Maintenance Fund. ΜΑΙΝΤΕΝANCE FUND: RECEIPTS. Received from City on account of Maintenance appropriation of $65,000 for the year. Balance due from City, bill rendered. Shortage for the year. $61,801 79 3,198 21 3,714 37 $68,714 37 Ground Improvement Fund. The New York Zoological Society has received from the Board of Estimate and Apportionment to date the sum of $436,263.50, the expenditure of which is shown in the statement appended. No. 1. GROUND IMPROVEMENT FUND: RECEIPTS. Appropriation of Board of Estimate and Apportionment Appropriation of Board of Estimate and Apportionment .$125,000 00 300,000 00 11,163 50- $436,163 50 95 88 $436,259 38 GROUND IMPROVEMENT FUND: EXPENDITURES. Following contracts executed by Park Department: Bart. Dunn, for constructing and improving grounds for Zoological Park..... $30,970 48 Expended by Park Department for materials.... 434 09 Carried forward 32,492 50 $366,280 29 4 In addition to the expenditure of $436,263.50, as shown, the Society has expended $251,560.35 (mostly in permanent improvements), which funds were received from its friends by special subscription. The raising and expenditure of this $250,000, as shown in Statement No. 2, fulfilled all agreements made with the City. COMPLETE STATEMENT OF Park Improvement Fund. STATEMENT OF THE EXPENDITURE OF $250,000 BY THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY, IN FULFILMENT OF AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF NEW YORK, MADE MARCH 24, 1897. Expended from Park Improvement Fund, as follows: Elk House... $1,915 82 2,789 85 .. 401 31 1,723 00 89 76 14,762 83 16,663 35 525 00 655 66 Landscape Architecture. Storehouse Engineering 4,407 98 Ground Improvements. 2,679 86 Buffalo Shed.. 56 18 Monkey-House Walk. 33 50 Live Animals... 22,971 59 Equipment of Restaurant. 1,895 11 Miscellaneous accounts and general expenses.. 4,288 33 Maintenance shortage 1899. 7,038 61 1900. 6,189 33- $233,043 55 Expended from the General Fund: For materials and services in the preparation of plans for the Zoological Park......... H. R. MITCHELL, Chief Clerk. January 1, 1902. 18,516 80 $251,560 35 CHARLES T. BARNEY, Treasurer. |