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"Sire, the miffion with which we had the honour to be invefted to your Imperial and Royal Majesty having had its entire effect, by the fo much desired re-establishment of union and peace between your Imperial and Royal Majeny and the Republic, their High Mightineffes have judged proper to terminate it.

"This event gives new energy to the fentiments of the veneration of their High Mightineffes for your Imperial and Royal Majefty, of which we have been the princi pal inftruments.

"Thefe fentiments, ever invariable, are now become indiffoluble by the new connections which the Republic effeems itfelf happy in having contracted with your Imperial and Royal Majefty. We efteem ourfelves equally happy to be able to offer the homage of it to your Imperial Majesty; and the most entire confirmation of it will be found in the letter which we have the honour to deliver to your Imperial Majesty on the part of their High Mightinciles.

"Nothing remains for us but to offer to your Imperial Majetty our humble acknowledgments for the reception with which you have deigned to honour our miffion, as well as our most profound refpect and that lively fenfibility which the honour of approaching you always infpires.

"May the glorious reign of your Imperial Majefty, defined to promote the happiness of your people, continue ever to furnith renown to the most legitimate fubjects, and to perpetuate your great and anguft rame. May the age of Jofeph II. like thofe of Titus, Trajan, and Marcus Aurelius, his predeceffors in the Roman Empire, ever form an epoch in the records of the world, as that of the humanity, peace, and happiness of mankind."

We are affured that his Imperial Majesty returned an anfwer nearly in the following


Gentlemen, You may affore their HighMightineffes that I am equally fejoiced that the dithculties which had arifen are arranged: this must be for the advantage of boch nations, the more fo as thofe differences being adjusted once for all, the antient connection which fo many years fubfided between the two States cannot be any longer interrupted. In fine, Gentlemen, I am charmed in making you this acknowledgment; and this miffion cannot fail to be

agreeable to you, as it hath ferved as a bafla for the re-establishment of peace,"

The civil diffentions in Holland are very alarming to the magiftracy there, who are aware, from former examples, of the very dreadful confequences of popular fury.

Among other prerogatives enjoyed by the Stadtholder of Holland, an effort is making to deprive him of that of pardoning criminals, as well as the choice of Magiftrates, and the nomination of Burgomatters.

Hague, March 1. "The States of Holland and West Friezeland, who are adjourned to the 15th inft. have iffued out a proclamation, by which all inhabitants of thefe provinces are frictly and exprefly forbid, in cafes of public rejoicing, or on any other occafion whatever, boiting up flags on the tops of fceples, &c, as the practice has been hither


It alfo prohib ts the wearing or felling of any badge of diftinction, especially of orange-coloured ribbons, &c. as this colour not being fanctioned by authority, it can only be worn from a pint of party, which has already occafioned too much confuson to be tolerated any longer. The delinquents are threatened with the high indignation of their noble Mightinesses, and declared liable to imprifonment, in the first instance, corporal punishment and even death, as voluntary difturbers of the public peace and tranquillity. The proclamation. concludes with a promife of impunity to all. fuch accomplices as will turn informers, and declares all thofe who will neglect to apprife Government of fuch mildeeds as may come to their knowledge, guilty of mifi rifion, and punithable by the laws, as if they had been parties concerned."

The lat difpatches received at Vienna from Conftantinople confirm the accounts of the ferment that reigns among the people in that capital, that it increafes daily, and that at the departure of the courier force was even going to be fed to depofe the Grand Signior, and to place the young Prince Sclim on the throne; all the inhabitants were on the Qui-vive, and the foreign Ministers thut up in their hotels at Pera; the revolt is looked upon as inevitable, if not already broke out.

Advices from St. Peterburg are full of the new conquefts that are making on the fide of the Crimea, with a view to fecure a communication between the Crimea, Mufcovy, and Immerenta.

Her Imperial Majetty went on the 13th of March, to notify to the Senate, her intention of fetting out in the course of next January, upon a progrefs to her newly eftablished governments of Ekaterinoflaw and the Taurade. Gas.

The Emprefs of Ruffia he ordered her Ambaffador to declare to the Divan at ConAtantinople, that if they do not immedi


Interesting Intelligence from various Parts of the Continent.

ately ceafe hoftilities against the Georgians on the borders of the Cafpian Sea, whom her Imperial Majefty has taken under her protection, the will take fuch meafures for their fecurity as may not be pleafing to the Ottoman Porte.

In the mean time it is reported, that there are at prefent three Polish noblemen at Versailles, who have delivered proposals to Government for fetting bounds to the Ruffian conquefts on the fide of the Crimea. And that 100,000 Tartars have taken poffeffion of the defiles bordering on the Borthenes, and alfo occupy the bank of that river. If this intelligence be founded in truth, not only Europe, but great part of Alia likewife

malt be involved in war: but as this is mere conjecture, barely to mention it may fuffice. There are troubles nearer home that feem

to demand attention. The fate not only of the Prince of Orange but of their H. M. M. the States General feem to be impending..

On the 15th of last month the States affembled at the Hague, and immediately adjourned the meeting till the following day, for the purpofe of affording an opportunity of impreffing the minds of the people with an idea of the Majelty of their Sovereign Affembly: In confequence the garrifon was ordered to range themfelves, being cloathed in their best uniforms, before the door of the Hall of the States. This done, the Prefident ordered the Stadtholderiangare to he opened, and a piquet of grenadiers immediately advanced to execute that command. On this occafion between 3000 and 4000 people were affembled, appearing to be strongly difpofed to tumultuous behaviour; but they were deterred from proceeding to acts of violence by the firm behaviour of the troops, who had the'r bayonets fixed. The door remained open during the fitting of the Senate, and the meeting was diffolved without any tumult. But the fame good order was not maintained on the 17th; the corps of Burghers, raised to fupport the caufe of the Prince, had fecretly contrived to oppofe the fatal door being opened, and particularly to prevent any of the members paffing by that avenue. When the affembly was preparing to adjourn, and when M. De Gyzelaar, the penfioner of Dordrecht, was proceeding in his coach towards the gate, two defperate perfons, fupported by fifteen or fixteen adherents, interrupted him, difcharging against him the moft opprobrious execrations. A dreadful maffacre was expected to be the confequence; but the troops performed their duty without proceeding to extremities, and a company of cavalry rushed upon the fanatics, fword in hand, and fecured one of them, but the other escaped; the rest of the orange party then difperfed. The miferable victim to his enthufiam for the Stadtholderian-gate was conducted to prifon. M. de Gyzelaar paffed in his coach through the


gate, and may boast of having firft made free that famous paffage. "Before this fatal affair of the 17th of laft month, it was expected that the States of Holland would not have broke up without having deliberated on the project of restoring to the Lord Stadtholder the command of the garrison of the Hague, in confequence of the propofition of the city of Amiterdam; but nothing has been done hitherto on that fubject.

Utrecht, March 11, 1786.

The States of this province have addreffed the following letter to the town of Wyk-te Duurstede:

"The noble Powers, the States of this

province, having been informed that feveral members of the Regency of Wyk-te Daurftede have been difmiffed from their places, and others appointed in their room, have agreed to the following refolution, which we judge it meet to tranfmit to you imme, diately.


"By order of the States.

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'(Signed) A. S. Ph. Ram." Extract from the Refolutions of their Noble Powers, the States of Utrecht, March 29, 1786.

"The States of the province of Utrecht, after due deliberation, have unanimoufly agreed, that the difmiffion of Meff. Verbel, Fryhenius, Bruin, Van Mierloo, Van Bren, de Ruyter, and the election of other members in their room, is null and void; and have refolved to maintain the faid regents in their refpective privileges until October 30 to forbid any perfons, appointed in their places, from exercifing the office of Magiftracy, under pain of their high difpleafure; and have charged Meff. Van Cockengen, Van Sterhenburgh, Van Wolphaarfdyke, Van Amerougen, Van Schonauwen, Van Zuifen, the two Burgomalters regeats of the city of Utrecht, and the first Burgomafter of Amerfoort, to act in concert with the commiffioners named by the Provincial Court, fo that proper meafures may be taken to carry into execution the intention of their Noble Powers."(Signed) A. S. Ph. Ram."

We hear from Wyk, that as foon as these letters arrived, the city determined to pat itfelf into a fate of defence. The neighbouring villages and the militia have fent in canon, arms, ammunition, &c. and the magiftrates have provided a magazine for them; all the avenues except two, are guarded; they have even removed the bridges of the gates, and have given orders that no strangers, and particularly no foldier, fhall be admitted into the city, or the jurif. diction.

EAST INDIA INTELLIGENCE. The most authentic accounts from India affure, that the English intereft in that part of the globe predominates over that of all


346 News from the East and West Indies, and from America.

other European nations. A mathematical furvey was lately made of our territorial poffeffions under the patronage of Governor Haflings, which contained a tract of country equal to England, Ireland, and France, taken together; befides tracing the outline of near 2000 miles of fea-coaft, and a chain of inlands in extent 500 more.

And on the 14th, the English colours were hoifted at the factory at Calcutta, on the MaJabar Coast; the Nabob Tippoo having reftored that factory, with all its privileges, agreeable to the late treaty of peace.


The Unicorn man of war has feized in Prince Rupert's-bay, in Dominica, a veffel which cleared out from Guadaloupe, and was Joaded with ammunition. The French emiffaries are at work; and the English inattention will be fatal when leaft expected, fo fay the West India news-writers. By the last accounts from Dominica, the rebellious negroes in that island have been quelled without the lofs of a fingle life on the part of the King's Troops; but that many of the rebels have been killed, and their heads and bodies expofed on the public roads.

The harmony of Grenada is changed into difcord and anarchy, which prevail in every walk and fphere of life, from the higheft magiftrate to the loweft, infomuch, that a governor's arrival is prayed for by all fober and well-difpofed people. The inhabitants of St. Vincent's are trembling for fear of bad effects from the Caribbees, who most certainly communicate with the rebels of Dominica.

"Thofe rebels amount to 530 men, well fupplied with guns, ammunition, and money. They offer dollars and French money for the provifions they purchase; every attempt made by the military have failed of any fuccefs against them. The French fupply them with the neceflary implements of war.


The United States, in Congress & embled, have received and recognized the Sieur De la Foreft, as the Vice-Conful-General of his Moft Chriftian Majefty in these States; and have refolved that all the privileges, preeminences, and authority, belonging to the faid character and quality, are due to and thall be enjoyed by him.

Deputies from all the tribes of Indians, inhabiting the banks of the Ohio and Miffiffippi rivers, the Creek, Mofghes, and other nations inhabiting the back of Georgia and Florida, have lately affembled at a Grand Council fire, and there is every reafon to fuppofe they will foon commence hoftilities if no measures are deviled to pacify them. This confederacy has been formed to defeat the plan of the new fettlement on the Ohio, the lands of which have lately been advertifed for fale by Congress, on a pretended

right founded on a Grant from the Crown of Great Britain, as yielded by the late treaty.

A misunderstanding has arifen between the Americans in the back fettlements and the English traders in Canada, owing to a competition for the fur trade with the Indians. Hitherto, however, all difagreeable confequences have been prevented.

A great number of wealthy fishermen have lately removed, with their families, effects, and property, into the British fettlements of Nova Scotia, where they have had lands allotted them, and have already begun, with the Governor's leave, to build houfes, and ere& a church. Thefe people were at first but few; but are now confiderably augmented, infomuch that Gov. Sawyer has thought proper to fend home for inftructions in what manner to proceed.


Letters from Castlebar give an authentic account of one of the most shocking murders ever committed. A difference had for fome time fubfifted* between G. R. Fitzgerald and Patrick Randal M'Donald, Efqrs. Mr. M'Donald kept much on his guard, as he received many informations, that feveral parties of Fitzgerald's men were looking out for him with an avowed determination to deftroy him. In the evening of the

20th of Feb. laft Mr. M'Donald went for the greater fecurity to the houfe of Mr. Martin, in the neighbourhood of Caftlebar, in company with Mr. Gallagher and another gentleman. They had been there but a very few minutes, when the houfe was furrounded by a large party of armed men, who inftantly broke in, bound Mr. M'Donald, Mr. Gallagher, and the other gentleman, and immediately carried them off to the houfe of Rotkfield, 7 where Fitzgerald as it is faid then was, After a thort ftay an armed party led out the unfortunate gentlemen into the park. In a few feconds a platoon was fired, and laid one of the devoted victims dead on the fpot. Mr. M'Dolland and Mr. Gallagher were ordered to go about 50 yards farther, when a fecond platoon was fired. M'Donald inftantly fell dead, upwards of 50 flugs paffing into his body. Mr. Gallagher received alto feveral flugs, but, as Providence would have it, he was not mortally wounded. However, he thought it prudent, after ftaggering a few yards, to fall and appear motionlefs, in order to deceive the murderers. In this wounded ftate they brought him back to Fitzgerald's house, where they had returned but a few minutes, when the houfe was furrounded by the army from Cattlebar, many of the volunteers, gentlemen, and crowds of people from that town


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Remarkable Intelligence from Ireland.-Country News.


and neighbourhood. They fpeedily got into
the house, delivered Mr. Gallagher in a
moft critical moment, feized feveral of the
murderers, and after a very strict and long
fearch found Fitzgerald locked up in a large
cheft, and hid under two blankets.
and feveral of his people were immediately
conducted to Castlebar, and fafely lodged in
the gaol, which has been continually
guarded both by the army and volunteers,
to prevent any poffibility of an escape.

Caftlebar, April 12. Mr. Fitzgerald was brought upon a bed into Court, when, upon affidavit ftating his ill health, &c. the trial was poftponed until Friday the 18th of this month.

An attempt, we hear, has been made to poifon one Braig in the gaol of Cafflebar, by mixing a quantity of arfenic with fome of his victuals; it was providentially discovered in time, fo that in all probability his life has been preferved for the purpose of bring ing the perpetrators of the late murders to condign punishment.

The Counfel employed by Mr. Fitzgerald to plead for him at the trial, are Michael

Smith and Philip Curren, Efqrs. One of thefe Gentleman, it is faid, is retained at 500, and the other at 300 guineas.

Dublin, April 6. A rumour of a very alarming nature was circulated' yesterday with much rapidity through the town, to the following purport; that as the Judges of affize, on the prefent Munfter circuit, were approaching Tralee, the affize town in the County of Kerry, they were met by an armed banditti, who in the most outrageous manner threatened them and their atten

dants with certain death if they entered Tralee, to try the White Boys then in cuftody in that gaol. They declared, in the moft folemn manner, that two gibbets were erected in Tralee, on which it was determined to hang them, if they attempted there to open their commiffion. It is added, that the Judges having no military guard with them, and none of the army being at prefent quartered at Tralee, they thought it prudent to return back; that after the Judges had returned back, the mob proceeded to Tralee in great triumph, furrounded the gaol, and informed the keeper they had compelled the Judges to return to Limerick, and therefore infifted he would inftantly open the prifon door, and fet free the confined White Boys, otherwife they would immediately have the gaol in flames-upon which, it is faid, the gaoler was neceffitated, to prevent the violence threatened, and the danger of having all his prifoners efcape, to comply with their demand."


Maidstone, Mar. 30. Eleven convicts were taken from their cells, carried to the place of execution, and there launched into eter

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nity in the fight of many thousand spectators; yet this awful fpectacle seems to make little, if any, impreffion upon, the hardened clafs of thieves, many of whom were among the fpectators.

At Godstone, in Surrey, a murder was lately committed, attended with circumftances of the most vindictive barbarity. An impoftor, under pretence of being a cripple, had long been a charge upon the parith; but being detected by Mr. Burt, a furgeon of that town, the villain vowed revenge; and, on the 13th inftant, feized the opportunity to put his diabolical purpose in execution. He had on that day, as ufual, taken his ftand upon the road to beg alms, fupported by crutches; and, on Mr. Burt's paffing from his own houfe to the poor-house, accompanied by his fon, a lad about ten years of age, after exclaiming, "There goes

that Raical Burt," he threw a bill at his

legs, which fortunately miffed them, and then purfuing, and refently overtaking him, by a blow from his crutch brought him to the ground; this was followed by a repetition of blows upon the head with his handbill, till he actually buried the bill in Mr. Burt's fkull. Mr. Burt's hand was fevered from the arm in endeavouring to fave his head, and a thumb was afterwards found at fome diftance, which had been chopt off, and had fprung from the hand by the force with which the blows had been directed. At this horrible moment, the little boy, feizing the murderer's crutch, ftruck him fucha blow as to stagger him; but, fearing his father's fate, ran to call affiftance; and in the mean while the villain made off; but was foon after found hid in a copfe, On his being feized, he lamented that the overfeers had escaped his vengeance. Had he DONE for them, he should have died contented. What he was not able to effect, his wife has threatened to perpetrate, if her hufband is hurt. To fuch a pitch of vil lainy have the profligate poor arrived!


IT is no longer a fecret, that an illustrious naval officer has made honourable proposals to a beautiful young lady, the daughter of the refident commiffioner at Portsmouth. The worthy father, finding the illuftrious youth not to be fhaken in his refolution, by any remonftrances of his, has fince had conference with a great Perfonage on this embarraffing affair. youth's affection, it is faid, is not above 17, The object of the exceedingly beautiful, elegant in her manners, and amiable in her difpofition; and the father of a most unexeptionable character as an officer and a gentleman.

The bishop of Qfnaburg is about to marry a Princess of the houfe of Brandenburg; but no other real matrimonial alliances, in which our Royal Family have any concern, hem



at all certified, or probable. Contradictory reports on the fubject are circulated abroad as well as at home.

in which the above Perfonage writes to his private friends with furprizing facility.

On the 27th of February, at 3 o'clock in the morning, three very violent fhocks of an earthquake were felt in Moravia, and ex

and Glatz. The commotion is fuppofed to have taken its rife in the Carpathian Mountains, and to have terminated in the mountains called Ruefenberge. In its courfe a number of houfes have been shattered; and a little river at Altheide, about a mile from Glatz, diverted from its channel.

An officer of rank, in the Eaft India Company's fervice, has, among other natural curiofities, brought home two of thofe un-tended through the principalities of Neils common little animals, called, the Animated Stalk, which appear like feveral dried ftraws tied together, with the addition of two fcaley imperfect wings The neck is no bigger than a pin, but twice as the body; the head like a hare's; the eyes vertical, and very brifk. They live on flies, catching them with their fore feet, which being folded in joints under the head, they dart forth with astonishing agiliy, when in reach of their prey. A drawing of this valuable, rare, natural curiosity, would be highly acceptable to many of our Readers.

A Fête given on the 30th of March last, by his Excellency Le Compte d'Adhemar, is faid to be the moft brilliant that has been in England for many years. If the prefence of Minerva only, fays the reporter, was neceffary to immortalize a feast, his excellency ftands unrivalled in the honour; and what gave rife to the allufion, was an uniform on the occafion, worn by fourteen of the moft diftinguished beauties of this country, whom his Excelency, in pure gallantry, named, Les Filles de Minerve! The ladies were, the Duchefs of Devonshire, Lady Beaucamp, Lady Duncannon, Lady William Gordon, Lady Horatia Waldegrave, the two Mifs Ingrams, Lady C. Powlett, Lady Caroline Barry, Mifs Keppel, the two Miis Colmans, Mrs. Fawkener, Mifs Pointz, Une Inconnue, and Mrs. Fitzherbert.

The habit of this beautiful drefs was of celeftial blue fattin, covered with ipangles, and laced down the feams with a moit fuperb embroidery; from the middle of the arm, towards the wrift, was a decoration, chiefly of white and filver; and the petticoat, which was of the pureft white, was gathered into folds, and bordered at bottom with black and blue velvet. The fhoes were blue and white, and correfponded with the drefs. The form and pofition of the cafque or helmet was finished and decifive, each feather had a charm, and, on their heavenly brows, commanded more awe than the plumage of Hector!

A certain geeat Perfonage, in France, has invented and wears a most beautiful fhirt-pin, ornamented with brilliants, in which the figure of Venus is holding myrtle wreath invefted with the following hieroglyphic infcription :-M. E. after which follow the two mufical notes la and fi, fucceeded with the letters L. M. the explanation in French

Aimez la fi elle aime, and its interpretation in English, Love her if she loves you.-By this invention every letter of the French alphabet, intermixed with thofe notes which convey the found of a work, form a mode of correfpendence as ingenious as novel, and


There is an account from Warsaw, that in a corner of the burying-ground of Willauw, the ground whereof is the property of the Princefs Lubomirski, daughter to the late Prince of Czartoysky, a treasure was lately difcovered, cenfitting of divers golden vales for church fervice, and other valuable ornamen's. They are fuppofed to be gifts to the church of Willauw, by King Jean Soubiefki. who compelled the Turks to evacoate Auftria at the time of the fiege of Vienna: the treafure is imagined to have been concealed under ground in troublefome times, and probably this was done at the period of the Swedish invafion under Charles XII.

The Empress of Ruffia has in contemplation the uniting the rivers Kerna and Wichegda, which will open a communication between the Cafpian and the White, Scas.

Mr. Eden, Envoy Extraordinary, &c. from the Court of London, had an audience of the French King at Verfailes, where he delivered his credentials.

The very gracious manner in which the Emperor received the Compte de Podewils, the Prufiiau ambassador, has furnished freih matter of conjecture for our politicians, and, if we may credit them, that ambalador has brought his Imperial Majefty the most pofitive affurances of the inclination of the King, his mafter, to co-operate ethicaciously in the election of a King of the Romans, in favour of his R. H. the Archduke François, Grand Duke of Tuscany. They add, that, in return, the King of Pruffia requires the Emperor to obferve the most fcrupulous neutrality, in cafe, the Dutch perffing in their refufal to come to an amicable arrangement in the affairs of the Prince Stadtholder, the King fhould find it neceffary to oblige them to it. The above request is looked upon here as a mafter-stroke of politicks.

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The States of Barbary continue to make the greareft part of the European powers tremble, Great Britain not excepted, fome of whofe merchant ships they have lately captured; and, after all the colt which the Spaniards have been at, they fill extort from them the most rigorous conformity to the late ftipulated conditions. The petty State of Tunis too has treated the Venetians, who were once fo formidable, with ful


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