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" With eyes severe and beard of formal cut, Full of wise saws and modern instances ; And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts Into the lean and... "
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare - Página 53
por William Shakespeare - 1907
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The Works of Shakespeare ..., Volume 3

William Shakespeare - 1920 - 172 páginas quarrel, 1 50 Seeking the bubble reputation Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the justice, In fair round belly with good capon lined, With eyes...formal cut, Full of wise saws and modern instances ; 155 And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts Into the lean and slipper'd pantaloon, With spectacles...
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The Dramatick Writings of Will. Shakspere: With the Notes of All ..., Volume 2

William Shakespeare - 1788 - 316 páginas
...lin'd, With eyes severe, and beard of formal cut, Full of wise saws and modern instances ; And so lie plays his part. The sixth age shifts Into the lean...nose, and pouch on side ; His youthful hose, well sav'd, a world too wide For his shrunk shanks ; and his big manly voice, Turning again tow'rd childish...
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The Monthly magazine, Volume 31

Monthly literary register - 1811 - 768 páginas
...LIKI IT — Aa II. Scene 7. 1 And then the Justice In fair round belly with good capon lin'd, "With eyes severe and beard of formal cut. Full of wise...saws and modern instances, And so he plays his part. line to " tli'iu causest not that teen." Dr. Farmer proposes, " because the heart's not seen." And...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare, Volume 2

William Shakespeare - 1803 - 556 páginas
...Even in the cannon's mouth: And then, the justice; In fair round belly, with good capon lin'd, With eyes severe, and beard of formal cut, Full of wise...plays his part: The sixth age shifts Into the lean and slipper'd pantaloon ; With spectacles on nose, and pouch on side; His youthful hose well sav'd,...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from the Text ..., Volume 1

William Shakespeare - 1803 - 494 páginas the cannon's mouth. And then, the justice; " In fair round belly, with good capon lin'd, " With eyes severe, and beard of formal cut, " Full of wise...plays his part. The sixth age shifts " Into the lean and «lipper'd pantaloon; " With spectacles on nose, and pouch on side ; " His youthful hose, well...
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The Lives of the Most Celebrated English Poets, with Criticisms. Extracted ...

Samuel Johnson - 1805 - 322 páginas
...mouth. And then the justice, In fair round helly, with good capon lin'd, With eyes severe, and heard of formal cut. Full of wise saws and modern instances; And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifti Into the lean and slipper'd pantaloon, With spectacles on nose, and pouch on side; • His youthful...
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Poétique anglaise, Volume 3

Albin Joseph U. Hennet - 1806 - 458 páginas
...Even in the cannon's mouth. And, then, the justice In fair round belly, with good capon lin'd , "With eyes severe , and beard of formal cut , Full of wise...nose , and pouch on side ; His youthful hose well sav'd , a world too wide LA VIE HUMAINE. v^u'EST-CE donc que le monde? un théâtre; et la vie Qu'est-elle,...
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Biografen eller mærkværdige menneskers Levnet

1806 - 588 páginas the cannons mouth. And then, the justice „In fair round belly, with good capon lin'd, „With eyes severe, and beard of formal cut, , „Full of...plays his part. The sixth age shifts „Into the lean and slipper'd pantaloon > „With spectacles on nose, and pouch on « side; „His youthful hose, well...
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Poëmes ou morceaux détachés de differens auteurs anglais, traduits en vers ...

Albin-Joseph-Ulpien Hennet - 1806 - 456 páginas
...Even in the cannon's mouth. And, then, the justice In fair round belly, with good capon lin'd , "With eyes severe, and beard of formal cut, Full of wise...plays his part. The sixth age shifts Into the lean and slipper'd pantaloon , "With spectacles on nose, and pouch on side ; His youthful hose well sav'd,...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and ..., Volume 5

William Shakespeare - 1806 - 340 páginas
...Even in the cannon's mouth: And then, the justice; In fair round belly, with good capon lin'd, With eyes severe, and beard of formal cut, Full of wise saws and modern instances,* And so he plays his purt: The sixth age shifts Into the lean and slipper'd pantaloon; 5 1 Sighing likefurnacc,] So, m Cimbeline:...
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