Imagens das páginas

inished by Mr. Gray. With Additions, in Italics, by the late Rev. Mr. Mason.]

W the golden Morn aloft
aves her dew-bespangled wing,
vermil cheek, and whisper soft
wooes the tardy Spring:
April starts, and calls around
sleeping fragrance from the ground;
lightly o'er the living scene
ers his freshest, tenderest green.

w-born flocks, in rustic dance,

risking ply their feeble feet;

getful of their wintry trance

The birds his presence greet:


! on wings of fire, t'rous Choir among; ture strikes the Lyre, e general song:

Hope prolongs

Or deepest shades, th And blacken round o

Gilds with a gleam of

Gill, where rosy Plea

yric transport flow,

ay that bids it glow;

he vernal grove with harmony, and love.

sullen year owy whirlwind fly; music of the air,

See a kindred Grie

Behind the steps that Approaching Com The hues of bliss mo Chastis'd by sablert And blended form,

The strength and ha

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

, and reverted eyes.

And breathe, and

[blocks in formation]

nd the steps that Misery treads -pproaching Comfort view:

e hues of bliss more brightly glow, astis'd by sabler tints of woe; d blended form, with artful strife, e strength and harmony of life.

the Wretch, that long has tost On the thorny bed of pain, - length repair his vigour lost, And breathe, and walk again:

[blocks in formation]

Holence, and Pride, ±tery's tinkling sound,

g, side by side, it daily round:

's self should bring

-om Pleasure's spring,

[blocks in formation]

Wile pale-ey'd Envy s

And sickens at the si

Phantoms of Danger, D Float hourly round Amb While Spleen, within hi Sits brooding

on her scor

Happier he, the Peasan
From the pangs of P
That breathes the keen
Of rugged Penury.
He, when his morning

Can slumber in the noo

And hie him home,


at e

To sweet repast, and c

Fle pale-ey'd Envy sees him climb,
And sickens at the sight.

Entoms of Danger, Death, and Dread,

at hourly round Ambition's head;
ile Spleen, within his rival's breast,
brooding on her scorpion nest.

ppier he, the Peasant, far,

From the pangs of Passion free,

at breathes the keen yet wholesome air Of rugged Penury.

, when his morning task is done, an slumber in the noontide sun; nd hie him home, at evening's close, o sweet repast, and calm repose.

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