Your charms and every thing beside. I am for the air; this night I'll spend Great business must be wrought ere noon: There hangs a vaporous drop profound; He shall spurn fate, scorn death, and bear Is mortals' chiefest enemy. [Music and a song within: 'Come away, Hark! I am call'd; my little spirit, see, Sits in a foggy cloud, and stays for me. [Exit. FIRST WITCH. Come, let's make haste; she'll soon be back again. SCENE VI. Forres. The palace. Enter LENNOx and another Lord. [Exeunt. LEN. My former speeches have but hit your thoughts, Which can interpret further: only, I say, Things have been strangely borne. The gracious Duncan Was pitied of Macbeth: marry, he was dead: And the right-valiant Banquo walk'd too late; To kill their gracious father? damned fact! That were the slaves of drink and thralls of sleep? What 'twere to kill a father; so should Fleance. But, peace! for from broad words and 'cause he fail'd His presence at the tyrant's feast, I hear Macduff lives in disgrace: sir, can you tell LORD. The son of Duncan, From whom this tyrant holds the due of birth, That, by the help of these-with Him above Give to our tables meat, sleep to our nights, Prepares for some attempt of war. LEN. Sent he to Macduff? LORD. He did: and with an absolute Sir, not I, The cloudy messenger turns me his back, And hums, as who should say You'll rue the time That clogs me with this answer. And that well might LEN. His message ere he come, that a swift blessing LORD. I'll send my prayers with him. [Exeunt. ACT THE FOURTH. SCENE I. A cavern. In the middle, a boiling cauldron. Thunder. Enter the three Witches. FIRST WITCH. Thrice the brinded cat hath mew❜d. SEC. WITCH. Thrice and once the hedge-pig whined. THIRD WITCH. Harpier cries 'Tis time, 'tis time. FIRST WITCH. Round about the cauldron go; In the poison'd entrails throw. Toad, that under cold stone ALL. Double, double toil and trouble; THIRD WITCH. Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf, Make the gruel thick and slab : Add thereto a tiger's chaudron, For the ingredients of our cauldron. SEC. WITCH. Cool it with a baboon's blood, Enter HECATE to the other three Witches. Enchanting all that you put in. SONG. Black spirits and white, Red spirits and grey; Mingle, mingle, mingle, [Music. You that mingle may. [HECATE retires. SEC. WITCH. By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes. Open, locks, Whoever knocks! Enter MACBETH. MACB. How now, you secret, black, and midWhat is 't you do? ALL. [night hags! A deed without a name. MACB. I conjure you, by that which you profess, Howe'er you come to know it, answer me: Though you untie the winds and let them fight Against the churches; though the yesty waves. Confound and swallow navigation up; |