Imagens das páginas

Here, youth, there is my purse: I give thee this
For thy sweet mistress' sake, because thou lovest her.

[Exit Silvia, with attendants.

Jul. And she shall thank you for't, if e'er you know


A virtuous gentlewoman, mild and beautiful!
I hope my master's suit will be but cold,
Since she respects my mistress' love so much.
Alas, how love can trifle with itself!
Here is her picture: let me see; I think,
If I had such a tire, this face of mine
Were full as lovely as is this of hers :
And yet the painter flatter'd her a little,
Unless I flatter with myself too much.
Her hair is auburn, mine is perfect yellow:
If that be all the difference in his love,
I'll get me such a colour'd periwig.




Her eyes are grey as glass; and so are mine :
Ay, but her forehead's low, and mine's as high.
What should it be that he respects in her,


But I can make respective in myself,

If this fond Love were not a blinded god?
Come, shadow, come, and take this shadow up,
For 'tis thy rival. O thou senseless form,
Thou shalt be worshipp'd, kiss'd, loved, and adored!
And, were there sense in his idolatry,


172 my purse] F1. a purse F2F3F4-
174 Farewell] As in F2F3F4. At the
end of line 173 in F1. om. Pope.
[Exit...attendants] Dyce, after 175.
[Exit. F2F3F4. om. F1. [Exit S.
Singer, after 175; after 178, Barron
Field conj.

178 my mistress'] his mistress' Hanmer.

185 auburn] Rowe. Aburne Ff.
188 grey as glass] F1. grey as grasse
F2F3F4. green as grass Collier,
ed. 2 (Collier MS.).

189 mine's as high] mine is high Pope.
191, 192 myself,...god?] my selfe?...
god. F1.

My substance should be statue in thy stead.
I'll use thee kindly for thy mistress' sake,
That used me so; or else, by Jove I vow,
I should have scratch'd out your unseeing eyes,
To make my master out of love with thee!




SCENE I. Milan. An abbey.


Egl. The sun begins to gild the western sky;

And now it is about the very hour

That Silvia, at Friar Patrick's cell, should meet me.

She will not fail, for lovers break not hours,

Unless it be to come before their time;
So much they spur their expedition.
See where she comes.



Lady, a happy evening!

Sil. Amen, amen! Go on, good Eglamour,

Out at the postern by the abbey-wall:

197 statue] sainted Hanmer. statued

Warburton. statua Reed conj. shadow Elze conj.

200 your] thy Hanmer. those Blair conj.

201 [Exit.] F2. [Exeunt. F1. SCENE I. Milan.] Pope.

An abbey.] Capell. Near the Friar's

cell. Theobald.

Enter Eglamour.] Rowe. Enter

Eglamoure, Siluia. Ff.

3 That] om. Pope.

Friar] om. Steevens, 1793 (Capell conj.).

Enter Silvia.] Rowe. om. Ff.

I fear I am attended by some spies.
Egl. Fear not: the forest is not three leagues off;

If we recover that, we are sure enough.



SCENE II. The same. The DUKE's palace.


Thu. Sir Proteus, what says Silvia to my suit?
Pro. O, sir, I find her milder than she was;

And yet she takes exceptions at your person.
Thu. What, that my leg is too long?

Pro. No; that it is too little.


Thu. I'll wear a boot, to make it somewhat rounder. Jul. [Aside] But love will not be spurr'd to what it


Thu. What says she to my face?

Pro. She says it is a fair one.

Thu. Nay then, the wanton lies; my face is black. 10 Pro. But pearls are fair; and the old saying is,

Black men are pearls in beauteous ladies' eyes.

Jul. [Aside] 'Tis true, such pearls as put out ladies'


For I had rather wink than look on them.

12 we are] we're Pope.

SCENE II. The Duke's palace.] An
Apartment in the Duke's Palace.

Enter...and Julia.] Rowe. Enter...
Julia and Duke. Ff.

7 Jul. [Aside] But love] Collier
(Boswell conj.). Pro. But loue


13 Jul.] Rowe. Thu. Ff.
[Aside] Rowe.

Thu. How likes she my discourse?
Pro. Ill, when you talk of war.

Thu. But well, when I discourse of love and peace?


Jul. [Aside] But better, indeed, when you hold your


Thu. What says she to my valour?

Pro. O, sir, she makes no doubt of that.


Jul. [Aside] She needs not, when she knows it cow


Thu. What says she to my birth?

Pro. That you are well derived.

Jul. [Aside] True; from a gentleman to a fool.

Thu. Considers she my possessions?


Pro. O, ay; and pities them.



Jul. [Aside] That such an ass should owe them.

Pro. That they are out by lease.

Jul. Here comes the duke.

Enter DUKE.

Duke. How now, Sir Proteus! how now, Thurio!

Which of you saw Sir Eglamour of late?

[blocks in formation]


18 better, indeed] indeed, better Dyce

(ed. 2).

25 possessions] large possessions Collier,

ed. 2 (Collier MS.).

28 owe] Ff. own Pope.

[blocks in formation]

Duke. Why then,

She's fled unto that peasant Valentine;

And Eglamour is in her company.


'Tis true; for Friar Laurence met them both,
As he in penance wander'd through the forest ;
Him he knew well, and guess'd that it was she,

But, being mask'd, he was not sure of it;


Besides, she did intend confession

At Patrick's cell this even; and there she was not;
These likelihoods confirm her flight from hence.
Therefore, I pray you, stand not to discourse,
But mount you presently, and meet with me
Upon the rising of the mountain-foot


That leads toward Mantua, whither they are fled:
Dispatch, sweet gentlemen, and follow me.


Thu. Why, this it is to be a peevish girl,
That flies her fortune when it follows her.
I'll after, more to be revenged on Eglamour
Than for the love of reckless Silvia.



Pro. And I will follow, more for Silvia's love

Than hate of Eglamour, that goes with her.

Jul. And I will follow, more to cross that love Than hate for Silvia, that is gone for love.



34, 35 Why then, She's] Why then, she's Capell.

35 that] F1. the F2F3F4

38 in penance] by chance Gould conj.

40 it] her Collier, ed. 2 (Collier MS.).

44 you, stand not] you stand, not F1.

47 toward] towards Pope.

48 [Exit.] Rowe. Exit in haste. Collier MS.

50 when] F1. where F2F3F4

51 on] of Rowe (ed. 2).

Eglamour] him Taylor conj. MS.

52 [Exit.] Capell.

54 [Exit.] Capell.

56 [Exit.] Capell. [Exeunt. Ff.


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