Imagens das páginas

SCENE III. The frontiers of Mantua. The forest.

[blocks in formation]

Be patient; we must bring you to our captain.
Sil. A thousand more mischances than this one

Have learn'd me how to brook this patiently.
Sec. Out. Come, bring her away.

First Out.


Where is the gentleman that was with her? Third Out. Being nimble-footed, he hath outrun us, But Moses and Valerius follow him.

Go thou with her to the west end of the wood;

There is our captain: we'll follow him that's fled; 10 The thicket is beset; he cannot 'scape.

First Out. Come, I must bring you to our captain's


Fear not; he bears an honourable mind,

And will not use a woman lawlessly.

Sil. O Valentine, this I endure for thee! [Exeunt. 15

SCENE IV. Another part of the forest.


Val. How use doth breed a habit in a man!

This shadowy desert, unfrequented woods,

SCENE III. The... Mantua] Capell.

The forest.] Pope.

Enter...] Capell. Enter Silvia and
Out-laws. Rowe. Siluia, Out-lawes.

1, 2 Come...captain.] As in Capell.
The first line ends at patient in Ff.
One line in Pope.

2 [draws her in. Collier MS.

8 Moses] Capell. Moyses Ff.

10 we'll] om. Pope.

11 [Exeunt. Capell.

SCENE IV. Another...forest.] The same.
Another Part of it. Capell. The
Out-law's Cave in the Forest. Theo-

Enter Valentine.] Rowe. Enter
Valentine, Protheus, Siluia, Iulia,
Duke, Thurio, Out-lawes. Ff.

2 This shadowy desert,] These shadowy,
desert, Singer, ed. 2 (Collier MS.).
woods] wood Daniel conj.

I better brook than flourishing peopled towns:
Here can I sit alone, unseen of any,
And to the nightingale's complaining notes
Tune my distresses and record my woes.
O thou that dost inhabit in my breast,


Leave not the mansion so long tenantless,

Lest, growing ruinous, the building fall,

And leave no memory of what it was!


Repair me with thy presence, Silvia;

Thou gentle nymph, cherish thy forlorn swain!
What halloing and what stir is this to-day?
These are my mates, that make their wills their law,

Have some unhappy passenger in chase.


They love me well; yet I have much to do

To keep them from uncivil outrages.

Withdraw thee, Valentine: who's this comes here?


Pro. Madam, this service I have done for you,
Though you respect not aught your servant doth,
To hazard life, and rescue you from him
That would have forced your honour and your love;
Vouchsafe me, for my meed, but one fair look;
A smaller boon than this I cannot beg,



And less than this, I am sure, you cannot give.
Val. [Aside] How like a dream is this I see and hear!

Love, lend me patience to forbear awhile.

8 so] too Collier MS.

13 halloing] hallo'ing Theobald. hal-
lowing F1F2F3. hollowing F4
[shouts. Collier MS.

14 These are my] These my rude Collier,
ed. 2 (Collier MS.). 'Tis sure my
Singer (ed. 2). Ah, these my Taylor
conj. MS.

17 [Stand backe. Collier MS.

18 [Steps aside. Johnson.

Enter...] Rowe. om. Ff.

19 I have] F1F2F3. have IF4. having

Collier MS.

25 I am] I'm Pope.

26, 32 [Aside] Theobald.

26 is this I see and hear! Theobald. is this? I see and hear: Ff. is this! I see and hear! Daniel conj.

Sil. O miserable, unhappy that I am!
Pro. Unhappy were you, madam, ere I came ;

But by my coming I have made you happy.


Sil. By thy approach thou makest me most unhappy. Jul. [Aside] And me, when he approacheth to your


Sil. Had I been seized by a hungry lion,
I would have been a breakfast to the beast,
Rather than have false Proteus rescue me.
O, Heaven be judge how I love Valentine,
Whose life's as tender to me as my soul!
And full as much, for more there cannot be,

I do detest false perjured Proteus.

Therefore be gone; solicit me no more.



Pro. What dangerous action, stood it next to death,

Would I not undergo for one calm look!
O, 'tis the curse in love, and still approved,
When women cannot love where they're beloved !

Sil. When Proteus cannot love where he's beloved. 45
Read over Julia's heart, thy first, best love,
For whose dear sake thou didst then rend thy faith

Into a thousand oaths; and all those oaths

Descended into perjury, to love me.

Thou hast no faith left now, unless thou'dst two,
And that's far worse than none; better have none


Than plural faith which is too much by one :

Thou counterfeit to thy true friend!


In love

Who respects friend?

All men but Proteus.

33 seized] F3F4. ceazed F1. seazed F2. 43 and still approved] for ever prov'd Pope.

47-50 rend...perjury, to love me. Thou] rain...perjury. To love me Thou or

hail...Discandied into perjury. To

love me Thou Daniel conj.
49 love] F1. deceive F2F3F4
50 thow'dst] thou hadst Steevens.

Pro. Nay, if the gentle spirit of moving words

Can no way change you to a milder form,

I'll woo you like a soldier, at arms' end,

And love you 'gainst the nature of love, -force ye.

Sil. O heaven!


I'll force thee yield to my desire.

Val. Ruffian, let go that rude uncivil touch,

Thou friend of an ill fashion!





Val. Thou common friend, that's without faith or love, For such is a friend now; treacherous man!

Thou hast beguiled my hopes; nought but mine eye
Could have persuaded me: now I dare not say
I have one friend alive; thou wouldst disprove me.
Who should be trusted now, when one's right hand


Is perjured to the bosom? Proteus,

I am sorry I must never trust thee more,

But count the world a stranger for thy sake.
The private wound is deepest: O time most accurst,
'Mongst all foes that a friend should be the worst!
Pro. My shame and guilt confounds me.


57 woo] wooe F1. move F2F3F4
58 the nature of love, -force] love's
nature, I will force Hudson
(Harvard ed.).

ye] Ff. you Warburton.

60 [Coming forward. Collier MS.
63 is a friend now; treacherous] a friend
is now, thou treacherous Hudson
(Harvard ed.). a friend art thou,-
thou treacherous Id. conj.
treacherous man] F1. Thou treach-
erous man F2. Though treacherous
man F3. Tho treacherous man F4.
65 now] om. Pope.

I dare not] dared I to Collier MS. 67 trusted now, when one's] F2F3F4.

trusted, when ones F1. trusted now, when the Pope. trusted, when one's own Johnson.

69 I am] I'm Pope.

71 deepest] deep'st Singer (ed. 2).

0] om. Taylor conj. MS.

O time most accurst] O time accurst
Hanmer. O time most curst Johnson.
O spite accurst Jervis conj.

72 all foes that a friend] all my foes, a
friend Collier, ed. 2 (Collier MS.).
73 My...confounds me] My shame and
desperate guilt at once confound me
Collier MS.

confounds] confound Rowe.

Forgive me, Valentine: if hearty sorrow
Be a sufficient ransom for offence,

I tender 't here; I do as truly suffer
As e'er I did commit.

[blocks in formation]

And once again I do receive thee honest.
Who by repentance is not satisfied

Is nor of heaven nor earth, for these are pleased.

By penitence the Eternal's wrath's appeased:

And, that my love may appear plain and free,
All that was mine in Silvia I give thee.

Jul. O me unhappy!

Pro. Look to the boy.





Val. Why, boy! why, wag! how now! what's the mat

ter? Look up; speak.

Jul. O good sir, my master charged me to deliver a ring to Madam Silvia, which, out of my neglect, was never done.

Pro. Where is that ring, boy?

Pro. How! let me see:

Here 'tis; this is it.

Why, this is the ring I gave to Julia.

Jul. O, cry you mercy, sir, I have mistook: This is the ring you sent to Silvia.



82, 83 Blackstone proposes to transfer these lines to the end of Thurio's speech, line 135. Staunton would give them to Proteus, reading Julia in line 83.

83 mine] thine Barron Field conj.

in Silvia] ere Sylvia's Taylor conj. MS.

give] 'give (=forgive) Cartwright conj.

84 [Swoons.] Pope.

86-90 Printed by Capell as four verses

86 what's] what is Capell.
88 to deliver] Deliver Steevens conj.
92 see] see it Steevens conj. suggesting
that lines 92-97 should end at ring
...sir...sent...this? (om.ring)... Julia.
Taylor MS. would end them at gave

93 Why, this is] This is Pope. Why
this' S. Walker conj. Why, 'tis
Hudson (Jervis conj.).

94 0] om. Steevens conj.

95, 96 This...But] One line, Elze conj. (1882).

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