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AN Act to incorporate the Alexandria Canal Company,, subscription shall be made, under the hands of the said Be it enacted, &c. That John Roberts, Phineas Janney, Commissioners, or a majority of them for the time being, Robert J. Taylor, Thompson F. Mason, Hugh Smith, and returned as aforesaid. Anthony C. Cazenove, William H. Miller, Charles Bennet, Edmund J. Lee, Colin Auld, Henry Dangerfield, George Brent, and Jonathan Bucher, be, and they are hereby appointed Commissioners, any three of whom shall be competent to act, to receive subscriptions to the capital stock of the Company hereinafter incorporated. The said Commissioners shall cause books to be opened at such times and places as they shall think fit, under the management of such persons as they shall appoint for receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of the said Company, which subscriptions may be made either in person or by power of attorney; and notice shall be given by the said Commissioners of the time and place of opening the books,

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That, whenever one half, or a greater part, of the said stock shall have been subscribed in the manner aforesaid, then the subscribers, their heirs and assigns, shall be, and are hereby declared to be, incorporated into a company, by the name of the Alexandria Canal Company, and may sue and be sued as such, and as such shall have perpetual succession, and a common seal; and it shall thereupon be the duty of the said Commissioners, or a majority of them, to call a general meeting of the subscribers, as they, or a majority of them, shall appoint, after advertising the same in such public prints as they, or a majority of them, may think proper; and such of the said subscribers as shall be present at the said meeting, or a majority of them, are hereby empowered and required to elect a President and six Directors, for conducting the said undertaking, and managing all the said Company's business and concerns, for and during such time, not exceeding three years, as the said subscribers, or a majority of them, shall think fit; and, in counting the votes of all general meetings of the said Company, each member shall be allowed one vote for every share, as far as ten shares, and one vote for every ten shares above ten, by him or her held at the time, in the stock of the said Company; and any proprietor, by writing, under his or her hand, executed before two witnesses, may depute any other member or proprietor, to vote and act as proxy for him or her, at any general meeting: Provided, also, That no officer or director of said Company shall be allowed to vote on any stock but his own: And provided, also, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent any person or persons, who may, from time to time, be by law appointed, from voting at any general meeting on any stock which may be held by any State.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said Com missioners shall 'cause the books to be kept open at least twenty days, and within sixty days after the expiration thereof, shall call a general meeting of the subscribers, at the town of Alexandria, of which meeting notice shall be given by a majority of the Commissioners, in at least one newspaper published in the City of Washington, and one published in the town of Alexandria, at least twenty days next before the said meeting; and such meeting shall and may be continued until the business shall be finished; and the Commissioners, at the time and place aforesaid, shall lay before the subscribers the books containing the state of the said subscription, and if one-fourth of the capital sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars should not appear to have been subscribed, then the said Commissioners, or a majority of them, are empowered to take and receive subscriptions to make up such deficiency, and may continue to take and receive subscriptions for the term of twelve months thereafter; and a just and true list of all subscribers, with the sum subscribed by each, shall be made out and returned by the said Com- SEO. 4. And be it further enacted, That the said Presi missioners, or a majority of them, under their hands, to dent and Directors, and their successors, or a majority of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, to be them assembled, shall have full power and authority to carefully preserved; and in case more than two hundred appoint, and at their pleasure dismiss, such engineer or and fifty thousand dollars shall be subscribed, then the engineers, and agent or agents, as they may deem expesum subscribed shall be reduced to that amount by the dient, and to fix their compensation, and to agree with said Commissioners, or a majority of them, by beginning any person or persons, on behalf of the said Company, at, and striking off a share from, the largest subscription to cut canals, erect dams, open feeders, construct locks, or subscriptions, and continuing to strike off a share from and perform such other works as they shall judge neall subscriptions under the largest, and above one share, cessary and expedient for completing a canal, from the until the same shall be reduced to the capital aforesaid, termination, or other point on the Chesapeake and Ohio or until a share shall be taken from all subscriptions above Canal, to such place in the town of Alexandria as the one share; and lots shall be drawn between subscribers Board of Directors shall appoint; and out of the money of equal sums, to determine the number of shares which arising from the subscriptions and tolls, to pay for the each subscriber shall be allowed to hold on a list to be same, aud to repair and keep in order the said canals, made for striking off, as aforesaid; and, if the sum sub- locks, and other necessary works thereto, and to defray scribed shall exceed the capital aforesaid, then to strike all incidental charges; and also, to appoint a Treasurer, off by the same rule, until the sum subscribed shall be Clerk, and other officers, toll-gatherers, managers, and reduced to the capital aforesaid, or all subscriptions re- servants, as they shall judge requisite; and to agree for duced to one share, respectively; and if there be still an and settle their respective wages or allowances, and to excess, then lots shall be drawn to determine the subscri- settle, pass, and sign their accounts; and also, to make bers who are to be excluded, in order to reduce the sub- and establish rules of proceeding, and to transact all seription to the capital aforesaid, which striking off shall other business and concerns of the said Company, in and be certified on the list aforesaid; and the capital stock of during the intervals between the general meetings of the Company hereby incorporated, shall consist of two the same; and they shall be allowed, as a compensation hundred and fifty thousand dollars, divided into shares of for their trouble therein, such sum of money as shall, by a one hundred dollars each, of which every person subscri- general meeting of the stockholders, be determined: bing may take and subscribe for one or more whole shares: Provided always, That the Treasurer shall give bond, in Provided, That unless one-fourth of the said capital shall such penalty and with such security, as the said Prebe subscribed, as aforesaid, all subscriptions under this sident and Directors, or a majority of them, shall direct, act shall be void; and in case one-fourth, and less than the for the true and faithful discharge of the trust reposed in whole, shall be subscribed, then the said Commissioners, him; and that the allowance to be made him for his seror a majority of them, are hereby empowered and direct-vices shall not exceed three dollars in the hundred, for ed to take and receive the subscriptions which shall first the disbursements by him made; and that no officer in be offered in whole shares, as aforesaid, until the defici- the Company shall have any vote in the settlement or ency shall be made up; a certificate of which additional payment of his own account.

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actments hereinafter declared; and, upon any emergency in the interval between the said yearly meetings, the said President, or a majority of the said Directors, may appoint a general meeting of the shockholders of the Company, at any convenient place, giving at least one month's previous notice in such newspapers as they shall think proper; which meeting may be adjourned, and continued, as aforesaid; and in case the stockholders, or a majority of them, in any general meeting aforesaid, shall deem it expedient to order a semi-annual rather than a yearly dividend, as aforesaid, then, in like manner, while like notice, and under the like restrictions, there shall be a half yearly, or semi-annual dividend of nett profits declared and paid.

Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That, on all subscriptions there shall be paid, at the time of the subscription, on each share, one dollar; and thereafter, when the Company shall be formed, the stock subscribed shall be paid in such instalments, and at such times, as the President and Directors shall, from time to time, require, as the work advances: Provided, That not more than onehalf shall be demanded within any one year from the commencement of the work, nor any payment demanded until at least thirty days public notice thereof shall have been given in such public newspapers as the said President and Directors shall direct such notices to be published in; and, whenever any subscriber shall fail to pay any instalment called for by the Company, it shall aud may be lawful for the Company, upon motion, to be made in any Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That, for and in conCourt of Record, after ten days' notice, to obtain a judg-sideration of the expense the said stockholders will be at ment against the subscriber so failing to pay; or the said in cutting the said canal, erecting locks and dams, proCompany, at their option, may sell the stock of such sub-viding aqueducts, feeders, and other works, and in improvscriber, after giving sixty days' notice in such public news-ing and keeping the same in repair, the said canal, and all papers as they may judge proper; and, if the proceeds other works aforesaid, or which may be required to imof any such sale shall exceed the sum demanded, the surplus, after paying the expenses of such sale, shall be paid to the subscriber so failing, or his legal representatives; and the purchaser at such sale shall become a stockholder, and be subject to the same rules and regulations, and entitled to the same privileges, rights, and emoluments, as original subscribers under this act.

tolls for the passage of vessels, boats, rafts, produce and all other articles, at such rates as the said President and Directors may hereafter allow and establish, according to the provisions of this act.

prove the navigation thereof, at any time thereafter, with all their profits, subject to the limitations herein provided, shall be, and the same are hereby, vested in the said stockholders, their executors, administrators, and assigns, forever, as tenants in common, in proportion to their respec tive shares; and that it shall and may be lawful for the said President and Directors at all times, forever thereafSec. 6. And, to continue the succession of the said ter, to demand and receive, at such places as shall hereaf President and Directors, and to keep up the same num-ter be appointed by the President and Directors aforesaid, ber, be it enacted, That from time to time, upon the expiration of the said term for which the said President and Directors were appointed, the stockholders of the said Company, at their next general meeting, shall either continue the said President and Directors, or any of them, Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That, if the Comor choose others in their stead; (and, until such choice be missioners, or any of them, hereby required to bejapmade, the President and Directors for the time being pointed, shall die, resign, or refuse to act, the vacancy shall continue in office ;) and, in case of the death, reino-occasioned thereby, shall be filled by a person or persons val, resignation, or incapability of the President, or any appointed by the President of the United States; and of the Directors, may and shall, in manner aforesaid, the person or persons so appointed, shall have all the powelect any other person or persons to be President and Dier and authority which was vested in the commissionrectors, in the room of him or them, so dying, removing, or resigning; and may, at any one of their general meet ings, remove the President, or any of the Directors, and appoint others for and during the remainder of the term for which such person or persons were at first to have acted.

Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That every President and Director, before he acts as such, shall take an oath or affirmation, for the due execution of his office.

ers, whose place he or they may be appointed to sup ply; and when any part of the canal aforesaid shall have been completed, according to the true intent and meaning of this act, the President and Directors of the Company, hereby created, shall have power, and it shall be their duty to ordain and establish a rate of tolls to be paid upon boats, vessels, rafts, or other property passing on the part of the canal so completed, and so, from time to time, as a part or parts shall be completed, until the entire canal shall Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the presence, in have been finished, according to the true intent and meanperson or proxy, of the stockholders having a major part ing of this aet; for the collection of which tolls, the Preof the stock, at least, shall be necessary to constitute a sident and Directors shall have power to establish so many general meeting of the stockholders, which shall be held toll-houses, and, at their pleasure, appoint and remove so on the first Monday in May, in every year, at such con- many collectors, and at such places as, from time to time, venient place as shall be, from time to time, appointed they may judge expedient; and the said President and by the said general meetings; but, if a sufficient num- Directors shall have full authority, subject to the direc ber shall not attend on that day, the stockholders who tion and control of a majority in interest of the stockdo attend, may adjourn from time to time, until the stock-holders represented in any general meeting, to regulate holders holding the major part of the stock do attend and fix a tariff of tolls, not exceeding an average of two and the business of the Company is finished; to which cents per ton, per mile; and so to adjust the said tolls in meeting, the President and Directors shall make report, relation to the capacity or burden of the boats, and the diand render distinct accounts of all their proceedings; and mensions of the rafts, passing the locks of the said canal, on finding them fairly and justly stated, the stockhold-as to promote economy of water and time, in the navigaers then present, or a majority of them, shall give a certi-tion thereof. ficate thereof, duplicate of which shall be entered on the Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That the President Company's books, and, at such yearly general meetings, and Directors shall annually or semi-annually declare and after leaving in the hands of the Treasurer such sums as make such dividend of the nett profits, from the tolls to the stockholders, or a majority of them, shall judge ne- be received, according to (the provisions of this act, and cessary for repairs and contingent charges, an equal divi- from other resources of the Company, as they may deem dend of all the nett profits arising from the tolls hereby advisable, after deducting therefrom the necessary curgranted, shall be ordered and made to and among all the rent and the probable contingent expenses, to be divid stockholders of the said Company, in proportion to their ed among the proprietors of the stock of the said Compa several shares, subject to the several provisions and en-ny,Jinjproportion to their respective shares, until the an

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nual dividend thereon shall have reached twenty per cen- against the said inquisition, it shall be affirmed by the tum, beyond which it shall never extend, but should the Court, and recorded; but, if the said inquisition should nett revenue of the Company exceed that amount for any be set aside, or if, from any cause, no inquisition shall be two years in succession, then such excess shall be applied returned to such court within a reasonable time, the said by the President and Directors, in such mode as shall be Court may, at its discretion, as often as may be necessary, agreed on by a majority of the stockholders, convened in direct another inquisition to be taken, in the manner general meeting, to strengthening, improving, and ex- above prescribed; and upon every such valuation, the tending the works of the canal of every description re-jury is hereby directed to describe and ascertain the quiring the same; and should the said tolls continue, af-bounds of the land by them valued, and the quantity ter such improvements have been completed, to nett and duration of the interest and estate in the same, remore than twenty per cent. per annum to the stockhold-quired by the said Company for its use; and their valua ers, for any two years in succession, the tolls upon the same shall be reduced by the President and Directors, according to some just and equitable ratio, till the said dividend shall fall to twenty per cent. per annum: Provided, That should the said dividend thereafter sink below twenty per cent. per annum, the said tolls, or a part thereof, may be renewed, till the said nett dividend

reaches that amount.

2.Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That the said canal, and the works to be erected thereon, in virtue of this act, when completed, shall forever thereafter be esteemed and taken to be navigable as a public highway, free for the transportation of all goods, commodities, and produce, whatever, on payment of the tolls to be imposed, as provided by this act; and no other toll or tax whatever, for the use of the said canal, and the works thereon erected, shall at any time hereafter be imposed, unless under sanction of a law of the United States.

tion shall be conclusive, upon all persons, and shall be paid by the said President and Directors to the owner of the land, or his legal representatives; and on payment thereof, the said company shall be seized of such land, as of an absolute estate in perpetuity, or with such less quantity and duration of interest in the same, or subject to such partial or temporary use or occupation, as shall be required and described as aforesaid, as if conveyed by the owner of them; and whenever, in the construction of the said Canal, or any of the works thereof, locks, dams, ponds, feeders, tunnels, aqueducts, bridges, or works, of any other description whatsoever appurtenant thereto, it shall be necessary to use earth, timber, stone, or gravel, or any other material, to be found on any of the lands adjacent or near thereto, and the said President and Directors, or their agent, cannot procure the same for the works aforesaid, by private contract, of the proprietor or owner, or in case the owner shall be a femme-covert, or non compos, or under age, or out of the District of Columbia, the same proceedings, in all respects, shall be had, as in the case before mentioned, of the assessment and condemnation of the lands for the said canal, or the works appartenant thereto.

Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the President and Directors, or a majority of them, to agree with the owners of any land, through or on which it is intended that the said canal, or any of the works thereunto appertaining, shall pass, or be situated, or of the land necessary for the construction Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the of a basin at the termination of the said canal at Alexan- duty of the Company hereby incorporated, to cut, make, dria, for the purchase or use and occupation thereof; and and construct the said Canal, with good and sufficient in case of disagreement, or in case the owner thereof locks, on the most improved plan for expedition in the shall be a feme covert, under age, non-compos, or out of use thereof, and with a width of not less than forty feet at the District of Columbia, on application to a Justice of the surface of the water therein, or of twenty-eight feet at the Peace of the county in which such lands shall be, the the bottom thereof, unless the quality of the soil shall re said Justice of the Peace shall issue his warrant, under quire a narrow base, to admit of a sufficient slope to prehis hand and seal, to the Marshal of the District of Co- serve the banks from sliding down, and sufficient to admit, lumbia, to summon a jury of eighteen inhabitants of that at all seasons, the navigation of boats and rafts, with a county, not related to the parties, nor in any manner in depth of not less than four feet water, at the least; and terested, to meet on the land to be valued, at a day to be whenever wastes shall be essential to the security of the expressed in the warrant, not less than ten, nor more than said canal, and in no other situation whatever, along the twenty days thereafter; and the Marshal, upon receiving same, the waste water of the said canal may be, from time the said warrant, shall forthwith summon the said jury, to time, sold or disposed of by the said company, for the and, when met, shall administer an oath, or affirmation to purpose of supplying such works and machinery as require every juryman who shall appear, being not less than a water power; and along one side at least, of the said twelve in number, that he will faithfully, justly, and im- canal, and such aqueducts as it may render necessary, partially, value the land, and all damages the owner there shall be provided, throughout its whole extent, a thereof shall sustain by cutting the canal through such towing path of sufficient breadth to apply the power of land, or the use or occupation for the purposes and peri-horses to the navigation thereof.

od necessary, of such land, according to the best of his Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, That the stock of the skill and judgment, and that, in such valuation, he will said company shall be considered as personal estate, and not spare any person for favor or affection, nor any shall only be transferable by the owners thereof, in person person grieve, for malice, hatred, or ill-will; and in or by proxy, on the books of the Company: Provided, every such valuation and assessment of damages, the That no transfer shall be made, except for one or more jury shall be, and they are hereby, instructed to whole shares, and not for part of such share or shares; and consider in determining and fixing the amount there- that no share or shares shall at any time be bold, conveyed, of, the actual benefit which will accrue to the owner, from conducting the said canal through, or erecting any of the said works upon his land, and to regulate their verdict thereby, except that no assessment shall require any such owner to pay or contribute any thing to the said company, where such benefit shall exceed, in the estimate of the jury, the value and damages ascertained as aforesaid; and the inquisition, thereupon taken, shall be signed by the Marshal, and some twelve or more of the jury, and returned by the Marshal to the Clerk of the county; and unless good cause be shown

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or held in trust, for the use and benefit, or in the name of another, whereby the said President and Directors, or the stockholders of the said company, or any of them, shall or may be challenged, or made to answer concerning any such trust; but that every person appearing, as aforesaid, to be a stockholder, shall, as to the others of the said company, be, to every intent, taken absolutely as such; but as between any trustee, and the person for whose benefit any trust shall be created, the common remedy may be pursued.

Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That, if the capital

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aforesaid shall prove insufficient, it shall and may be law-ever, That, before the payment of said sum, the said

claimant or claimants shall relinquish, by deed or deeds, to the United States, in such manner as the President shall direct, their title or titles to the said lands.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the payments aforesaid shall be made as directed to the said claimants, according to the valuation of their respective tracts of land, made under the above recited act of Congress. Approved, May 26, 1830.

AN ACT to provide for the final settlement of land claims

in Florida.

ful for the said company, from time to time, to increase the said capital, by the addition of so many whole shares as shall be judged necessary by the said stockholders, or a majority of them, present at any general meeting of the said company; and the said President and Directors, or a majority of them, are hereby empowered and required after giving at least two months' previous notice thereof in such newspapers as they may think proper, to open books at such places as they shall think proper, for receiving such additional subscriptions, in which the stockholders of the said company, for the time being, shall, and are hereby declared to have the preference of all Be it enacted, &c. That all the claims and titles to land others for the first thirty days after the said books shall filed before the Register and Receiver of the Land Office, be opened, as aforesaid, of taking and subscribing for so acting as Commissioners in the District of East Florida, many whole shares as any of them shall choose; and the under the quantity contained in one league square, which said President and Directors are hereby required to ob- have been decided and recommended for confirmation, serve in all other respects, the same rules therein, as are contained in the reports, abstracts and opinions of said by this act prescribed for receiving and adjusting the first Register and Receiver, transmitted to the Secretary of subscriptions, and in like manner to return, under the the Treasury, according to law, and referred by him to hands of any three or more of them, an exact list of Congress, on the fourteenth day of January, one thouBuch additional subscriptions, with the sums subscribed, sand eight hundred and thirty, be, and the same are to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, hereby confirmed, with the exception of such claims as to be by him preserved, as aforesaid; and all stockhold- were confirmed by the Spanish Government, subsequent ers of such additional shares shall, and are hereby de- to the twenty-fourth day of January, one thousand eight clared to be from thenceforward, incorporated into the hundred and eighteen, which shall be re-examined and said company. reported, with the evidence, by the Register and ReSec. 17. And be it further enacted, That, whenever it ceiver, before the next session of Congress, to the Secreshall become necessary to subject the lands of any indi-tary of the Treasury, to be laid before Congress. viduals to the purposes provided for in this act, and their SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That all the conflictconsent cannot be obtained, it shall and may be lawful ing Spanish claims, reported in obedience to the fourth for the company to enter upon such land, and proceed section of the act of Congress, approved May the eighth, to the execution of such works as may be requisite; and one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two, and recomthat the pendency of any proceedings in any suit, in the mended for confirmation as valid titles, be, and the same nature of a writ of ad quod damnum, or any other pro- are hereby, confirmed, so far as the United States have ceeding, shall not hinder or delay the progress of the any title to the same. work; and it shall be the duty of every Court to give precedence to controversies which may arise between the company created by this act, and the proprietors of land sought to be condemned for public uses, and to determine them in preference to all other causes.

Sec. 18. And be it further enacted, That the Common Council of the town of Alexandria be, and they are hereby, authorized to subscribe for the capital stock of the said Company, on behalf of the corporation of the said town, and to borrow money for the payment thereof, and to raise by taxes, to be imposed on the inhabitants of the said town, and the property therein, such sums as shall be necessary for the payment of such subscriptions or loans,

Approved: May 26, 1830.

AN ACT to quiet the titles of certain purchasers of lands between the lines of Ludlow and Roberts, in the State of Ohio.

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That all claims derived from the former British Government, contained in reports of the Commissioners of East Florida, or the Register and Receiver, acting as such, who did not avail themselves of the provisions of the treaty between Spain and England, signed at Versailles on the twentieth of January, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, by leaving said Province, but who remained in the same, and became Spanish subjects, and whose titles were approved by the Spanish authorities, and have been recommended for confirmation by said Commissioners, or Register and Receiver, acting as such, be, and the same, are hereby confirmed.

SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That all the remaining claims which have been presented according to law, and not finally acted upon, shall be adjudicated and finally settled upon the same condition, restrictions, and limitations, in every respect, as are prescribed by the act of Congress, approved twenty-third May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, entitled "An act supplementary to the several acts providing for the settlement and con firmation of private land claims in Florida."

SEO. 5. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Register and Receiver to deliver over all papers relative to private land claims in East Florida to the keeper of the public archives.

Be it enacted, &c., That the President of the United States be, and he hereby is, authorized to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the Virginia military claimants of lands situated between the two lines in the State of Ohio, commonly called Ludlow's and Roberts' lines, and South of the Greenville treaty line, located prior to the twenty-sixth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twelve, SEC. 6. And be it further enacted That all confirmathe sum of sixty-two thousand five hundred and fifteen tions of land titles under this act, shall only operate as a dollars and twenty-five cents, with interest thereon from relinquishment of the right of the United States to the the fourth of March, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, said lands respectively, and shall not be construed either at six per cent. per annum, until paid; being the amount as a guarantee of any such titles, or in any manner affectat which said lands were valued, exclusive of improve-ing the rights of other persons to the same lands. ments, under the act of Congress, entitled "An act to SEO. 7. And be it further enacted, That so much of the authorize the President of the United States to enter into act of twenty-third of May, one thousand eight hundred certain negotiations relative to the lands located under- and twenty-eight, as directed that the selection of claimVirginia Military land warrants, lying between Ludlow's ants who availed themselves of the first section of said and Roberts' lines, in 'the State of Ohio:" Provided, how-act, by accepting a quantity equal to one league square

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within their respective grants, which confined the selection | eiety, and Athenæum, one copy; and to each person who to sectional lines, shall not be held to extend to the selec- has been President of the United States, one copy; and tion by the claimants of a greater quantity than a section, that the residue remain in the custody of the Clerk of the but the said claimants, who have, or may hereafter select, House of Representatives, till otherwise ordered by the under the provisions of said law, any quantity equal to House. the amount granted in bodies larger than a section in the form of any Spanish survey or plat of survey, or where the sections are broken by any river, the said land so selected, or which may be so selected, is hereby confirmed to said claimants; and it shall be the duty of the Surveyor General to make a survey and certificate of all such claims, to return the same to the Commissioner of the General Land Office, and thereupon a patent shall issue to the original grantee, or to his assignee, if the land has been sold or transferred to any other person, or to the legal owner by purchase or descent.

Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the claimants who are entitled to the provisions of that act, or who may avail themselves of the foregoing provision of this act, by taking a quantity equal to a league square in lieu of the whole grant, shall be, and they are hereby, allowed the further time of one year, from the passage of this act, to execute their relinquishment, and to file their acceptance of the provisions of said law.

Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Registers and Receivers to restore to the claimants the title deeds on which they may have finally rejected the claims.

Approved, May 26, 1830.

AN ACT for the distribution of certain books therein mentioned.

Be it enacted, &c. That the copies of the Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, published in pursuance of a resolution of Congress of twenty-seventh March, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, which have been or may hereafter be received at the Departinent of State, be distributed and disposed of in manner following, to wit:

To the President and Vice President of the U. States, one copy each; to the Heads of Department, five copies each; to the Postmaster General, the Commissioner of the General Land Office, and the Superintendent of the Patent Office, one copy each; to each member and Delegate of the present Congress, one copy; to the Library of the Senate, five copies; to the Library of the House of Representatives. ten copies; to the Attorney General, the Judges of the Supreme Court, and of the other Courts of the United States, each one copy; to each Governor of a State or Territory, for the public library of the State or Territory, one copy; to the Military Academy at West Point, and to each incorporated University, College, Historical or Antiquarian Society, and Athenæum, one copy; to the Secretary of State, one copy for each American Legation in foreign countries; to the Secretary of the Navy, five copies for the Naval Commanders ou different stations; and to each person who has been President of the U. States,

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Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the books hereby directed to be distributed, be properly prepared for transmission, under the direction of the Clerk of the House of Representatives; and that they be forwarded free of postage, by mail, to the persons hereby authorized to receive them, or delivered to the order of said persons in the city of Washington.

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That, of the copies of the Diplomatic Correspondence of the Revolution which shall remain after the distribution aforesaid, one copy shall be distributed to each new member of each Congress succeeding the present, until all the copies shall have been distributed, with the exception of twenty-five, which shall be retained for the Library of Congress. Approved, May 26, 1830.

AN ACT for the relief of Jonathan Chapman. Be it enacted, &c. That the Collector of the Customs for the district of Boston and Charlestown, be authorized to issue certificates of debenture to Jonathan Chapman, for the amount of drawback of duties on fifty hogsheads of domestic spirits, containing five thousand five hundred and thirty one gallons, which were shipped on board the brig Prudent, Benjamin Barney, master, at Boston, on the eighth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and eighteeen, for Gibraltar and a market: which shipment was entered at the Custom-house, conformably to law, except that the necessary oath was not taken, nor the boud given within the time prescribed: Provided, That the said Jonathan Chapman shall, in all other respects, comply with the law, to entitle him to the said debenture. Approved, May 26, 1830.

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AN ACT to confirm the claim of Isidore Moore, of Missouri.

Be it enacted, &c. That the claim of Isidore Moore, of Perry county, Missouri, to five hundred arpens of land, at the place where he now resides, as assignee of Thomas Fenwick, under a concession, granted by Zenon Trudeau, late Lieutenant Governor of Upper Louisiana, dated the first day of June, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, be, and the same is hereby confirmed; and the proper Surveyor of the United States shall survey the said claim, so as to include the improvements of the said Isidore Moore, as nearly in the centre of the tract, as the situation of other private claims may admit; and, upon presentation of an authentic copy of such survey to the General Land office a patent shall be issued to the said Isidore Moore, for the land so surveyed: Provided, That this act shall not affect the right of any other individual to the same grant hereby confirmed; and that, if any part of such survey should fall upon the sixteenth section, reserv ed for township schools, the County Court of Perry may select any other section, or part of a section, in the same township, the sale of which is authorized by law, and enter the same with the Register of the proper Land Office, to be reserved for the use of schools in said township, instead of such sixteenth section. Approved, May 26, 1830.

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To the President and Vice President of the U. States, one copy each; to the Heads of Department, five copies. each; to each Member and Delegate of the present Congress, one copy; to the Library of the Senate, five coAN ACT for the relief of Nancy Moore. pies; to the Library of the House of Representatives, Be it enacted, &c. That Nancy Moore, of the County of ten copies; to the Attorney and Postmaster General, one St. Charles, State of Missouri, is hereby authorized to recopy each; to each Governor of a State or Territory, for linquish to the United States, the North-east quarter seethe public library of the State or Territory, one copy; to tion number, thirty-six in township forty-eight, in range the Military Academy at West Point, and to each incor- seven, west, entered by mistake and patented to said porated University, College, Historical or Antiquarian So-Nancy Moore, on the first day of October, in the year of

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