; Two Reports of the French
Glacier Commission, 561; Death of A. C. Pass, 607;
Memoirs of the Geological Survey of England and Wales,
the North Staffordshire Coalfields, W.

Gibson, G.

Barrow, C. B. Wedd, and J. Ward, H. W. Hughes, 612;
see also British Association
Geometry: an Introduction to Projective Geometry and its
Applications, Dr. Arnold Emch, 77; a New Problem on
Superposition, H. E. Dudeney, 92; a Preparatory Course
in Geometry, W. P. Workman and A. G. Cracknell, 150;
Etude sur le Développement des Méthodes géometriques,
Gaston Darboux, 313: Introduction à la Géométrie
générale, Georges Lechalas, 313; Geometrical Conics,
G. W. Caunt and C. M. Jessop, 393; Geometry of Posi-
tion, Sir Oliver Lodge, F.R.S., 629; Oblique and Iso-
metric Projection, John Watson, 629; on the Traversing
of Grometrical Figures, J. Cook Wilson, Supp. to
October 19, vi; see also British Association
Gerber (M.), Floral Diagram of the Cruciferæ, 23

Germany, Physical Laboratories in, Prof. G. W. Küchler's
Report to Director-General of Education in India, 605
Gernez (D.), Light Emitted by Crystals of Arsenious
Anhydride, 23; Triboluminescence of Potassium Sulphate,


Gibbs (J. W.), Diagrammes et Surfaces thermodynamiques,
Gibson (W.), Memoirs of the Geological Survey of England
and Wales, the North Staffordshire Coalfields, 612
Giglioli (Italo), Concimi, Mangimi, Sementi, &c., Com-
mercie, frodi, e repressione delle frodi, Specialmente in.
Italia, 324

Gill (Sir David), Geodetic Survey in South Africa, 641
Giran (H.), Combustion of Sulphur in the Calorimetric
Bomb, 239

Girardin (Paul), Glaciers of Maurienne, Vanoise, and
Tarantaise, 502

Glacial Studies in Canada, Dr. William H. Sherzer, Prof.
Grenville A. J. Cole, 310

Glacier Commission, Two Reports of the French, 561

Glaciers, the Formation of Ice and the Grained Structure

of, Prof. G. Quincke, For. Mem. R.S., at Royal Society,

Glaciers of Maurienne, Vanoise, and Tarantaise, Paul
Girardin, 562

Glass Vane, the Pressure of Radiation on a Clear, Prof.
Gordon F. Hull, 198; T. H. Havelock, 269
Glazebrook (Dr. R. T., F.R.S.), Inaugural Address at
Optical Congress and Exhibition, 112

Godfrey (C.), a Note-book of Experimental Mathematics,

Godlewski (T.), an Intensely Radio-active Substance,
Actinium X, 206

Godman (Frederick Ducane, F.R.S.), Biologia Centrali-
Ar ericana, Aves, 49

Goeldi (Prof. Emilio Augusto), Memorias do Museu Goeldi
(Museu Paraense) de Historia Natural e Ethnographia,
iv., Os Mosquitos no Pará, 607

Gold and Science, Opening Address in Section B at the
Meeting of the British Association in South Africa.
G. T. Beilby, 378

Gold Mine, the Mount Morgan, Queensland, E. J. Dunn.


Gold Mining: Ore at Bendigo, Victoria, at 4162 feet, 131
Gore (J. E.), Faintness of Planetary Nebulæ, 43
Gorton (F. R.), Minimum Potential of a Point Discharge
is increased by the Discharge, Blunting is not Responsible-
for Rise in Potential, 387

Gosio (B.), Decomposition of Dilute Solutions of Alkaline
Selenites or Tellurites as a Delicate Test for Living
Bacterial Contamination, 609

Gotch (Prof. Francis, F.R.S.), the Spinthariscope and
Retinal Excitability, 174

Göttingen Royal Society of Sciences, 240, 576
Government Laboratory, Report of the Principal Chemist
upon the Work of the, for the Year ending March 31,
1903, 634

Graebner (Dr. P.), Handbuch der Heidekultur, 173
Graetz (L.), View that Hydrogen Peroxide gives Rise to a
Special Radiation capable of affecting a Photographic
Plate, 109

Graham (Dr.), Guinea Worm and its Hosts, 354

Graham (J. Howard), Determination of Sulphuric Acid in
Soils, 205

Granderye (L. M.), Determination des Espèces minérales,


Granville (William Anthony), Elements of the Differential'
and Integral Calculus, 26

Graphical Solution of Cubic and Quartic Equations,
H. Ivah Thomson, 295

Graphs, Easy, H. S. Hall, 393

Graphs for Beginners, W. Jamieson, 533

Gravity, Helmert's Formula for, Ottavio Zanotti Bianco,

Gray (R. W.), Atomic Weight of Nitrogen, 71

Greek Archæology, the Annual of the British School at
Athens, H. R. Hall, 558

Green (E. E.), Elephant-mosquito Larva is Carnivorous, 64
Greenly (Edward), an Inverted Slab in a Cromlech, 152
Greenwich, the Royal Observatory, 135

Gregory (Sir Augustus, K.C.M.G.), Death and Obituary
Notice of, 204

Gregory (R. P.), Abortive Development of the Pollen in
Cross-bred Sweet Peas, 166

Griffon (Ed.), Chlorophyll Assimilation in Young Shoots
of Plants, Applications to the Vine, 23
Grignard (V.), New Method of Synthesis of the Monoatomic
and Polyatomic Alcohols, 264

Groll (Max), der Oeschinensee im Berner Oberland, 197
Grosser (Dr. O.), the Segmental Origin of Colour Stripes,

Grosvenor (Gilbert H.), Work of the U.S. Weather Bureau,

Guenon, on a New Species of, from the Cameroons, Dr.
Henry O. Forbes, 630

Guignard (L.), Existence in the Black Elder of a Com-
pound furnishing Hydrocyanic Acid, 263; Nature of the
Hydrocyanic Glucoside of the Black Elder, 336; Hydro-
cyanic Acid obtained from Gooseberry Leaves, 504
Guillet (L.), Special Steel, 237; Steels containing Tin,
Titanium, and Cobalt, 239; the Aluminium Steels, 264:
Special Steels used for Motor-car Construction in France,
573; Use of Vanadium in Metallurgy, 573
Guinchant (M.), Triboluminescence of Arsenious Acid, 47
Gulliver (G. H.), Phenomena of Permanent Deformation
in Metals, 609
Gum-bichromate Process, the, J. Cruwys Richards, 455
Gunga-Gunga, the Empire and University Life, 319
Günther (R. T.), Recent Changes in Vesuvius, 455
Gurney (J. H.), Early History of a Young Cuckoo, 132
Guthnick (Dr. P.), Nova Aquila No. 2, 494, 611; Light-
variation of Saturn's Satellites, 611

Guttenberg (Hermann Ritter von), Beiträge zur physio-
logischen Anatomie der Pilzgallen, 339

Guttmann (L. F.), Determination of Melting Points at Low
Temperatures, 239

Guye (Ch. Eug. and H.), Electrostatic Rigidity of Gases
at High Pressures, 95

Guye (Philippe A.), Atomic Weight of Nitrogen, 119;
Densities of Carbonic Anhydride, Ammonia and Nitrous
Oxide, 264

Guyou (M.), Utilisation of the Telephone System for the
Exact Transmission of Time, 134

Haberlandt (Dr. G.), die Lichtsinnesorgane der Laub-
blätter, 323

Haberlandt's (Prof. G.) Investigations on the Sense-
organs of Plants, G. C. Nuttall, 565

Habets (Paul), Electric Winding Machines, 212

Hackspill (L.), New Preparation of Rubidium and Cæsium,

Haddon (A. C., Sc.D., F.R.S.), Opening Address in Sec-
tion H at the Meeting of the British Association in
South Africa, 471

Hadfield (R. A.), Effect produced by Liquid-air Tempera-
tures on the Properties of Iron and its Alloys, 68; Alloys
of Iron and Steel Tested at Liquid Air Temperature, 91;
Magnetic Qualities of some Alloys, 190

Hagenback (Dr.), Atlas of Emission Spectra of Most of
the Elements, 426

Hahn (Ed.), das Alter der wirtschaftlichen Kultur der
Menschheit, ein Rückblick und ein Ausblick, 6
Hahn (Oberlehrer), Wie sind die physikalischen Schüler-
übungen praktisch gestalten? 333

Hahn (Prof. P. D.), Remarkable Thermal Chalybeate
Spring at Caledon, in Cape Colony, 642

Haines (T. H.), the Synthetic Factor in Tactual Space
Perception, 464

Haldane (Dr. J. S., F.R.S.), the Investigation of Mine
Air, 124

Haldane (R. B.), Science and the State, 184
Hale (Prof.), Mount Wilson Observatory, 19

Hale (Prof.), Interpretation of Spectroheliograph Pictures,

Hall (A. D.), Effect of Plant Growth and of Manures upon
the Soil, 94: Work done at the Rothamsted Experi-
mental Station for the Year ending March 31, 138;
Recent Developments in Agricultural Science, 642
Hall (A. L.), Geological Features of the Diamond Pipes
of the Pretoria District, 464

the Department of Archæology: Free Museum of Science
and Art, 98; Greek Archæology, the Annual of the
British School at Athens, 558

Hall (H. S.), Easy Graphs, 393

Hall (William), Influence of Environment on Physical
Development, 331

Haller (A.), Increase of the Rotatory Power of Fatty
Molecules in passing to the State of Cyclic Compounds,
71; on the Menthones and Menthols obtained by the
Reduction of Pulegone by the Catalytic Action of Re-
duced Nickel, 95; Cyanocampho-acetic, Cyanocampho-a-
propionic, Cyanocampho-a-butyric Acids and their

Derivatives, 143; Alkyl Thujones and the Combinatior-
of Thujone with Aromatic Aldehydes, 216; Campho-
acetic and B-Camphopropionic Acids, 263

Halley, Bibliography of, 567

Hallock (E. S.), Animals in Menageries in U.S.A., 434
Hammond (Mr.), Observations of the Satellites of Saturn
and Uranus, 230

Hampson (Sir George F., Bart.), Catalogue of the Lepido-
ptera Phalænæ in the British Muscum, 174
Hampson (Dr. W.), the Measurement of Mass, 8
Hamy (Prof. E. T.), a Gigantic Gorilla, 434
Hanke (Dr. Victor), the Treatment of Diseases of the Eye.


Hansen (Dr. H. J.), on Two Orders of Arachnida
Opiliones, especially the Suborder Cyphophthalmi, ard
Ricinulei, namely, the Family Cryptostemmatoidæ, 577
Hansky (M.), Visibility of the Dark Hemisphere of Venus,
Hantzsch (B.), Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Vogelwelt Islands,

Harbours, Suggested Use of Floating Breakwaters moored
to the Bottom to prevent the Silting up of, Dr. J. Joly.
F.R.S., 300

Harden (A.), Influence of Phosphates on the Fermentation
of Glucose by Yeast Juice, 166

Hardy (G. H.), a Class of Many-valued Functions defined
by a Definite Integral, 190

Harker (Alfred), the Cleavage of Slates, 152

Harker (Dr. J. A.), New Type of Electric Furnace, with a
Re-determination of the Melting Point of Platinum, 94:
Specific Heat of Iron at High Temperatures, 142
Harmer (Dr.), Hemichordata, Ascidians and Amphioxus,
Fishes, 103

Harms (F.), Observations of the Electric Conditions of the
Atmosphere during the Recent Solar Eclipse, 490
Harnack (Dr. Erik), Studien ueber Hautelektricität und
Hautmagnetismus des Menschen, 602

Harrington (B. J.), Fœtid Calcite found near Chatham,
Canada, 158

Hartley (E. G. J.), the " Bubbling Method and Vapour
Pressures, 222

Hartley (Prof. W. N., F.R.S.), Chemical Structure and
Physical Properties Associated with the Theory of Colour,
141; Constitution of Nitric Acid and its Hydrates, 142:
Absorption Spectrum and Fluorescence of Mercury
Vapour, 504; on the Absorption Spectrum of Benzene in
the Ultra-violet Region, 557; a Focusing Screen for Use
in Photographing Ultra-violet Spectra, 581
Hartmann (Prof.), Monochromatic Photographs of the
Orion Nebula, 230

Hartwig (Prof.), Nova Aquila No. 2, 518

Harvard College Observatory Annual Report, Prof. E. C.
Pickering, 256; Prof. Wendell, 256; Mrs. Fleming, 256;
Prof. Frost, 256

Harvey and the Progress of Medical Science, Dr.
Frederick T. Roberts, 258

Harzer (Prof.), Ancient Japanese Mathematics, 640
Hasselberg (Dr.), Investigation of the Arc Spectrum of
Tungsten, 134

Hatch (Dr. F. H.), the Large Diamond found in the
Premier Mine, Transvaal, 41

Hatch (F. H.), the Geology of South Africa, 346
Hatton (George), Recent Developments in the Bertrand-
Thiel Process of Steel Manufacture, 68
Hautelektricität und Hautmagnetismus des Menschen,
Studien ueber, Dr. Erik Harnack, Dr. George J. Burch,
F.R.S., 602

Havelock (T. H.), the Pressure of Radiation on a Clear

MAN 14, 1005.

Hayden H. H., Geology of the Provinces of Tsang and
U in Tibet, 285

Head (Archibald P.), Death of, 203

Health Infantile Mortality and Infants' Milk Depôts,
G. F. McCleary, 6; Public Health and Sewage Purifi-
cation, 97; the Effects of Tropical Light on White Men,
Major Charles E. Woodruff, 172; Congress of the Royal
Institute of Public Health. 306

Heape (Walter), Ovulation and Degeneration of Ova in the
Rabbit, 188

Heat: the Critical Temperature and Pressure of Living
Substances, Dr. F. J. Allen, 7; Difference in Tempera-
rure of Bodies in Contact, E. Rogovski, 47; New Type
of Electric Furnace, with a Re-determination of the
Melting Point of Platinum, Dr. J. A. Harker, 94: Deter-
mination of the Specific Heat of Superheated Steam by
Throttling, &c., A. H. Peake, 116; a Simple Method of
Determining the Radiation Constant, Dr. A. D. Denning,
118; a Bolometer for the Absolute Measurement of
Radiation, Prof. H. L. Callendar, 118; Thermal De-
composition of Formaldehyde and Acetaldehyde, W. A.
Bone and H. L. Smith, 141; Specific Heat of Iron at
High Temperatures, Dr. J. A. Harker, 142; the Elimin-
ation of Accidental Loss of Heat in Accurate Calori-
meiry, Theodore W. Richards, Lawrence J. Henderson,
and George S. Forbes, 206; Fery Radiation Pyrometer,
200: Method for Determining the Specific Heats of Solu-
tions, P. Th. Muller and C. Fuchs, 216; Determination
of Melting Points at Low Temperatures, L. F. Gutt-
mann, 230; Combustion of Sulphur in the Calorimetric
Bomb, H. Giran, 239; the Isomorphism and Thermal
Properties of the Felspars, Arthur L. Day and E. T.
Allen, 258; Auto-catalytic Decomposition of Silver Oxide
under the Influence of Heat, Gilbert N. Lewis, 277; a
Text-book of Physics, Heat, Prof. J. H. Poynting,
F.R.S., and Prof. J. J. Thomson, 293; High Tempera-
ture Measurements, H. Le Chatelier and O. Boudouard,
203; Note on the Boiling Points of Solutions, S. N.
Johnson, 392; Thermochemistry of the Hydrazones, Ph.
Landrieu, 392; State of Matter in the Neighbourhood
01 the Critical Point, Gabriel Bertrand and Jean
Lecarme, 360; a New Thermojunction, A. de Forest
Palmer, 610; a Phenomenon of Cooling Silver Wires
Plunged into Water, and through which Electric Currents
are Passing, E. Rogovsky, 648

Heath (Christopher), Death of, 347

Heath (Thomas Edward), Our Stellar Universe, a Road-
book to the Stars, 531; Our Stellar Universe (Six Stereo-
grams of Sun and Stars), 531

Heaviside (Oliver, F.R.S.), the Transverse Momentum of
an Electron, 429

Hedgrock (G. G.), Fungal Diseases on Cauliflowers, 516
Heidekultur, Handbuch der, Dr. P. Graebner, 173
Heilprin (Prof. Angelo), the Tower of Pelée, New Studies
of the Great Volcano of Martinique, 101
Heller (W. Mayhowe), Elementary Experimental Science,
an Introduction to the Study of Scientific Method, 317
Helmert's Formula for Gravity, Ottavio Zanotti Bianco,


Hemsalech (G. A.), Effects of Foucault Currents and the
Hysteresis of Iron on Oscillatory Sparks, 95
Henderson (Laurence J.), the Elimination of Accidental
Loss of Heat in Accurate Calorimetry, 206
Henry (J.), Modern Electricity, 99

Herbette (Jean), Isomorphous Mixtures of the Tartrates of
Thallium and Potassium, 216

Herdman (Dr.), Hemichordata, Ascidians and Amphioxus,
Fishes, 103

Heredity: the Inheritance of Acquired Characters, W.
Woods Smyth, 152; Mendelian Heredity in Rabbits,
C. C. Hurst, 209; an Hereditary Abnormality in the
Human Hand and its Relation to Mendelism, Dr. W. C.
Farabee, 254; the Causation of Variations, Dr. G.
Archdall Reid, 318

Herman (Otto), Migration of Birds, 326

Hermite et de Stieltjes, Correspondance d', 313
Herpetology: the Story of Reptile Life, W. P. Pycraft,
395: the Rudimentary Hind Limbs of the Boine Snakes,
Frank E. Beddard, F.R.S., 630

Hess (Prof.), Influence of Light in causing a Migration
of Pigment in the Retina of Cephalopods, 354

Hewitt (C. G.), the Buccal Pits of Peripatus, 624
Hewlett (Prof. R. T.), Report on the Sanitation and Anti-
Malarial Measures in Practice in Bathurst, Conakry, and
Freetown, Prof. Rubert Boyce, F.R.S., Arthur Evans
and H. Herbert Clarke, 67; the Present Position of the
Cancer Problem, 295; Sterilisation of Water in the Field,
431; Corr., 515; a Laboratory Guide in Elementary
Bacteriology, Dr. William Dodge Frost, 483

Hickson (Prof. Sydney J., F.R.S.), a Parasite of the House-
fly, 429; Chelifers and House-flies, 629

Hidden (W. E.), Remarkable Finds of Rare Minerals in
Texas, 206

High Temperature Measurements, H. Le Chatelier and O.
Boudouard, 293

High-frequency Electrical Treatment, the, Rev. F. J.
Jervis-Smith, F.R.S., 7

Highways and Byways in Derbyshire, J. B. Firth, 100
Hill (J. A.), Fights between Two Species of Ants, 326
Hill (M. D.), the Habits of Testacella, 199; a Parasite of
the House-fly. 397

Hillebrand (W. F.), the Scorification Assay for Gold
Telluride Ores, 493

History of Pharmacy, Hermann Schelenz, 27

Hobart (H. M.), the Insulation of Electric Machines, 149
Hoff (Karl Ernst Adolf von), der Bahnbrecher moderner
Geologie, Dr. Otto Reich, 123

Hoff's (van 't) Hypothesis of Osmotic Pressure of Solutions,
Prof. A. Battelli and A. Stefanini, 541

Holland (T. H., F.R.S.), Mineral Production of India,
162; Geological Survey of India, 254; the Kangra Earth-
quake of April 4, 1905, 428

Holland, Education in Belgium and, F. H. Perry-Coste,


Holleman (Dr. A. F.), a Laboratory Manual of Organic
Chemistry for Beginners, 28

Hollick (Dr. A.), Amber in United States, 40

Hollis (A. C.), the Masai, their Language and Folklore,

Holmes (J. A.), the Coal and Lignites of the United States,
Preliminary Report, 493-4

Holt (A., jun.), Synthesis of Formaldehyde, 141

Holt (E. W. L.), Schizopoda captured in the Bay of
Biscay, 118

Hooper (D.), Ancient Eastern Medicine Lycium or Rusot
is Berberis Extract, 435

Hopkinson (Prof. B.), the Elastic Properties of Steel at
High Temperatures, 480

Hora (J. Henry and K. J.), Modern Electricity, 99
Horrocks (Major), the Causative Organism of Mediter-
ranean Fever, 17: Goats Capable of Transmitting
Mediterranean and Malta Fever, 462

Horses: the American Thoroughbred, C. E. Trevathan,

Horsley (Sir Victor, F.R.S.), the Cerebellum, its Relation
to Spatial Orientation and Locomotion, Boyle Lecture
at Oxford, 389

Houdas (J.), Nature of the Hydrocyanic Glucoside of the
Black Elder, 336

Houghton (Sidney A.), Note on the Failure of an Iron
Plate through Fatigue, 68

House-flies, Chelifers and, Prof. Sydney J. Hickson,
F.R.S., 629

House-fly, a Parasite of the, M. D. Hill, 397; Prof.
Sydney J. Hickson, F.R.S., 429; R. I. Pocock, 604

Howe (J. A.), Geological Aspect of North-eastern Terri-
tories of the Congo Free State, 46

Howell (Mr.), a New Carbon, 351

Howorth (Captain H. G.), the Presence of Greenish
Coloured Markings in the Fractured Surfaces of Test-
pieces, 573

Howorth (Sir Henry H.), Ice or Water, another Appeal to
Induction from the Scholastic Methods of Modern
Geology, 553

Hubbard (Mrs. Emma), Death and Obituary Notice of, 131
Hughes (H. W.), Memoirs of the Geological Survey of
England and Wales, the North Staffordshire Coalfields,
W. Gibson, G. Barrow, C. B. Wedd, and J. Ward, 612
Huichol Indians, Decorative Art of the, Dr. Carl Lum-
holtz, 260

Hull (Prof. Gordon F.), the Pressure of Radiation on a
Clear Glass Vane, 198

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