PUTNEY, MRS. HELEN YOUNG, Milford, Conn.: RAPADAN, SYLVESTER, New York City: RHODENBURG, GEORGE, New York City: RIGHTER, J. WALKER, New York City: Black Snake (6 specimens). ROWE, IVAN H., Yonkers, N. Y.: RUSS, WILLIAM V., New York City: Red Fox (3 specimens). RUSSELL, CHARLES Elmer, Bloomfield, N. J.: Painted Turtle (2 specimens). SAMUELS, WILLIE, Mt. Vernon, N. Y.: White-Throated Capuchin. SCHAEFER, H., New York City: Ring Dove. SCHMALACKER, BERNARD, New York City: Painted Turtle (3 specimens), Spotted Turtle (3 specimens), Muhlenberg's Turtle, Cumberland Terrapin, Box Tortoise. SCHMIDT, J. J., New York City: Green Heron (4 specimens). SCHRADER, MISS M., New York City: Orange-Winged Amazon Parrot. SCHWAB, FRANKLIN, New York City: Alligator. SCOTT, JOHN D., New York City: Screech Owl. SEVERINO, MISS FANNIE L., New York City: Starling. SHACKELFORD, MALCOLM, New York City: SHELDON, Charles, Chihuahua, Mexico. Coyote, Gray Fox, Ferret, Ring-Tailed Cat (2 specimens), Badger, Red-Tailed Hawk (4 specimens), Golden Eagle, Blue Quail (22 specimens). SICKLES, GEN. DANIEL E., New York City: Cuban Boa. SMITH, EUGENE, Hoboken, N. J.: Sheltopusic (2 specimens). STERLING, MRS. J., New York City: STIEB, HOWARD J., New York City: Alligator. STINNER, JOHN, New York City: TAYLOR, KNOX, Ketchum, Idaho: TIMME, E. F., Spring Valley, N. Y.: Milk Snake and sixteen eggs of same. TITHERINGTON, R. H., New York City: Squirrel Monkey. TUNISON, Mr. and Mrs. CHARLES V., New York City: Common Newt (3 specimens), California Newt (3 specimens), Garter Snake (6 specimens), California Skink (6 specimens), Swift (2 specimens), Spotted Turtle. VAN WINKLE, A., Newark, N. J.: VAN ZANDT, ROBERT, New York City: Wood Thrush (4 specimens). VOSE, RALPH and Harry, West Orange, N. J.: Salamander (41 specimens), Austrian Newt (2 specimens). WAGNER, L. C., New York City: Great Horned Owl. WALLER, CLEVELAND, White Plains, N. Y. : Alligator. WELLS, H. C., Bradevelt, N. J.: Opossum (9 specimens). WILLIAMS, H. S., New York City: Brazilian Porcupine. Recreation Series. Gifts from the readers of Recreation Magazine, through G. O. Shields, Editor and Manager. ADAMS, C. Wallace, Washington, D. C.: Great Horned Owl, American Crossbill. BROWN, C. D., Rutherford, N. J.: Black-Crowned Night Heron (4 specimens), Yellow-Crowned Night Heron (4 specimens), Mink. CHAPMAN, Melville, Rutherford, N. J.: Screech Owl. DOANE, MISS, Waterlily, N. C.: Black Duck. LATHAM, ROY A., Orient Point, L. I.: Loon, Pied-billed Grebe. RAUH, FRANCIS J., New York City: SHIELDS, G. O., New York City: Red-Tailed Hawk. Gifts to the Library. MISS CAROLINE PHELPS STOKES, New York City: Parrots in Captivity, Vols. I. to III. The Birds of Siberia. Untersuchungen Zur Morphologie und Systematik der Vogel, Vols. I. and II. Die Krankheiten des Hausgeflügels. Der Hulmer oder Geflügelhof. The Birds of Celebes and the Neighboring Islands, Vols. I. and II. The Fauna of British India-" Birds." The Illustrated Book of Canaries and Cage-Birds. The Birds of the Japanese Empire. Manual of the Birds of New Zealand. The Geographical Distribution of the Plovers, Sandpipers, and Snipes. A Hand-book to the Birds of British Burmah, Vols. I. and II. The Birds of the West Indies. A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vols. I. and II. Favorite Foreign Birds for Cages and Aviaries. Feathered Friends, Old and New. British Birds for Cages and Aviaries. Argentine Ornithology, Vols. I. and II. Hand-book to the Birds of Australia, Vols. I. and II. The Birds of India, Vols. I., II., and III. An Illustrated Manual of British Birds. The Diseases of Cage-Birds. A Review of Recent Attempts to Classify Birds. The Cambridge Natural History-" Birds." FREDERIC A. Lucas, Washington, D. C.: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, Vols. VII. to XIII. AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, New York City: Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Vols. III. to XIII. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA: Catalogue of Canadian Birds. EDWARD RUSs, Hoboken, N. J.: The Birds of New Jersey. Bird Neighbors. Bird Homes. Birds of Eastern Pennsylvania and Northern New Jersey. Birds That Hunt and Are Hunted. The Birds About Us. Bird-Land Echoes. Lives of the Hunted. Birds of the United States. Pocket Key to the Birds of the Northern United States. DR. HANNS M. VON KADICH, Maspeth, L. I.: Der Nordamerikanische Bison. Der Graue Wolf Nordamerikas. Waidmann, Knologe and "Gebrauchshund." Die Vogelsammlung. WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, D. C.: Gifts of Plants. MRS. S. STRAUSE, New York City: One Aspidistra and one large Rubber Tree. MRS. LENHOLDT, New York City: One large Rubber Tree. MRS. FLORENCE LEUCHT, New York City: One large Rubber Tree. PROF. Henry F. Osborn, New York City: Collection of large plants. Mrs. H. POST, New York City: Collection of plants. |