inished by Mr. Gray. With Additions, in Italics, by the late Rev. Mr. Mason.] W the golden Morn aloft w-born flocks, in rustic dance, risking ply their feeble feet; getful of their wintry trance The birds his presence greet: H ! on wings of fire, t'rous Choir among; ture strikes the Lyre, e general song: Hope prolongs Or deepest shades, th And blacken round o Gilds with a gleam of Gill, where rosy Plea yric transport flow, ay that bids it glow; he vernal grove with harmony, and love. sullen year owy whirlwind fly; music of the air, See a kindred Grie Behind the steps that Approaching Com The hues of bliss mo Chastis'd by sablert And blended form, The strength and ha , and reverted eyes. And breathe, and nd the steps that Misery treads -pproaching Comfort view: e hues of bliss more brightly glow, astis'd by sabler tints of woe; d blended form, with artful strife, e strength and harmony of life. the Wretch, that long has tost On the thorny bed of pain, - length repair his vigour lost, And breathe, and walk again: Holence, and Pride, ±tery's tinkling sound, g, side by side, it daily round: 's self should bring -om Pleasure's spring, Wile pale-ey'd Envy s And sickens at the si Phantoms of Danger, D Float hourly round Amb While Spleen, within hi Sits brooding on her scor Happier he, the Peasan Can slumber in the noo And hie him home, t at e To sweet repast, and c Fle pale-ey'd Envy sees him climb, Entoms of Danger, Death, and Dread, at hourly round Ambition's head; ppier he, the Peasant, far, From the pangs of Passion free, at breathes the keen yet wholesome air Of rugged Penury. , when his morning task is done, an slumber in the noontide sun; nd hie him home, at evening's close, o sweet repast, and calm repose. |