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The next bill was for the benefit of W. T. C. Wright, allowing him for his services at the Court of Brazil.

It was slightly amended by Mr. ARCHER, and laid aside. Mr. MASON now moved again to consider the bill to remit the duties on locomotive engines.

Mr. MASON moved two amendments; which were agreed to.

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Mr. CHINN said that he had foreseen what would be the consequence of introducing the subject of the canal. He Mr. DENNY moved to strike out the 2d section of the regretted that that subject had been brought into the debill; negatived: Ayes 36, noes 90. bate, however delighted he had been in listening to the The bill was then laid aside. eloquent appeal of his colleague, [Mr. MERCER,] in rela

Mr. JOHNSON pressed the committee to take up the tion to the District. Members of Congress were, in fact, bill to consider the commissariat; but they refused. The committee then rose and reported the bill. Mr. POLK introduced, by consent, a joint resolution suspending the rule which forbids the sending of new bills from one House to the other on the three last days of the session, until 10 o'clock this evening.

Mr. ADAMS opposed it, as unnecessary and absurd. This was not one of the last three days. Sunday was a day of the session; members received their pay for it as for other days; and business had sometimes been done on that day.

After some further discussion, the joint resolution was read three times and passed.

The House then resumed the consideration of the bill providing for the Georgia claims; and

Mr. ADAMS had commenced a speech in opposition to the bill, when, the hour of two having arrived, the House took a recess until four o'clock.


The House at 4 o'clock resumed its sitting. Mr. MERCER made an effort to get up the Potomac bridge bill, but without success.

The bill giving the assent of the United States to an arrangement of the boundary line between New York and New Jersey was slightly amended, on motion of Mr. ADAMS, and ordered to its third reading.

Mr. MERCER renewed his motion for the bridge bill, and moved to suspend the rule, but the ayes were 52, (not two-thirds,) and the motion failed.

The House then resumed the consideration of the bill for the payment of certain Georgia claims.

Mr. ADAMS stated at large his objections to the bill, and was replied to by Mr. CAMBRELENG, Mr. BURGES, and Mr. LINCOLN.

its responsible representatives; they represented not office-hunters, not mere sojourners or visiters, but the permanent residents of these ten miles square. As representatives who constitued the sole Legislature of these citizens, it was surely proper and just that Congress should possess and exercise some discretionary power. All other Legislatures had it, and why not the Legislature of the District of Columbia? Were Congress to be prohibited from appropriating one cent directly for their benefit? Surely not. Their citizens were placed in a situation to be commiserated. While they were deprived of the privilege enjoyed by all the citizens of the United States, of having representatives chosen by their own act, and responsible to them, they are charged with a full share of all national burdens; they had to submit to taxation without representation, and would it be contended that Congress was forbidden to allow persons thus situated from participating with the rest of the citizens of the United States in the ordinary benefits of legislation? During the late war they had been subject to the same ratio of direct taxation as all the other people of the Union; and when a large amount of real estate had by them been vested in Congress, in trust, could it have been intended that they were themselves to be excluded from all the benefits resulting from it? Mr. C. insisted that they were entitled to a full and fair participation.

Had Congress made no donation to the new States? By what right was it that they had appropriated enormous amounts of public property for objects of charity or of internal improvement, for the benefit of the people of the West, when a like benefit must be denied to the people of this District? Here was the same fund to draw upon, and here, as there, was a public territory owned by the whole United States, and whose value was to be enhanced by these appropriations. The principle was the same in both cases, and the principle being conceded, the only question was, whether the appropriation was disproportioned and extravagant? Ile thought it was not. As to the idea that Congress was asked to assume the Holland loan, obtained on account of the canal, it was wholly graThe fortification bill was read a third time and passed.tuitous, and directly in the teeth of the report of the comThe light-house bill was read a third time, and the ques-mittee. The bill proposed to appropriate $60,000 a year, tion being on its passage,

The latter gentleman was not in favor of the bill, but differed from his colleague on the question of interest. Mr. BARBER, of Connecticut, moved the previous question, which was seconded; and the bill was passed by yeas and nays, as follows: Yeas 99, nays 60.

Mr. POLK opposed the bill, as going much too far, and incurring a heavy charge on the treasury. He made a statement, showing that appropriations to the amount of twenty-two and a half millions had already passed the House. He demanded the yeas and nays.

for three years, to release the city from its embarrassment. Was this an assumption of its debts, foreign or domestic? Was this an entering wedge? How could the present Congress by such an act control or bind their successors. Each Congress must stand upon its own responsibility. If the bill were rejected, it would not prevent Mr. SUTHERLAND replied, observing that Mr. P. the next Congress from making just such an appropriahad made again his last evening's speech, and if the bill tion, or a much larger one, nor would the passage of the were postponed the House would have it again. The bill bind them to do so. He thought it was but a fair gentleman, he believed, never yet had voted for a light-share of the benefits which had been conferred by the house.

Mr. ELLSWORTH asked Mr. POLK to point out to which of the light-houses he objected, and not to scare the House with ghosts of expenditure.

Mr. WISE demanded the previous question; which was seconded: Ayes 109.

The question was then put on the passage of the bill, and decided by yeas and nays, as follows: Yeas 105, nays 61.

The bill making appropriations for the Academy at

cession of this territory, and he thought the city most fairly entitled to it.

Mr. WARDWELL said that he wished to propose an amendment. He was in favor of the bill, but for a reason directly the opposite of that which had been stated by the gentleman from Virginia. If Mr. W. thought that the stock of the Chesapeake and Ohio canal would ever become as profitable as that gentleman seemed to anticipate, he would not grant the city one farthing; it was because he felt fully persuaded that the sanguine expectations of

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Miscellaneous Subjects.

[JUNE 27, 1834.

that gentleman would never be realized, and that the ments-particularly the Chesapeake and Ohio canal; it was stock would not pay three per cent. in fifty years, that he an honorable zeal, but it had cost the people $1,000,000 was in favor of the bill. His own opinion was that the best already. A bill was now before the House for another, mode of relief would be to give them a million of dollars at and the bill under consideration in effect assumes the payonce, and take the stock off their hands, and thus free the ment of another already expended. This, Mr. M. said, city from the load under which they were now oppressed. was more than either justice to the people we represent But as they only asked for this $60,000 to pay the in- or liberality could require. terest, he was for giving it. The gentleman from Virginia But the gentleman from Virginia reminds me of a pre[Mr. MERCER] had spoke about the rise in price of the cedent in my own State. It is always with reluctance stock of the Hudson and Delaware canal, in the State of that I speak of my own State on this floor. I remember New York. But he could tell the gentleman that that well, too well, the condition of that State in regard to the stock was now below par. It was true that the State had Delaware and Hudson Canal Company. The State did loaned that company $800,000, and the same sort of state-loan its credit to that company for $800,000, but not by ments were made then in the New York Legislature as my consent. I am also reminded that the stock of that comhad now been submitted by the eloquent gentleman from pany, previously to the aid granted, was very far below Virginia, and yet the very Legislature that made this loan par, but afterwards rose into great favor, and far above are now censured, as having squandered away the public par; that, in consequence, a great amount of coal has money, and as not being fit or worthy to govern the been produced, to great public advantage, and the gentleState. If there was to be any parallel between the cases, man predicts further great benefits. I hope his predicthe way to complete it would be to adopt the plan he had tions will be realized, yet I cannot estimate the interest of suggested-to loan the city a million of dollars, and to New York in that company, when considered in a fiscal take the canal stock as security. This was what New point of view, as of any value. I have understood how York had done in respect to the Hudson and Delaware that stock was raised above par. It is said that certain Company. Yet, although that company had the con- persons interested in the coal lands at the termination of sumption of the whole city of New York for its market, that canal had a contract with the company for the sales the stock had never to this day yielded the interest of the of those lands for a large price, (I believe $200,000,) money; neither would the stock of this canal. Its dimen- whenever the stock should rise to par value. sions were too large; the style of expenditure was too extravagant. There had been no economy in the construc- those stock-jobbing operations which have so often dis tion, and it never would pay three per cent. In the mean while, what were the people of the city to do? Their taxes were enormous. No community could exist under such a state of things, and he was in favor of giving them the proposed relief.

When Mr. CHINN had concluded,

After this loan by the State to the company, by one of

graced Wall street, this stock was blown up into a bubble above par. This, sir, is the reason why this stock has excited the attention and surprise of the gentleman from Virginia.

Again: Mr. Chairman, I am reminded that the State of New York applied here for aid in the construction of her Mr. MANN said he would make a single remark, in re- magnificent works of internal improvement, now so proply to the honorable gentleman of Virginia. He feared ductive as to excite the jealous admiration of her sister the attention of the committee had been diverted from the States. True, sir, I confess it with humility; and what question before it, by the eloquent appeal of that gentle- answer did you give to her application? Did you unlock man. It was not a question whether internal improve- your treasure, and pour into her lap from your bounty ments should be carried further, but whether Congress and abundance? No, sir, you told her that you could not should assume the payment of the debt of the corporation favor her with your liberality. The gentleman from Virof Washington-a debt created for two or three different ginia, [Mr. MERCER,] however, argues that the canals in objects, amounting to more than $1,500,000. He feared New York and in Europe are productive, and therefore that his previous remarks in opposition to this bill had that the Chesapeake and Ohio canal will be profitable. I been misunderstood; he had not intended, by what he fear that the gentleman and the public have long labored had before said, to censure the conduct of the gentlemen who were charged with the management of the concerns of this corporation; he did not now intend to do so, for he was deeply sensible of their condition, and he knew no remedy; it was not for him to propose any. The question now to be determined was, whether it was wise, just, and proper, that Congress should assume the payment of this debt?

under a delusion in regard to that subject. Great and productive as those canals are, embracing an extent of shore, from which the tonnage is derived of more than 2,000 miles; a soil, climate, and population unsurpassed by any portion of the continent of the same extent; yet these canals, considered as a mere fiscal operation, have never, until within the last two years, produced a nett income sufficient to pay the interest on the cost of construcIt cannot be denied that they will do so, if this bill tion. The whole expenditure, up to the period when passes. The report of the committee expresses the hope those canals were navigable in the whole extent, was that the financial condition of the corporation within three $11,416,000, (I speak from recollection,) borrowed at an years will be different from what it is at present. On what average interest of 5 per cent., or more than $600,000 does this hope rest? It is mere hope. What reason have we annually. The nett proceeds of tolls have not, until reto indulge such anticipation? I have not examined the cently, equalled this sum. I do not mention this to dero

act by which the corporation was enabled to borrow this gate from the great value and importance of those works, money; but I am told that the President is authorized and but merely to show their fiscal results. Independent of required, on a failure of the corporation to pay the inter-all pecuniary considerations, those works have ever comest, to order the sale and conveyance of individual prop-manded and received my humble support; but it does not erty to meet the deficiency in payment of their foreign follow that, because those canals are productive, all debt. It did not appear to him sound policy for the nation others will produce like results. If the honorable gentleto assume this burden. Why should they do so? It was man from Virginia will cast his eye over the map of the a concern between individuals, with which the people had habitable globe, he will not discover another spot where a nothing to do. They ought not to be burdened with the canal can be constructed with the same hope and prospect payment of the debts of individuals, whether contracted of success as from the Hudson to the lakes. All reasonimprovidently or otherwise. He was aware of the zeal ing, therefore, by analogy with these works and their rewith which the honorable member from Virginia [Mr.sults must prove fallacious and illusory, because the analogy, MERCER] approached the subject of internal improve-in extent of shore, fertility of soil, extent, value, and

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variety, of resources and productions, will fail. If you go to Europe, and examine the works of ages and their results, you will not find a parallel.

But, sir, is there much propriety in contending that Congress should assume the payment of this million due from this corporation, because the nation has already become the owner of $1,000,000 in the stock of this company? To my mind there is not; and I hope that the subject will commend itself to the careful deliberation of the committee before they agree to charge the country with this debt. I am satisfied, sir, that if we assume to pay the interest on this $1,000,000, we had better provide for paying the principal. For one, I am not prepared for this, and I therefore hope the bill will be rejected.

The previous question was now moved and seconded, the yeas and nays ordered, and the bill passed: Yeas 98, nays 78.

The bill giving the assent of Congress to the compromise between the States of New York and New Jersey, respecting their boundary line, was read a third time and passed.

The bill repealing provisoes in the tariff law, and the bill for the relief of Susan Decatur, were laid upon the table.

The bill for the final adjustment of land claims in Florida and Arkansas having been read,

Mr. CAVE JOHNSON moved an amendment, allowing certain claimants to produce the testimony in favor of their claims before the registers and receivers of the land offices in their districts, to be by them reported to Congress.

Mr. HUNTINGTON and Mr. VINTON made inquiries respecting the lands and claimants on whom the amendment was to operate; and it appearing that the lands were those which had been the subject of alleged notorious frauds,

Mr. VINTON opposed the bill, and moved to lay it on the table; but withdrew his motion to admit explanations by Messrs. C. JOHNSON and SEVIER, who acknowledged the frauds of the individual named, but vindicated the present holders, who had purchased the lands innocently. Mr. CLAY moved the previous question, but withdrew the motion; whereupon,

Mr. JARVIS moved to lay the bill on the table. Mr. THOMAS, of Louisiana, asked the yeas and nays on this question; but the House refused to order them, and the bill was laid on the table.

[It was subsequently, on motion of Mr. VINTON, taken up again, that the amendment might be withdrawn; and the bill was then ordered to its third reading.]

The bill authorizing the construction of railroads and canals through lands belonging to the United States being taken up,

Mr. FILLMORE inquired into the nature of its provisjons; which were explained by Mr. CLAY.

Mr. MASON moved an amendment, restricting the action of the bill to lands subject to private entry. Mr. HARDIN opposed the bill in toto.

Mr. McKINLEY replied and defended it, and the reputation of the people of Alabama, whose character he considered as having been assailed by the gentleman from Kentucky.

Mr. H. EVERETT objected to some of the provisions of the bill.

Mr. CLAY offered an amendment to meet his objection. Mr. HARDIN again opposed the bill, as being altogether too loose and unguarded, and moved to lay it on the table; which was agreed to.

A bill to incorporate the Washington Monumental Society, and a joint resolution respecting new paintings in the rotundo of the Capitol, were laid upon the table.

A bill respecting patents and copy-rights was ordered to its third reading.

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The bill to prevent the corporations of Washington, Georgetown, and Alexandria, from issuing bank bills of a less denomination than ten dollars, coming up,

Mr. VINTON moved an amendment, to prohibit the sale of lottery tickets in the District, which he had copied from the code of laws prepared for the District with the utmost care, by an able committee.

Mr. WISE moved to lay the bill on the table, but offered to withdraw the motion if Mr. VINTON Would withdraw his amendment. He afterwards withdrew his motion and moved the previous question, which was carried; and the bill was then ordered to its third reading.

The bill for the benefit of the city of Alexandria (appropriating one hundred thousand dollars in aid of the Alexandria canal and aqueduct) coming up next in order,

Mr. MASON moved to lay it on the table.
Mr. CHINN demanded the yeas and nays.

Mr. HAWES wished the House to know that the bill gave to Alexandria "one hundred thousand dollars.”

Mr. P. THOMAS wished the House also to know that Virginia had given to the United States three hundred thousand dollars, when Alexandria came under the General Government.

The question being put on Mr. MASON's motion, it was decided as follows: Yeas 79, nays 84.

So the House refused to lay the bill on the table. The question being on its engrossment, Mr. MILLER opposed the bill. If it were to relieve Alexandria from embarrassment, he should not oppose it. But he would never consent to give this money for such a canal.

Mr. MERCER was confident that, if he could converse with the gentleman for half an hour, he could convince him that he was in error. More than one hundred thousand dollars had already been expended on this work. It had been in progress for two years, and all that was done must be lost if the present appropriation should be refused. He explained the situation of Alexandria in relation to the Chesapeake and Ohio canal; commended the good faith and punctuality with which she had paid up her subscription to that work; and dwelt upon the importance of the aqueduct, especially, as furnishing a secure mode of transmitting the southern mail, even though the bridge might be carried away.

Mr. STEWART moved the previous question, which was seconded, and the bill ordered to its third reading: Yeas 83, nays 81.

The bill to complete the improvement of Pennsylvania avenue was next considered; when

Mr. PARKER moved to strike out the item for cleansing the avenue from dust; but his motion failed, and the bill was ordered to its engrossment.

A number of bills were then successively laid upon the table.

The House then took up the bill to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Potomac, and to repeal all previous acts on the subject.

A motion was made by some member to lay the bill upon the table; but on Mr. MERCER's demanding the yeas and nays, it was withdrawn.

Mr. FILLMORE moved an amendment, proposing that the Secretary of War should settle the accounts of Mr. Dibble, the contractor, who had commenced preparations for constructing the bridge on an expensive plan, now abandoned. Mr. F. warmly sustained this amendment, insisting if it should be refused that individual must be ruined.

Mr. MERCER objected, on the ground that no legal contract had been made with Mr. Dibble. He had given no security, and if he had proceeded on an unauthorized promise, and had consequently suffered loss, he must resort, as other individuals in like cases did, to a memorial

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Miscellaneous Subjects.

to the House, which would be referred to the Committee The resolution having been read, on Claims.

[JUNE 28, 1834.

Mr. HAWES moved to strike out all after resolved, and

Mr. FILLMORE, Mr. BLAIR, Mr. LANE, Mr. WARD-insert "that the resolution of Congress to adjourn on the WELL, Mr. McKENNAN, and Mr. CLAY, all sustained 30th June be rescinded, that Congress shall adjourn on the amendment with zeal, as being demanded by every the 2d July, and that no business shall be sent from either consideration of justice and equity, and declaring House to the other after this day." that, if it should be negatived, they must vote against

the bill.

Explanations took place between Messrs. BLAIR, VINTON, STEWART, and W. COST JOHNSON, as to what transpired in committee as to this allowance to Mr. Dibble.

Mr. MERCER declared it to be his opinion that the individual had not a shadow of right to compensation. He had acted on his own risk, without authority, and had, never consummated the contract he proposed, by giving any security for its fulfilment.

The question being put, the amendment was carried without a count, and the bill was then ordered to be engrossed for its third reading.

Mr. H. remarked that such a course was not without precedent.

Mr. BEARDSLEY hoped, however, that it was a precedent that would not be followed.

Mr. RICHARD M. JOHNSON called for the yeas and nays.

Mr. POLK moved the previous question. A quorum not having voted thereon,

Mr. HARDIN moved a call of the House; whereupon, the motion for the previous question, and the amendment submitted by Mr. HawES, were withdrawn, and the resolution offered by Mr. PоLK was adopted.

Mr. R. M. JOHNSON asked the consent of the House to permit him to offer a resolution embracing a vote of thanks, for his services, to the late Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Several members objected.

The bill making appropriation for public buildings; the bill to carry into effect the convention between the United States and Spain; the bill to enable the Secretary of State to purchase the Washington papers; the bill to Mr. CROCKETT said: go against the resolution altopurchase frames for a frigate and schooner; the bill au-gether, and I am ready to state why I do so. I am not inclithorizing the President to direct transfers of appropriation [ned to adopt a vote of thanks to any man, without knowin the naval service; the bill to provide for rebuilding the ing what for, or being satisfied they are deserved. frigate Congress; were severally ordered to their third Mr. R. M. JOHNSON having moved that the House reading. suspend the rules to enable him to present the resolu

The bill for the improvement of the Hudson river, New tion, York, coming up

Mr. BURGES called for the yeas and nays on the moA motion was made to lay it on the table, but was negation to suspend; which were ordered, and taken, as follows: tived: Yeas 69, nays 84. Yeas 87, nays 51, (not two-thirds.)

Mr. HUNTINGTON and Mr. ELLSWORTH respec- The joint resolution adopted yesterday, to rescind the tively proposed again the amendments which they had rule as to the reception of bills by each House at the close moved in Committee of the Whole, for the improvement of the session, and sent to the Senate, having been returnof the river Thames and of the mouth of the Connecti-ed by them with an amendment thereto, extending the cut river; but both amendments were rejected. time until 2 o'clock this day for that purpose, was, on motion of Mr. POLK, taken up; and, after a desultory conversation, the amendment of the Senate was adopted.

The bill was ordered to its third reading by yeas and nays, as follows: Yeas 92, nays 72.

Mr. POLK proposed that there be sent to the Senate to-morrow a written schedule, stating the titles of all the bills which were ready for the action of that body, having been previously acted on in the House, and stated that he had such a list prepared.

Mr. ADAMS and Mr. HARDIN pressed for an adjournment; against which Mr. HEATH loudly remonstrated. But the motion prevailed; and the House thereupon, at half past 10 o'clock, adjourned.


Mr. POLK asked the consent of the House to submit a joint resolution, to rescind the rule, so as to enable such bills as had already been passed to be sent from either House until 10 o'clock; which, he said, it was necessary to have, the Senate not having returned the joint resolution sent them yesterday.

Mr. SELDEN remarked that, as the effect of such a resolution being adopted would be to destroy all the bills that were ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, he must object.

Mr. POLK said that these bills could be provided for by another joint resolution.

Mr. E. EVERETT said, with that understanding, he would not object.

The House, on motion of Mr. POLK, having suspended the rule,

Mr. J. Q. ADAMS remarked that it was out of order, and was inconsistent with that self-respect the House ought to have, to adopt a resolution of this description, whilst the former one had not yet been acted upon by the other House.

Mr. PINCKNEY moved that the House take up the bill imposing an extra tonnage duty on Spanish vessels, which, he said, was highly important to his constituents, that it might be ordered to be engrossed for a third reading. Some objections having been made,

Mr. P. moved a suspension of the rule for that purpose; but, ascertaining that the sense of the House was against the motion at present, he finally withdrew it, to be renewed at a later period in the day.

The bills which were last night ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, were read a third time, and passed, and sent to the Senate for concurrence.

The bill making an appropriation of $70,000 for the improvement of the navigation of the Hudson river (reported by Mr. SELDEN) being on its final passage,

Mr. HAWES called for the yeas and nays; which were ordered.

The bill was passed, yeas 95, nays 62, and sent to the Senate for concurrence.

The House resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, Mr. WILDE in the chair, to consider the harbor bill, which was returned from the Senate with amendments thereto, and which were agreed to by the committee.

The committee having risen and reported to the House their agreement to the amendments,

Mr. POLK moved that the House do non-concur in the amendment increasing the appropriation for the removal of "the raft" or obstructions in the Red river, from $30,000 to $50,000.

Mr. BEARDSLEY said that, although it was possible that more than $30,000 could be expended on this work before the meeting of the next Congress, yet, as the

JUNE 30, 1834.]

Miscellaneous Subjects.

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Senate had thought proper to increase the appropriation, The motion to lay the bill on the table having been negwhilst provision was made that the money should be proper-atived: Yeas 67, nays 77ly expended under the direction of the Secretary of War, he saw no good reason why the House should reject the amendment.

Mr. POLK did not think the circumstances justified the Senate in making so large an appropriation.

Mr. SUTHERLAND had heard that various estimates had been presented to the Senate, which justified them in increasing the appropriation.

Mr. MERCER moved to substitute "one" instead of "three" years, as the limit of the duration of the bill. The amendment prevailed.

Mr. DICKERSON, of New Jersey, reiterated the objections previously stated by him to the bill. Mr. MASON supported the bill.

Mr. H. EVERETT moved to strike out the second section of the bill, (which provides that locomotive steam engines intended for railroads, and the parts of such engines, shall and may hereafter be imported free of duty for three years.)

The motion of Mr. POLK was negatived. So the House concurred in that amendment. The amendments to increase the appropriation for the erection of piers in the Kennebunk river, from $9,700 to Mr. E. desired to say only a word. He considered $10,300; to strike out the appropriation for connecting this section as trenching on the principle of the comthe waters of the river Raisin; to strike out the appro- promise bill. The principal arguments used in support priation of $29,000 for the removal of obstructions in of it would apply to any other article; and this would be Deep creek, Elizabeth river; to provide that $5,000 of quoted hereafter as a precedent for other cases. the $29,000 for surveys, should be applied for geological would not countenance the least violation of that comsurveys, &c.; and an appropriation of $4,000 for the rebuilding of a monumental beacon at Penobscot, Maine, which had been blown away in a recent storm; and the appropriation of $30,000 for the removal of obstructions in Cumberland river; were severally concurred in by the House.

The House went again into Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, Mr. CASEY in the chair, on the bill to carry into effect certain Indian treaties, returned with an amendment of the Senate, to provide that an appropriation of $5,600, to defray the expenses of certain delegates from the Cherokees at Washington, should be divided as follows: "To the eight delegates from the Eastern Cherokees $3,400. To the five Western do. $2,200."

Mr. CLAY opposed the amendment, contending that the Secretary of War had notified some of these parties that their expenses at Washington would not be paid, unless they were authorized, by the tribe they represented, to conclude a treaty now pending with the United States.

Mr. WILLIAMS said it appeared that the original appropriation proposed by the House went to pay those delegates, who were not duly authorized by the Cherokees to conclude any treaty, whilst the amendment of the Senate went to pay the expenses of those who were. Under such circumstances, who, he asked, could hesitate to decide as to which of them ought to be paid?



Mr. J. Q. ADAMS called for the yeas and nays; which were ordered.

The question being taken on Mr. EVERETT's amendment, it was agreed to: Yeas 76, nays 67. The bill was then ordered to its third reading.

The bill to equalize the discriminating duties on American vessels in Havana and Porto Rico having been read a third time, and the question being on the passage of the bill, Mr. McKIM renewed his opposition to its passage. Mr. PINCKNEY spoke in its favor.

Mr. McKIM moved to lay it on the table; but the motion was negatived, and the bill ordered to its third reading.

Mr. CLAY endeavored to get the rejection of the bill providing for the passage of railroads and canals through the public lands of the United States reconsidered, that it might be passed, with an amendment; but the House refused to reconsider.

The bill authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to have experiments made on the steam engine was read a third time and passed.

The bill to remit the duties on locomotive engines was read a third time, and, after a short opposition by Mr. PARKER, was passed.

The bill concerning tonnage duty on Spanish vessels was read a third time and passed.

Mr. SMITH, of Maine, obtained leave to introduce a

Mr. BURGES remarked that, as it appeared there: were dissensions amongst these Indians, the House ought joint resolution, extending the time of sending new bills not to adopt the cause of either, whilst by paying to the delegates from the Eastern as well as the Western tribes, we would be paying the representatives of the whole.

After a few remarks from Mr. McKINLEY in opposition, and from Mr. HUNTINGTON in favor of it, the amendment was concurred in.

The committee thereupon rose and reported their agreement to the amendments, which were severally concurred in by the House.

The House, on motion of Mr. HEATH, suspended the rule, and took up the bill making appropriations for the erection of a marine hospital at Baltimore, and for other purposes; which was amended and passed to a third reading.

The bill to extend the time for issuing military land warrants, and the bill authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to make experiments to prevent explosions by steam, were also taken up, and passed to a third reading. The bill to remit the duty on certain locomotive engines, &c. being on its final passage,

Mr. MARTINDALE moved to lay it on the table. Mr. DENNY said the principle involved in the bill was too important to be acted upon so late in the session, and called for the yeas and nays.

from one House to the other, so as to include the above bills, which had been passed by the House. The resolution was agreed to.

The House then took a recess until 4 o'clock.


The sitting continued until a very late hour; the House being chiefly occupied upon bills.

In the course of the evening a resolution was introduced by Mr. SPEIGHT, of North Carolina, for presenting the thanks of the House to the honorable ANDREW STEVENSON, late Speaker of the House of Representatives, for the faithful, industrious, dignified, and impartial manner in which he discharged the duties of the Chair; and the resolution was agreed to, by yeas and nays, 97 votes to 49.

The House adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock on Monday morning.


Mr. SELDEN, from the Committee on Commerce, presented petitions from inhabitants of Philadelphia and New York, praying that Congress would pass a law to

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