She-wolf of France That tear ft the bowel From thee be born "hangs weave with bloody hands the tissue of thy line. he Norwegian ode [The Fatal Sisters] hereafter. before-mentioned asks, “Can there be an image more and nobly imagined. than this tremendous tragical ?” In the rest of this stanza the wildness of thought, cadence are admirably adapted to the character and peaker, and of the bloody spectres his assistants. It is liar to it alone, but a beauty that runs throughout the on, that the historical events are briefly sketched out by cumstances, in which the Poet's office of rather exting, than satisfying the reader's imagination, is perSuch abrupt hints, resembling the several fragments uffer not the mind to be raised to the utmost pitch, by orror, but that instantaneously a second and a third are and the affection is still uniformly supported. The scourge of Heav "him wait! Amazement in his va And Sorrow's faded on, in his spleen against our Poet, descends to a mean y (says he) has made weavers of slaughtered bards. called upon to weave the warp, and weave the woof,' no great propriety; for it is by crossing the woof with men weave the web or piece." We know not where i his knowledge of the weaving trade; but if our inrect, the Critic has made a mistake, for it is by crossing e woof that men weave, &c. I Mighty Victor, m "Low on his funeral (r) Shrieks of a Loward the Second, cruelly bu abel of France, Edward the Triumphs of Edward the Thir Death of that king, abando at moments by his courti She-wolf of France(s), with unrelenting fangs, That tear'ft the bowels of thy mangled Mate, From thee be born (t), who o'er thy country ❝ hangs The scourge of Heav'n. What Terrors round " him wait! Amazement in his van, with Flight combin'd, And Sorrow's faded form, and Solitude behind. II. 2. Mighty Victor, mighty Lord, Low on his funeral couch he lies (u)! (r) Shrieks of an agonizing King! lward the Second, cruelly butchered in Berkley-castle. (s) She-wolf of France abel of France, Edward the Second's adulterous Queen. (t) From thee be born, &c. Triumphs of Edward the Third in France. (u) Low on his funeral couch he lies! Death of that king, abandoned by his children, and even robbed in last moments by his courtiers and his mistress. n? alute the rising Morn. 5 the Morn (y), and soft the Zephyr ws [7], proudly riding o'er the azure realm trim the gilded Vessel goes; n the prow, and Pleasure at the helm; of the sweeping Whirlwind's sway, n'd in grim repose, expects his even-prey. Is the sable warrior fled? k Prince, dead some time before his father. ) Fair laughs the Morn, &c. Richard the Second's reign. See Froissard and other ers. e five lines that follow convey, perhaps, the most imagery in the whole Poem. Fell Thirst and Fa "A baleful smile Heard ye the din of t "Lance to lance, and Longyears of havoc (z) Fill high the (a) Heard ye the This Stanza (as an anony Eigh spirit of Lyric Enthusia · Fell Thirst and Famine scowl "A baleful smile upon their baffled Guest. the din of battle bray (a), Heard ye 'Long years of havock urge their destin'd course, And thro' the kindred squadrons mow their way [8]. 66 (z) Fill high the sparkling bowl. ichard the Second, as we are told by Archbishop Scroop and the Federate Lords in their manifesto, by Thomas of Walsingham, and he older writers, was starved to death. The story of his assassinaby Sir Piers of Exton, is of much later date. (a) Heard ye the din of battle bray? uinous civil wars of York and Lancaster. This Stanza (as an anonymous writer remarks) has exceeding it. It breathes in a lesser compass, what the Ode breathes at large, high spirit of Lyric Enthusiasm. The Transitions are sudden and etuous; the Language full of fire and force; and the Imagery car, without impropriety, to the most daring height. The manner of hard's death by Famine exhibits such beauties of Personification, as y the richest and most vivid Imagination could supply. From the meek Usurper's holy head (e). rried, with the wildest rapidity, into the midst of Dithet kindred, places at once before our eyes all the of Civil War. Immediately, by a transition most pected, the Poet falls into a tender and pathetic Adthe sentiments and also from the numbers, has all w, and breathes all the plaintive softness, of Elegy. anges; again the Bard rises into an allegorical dege, to which the metre is admirably adapted: and tence of personal punishment on Edward is deemnity, that chills and terrifies. ) Ye tours of Fulius. George Duke of Clarence, Edward the Fifth, Richard believed to be murdered secretly in the Tower of est part of that structure is vulgarly attributed to 1 Revere his consort's faith u, a woman of heroic spirit, who struggled hard to nd her crown. his father's fame. And spare the meek usurper's holy head. very near being canonized. The line of Lancaster eritance to the crown. III. Edward, lo! to sudd Weave we the woof. Half of thy heart we ay, oh stay! nor thu Leave me (f) u ite and red roses, devices ever boar was the badge of or of Castile died a few ye proof she gave of her affect ents of his regret and sorr Northampton, Gaddington (h) Half of thy |