Imagens das páginas

Pom. Truly, sir, in my poor opinion, they will to't, then. If your worship will take order for the drabs and the knaves, you need not to fear the bawds.

Escal. There are pretty orders beginning, I can tell you: it is but heading and hanging.


Pom. If you head and hang all that offend that way but for ten year together, you'll be glad to give out a commission for more heads: if this law hold in Vienna ten year, I'll rent the fairest house in it after three-pence a bay: if you live to see this come to pass, say Pompey told you so.


Escal. Thank you, good Pompey; and, in requital of your prophecy, hark you: I advise you, let me not find you before me again upon any complaint whatsoever; no, not for dwelling where you do: if I do, Pompey, I shall beat you to your tent, and prove a shrewd Cæsar to you; in plain dealing, Pompey, I shall have you whipt: so, for this time, Pompey, fare you well.


Pom. I thank your worship for your good counsel: [Aside] but I shall follow it as the flesh and fortune shall better determine.


Whip me? No, no; let carman whip his jade :

The valiant heart 's not whipt out of his trade.


Escal. Come hither to me, Master Elbow; come hither, Master constable. How long have you been in this place of constable?

Elb. Seven year and a half, sir.


Escal. I thought, by your readiness in the office, you had continued in it some time. You say, seven years



223 the knaves] F1. knaves F2F3F4

224 are] F2F3F4. is F1.

227 year] Ff. years Rowe.

229 year] F1. years F2F3F4

230 bay] day Rowe (ed. 2).

237 Pompey] om. F4.

240 [Aside] Staunton.

244 SCENE V. Pope.

248 your] Pope. the Ff. thy Collier

conj. (withdrawn)

Elb. And a half, sir.

Escal. Alas, it hath been great pains to you. They do you wrong to put you so oft upon't: are there not men in your ward sufficient to serve it?


Elb. Faith, sir, few of any wit in such matters: as they are chosen, they are glad to choose me for them; I do it for some piece of money, and go through with all. Escal. Look you bring me in the names of some six

or seven, the most sufficient of your parish.

Elb. To your worship's house, sir?


Escal. To my house. Fare you well. [Exit Elbow.] What's

[blocks in formation]

Escal. I pray you home to dinner with me.

Just. I humbly thank you.

Escal. It grieves me for the death of Claudio ;

But there's no remedy.

Just. Lord Angelo is severe.

It is but needful:

Mercy is not itself, that oft looks so;
Pardon is still the nurse of second woe:

But yet, poor Claudio! There is no remedy.
Come, sir.




SCENE II. Another room in the same.

Enter PROVOST and a Servant.

Serv. He's hearing of a cause; he will come straight :

I'll tell him of you.

261 [Exit Elbow.] Rowe.
264 home] F1. go home F2F3F4.

271 There is] There's Pope.

SCENE II.] SCENE VI. Pope. Scene
continued in Theobald.

Another room...] Malone. A room...
Capell. Changes to Angelo's House.

1 he will he'll Pope.


Pray you, do. [Exit Servant.] I'll know

His pleasure; may be he will relent. Alas,

He hath but as offended in a dream!

All sects, all ages smack of this vice; and he
To die for 't!




Now, what's the matter, provost ? Prov. Is it your will Claudio shall die to-morrow? Ang. Did not I tell thee yea? hadst thou not order?

Why dost thou ask again?


Lest I might be too rash:


Under your good correction, I have seen,

When, after execution, Judgement hath

Repented o'er his doom.


Go to; let that be mine :

Do you your office, or give up your place,

And you shall well be spared.


I crave your honour's pardon.


What shall be done, sir, with the groaning Juliet?

She's very near her hour.


Dispose of her

To some more fitter place, and that with speed.

Re-enter Servant.

Serv. Here is the sister of the man condemn'd

Desires access to you.

2 [Exit...] Capell.

4 but as offended] offended but as

Grant White.

5 sects] sorts S. Walker conj.

of this] o' th' Hanmer.

6 for 't] for it Pope.

6,7 what's...Is it] What is... Is't S.

Walker conj., reading smack...will

as two lines the first ending Now.

9 dost thou] om. Hanmer.

12 Go to] om. Hanmer.

14 honour's] om. Pope.

17 fitter] fitting Pope.

Re-enter...] Capell.


Hath he a sister?

Prov. Ay, my good lord; a very virtuous maid,

And to be shortly of a sisterhood,

If not already.


Well, let her be admitted.

See you the fornicatress be removed:

Let her have needful, but not lavish, means;

There shall be order for 't.


[Exit Servant.



God save your honour!


Ang. Stay a little while. [To Isab.] You're welcome:

what's your will?

Isab. I am a woeful suitor to your honour,

Please but your honour hear me.


Well; what's your suit?

Isab. There is a vice that most I do abhor, And most desire should meet the blow of justice; For which I would not plead, but that I must; For which I must not plead, but that I am

At war 'twixt will and will not.


Well; the matter?

Isab. I have a brother is condemn'd to die:
I do beseech you, let it be his fault,
And not my brother.

22 Well] om. Pope.

[Exit...] Theobald.

25 for 't] for it Pope.

God save] Clark and Glover (S. Walker conj. reading God...while as one line). 'Save Ff.

[offering to retire. Malone. Going. Stand backe. Collier MS.

26 a little] yet a Pope.


[To Isab.] Malone.

28 Please] 'Please Ff.

Well] om. Pope.

suit?] suite. Fr.




30 And most] And more Rowe.
32 must not plead, but that] must plead,

albeit Hanmer. must now plead,
but yet Johnson conj.


[Aside] Heaven give thee moving graces!

Ang. Condemn the fault, and not the actor of it?

Why, every fault's condemn'd ere it be done :
Mine were the very cipher of a function,
To fine the faults whose fine stands in record,

And let go by the actor.


O just but severe law !

I had a brother, then. Heaven keep your honour!


Lucio. [Aside to Isab.] Give't not o'er so: to him again,

entreat him;

Kneel down before him, hang upon his gown:

You are too cold; if you should need a pin,

You could not with more tame a tongue desire it :
To him, I say!


Isab. Must he needs die?


Maiden, no remedy.

Isab. Yes; I do think that you might pardon him,

And neither heaven nor man grieve at the mercy.

Ang. I will not do 't.


But can you, if you would?


Ang. Look, what I will not, that I cannot do.
Isab. But might you do 't, and do the world no wrong,

If so your heart were touch'd with that remorse

As mine is to him?


He's sentenced; 'tis too late.

Lucio. [Aside to Isab.] You are too cold.
Isab. Too late? why, no; I, that do speak a word,


36 [Aside] Collier.

graces] grace S. Walker conj. 37 it?] Rowe (ed. 2). it, F1F2F3. it: F4. 40 To fine] To find Theobald.

faults] fault Dyce.

42 [retiring. Malone. MS.

Going. Collier

43 [Aside...] Collier. To Isab. John


46 more tame a] a more tame Rowe. 53-55 might you...him?] you might... him. Dyce (ed. 2) and Keightley (S. Walker conj.).

56 [Aside...] Collier. To Isabel. John


You are] Yo art F2. Thou art
Collier MS.

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