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ABBOT (BRIG.-GENERAL HENRY L.), Problems of the Panama
Canal, 394

Abderhalden (Emil), Recent Advances in the Chemistry of

Albumin, 437

Abdominal Diseases, Clinical and Pathological Observations
on Acute, E. M. Corner, 122

Aberration, the Constant of, Prof. Doolittle, 592

Aboriginal Methods of determining the Seasons, William

E. Rolston, 176

Abraham (Henri), Electrolytic Production of Very Fine
Wires, 143; Recueil d'Expérience élémentaires de
Physique, 172

Absence of Vibration in a Turbine Steamship, Prof. David
Todd, 603

Absorption Spectra, Prof. H. Kayser, 627

Absorption Spectrum of Benzene in the Ultra-violet

Region, on the, Dr. E. C. C. Baly and Prof. J. Norman

Collie, F.R.S., 239, 630; Prof. W. N. Hartley, F.R.S.,

557: Ultra-violet Absorption Spectra, the Phenols,

E. C. C. Baly and E. K. Ewbank, 239

Academic Side of Technical Training, Dr. Alex. B. W.

Kennedy, F.R.S., 256

Academy of the Lincei, Prize Awards, 461

Acoustics Propagation of Musical Sounds in a Tube of
3 Metres Diameter, J. Violle and Th. Vautier, 95; the
Amplitude of the Minimum Audible Impulsive Sound,
Dr. P. E. Shaw, 503; Can Fish Hear? Dr. O. Körner,

Acquired Characters, the Inheritance of, W. Woods Smyth,
Adams (John), Effect of Very Low Temperature on Moist
Seeds, 143

Adams (Prof.), the Orbit of Tauri, 592

Aerolite Falls, Periodicity of, W. H. S. Monck, 230

Aeronautics : Atmospheric Electricity observed from

Balloons, George C. Simpson, 92; International Aero-

nautical Committee's Ascents in January to April, 229;

the Exploration of the Atmosphere above the Atlantic,

A. Lawrence Rotch, 244; Projects of Artificial Flight,

Arnold Samuelson, 329; Dr. Federico Sacco, 329;

Hélicoptère Aéroplane of H. and A. Dufaux, Réné

de Saussure, 329; Experiments with the Langley Aero-

drome, Dr. S. P. Langley, 645

Africa: an Introduction to the Geology of Cape Colony,

A. W. Rogers, Prof. Grenville A. J. Cole, 35; the

Geology of South Africa, F. H. Hatch and G. S.

Corstorphine, 346; Meeting of the British Association in

South Africa, 59 (see British Association); the Masai,

their Language and Folklore, A. C. Hollis, Sir H. H.

Johnston, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., 83; Antelopes, Heuglin's

"Giant Eland," A. L. Butler, 133: Ticks Concerned in

the Dissemination of Disease in Man, Tick Fever in

Congo Free State, R. Newstead, 354: Guinea Worm and

its Hosts, Dr. Graham, 354; a Gigantic Gorilla, Prof.

E. T. Hamy, 434; the Magic Origin of Moorish Designs,

Dr. Westermarck, 435; Death and Obituary Notice of
M. de Brazza, 515; New Gladiolus from Victoria Falls,

539; Science in South Africa, a Handbook and Review,


Agassiz (Prof. Alexander), Influence of the Humboldt
Current on the Marine Life West of Callao, 17

Agriculture: Calcium Nitrate in Agriculture, E. S.

Bellenoux, 47: Effect of Plant Growth and of Manures

upon the Soil, A. D. Hall and N. H. J. Miller, 04:

Agricultural Notes, 138; Phosphatic Fertilisers on Limed

and on Unlimed Land, Mr. Nagaoka, 138; Work Done
at the Rothamsted Experimental Station for the year end-
ing March 31, A. D. Hall, 138; Sugar Cane Experiments
in the Leeward Islands, Dr. F. Watts, 157; Determin-
ation of Sulphuric Acid in Soils, J. Howard Graham,

205; Ripening is due to Moulds and Bacteria in

Camembert Type of Soft Cheese, 229; "Brusca," a

Disease of the Olive, Prof. Cuboni, 276; Diseases of

Citrous Plants and Fruits caused by the Fungus Colleto-

trichum gloeosporioides, P. H. Rolfs, 277; the State and

Agriculture in Hungary, Dr. Ignatius Darányi, 291;

British Fruit Growing, 297; Alfred O. Walker, 342;

Spencer Pickering, F.R.S., 396; Recent Publications in

Agricultural Science, 324; Concimi, Mangimi, Sementi,
&c., Commercie, frodi, e repressione delle frodi, Special-
mente in Italia, Italo Giglioli, 324; Field Operations of
the Bureau of Soils, 1903, 325; Science and Practice of
Agriculture, Farmer's Handbook, T. Jamieson, 325; the
Seeding of Pastures, A. N. M'Alpine, 328; Cultivation
of Oranges in Dominica, H. Hesketh Bell, 328; the
Banana Industry in Costa Rica, 328; the Woburn Ex-
perimental Fruit Farm, Prof. T. H. Middleton, 461;
Insect Pests of Field and Garden Crops, Prof. Theobald,

539; Leaf-hoppers and their Enemies, R. C. L. Perkins,

539; Indigo Planting and Synthetic Indigo, 637; Birds

in the Field and Garden, 638; Manurial Experiments

with Cacao in Dominica, West Indies, 639; Recent

Developments in Agricultural Science, A. D. Hall, 642;

Chemical Survey of the Soils of Cape Colony, 642

Aitken (John), Evaporation of Musk and other Substances,


Albrecht (Prof. T.), Variations of Latitudes, 110; Jupiter's

Sixth and Seventh Satellites, 352; Observations of

Jupiter's Seventh Satellite, 424

Albumin, Recent Advances in the Chemistry of, Emil

Abderhalden, 437

Alchemical Equipment in the Eleventh Century A.D., H. E.

Stapleton and R. F. Azo, 452

Alcohol, Duty-free, Dr. F. Mollwo Perkin, 344

Aldrich (J. M.), a Catalogue of North American Diptera

or Two-winged Flies, 317

Alessandri (Dr.), the Monte Rosa Observatory, 565

Alexander (A. D.), Explosions of Mixtures of Coal-gas and

Air in a Closed Vessel, 311

Algebra: Modern Algebra, A. B. Basset, F.R.S., 30; a

First Algebra, W. M. Baker and A. A. Bourne, 393;

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Allen (Dr. F. J.), the Critical Temperature and Pressure
of Living Substances, 7

Alpheraky (Sergius), the Geese of Europe and Asia, 266

Alternating Currents, A. Russell, Maurice Solomon, 99

Alvarez (Eugenio Piñerûa), New Reagent for Potassium,

47; a New Osmium Compound, 72; a Reaction of

Rhodium, 96

Amann (M.), the Rings of Saturn, 388

America: Astronomical Society of America, 19; Biologia

Centrali-Americana, Aves, Osbert Salvin, F.R.S., and

Frederick Ducane Godman, F.R.S., 49: University of

Pennsylvania, Transactions of the Department of

Archæology, Free Museum of Science and Art, H. R.

Hall, 98; Manual of the Trees of North America (ex-

clusive of Mexico), C. S. Sargent, 197; a Catalogue of
North American Diptera or Two-winged Flies, J. M.
Aldrich, 317; American Research in Asia, Prof. Grenville
A. J. Cole, 366; the American Thoroughbred, C. E.
Trevathan. 395

Anatomy First International Congress of Anatomists, 400;
Importance of Selecting Generalised Species for Ana-
tomical Demonstrations, Dr. H. W. Rand, 302; Coral
Anatomy and development, Dr. J. E. Duerden, 185
Ancient Antarctica, Captain F. W. Hutton, F.R.S., 244
Andersen (K.), Some Species of Bats of the Genus Rhino-
lophus, 119

Anderson (E. L.), Riding and Driving, 197

Anderson (Prof. R. J.), Physical Deterioration, 331

Andoyer (M.), Further Results obtained by the French

Eclipse Expeditions, 567

Andrews (Leonard), Electricity Control, a Treatise on

Switch-gear Systems of Electric Transmission, 99

Andrews (Thomas, F.R.S.), Wear of Steel Rails on Bridges,


Angler's Hours, an, H. T. Sherringham, 220

Anglo-Saxons, Latins et, Races supérieures et Races
inférieures, Prof. N. Colajanni, 533

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Appleyard (Rollo), Contact with Dielectrics, 215

Aquila, Nova, No. 2, Prof. Max Wolf, 494, 611; Dr. P.
Guthnick, 494, 611; Prof. Hartwig, 518; Mrs. Fleming,
542; Prof. Pickering, 640

Arachnida : on Two Orders of Arachnida, Opiliones,

especially the Suborder Cyphophthalmi, and Ricinulei,

namely, the Family Cryptostemmatoidæ, Dr. H. J.

Hansen and Dr. W. Sörensen, R. I. Pocock, 577;

Palaeozoische Arachniden, Prof. Dr. Anton Fritsch, R. 1.

Pocock, 577

Arber (E. A. N.), Seed-bearing Habit in the Lygino-

dendreæ, 166

Archæology Relation between Stonehenge, Old Sarum,

and Grovely Castle, Colonel Johnston, 16; Notes on

Stonehenge, Sir Norman Lockyer, K.C.B., F.R.S., 32,

246, 270; Prehistoric Graves and Dwelling Places near
Breslau, 63; the Evolution of Engraving in the Stone
Age, Ed. Piette, 81; University of Pennsylvania, Trans-
actions of the Department of Archæology, Free Museum
of Science and Art, H. R. Hall, 98; an Inverted Slab in
a Cromlech, Edward Greenly, 152; Results obtained in
Egypt by Prof. Flinders Petrie, 228; British Archæology
and Philistinism, Worthington G. Smith, 294; Money-
boxes in the Form of Mammæ, F. Rosen, 386; Forty
Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds
of East Yorkshire, J. R. Mortimer, 398; Death of Prof.
Jules Oppert, 421; Obituary Notice, 432; the Annual of

the British School at Athens, H. R. Hall, 558; Dr.

Arthur Evans's Work at Knossos, 558; Excavations at

Palaíkastro, Messrs. Dawkins and Currelly, 559; the

Aryanism of the Minoans, R. S. Conway, 560

Architecture, Naval Institution of Naval Architects, 303;

Experiments with Models of Constant Length and Form

of Cross Section, but with Varying Breadths and

Draughts, Lieut.-Colonel B. Rota, 303; Experiments

upon the Effect of Water on Speed, Harold Yarrow, 303;

Influence of the Depth of Water on Speed, W. W.
Marriner, 303; Causes of Accidents to Submarine Boats,

Captain R. H. Bacon, 306

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Asiatic Society of Bengal, 24, 120, 360, 452
Asphalt Pavement, the Modern, Clifford Richardson, 316
Assaying, Notes on, and Metallurgical Laboratory Experi-
ments, Prof. Richard W. Lodge, 340

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Assyriology: Death of Prof. Jules Oppert, 421; Obituary Notice of, 432

Asteroids: Ocelo [475], an Interesting Asteroid, R. H. Frost, 330, 388; Variation of a Newly Discovered Asteroid, Dr. Palisa, 494; the Variable Asteroid 1905 Q.Y., Dr. Palisa, 518; Prof. Berberich, 518; Ephemeris of the Variable Asteroid (167) Urda, A. Berberich, 542

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Astronomy Recent Spectroheliograph Results, Dr. William J. S. Lockyer, 9; Phillip Fox, 183: Interpretation of Spectroheliograph Pictures, M. N. Donitch, 495; Prof. Hale and Mr. Ellerman, 495; Our Astronomical Column, 10, 43, 66, 89, 110, 135, 158, 183, 207, 230, 255, 279, 302, 330, 352. 388, 424, 436, 465, 494, 518, 542, 567, 591, 610, 639; Discovery of a Tenth Satellite to Saturn, 19, 135 Prof. W. H. Pickering, 19; Observations of the Satellites of Saturn and Uranus, Messrs. Frederick and Hammond, 230; the Rings of Saturn, MM. Amann and Rozet, 388; Light-variation of Saturn's Satellites, Dr. P. Guthnick, 611; Observations of Phoebe, R. H. Frost, 330; the Alleged Identity of Comets Brooks 1889 and Lexell, Dr. Charles L. Poor, 19: Ancient Drawings of Celestial Phenomena, Dr. W. Lehmann, 19; Mount Wilson Observatory, Prof. Hale, 19; Anomalous Dispersion and Flocculi," Prof. Julius, 19; Astronomical Society of America, 19; Astronomy for Amateurs, Camille Flammarion, 29; Notes on Stonehenge, Sir Norman Lockyer, K.C.B., F.R.S., 32, 246, 270; Death of Prof. Otto von Struve, 38; Obituary Notice of, 61; Ephemeris for Comet 1905a, M. Ebell, 43; Orbit of Comet 1905a, Miss Lamson, 66; Elliptical Elements for the Orbit of Comet 1905a, Prof. Banachiewicz, 207; A. Wedemayer, 207; Comets 1905 II (1904e) and 1904 I, Dr. Strömgren, 43 Herr Nijland and Herr van d. Bilt, 43; Observations of Jupiter, MM. Flammarion and Benoit, 43; a Suspected Sudden Change on Jupiter, Major Molesworth, 207 Observations of Jupiter's Great Red Spot, Stanley Williams, 330; Eye-estimates of the Transits of Jupiter's Spots, Rev. T. E. R. Phillips, 518; Provisional Elements for Jupiter's Sixth Satellite, Mr. Crommelin, 66; Brightness of Jupiter's Satellites, Prof. Wendell, 66; Prof. W. de Sitter, 207; Jupiter's Sixth and Seventh Satellites, Prof. Perrine, 135; Dr. Albrecht, 352; Dr. Frank E. Ross, 352; Observation of Jupiter's Seventh Satellite, Prof. Albrecht, 424; Observations of Jupiter's Satellites, Profs. A. A. Nijland and J. van d. Bilt, 567; the Electrical Charge of the Sun, Prof. Svante Arrhenius, 43; Memoria sobre el Eclipse Total de Sol del dia 30 de Agosto de 1905, D. Antonio Tarazona, 77; Mechanical Lantern Slide Illustrative of the Phenomenon of a Total Solar Eclipse, W. Shackleton, 91; Geodetic Measurements from Solar Eclipses, C. E. Stromeyer, 230; Proposed Observation of Mercury during the Solar Eclipse, Dr. G. Johnstone Stoney, F.R.S., 244; the French Eclipse Expeditions, 279; French Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse, Prof. Janssen, 518; M. Bigourdan, 518; M. Stephan and M. Trépied, 518; M. Bourget, 18: M. Nordmann, 518; M. Salet, 518; M. Moye, 518; Further Results obtained by the French Eclipse Expeditions, MM. Deslandres and Andoyer, 567; M. Salet, 591; Prof. Janssen, 639; E. Stephan, 640; M. Bigourdan's Eclipse Results, 610; Eclipse Shadow Bands, A. Lawrence Rotch, 307; Proposed Magnetic and Allied Observations during the Total Solar Eclipse on August 30, Dr. L. A. Bauer, 342: the Forthcoming Total Solar Eclipse. Dr. William J. S. Lockyer, 399; the Total Solar Eclipse, August 30, Dr. William J. S. Lockyer,

: Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse in Tripoli, Barbary, Prof. David Todd, 484; Observations of the Electric Conditions of the Atmosphere during the Recent Solar Eclipse, Prof. F. Elster, Prof. H. Geitel

and F. Harms, 490; the Solar Physics Observatory Eclipse Expedition, Dr. William J. S. Lockyer, 508; Influence of the Eclipse of August 30 on Plants, Ed. Bureau, 528; Observations of the Total Eclipse of the Sun at Guelma, Ch. Trépied, 576; Eclipse Predictions, J. Y. Buchanan, F.R.S., 603; Dr. A. M. W. Downing, F.R.S., 629: Eclipse Phenomena, Sir Oliver Lodge, F.R.S., 629; Observations of "D. in the Solar Spectrum, Dr. H. Kreusler, 66; Visibility of D, as a Dark Line in the Solar Spectrum, Prof. A. Fowler, 184: A. Buss, 184;

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Solar Changes and Weather, Dr. William J. S. Lockyer, 129, 175; A. B. M., 175; Solar and Terrestrial Changes, 249; Observations of Prominences on the Sun's Limb, Prof. Mascari, 158; the Solar Activity, 279; the Solar Activity, January-June, Prof. Mascari, 518; Dutch Observations of the Corona, Prof. Julius, 303; a Solar Outburst? Arthur Mee, 320; Cosmic Dust of Solar Origin, Prof. Schaeberle, 424; a Proposed New Method for determining the Solar Radiation, Prof. Ceraski, 437: the Figure of the Sun, C. Lane Poor, 567; Vegetation and the Sun-spot Period, Camille Flammarion, 303; Sun-spot Spectra, W. M. Mitchell, 330; Another Large Sun-spot, 610; the Recent Large Sun-spot, 639; Atmospheric Origin of "Shadow Bands," T. Zona, 611; the Problem of "Shadow-bands, Catharine O. Stevens, 631; a Spectrographic determination of the SolarParallax, F. Küstner, 611; the International Union for Cooperation in Solar Research, 490; Variability of Minor Planet (15) Eunomia, Prof. Wendell, 43; Faintness of Planetary Nebulæ, J. E. Gore, 43; Variable Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud, Miss Leavitt, 66; Observations and Light-curves of Several Variable Stars, Dr. L. Terkán, 66; Twelve Stars with Variable Radial Velocities, Prof. Wright and Dr. Palmer, 89; a Remarkable Variable Star, Prof. E. C. Pickering, 110; Variable Stars in the Clusters Messier 3 and 5, Prof. Bailey, 183; Winter Fireballs in 1905, Mr. Denning, 66; Newly discovered Nebulæ, Prof. Max Wolf, 89; the Bruce Telescope Reference Photographs, Prof. Pickering, 89; Comet 1904 II (1904d), M. Ebell, 89; Double Canals on Mars in 1903, Mr. Lowell, 89; Photographic Reality of the Martian Canals, Mr. Lowell, 135; Photographs of the Martian Canals, Mr. Lampland, 302; Mr. Lowell, 302; a Projection on Mars, Mr. Lowell, 279, the North Polar Snow-cap on Mars, 1904-5, Messrs. Lowell and Lampland, 303; the Formation of the Martian Snowcaps, Prof. W. H. Pickering, 255; the Formation of the New North Polar Cap on Mars, Mr. Lowell, 352; the Planet Mars, Mr. Wesley, 388; Mr. Denning, 388; Major Molesworth, 388; Water Vapour in the Martian Atmosphere, Mr. Lowell, 465; Mr. Slipher, 465; Catalogue of New Double Stars, Prof. Hussey, 90; Astronomical Occurrences in June, 110; in July, 207; in August, 302; in September, 436; in October, 542; Radial Velocities of Thirty-one Stars, Prof. Lord, 110; Magnitudes of Nova Persei and Nova Geminorum, Prof. A. A. Nijland, 110; Oxford University Observatory, Prof. Turner, 110; Variations of Latitude, Prof. T. Albrecht, 110; New Refraction Tables, Prof. Eichelberger, 110; the Motion of the Tail of Borrelly's Comet (1903 iv), Prof. Jaegermann, 135; Double Star Observations, J. A. Miller and Prof. W. A. Cogshall, 135; Stars with Spectra of the Orion Type, Prof. Pickering, 135; the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 135; a Probable Nova in Ophiuchus, Mr. Fleming, 158; Miss Cannon, 158; Prof. Pickering, 158; Determination of Meteor Radiants, Mr. Denning, 158; Aboriginal Methods of determining the Seasons, William E. Rolston, 176; Stars with Peculiar Spectra, Mrs. Fleming, 183; Prof. Pickering, 183; West. Hendon House Observatory, 184; Perturbations of the Bielid Meteors, Dr. A. M. W. Downing, F.R.S., 189: Royal Astronomical Society, 190; Determination of Heat Radiation from the Moon, Earl of Rosse, 190; Diurnal Variations of Nadir and Level of the Greenwich Transit Circle, Astronomer Royal, 190; Recent Positions of Eros, Mr. Manson, 207; Recent Observation of Eros, Prof. Millosevich, 256; New Observatory in Algiers, Lucien Libert, 207: Telescopic Work for Observers of Planets, W. F. Denning, 208; Monochromatic Photographs of the Orion Nebula, Prof. Hartmann, 230; Periodicity of Aerolite Falls, W. H. S. Monck, 230; the Reality of Supposed Changes on the Moon's Surface, M. Puiseux, 230; the Circumzenithal Apparatus, MM. Nušl and Fric, 230; Determination of Constant of Aberration by Observation of Three Stars Close to the Pole, H. Renan and W. Ebert, 239; the Constant of Aberration, Prof. Doolittle, 592; the Planet Uranus, W. F. Denning, 244; July and August Meteors, 255: Standard Time in Various Countries, Rear-Admiral Chester, 256; Harvard College Observatory Annual Report, Prof. E. C. Pickering, 256; Prof. Wendell, 256; Mrs. Fleming, 256; Prof. Frost,

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256; Observations of Perseids, Robert Dole, 279; a Remarkable Meteor, Dr. G. Johnstone Stoney, 279; Visibility of the Dark Hemisphere of Venus, M. Hansky, 303; Determinations of Meteor Radiants, M. Eginitis, 303; Prof. A. A. Nijland, 303; Astronomischer Jahresbericht, Walter F. Wislicenus, 317; an Interesting Asteroid, Occlo [475], R. H. Frost, 330; the Minor Planet Ocllo (475), R. H. Frost, 388; Periods of the Variable Stars S Sagittæ and Y Ophiuchi, M. Luizet, 330; Euvres complètes de Christiaan Huygens, 362; Declinations of Certain North Polar Stars, Dr. Auwers, 388; Harriet Bigelow, 388; the Royal University Observatory of Vienna, 388; the Orbit of y Coronæ Borealis, Mr. Doberck, 424; Atlas of Emission Spectra of most of the Elements, Drs. Hagenback and Konen, 426; Observations of Planets, Mr. Denning, 436; Proper Motions of the Hyades, Prof. Donner, Profs. Kapteyn and W. de Sitter, 436; Variation of Latitude, Messrs. Kimura and Nakano, 437; the Cape Observatory, 437: Discovery of a Nova, Mrs. Fleming, 465; Prof. Pickering, 465; Real Paths of Lyrid Meteors, Mr. Denning, 465; Observations of Satellites, Dr. C. W. Wirtz, 465; Handbuch der geographischen Ortbestimmung für Geographen und Forschungsreisende, Dr. Adolf Marcuse, 481; Variation of a Newly Discovered Asteroid, Dr. Palisa, 494; the Observatory of Paris, M. Loewy, 495; Nova Aquila No. 2, Prof. Max Wolf, 494, 611; Dr. P. Guthnick, 494, 611; Prof. Hartwig, 518; Mrs. Fleming, 542; Prof. Pickering, 640; the Variable Asteroid 1905 Q.Y., Dr. Palisa, 518; Prof. Berberich, 518; Our Stellar Universe, a Road-book to the Stars, Thomas Edward Heath, 531; Our Stellar Universe (Six Stereograms of Sun and Stars), Thomas E. Heath, 531; Ephemeris of the Variable Asteroid (167) Urda, A. Berberich, 542; Ultra-violet Chromospheric Spectrum, H. landres, 542; International Union for Cooperation in Solar Research, 563; Bibliography of Halley, 567; a Lost Double Star, Prof. Doolittle, 567; Elements of Comet 1886 viii., E. Fagerholm, 567; Death of Rev. S. J. Johnson, 588; Cosmical Evolution, J. H. Jeans, 591; Visibility of Faint Stars at the Lowell Observatory, Mr. Lampland, 592; Mr. Lowell, 592; the Orbit of Tauri, Profs. Frost and Adams, 592; the Natal Government Observatory, 592; Incandescence of Meteors, George A. Brown, 604; A. S. H., 604; Star with a Large Proper Motion, Miss Leavitt, 640; Observations of Perseids, August, 640; see also British Association Athens, Annual of the British School at, H. R. Hall, 558 Atlantic, the Exploration of the Atmosphere above the, A. Lawrence Rotch, 244


Atlas of the British Colonies, the Oxford, 293


Bacovesco (A.), Isostrychnine, 600
Bacteriology: Manual of Serum Diagnosis, O. Rostoski,
27; the Simplest Kind of Protoplasm, Dr. Charlton
Bastian, F.R.S., 92; the Isolation of B. typhosus from
Water by Means of Alum Precipitation, H. S. Wilson,
92; Possible Relationship between Bacteria and the Gum
of Hakea saligna, Dr. R. Greig Smith, 192; Origin of
Natural Immunity towards the Putrefactive Bacteria,
Dr. R. Greig Smith, 192; Probable Bacterial Origin of
the Gum of Linseed Mucilage, Dr. R. Greig Smith, 192;
the Sterilisation of Water in the Field, Prof. R. T.
Hewlett, 43; Corr., 515; Oligodynamical Action of
Copper Foil on Certain Intestinal Organisms, Mr.
Kraemer, 462; a Laboratory Guide in Elementary
Bacteriology, Dr. William Dodge Frost, Prof. R. T.
Hewlett, 483; Rôle of Agglutination in Immunity, R.
Greig Smith, 552; Acid-fast Bacilli, Drs. Besançon and
Philibert, 582; Decomposition of Dilute Solutions of
a Delicate Test for
Alkaline Selenites or Tellurites as
Living Bacterial Contamination, B. Gosió, 609
Bahama Islands, the, 154

Bahnbrecher moderner Geologie, Karl Ernst Adolf von
Hoff, Dr. Otto Reich, 123

Bailey (Prof.), Variable Stars in the Clusters Messier 3
and 5, 183

Bairstow (L.), Explosions of Mixtures of Coal-gas and
Air in a Closed Vessel, 311

Baker (C.), Ettles-Curties Ophthalmometer and Ophthalmic
Microscope, 208

Baker (W. C.), Device for Illustrating the Superposition
of Simple Harmonic Motions of Different Periods, 541
Baker (W. M.), a First Algebra, 393

Ball (W. W. Rouse), Mathematical Recreations and Essays, 364 Des

Atlas of Emission Spectra of most of the Elements, Drs.
Hagenback and Konen, 426

Atmosphäre, Beiträge zur Physik der freien, 53
Atmosphere, the Exploration of the, above the Atlantic,
A. Lawrence Rotch, 244

Atmospheric Electricity observed from Balloons, George C.
Simpson, 92

"T. Zona, 611
Atmospheric Origin of "Shadow Bands,
Austen (Ernest E.), the Plague of Flies, Dilophus febrilis,
at Cardiff Docks, 87

Australia Botany of Cook's First Voyage, Illustrations of
Australian Plants, Sir Joseph Banks, P.R.S., and Dr.
D. Solander, 221

Austria: Geologie der Umgebung von Sarajevo, Ernst
Kittl, 51

Author and Printer, an Attempt to Codify the best Typo-
graphical Practices of the Present Day, F. Howard
Collins, 100

Automobiles, Cause and Prevention of Dust from, W. R.
Cooper, 485, 507; J. Vincent Elsden, 507

Auwers (Dr.), Declinations of Certain North Polar Stars,

Ayrton (Prof. W. E., F.R.S.), the Distribution of Power,

Azo (R. F.), Alchemical Equipment in the Eleventh
Century A.D., 452

Backlund (Dr. O.), Geodetic Survey of Spitsbergen, 641
Bacon (Captain R. H.), Causes of Accidents to Submarine

Ballistics Dynamical and Hydrodynamical Effects of the
Modern Small-bore Bullet, Fleet-Surgeon Beadnell, 332
observed from
Atmospheric Electricity
Balloons, George C. Simpson, 92; see Aëronautics
Baly (Dr. E. C. C.), the Ultra-violet Absorption Spectra of
Aromatic Compounds, part i., Benzene and Certain
Monosubstituted Derivatives, 239, part ii., the Phenols,
239; the Absorption Spectrum of Benzene in the Ultra-
Violet Region, 630

Banachiewicz (Prof.), Elliptical Elements for the Orbit of
Comet 1905a, 207

Banks (Sir Joseph, P.R.S.), Botany of Cook's First Voyage,
Illustrations of Australian Plants, 221

Barber (C. A.), the Parasitic Nature of the Sandal-tree,

Barbieri (N. A.), Protagon and the Cerebrines and the
Cerebric Acid Preexisting in the Nervous Tissue, 168
Bardin (M.), Action of Sodium Sulphite upon Ethanal, 336
Barger (G.), Synthesis of Substances Allied to Epinephrine,


Barker (Captain D. Wilson), the Connection of Meteorology
with other Sciences, 328

Barnes (A.), the Rudiments of Practical Mathematics, 393
Barratt (Dr. J. O. Wakelin), the Phagocytosis of Red
Blood-cells, 600

Barrett (Prof. W. F., F.R.S.), Entoptoscope, a New Form
of Ophthalmoscope, 208; Diagnosis of the Eye by Means
of Pin-hole Vision, 288

Barrow (G.), Memoirs of the Geological Survey of England
and Wales, the North Staffordshire Coalfields, 612
Barrowcliff (M.), Constituents of the Seeds of Hydnocarpus
Wightiana and of Hydnocarpus anthelmintica, 165; Con-
stituents of the Seeds of Gynocardia odorata, 165
Basset (A. B., F.R.S.), Modern Algebra, 30; Fictitious
Problems in Mathematics, 78; on the Class of Cubic
Surfaces, 484

Bastian (Dr. Charlton, F.R.S.), the Simplest Kind of
Protoplasm, 92; the Origin of Life, 492

Battelli (Prof. A.), van 't Hoff's Hypothesis of Osmotic
Pressure of Solutions, 541

Battle (W. H.), the Surgery of the Diseases of the Appendix
Vermiformis and their Complications, 122

Baud (E.), Combination of Aluminium Chloride with
Carbonyl Chloride, 239

Bauer (Dr. G.), Marine Engines and Boilers, their Design
and Construction, 453

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