Imagens das páginas

the extract in FRAGMENT, No. 328, as they were vis- very strongly, whether any part of this image should ited by the writer of that journey. The reader will be extended out of the empire of Nebuchadnezzar ; see by the situation of the Isle of Patmos, how well for if so, why add the vision of the four beasts? and it was placed for corresponding with these cities. why reveal to Nebuchadnezzar, what in no wise con1st, Smyrna, in this city, is the principal factory of cerned him, or his kingdom? I presume, therefore, to European commerce. 2dly, Bergameh, the ancient think, that the first vision, that of the image, referred Pergamos. 3dly, Thyatira, now Ak-hissar, "the to the political person, realm, of Nebuchadnezzar ; white castle." 4thly, Sart, the ancient Sardis. 5thly, and should be restricted to that empire of which BabPhiladelphia, now Alacheher, "the fair city." Co- ylon was the head: that the second vision of this losse, is the present Konos, 6thly, Laodicea "is now king, that of the tree, referred to the human person utterly desolated, without any inhabitants, except of Nebuchadnezzar, and to events accomplished in wolves, jackalls and foxes; it stands about the place himself: and that the vision of the four beasts was a marked *. 7thly, Ephesus, formerly a city of great revelation to the prophet, not to the statesman; not dignity and consequence. to the king's attendant, but to a person commissioned to write for general instruction and general advantage. I think too, the prophet seems to be transported from Shushan, or from Babylon, from his customary residence, to "the great sea," the Mediterranean, where he was much about mid way between the eastern beast, Babylon, and the western, Rome, so that he might readily be supposed to refer to both, as he was so situated as to observe them both; independent of the circumstance of his seeming to himself to be hereby stationed in his native country, the Holy Land of Israel, which I think he is not in any other of his visions.

Thus have we connected many Scripture occurrences, we hope with correctness, certainly not without labour, and here we terminate this division of our subject.

We take this opportunity of suggesting the further utility of Maps, when prophecy relating to the countries they represent is in question, no less than on matters of fact, of which they have been the scenes. We hinted on Gen. xli. 5. EXPOSITORY INDEX, on the resemblance in form between the seven eared wheat of Egypt, and a map of the Nile; that the seven mouths of that river corresponded to the seven ears of the wheat, as the seven bullocks did to seven ploughing seasons, which came up out of the river, i.e. from its annual inundations: and wherein, even the trefoil on which these bullocks fed, might have its import, whether implying a fattening on the natural productions of the land, during three years; or, on stored supplies, as trefoil is three years in coming to per


It is well known too, that the pious and learned Mr. King, has lately proposed to explain the passage, Isai. xviii. of the land shadowing with wings," by means of a map of a country whose geographical form should correspond to the figure of wings. One would suppose, that some commentators had had the same fancy on the subject of Nebuchadnezzar's dream, of the image whose head was of gold, his arms of silver, his belly and thighs of brass, his legs of iron, and his toes of mingled iron and clay, Dan. ii. 36, &c. for they consider Babylon as the head; Media and Persia as the shoulders; Greece as the body, which is far west; Rome as the legs, further still west; and the ten toes as the ten kingdoms of the Roman, western, empire; including even France; and the western islands of Britain. It is true, that we have lately seen the map of England crumpled into the shape of a woman riding on a fish; and that of France, in the form of a ship in distress; published during the revolution in that country. Such anamorphoses might be known to Daniel; but, I take this opportunity of doubting

If this principle may be admitted, it will correct the representation of bishop Newton on the prophecies, who has indeed herein followed the opinions of others, that the toes of the image are the kingdoms into which the western, Roman empire was broken, vol. i. p. 385. I agree, that Babylon is the golden head, [crown? or rather, casque, if we suppose this figure to have been in armour; like certain statues of the god Bel, which is not improbable, vide FRAGMENT, No. 108,] the breast and arms, i.e. the pieces of armour which covered the belly, and hung down over the thighs; and which in the Roman armour was formed into labels, of brass, is the empire of Alexander; who made Babylon the seat of it, himself, and whose successors maintained their power in these countries: but, I would not go out of Asia for the two thighs of brass, as is usually done, taking Egypt for one, I would rather take the Grecian empire of Babylon under Seleucus for one, and the Syrian under Antigonus, for the other. Theodorus, and the Parthians under Arsaces, established themselves in the eastern part of the dominions of Nebuchadnezzar; as, after a time, did the Romans in western Asia. To the Parthian empire the Persian has succeeded, east of Babylon: and the Turkish, to the Roman, west of Babylon; so that no power rules, or has for a long time ruled, at the same time over both these districts of the ancient Babylonish dominion. Moreover, we are assured by every traveller who passes through these countries, that the governing power is felt by


the inhabitants as iron which tramples on, themselves, LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL PLACES CONTAINED IN THE the clay; under pretence of protecting it; much as the armour on the feet, vide the Plate of Armour, No. II. in FRAGMENT, No. 218, of a soldier may be made of iron; yet does not combine with the foot it covers; or as iron plates may have clay between them, yet these substances do not coalesce; and that there exists no more union between the inhabitants of these parts of the Turkish dominion, and those who govern them, than between iron and clay is notorious, from the general disposition of the country to revolt, in case the late bold attempt of Bonaparte to overset the Turkish power had not been stopped by the Providential repulse he received from sir Sidney Smith at Acre.

I conceive, therefore, that the state of the Turkish power in these countries cannot be better, metaphorically, expressed than by the words of the prophet, "And as the toes of the feet were part of iron and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly broken. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they, the governors, shall mingle themselves, by connections, marriages, &c. AMONG the seed of, Anusha, Low men, as the inhabitants shall be esteemed; but they the governors and governed shall not cleave one to another, shall not coalesce, even as iron is not mixed with clay." How exactly this is the case wherever the Arabs are under the yoke of the Turks (the same in Egypt, and in Greece] is too notorious to require a word in proof of it and could we obtain equal information in respect to Persia, we should discover precisely the same in that country, as appears from the relation of Hanway, who, unhappily for himself, found the Persian peasants too ready to revolt against their then despot, the famous Nadir Shah.

The reader will understand then, that I refer, as is usual, to the Roman empire as a part of this figure, but only to the eastern part of the Roman power, excluding the western, and excluding too all western dominion whatever; so that this principle is supported no less than others appear to be, by those ancient interpretations which refer to the Romans, as Jerom and others, but does not allow that comparison between the ten toes of this image, and the ten horns of the fourth beast in chap. vii. to which commentators have usually had recourse: but I consider them as subjects entirely independent of each other, and to be explained by independent history accordingly.

The present state of the countries which compose our Map would be a very fruitful source of remark, and many corroborations of the truth of Scripture prophecies would arise from the consideration of it: but it is not our present intention to enter on that subject: we conclude these remarks by submitting them to the candour of the reader. We have added a list of most of the places inserted in our Map, with slight hints on their principal distinctions.

It may be remarked, that the present names of these towns, and cities, are inserted in this Map, rather than what is adopted in reference to the same places, by our public version; partly, to counteract the effect of certain errors in our pronunciation, as Gericho, for Yericho, Eriha in our Map, &c. and partly, because, by means of these names, an idea may be obtained of the pronunciation of the ancient Hebrew language: most of these appellations being the same, and spelled in the same manner, as they were in the days of Old Testament writers. Many towns are inserted, only because they bear the name of some person mentioned in Scripture, and may conduce to point out his residence, or that of his posterity. In considering this Map, the reader will divide it, by his eye, into portions: fixing his attention well on, 1st, the Eastern division, Persia and Babylon; 2dly, the Central division, Mosul, or Nineveh, and its dependencies, the passage from thence; 3dly, the Syrian division, including Palestine: and 4thly, the Peninsular division, or Anatolia: which might indeed be called the Apostolic division. The Scripture history of events will thus contribute to confirm the ideas received by the Map.


Abel, lat. 33, 40.
Acre, lat. 33. long. , formerly Acco, a seaport on
the Mediterranean: famous for the repulse of
Bonaparte by sir Sidney Smith.
Aintab, lat. 36, 35.

Antakia, Antioch, in Syria, N. lat. 36, 30. long. E.
36, 40. the seat of a very flourishing Christian
church under the apostle Paul, and others, Acts
Antioketa, or lesser Antioch, a port in Cilicia Tra-
chea, on the Mediterranean.

Antalia, formerly Attalia, in Pamphylia, lat. 36, 50.
long. , visited by St. Paul, Acts xiv. 25.
Anah, on the Euphrates, lat. 34, 10. long.
, might
this be founded by Anah, Gen. xxxvi. 24?
Aio-so-luk, the ancient Ephesus in Lydia, lat. N.
38, long. E. 27, 30. on the western coast of Asia
Minor: famous for being visited by St. Paul, for a
letter from him, and for being the latter residence
of the apostle John: from whom its present name
is derived, though strangely disfigured.
Akrad, lat. 34, 20.

Arka, lat. 34, 30.

Amman, in Syria, north of Maab, probably an ancient residence of the children of Ammon, Gen. xix. 38. Akcheher, lat. 33, 30.

Alacheher, the white castle, lat, 38, 20.

Anatolia, a peninsula, otherwise called Asia Minor.

Arabia, an extensive country between Syria and Irak, or Chaldea.

Ars-roum, on the Euphrates, lat. N. 39, 56. long. E. 42. a conjecture that the prophet Ezekiel resided here for some account of the scarcity of wood here, vide FRAGMENT, No. 106. Ashdod, vide Ezdud.

Asia Minor, 1st, Anatolia: 2dly, the provinces of
Lydia, Caria, and Lycia, lat. N. 35 to 40. long. E.
45, 46. Another Asia seated near Galatia and
Pontus east of the former.

Askalan, lat. N. 31, 50. long.
Asotus, vide Esdud.


, a seaport on the

[blocks in formation]

sense a successor of the ancient Babylon. Banias, not far distant stood the town of Dan: this is the ancient Paneas on the Jordan, lat. 33, 10. Basra, in Babylonia, on the Euphrates, lat. N. 30, 45. long. E. 47. Probably famous for its manufactures of dyed garments, Isai. lxiii. 1. Bergameh, the ancient Pergamos, in Asia Minor, lat. N. 39, 40. long. E.. To the church here, a letTo the church here, a letter, Rev. ii. 12. Berut, anciently Berith, or Berytus, a seaport on the Mediterranean, lat. N. 33, 40. long. E. 36. Bethlehem, in Judea, south of Jerusalem, lat. N. 31, 30. long. E. 35, 25. famous for being the birthplace of the Messiah.

Bozra, in Arabia, near Syria, lat. N. 32, 20. long.

probably referred to in some of the prophets, as Jer. xlviii. 24. and elsewhere.


Carchemish, vide Kerkisia.

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Catieh, or Catjeh, the mount Cassius of Cant. iv. 2.
on the coast between Judea and Egypt.
Choara, in Media, supposed the Hara to which the
Jews were carried captive, 2 Kings, xvii. 35, 40.
Colosse, vide Konos.
Chau Pelerin.


Demesk, formerly Damascus, in Syria, lat. N. 33, 15. long. E. 37. This city claims Abraham for its founder. Vide Gen. xv. 2.

Derbe, in Pisidia, in Anatolia, mentioned Acts iv. 6.

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Halep, or Aleppo, supposed to be the ancient Zobah, lat. N. 35, 45. long. E. 37, 25. one of the most considerable cities of this country, at present. Hamadan, the ancient Ecbatana, to which city the Jews were carried captive, lat. N. 35, 5. long. E. It was a royal city.

Hamah, the entering in, i.e. to Syria, lat. N. 34, 50. long. E. . The northern boundary of the land

of promise. Halah, in Media, vide Kalar.

Hara, vide Choara.

[ocr errors][merged small]

Haran, in Mesopotamia, lat. N. 36, 40. long. the road from Nineveh to Canaan. Hebron, in Judea, south of Jerusalem, lat. N. 31, 43. long. E.

Hit, on the Euphrates, lat. N. 33, 20. long. E.

here are the bitumen pits, from whence was supplied that used in constructing the walls of Babylon.

[ocr errors]

Jaffa, formerly Joppa, a port in Judea, on the Mediterranean, lat. N. 32, 5. long. E.

famous for

the escape of Jonah, and the visit of Peter. Iconium, vide Konia.

Jebeil, whether the Giblim from hence? Ezek. xxviii. more probable than from Gebileh, further north. Its inhabitants were excellent mariners, lat. N. 34, 20. long. E. 36, 13.

Jericho, now Eriha; which see. Jerusalem, the capital of Judea, lat. N. 31, 40. long. E. 35, 25. probably a very ancient city, famous as the capital of the kingdom of the Hebrews; and as the scene of the sufferings and death of the Messiah.

Ispahan, lat. N. 32, 25. long. E. 52, 55. the capital

of Persia, one of the towns to which the Jews were carried captive.

Jundi Sapor, in Khozistan, or Chuzestan, probably the ancient Shushan royal, of Esther and Daniel. K.

Kalar, in Media, lat. N. 36, 20. long.


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governors of Judea.

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the seat of the Roman

Khozistan, or Chuzestan, i.e. the province of Sbusa, in Persia, lat. N. 30 to 33. long. E. 47 to 49. Kilis.

Kir, or Kyrus, river, runs into the Caspian sea, most probably a province of the same name, adjacent. Kocab, or Cocab, "the star;" the place where St. Paul is supposed to have been converted, in his journey to Damascus, Acts ix.

Konos, formerly Colosse, to the converts of which city St. Paul wrote an epistle, lat. N. 38. long. Konia, formerly Iconium, in Phrygia, lat. 38. long. Korna, the horn, i.e. the junction of the two rivers Tigris and Euphrates.

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Maab, or El Rabba, in Arabia, lat. N. 31, 20. long. This city appears still to retain the two names by which it is known in Scripture: 1st, Moab. 2d, Rabbah of the Moabites. This was the royal city, taken by David, 2 Sam. xi. Membigs, capt. Wilford supposes this to be a corruption of Maha-baga, the great goddess: and thinks it might be anciently called Nineveh. Mosul, formerly Nineveh, on the Tigris, lat. N. 36,

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Sart, the ancient Sardis in Lydia, lat. 38, 30. long. . A letter to this church, Rev. iii. 1. Seide, the ancient Sidon, on the coast of the Mediterranean, lat. 33, 15. long.

Seleucia, a small town near Antakia; being a port on the Mediterranean, lat. 36, 10. long.

From hence Paul and Barnabas sailed for Cyprus, Acts xiii. 4.

Selefkeh, formerly Seleucia, a seaport on the coast of Cilicia, in the Mediterranean, lat. 36, 40. long.

It gave name to the sea of Seleucia, Acts xxvii. and must be distinguished from the Seleucia near Antakia, Acts xiii. 4.


Smyrne, a seaport on the western shore of Anatolia, lat. N. 38, 28. long. E. 27, 24. famous for a letter addressed to it, Rev. ii. 8. and for preserving a small remnant of a Christian church.

Sour, the ancient Tzur, or Tyre; a famous port on the Mediterranean, lat. N. 33, long. E. 36. Susum,


Tabaria, formerly Tiberias, on the sea of Tiberias in Syria. Tadmor, or Palmyra, in the desert of Syria, lat. N. 34. long. E. 39. said to be built by Solomon. This city, once the famous mart, and a royal city; it has now some superb edifices in witness of its former grandeur.

Tarsous, in Cilicia, a port on the Mediterranean, lat. 36, 50. long. , famous for being the birthplace

of the apostle Paul. Tigris river, the eastern branch of that stream of which the Euphrates is the western; the province

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It appears, from several places in this work, that if we have not annihilated those numerous dragons which occur in our public translation, yet, we have changed them for creatures of very different kinds; it is therefore, in some degree, incumbent on us to clear up, so far as our information reaches, the true creature which Scripture intends by the term dragon and that we may be certain of our instance on this subject, we select that of the great red dragon of the Revelations, which also is expressly called a serpent. Chap. xii. 3. "Behold, 1st, a great, 2dly, a red dragon, Spaxwv, having, 3dly, seven heads, and, 4thly, ten horns, his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, the dragon stood before the woman to devour her child, and the, os, serpent cast out of his mouth water as a stream [flood] after the woman, that he might cause her to be knocked down, carried away, by the stream of water." The description and manners of this dragon have greatly embarrassed commentators. Dr. Doddridge observes on the passage, "I suppose most of my readers well know, that a dragon is a vast serpent of enormous bulk. Job, the celebrated African, assured me, that one of them carried away a live cow in its mouth, before his face." But, on this serpent's ejection of water, he professes his "ignorance of any fact to illustrate it." I shall observe on the particulars of this dragon in their order.

1st, The dimensions of this dragon, "great." We may, I presume, seek the counterparts of this reptile among serpents of the largest size, for which we shall look to that class called by naturalists, boa.

The dragon is frequently mentioned by ancient naturalists by Aristotle, lib. ix. Diod. Sicul. lib. iii. &c. St. Ambrose, de Mor. Brach. p. 63. says, there were dragons seen in the neighbourhood of the Gan

ges, near seventy cubits in length. Alexander and his army saw one of this size in a cave, to their great terror, Elian, lib. xv. cap. 21.

Three kinds of dragons were formerly distinguished in India. 1st, Those of the hills and mountains; 2dly, those of the vallies and caves; 3dly, those of the fens and marshes. The first is the largest, and covered with scales, as resplendent as burnished gold. They have a kind of beard hanging from their lower jaw, their aspect is frightful, their cry loud and shrill, their crest bright yellow, and they have a protuberance on their heads, the colour of a burning coal. [The reader will turn to what we have related of the naja, or spectacle serpent, on Isai. xi. in loc. and plate.] 2dly, Those of the flat country are of a silver colour, and frequent rivers, to which the former never come. 3dly, Those of the marshes are black, slow, and have no crest. Strabo says, the painting serpents with wings is contrary to truth; but other naturalists and travellers, ancient and modern, affirm that some species are winged. [There is much confusion on this subject. Some have mistaken the hood of the naja for wings; others for a crest; others have confounded the innocent lizard-dragon with flying serpents; and therefore report, as Pliny does, that their bite is not venomous, though the creatures be dreadful, which indeed is true of the boa, or proper dragon.]

The following is mostly translated, or abstracted, from count de la Cepede: The boa is among serpents, what the lion or the elephant is among quadrupeds; he usually reaches twenty feet in length, and to this species we must refer those described by travellers, as lengthened to forty or fifty feet, as related by Owen, Nat. Hist. Serp. p. 15. Kircher mentions a serpent forty palms in length; and such a serpent is referred to by Job Ludolph, p. 166. as extant in

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