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2. Facts and Fallacies connected with the Research for Arsenic and Anti-
mony. By A. S. TAYLOR, M. D., &c. ('Guy's Hosp. Reports, Oct. 1860.) ib.

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1. Beiträge zur Theorie der Sinneswahrnehmung. Von Dr. W. WUNDT.
(Henle und Pfeufer, 'Zeitschrift für rationelle Medicin,' Dritte
Reihe, Band vii. S. 279.)—Leipzig, 1859.

Contributions to the Theory of Observation by the Senses. By Dr.

2. Lehrbuch der Physiologie. Von C. LUDWIG. Zweite Aufl. Band i.
-Leipzig, 1858.

Treatise on Physiology. By C. LUDWIG.

3. Lehrbuch der Ophthalmologie. Von C. G. T. RUETE. Band i.

Zweite Aufl.-Braunschweig, 1853.

Treatise on Ophthalmology. By C. G. T. RUETE.

4. Die medicinische Physik. Von A. FICK.-Braunschweig, 1856.

Medical Physics. By A. FICK.

5. Compendium der Physiologie des Menschen. Von A. FICK.-Wien,


Manual of Human Physiology. By A. FICK.

6. Physiologische Optik. Von H. HELMHOLTZ. (Karsten's 'Allge-
meine Encyklopädie der Physik,' Leipzig, 1856-60.)
Physiological Optics. By H. HELMHOLTZ.

7. Anleitung zum Studium der Dioptrik des menschlichen Auges.
Von W. ZEHENDER.-Erlangen, 1856.

Introduction to the Study of the Dioptrics of the Human Eye. By

8. Zur Dioptrik des Auges. Von J. B. LISTING. (R. Wagner's
'Handwörterbuch der Physiologie.' Band iv. S. 451.)—Braun-
schweig, 1853.

On the Dioptrics of the Eye. By J. B. LISTING.



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9. Beitrag zur Physiologischen Optik.

Von J. B. LISTING.-Göttenger, 1845. (Abgedruckt aus den Göttinger Studien,' 1845.)

Contribution to Physiological Optics. By J. B. LISTING.

10. Onderzoekingen over de hoegrootheid der Accommodatie. Door T. H. MAC-GILLAVRY, Proefschrift, &c.— Utrecht, 1858.

Researches on the Range of Accommodation. By T. H. MAC-GILLAVRY. Door F. C. DONDERS. 11. Ametropie en hare Gevolgen.


Ametropia and its Consequences. By F. C. DONDERS.


12. Art. Sehen. Von A. W. VOLKMANN. (R. Wagner's 'Handwörterbuch,' &c., Band iii. Abth. 1, S. 265, Braunschweig, 1846.) Article on Vision. By A. W. VOLKMANN.

13. Miscellaneous Works of Thomas Young. Vol. I. Ed. by G. PEACOCK.-London, 1855.

14. Archiv für Ophthalmologie, &c. Annals of Ophthalmology.


Edited by Professors ARLT, DONDERS, and Vols. i. to vii.-Berlin, 1854-60.

15. Berichte über die Fortschritte der Physiologie. MEISSNER. (Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift,' &c. Band i. bis ix., Leipzig, 1857-61.)

Reports on the Progress of Physiology. By Dr. MEISSNER,

Von Dr. G.

Dritte Reihe,

16. Die Krümmung der Hornhaut des menschlichen Auges. Von J. H. KNAPP.-Heidelberg, 1860.

The Curvature of the Human Cornea. By J. H. KNAPP.

17. Das Accommodationsvermögen der Augen. Von C. H. SCHAUENBURG.-Lahr, 1854.

The Accommodation of the Eye. By C. H. SCHAUENBURG.

18. Die Bestimmungen des Sehbereichs, &c. Von L. HAPPE-Braunschweig, 1860.

On the Method of Determining the Range of Accommodation, &c. By L. HAPPE

19. Die Theorie des Sehens und räumlichen Vorstellens vom physikalischen, physiologischen und psychologischen Standpunkte aus betrachtet. Von C. S. CORNELIUS.-Halle, 1861.

Vision in its Physical, Physiological, and Psychological Relations. By C. S. CORNELIUS.

FOR the first fifteen hundred years of the Christian era, the views of Plato and Aristotle in regard to the visual process universally prevailed, occasionally indeed somewhat modified in form, but rather deteriorated than improved. The discovery of the camera obscura by J. B. Porter, in 1560, introduced a new era, which was still further and more decidedly entered upon by Scheiner (1625-1652), who pointed out that an image similar to that formed in the camera was produced in the eye. But the honour of being the founder of physio

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