Imagens das páginas

MISTAKE: MISTAKEN (8th S. ii. 404).-I have been very careful in the use of these words ever since Prof. Hodgson, in his 'Errors in the Use of English' (1885), called attention to their frequent misuse. I do not think any one who has not paid special attention to the matter can be aware how frequent that misuse is. Hodgson gives no instance of it earlier than Cowper; but it is much older than that. It has the authority of Bailey and of Littleton, and doubtless it was common enough long before Littleton's time. There is an instance of it in Milton ('Samson Agonistes,' 907), where Dalilah says:—

I was a fool, too rash, and quite mistaken In what I thought would have succeeded best. It does not seem difficult to give a "metaphysical explanation" of the confusion. A mistake is an error; ergo, every error is regarded as a mistake, and to be mistaken as being in error.


C. C. B.

NOTES ON BOOKS, &c. Dictionary of National Biography. Edited by Sidney Lee. Vol. XXXIII. Leighton to Lluelyn. (Smith, Elder & Co.) ONE more volume of this truly national undertaking has seen the light with the exemplary punctuality the editors have taught us to expect. Little change is, of course, to be traced. Improvement is scarcely to be hoped in a work the excellence of which has won universal recognition, while falling off is not to be expected. Mr. Lee has, indeed, got his team thoroughly in hand, and, to continue the sporting metaphor, allows no change of style or pace, and no sign of fatigue to be exhibited. Of the six or eight articles which Mr. Lee himself contributes-biographies which, with a view to profit by them, his supporters are bound to study-three or four are of importance. John Leland, the King's Antiquary, the only bearer of that distinction, comes first. Of the few known incidents of Leland's life Mr. Lee gives an account which is a model of succinct statement. The chief value of the biography consists, however, in the full bibliography, embracing a certain amount of description and analysis, which is furnished. Not less valuable is the account of the use that has been made of Leland's material. Of even more importance is the account of Sir Roger L'Estrange, the most prolific of pamphleteers and translators, "the dog Towzer" of Defoe and others, the most arbitrary of licensers of the press, the favoured of James II., and the member for Winchester. His collection of the fables of Esop and other eminent mythologists is described by Mr. Lee as the most extensive in existence. After quoting concerning L'Estrange opinions so various as that of Clarendon, who describes him as "a man of a good wit and a fancy very luxuriant." and Hallam, who condemns him as a pattern of bad writing, Mr. Lee holds that he is seen to best advantage in his translations, which, although "not literal.......are eminently readable." Very striking is the account Mr. Lee gives of William Lilly, the astrologer, whose life appears to have been more adventurous and varied in interest than that of most charla aus. As was to be expected, Mr. Leslie Stephen deals with the life of George Henry Lewes. Over what must always be regarded as its principal incident he glides lightly, saying that " it does not

appear that moral laxity was combined with cruelty." The characteristic merits of Lewes are said to have been clear good sense, independent criticism, and unflagging vivacity." Douglas Jerrold is said to have called him "too unequivocally" the ugliest man in London. Mr. Stephen also deals with Monk Lewis. The "Monk" is said to have been in part owing to Lewis's interest in 'The Mysteries of Udolpho.' One of the most important biographies is that of David Livingstone, of whose boyish struggles with difficulty and heroic life and death Col. Vetch gives an unsurpassable account. Of Mr. Lionel Cust's many interesting and adequate notices of painters, that of Sir Peter Lely is perhaps the brightest. DealMr. C. H. Firth writes the lives of William Lenthall, the ing with subjects of which he has unexampled mastery,

Speaker of the House of Commons, and John Lilburne, political agitator. Mr. G. F. Russell Barker, still a mainstay of the book, sends many important biographies, including that of the late Lord Granville and that of Charles Lennox, third Duke of Richmond. Few distinguished naval heroes challenge in this volume the brilliant gifts of Prof. Laughton; nor does the name of Dr. Norman Moore appear to any medical celebrity of the first water. The Rev. Wm. Hunt writes learnedly upon Leofric, Earl of Mercia, upon Leofwine, and upon Roger Leybourne. Mr. J. M. Rigg sends many valuable lives, among which are those of Leone Levi. Count Leslie, and Leopold, Duke of Albany. The life of Lever is entrusted to Dr. Richard Garnett, who supplies a very readable and excellent account. Among his Scottish poets Mr. Thomas Bayne has to do with one man of high interest in John Leyden. He also deals with the Leightons, Robert aud William. Canon Venables writes on Francis Lennard, fourteenth Lord Dacre. Mr. Hamilton is responsible for Mark Lemon, and Canon Scott Holland pays an enthusiastic tribute to Canon Liddon. Mr. Thompson Cooper, Miss Bradley, Mr. Earwaker, Mr. Walter Rye, Mr. Warwick Wroth, and Mr. Charles Welch are also represented in the volume.

WITH the appearance of the Christmas number of L'Art et l'Idée the publication of that periodical is arrested for a twelvemonth. The only excuse for this is that M. Octave Uzanne has wearied of the editorial labours in which he has persisted for fourteen years, and seeks an opportunity to have a hol day and visit the Chicago Exhibition. In 1894 the publication will be resumed. The present number has a very interesting account of 'Peintres Lithographes Contemporains,' with a series of original designs which are full of character and talent. Les Centres Litteraires aux États Unis' gives portraits of many literary celebrities of New York, as Mark Twain, Lawrence Hutton, W. D. Howells, John Burroughes, &c.

IN the Journal of the Ex-Libris Society (A. & C Black) the editor criticizes Hogarth as a book-plate designer. Mr. Wright holds that Hogarth did design book-plates, and reproduces many illustrations that may pass for such. The article has much value. Mr. Ashworth sends a list of Yorkshire book-plates of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Mr. Albert Hartshorne and Mr. John Leighton are among the contributors. Under its energetic management the society flourishes.

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A VERY remarkable article in the Fortnightly is that by the Rev. H. R. Haweis on Ghosts and their Photos' (sic). The writer opines that it is possible to secure, by means of highly sensitive plates, proof of the presence of ghosts, invisible to most human organs. He holds, indeed, that this has been done, though chiefly, we fancy, if not wholly, at spiritualistic gatherings. Mr. Corbet sends some grave statistics as to The Increase of Insanity,' which he is disposed to attribute to the excessive

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of interest and value are the indications afforded. No

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PART LXIV. of Old and New London, containing an extra sheet, leads off the publications of Messrs. Cassell & Co. The reader is kept south of the river, and carried through Kennington, of which a picture showing it in 1780 is given, South Lambeth, and Blackfriars Road. He is shown Bethlehem Hospital, Christ Church, Westminster Bridge Road, Rowland Hill's Chapel, the Rotunda, &c.-Cassell's Storehouse of General Information completes Vol. IV., the title-page, &c., to which are given.-The Life and Times of Queen Victoria, Part XXIV., reaches 1888. The work, which has portraits of Mr. Gladstone and Sir George Trevelyan, is thus all but completed.

use of alcohol. "The Benefits of Vivisection,' with China. The Statesmen of Cumberland' supplies some regard to the cure of tetanus, are shown by Mr. A. interesting gossip concerning these worthies. 'The Coppen Jones. Writing on Michelangelo,' Mr. Herbert Tomb of Alexander the Great,' 'On the Old KnightsP. Horne expresses great admiration for the recent work bridge Road,' and 'On Thomas Bewick,' the last by of Mr. Symonds on that master, and accepts as satis- Mrs. Ritchie, may all be read with pleasure and profit. factory the views of the latest biographer as to the rela--In Temple Bar, Letters of a Man of Leisure deals tions of the sonnets. A curious and uncomfortable ex- with the remains of Edward Fitzgerald, from whose perience of Mr. D. R. O'Sullivan is described in Tierra letters ample extracts are made. A fair paper on del Fuego.' Mr. Sullivan was shipwrecked in the Straits Ariosto follows, and is, in turn, succeeded by a life of of Magellan, and had to live, or, rather, starve, in Fuegia Samuel Palmer, the landscape painter. Gower Street for some months. His impressions concerning the country and its Reminiscences' may also be read with pleasure. and the people, whom, at secondhand, he describes as -Old Church Steeples,' in the Gentleman's, has plea"satires upon mankind," are vividly conveyed. The sant antiquarian flavour. Mr. Rodway describes A article has extreme interest.-In a remarkably excellent Garden in the Tropics,' and there is a paper on Mills number of the Nineteenth Century the Aspects of and Millers,' a suggestive subject. In Belgravia, The Tennyson' of the editor is the principal feature. Full Maréchal de Retz' is described as the original Blue Beard. -An article on Burne Jones and his Art,' in the where, indeed, do we seem to get so full and satisfactory English Illustrated, reproduces very many fine designs. an insight into the personality of the poet. Every pas- Song Birds of India' gives some very interesting inforsage pays perusal, and many call for close study. With mation. A portrait and memoir are supplied of 'The this delightful article one naturally associates the fine Archbishop of Westminster,' and there is a good descripThrenody: Alfred, Lord Tennyson, by Mr. Swinburne, tion of "Through the Pyrenees in December.'-Mr. which opens the number closed by Mr. Knowles. Mr. Lang, in Longman's, deals wholly with Mary Stuart Edward R. Russell writes zealously and ably upon Mr. and the Casket Letters. Humours of Rustic Psalmody' Irving's King Lear," the conception of which he repays attention in the Cornhill. approves. He is a little severe upon critics, many of whom he credits with "a decided lack of acquaintance with the text " of Lear,' and puzzles us by a reference to "Mr. Furlong's Variorum edition," a work of the existence of which we have never heard. Is it possible that he means Mr. Howard Furness? Happiness in Hell' has, as was to be expected, elicited a reply from the othodox Catholic point of view; and those whom Prof. Mivart bad perhaps cheered are told that the views expressed are "calculated to do immeasurable mischief to the souls of men.' Modern Poets and the Meaning of Life' repays serious attention. Lord Grimthorpe expounds at some length his views on Architecture,' and the Countess of Jersey depicts brightly Three Weeks in Samoa.'-In the New Review Mr. Archer breaks very gallantly a lance with Mr. Swinburne, and a second with Charles Lamb, the subject being John Webster, whom Mr. Archer holds to have been "not, in the special sense of the word, a great dramatist, but a great poet, who wrote haphazard dramatic or melodramatic romances for an eagerly receptive but semi-barbarous public." Canon Wilberforce, rebuking Dr. Ernest Hart, neglects to verify his quotations, and misquotes Cowper. Prof. Charcot deals with The Faith Cure,' the Hon. Rodel Noel with English Songs and Ballads,' and Mr. Archibald Forbes opens afresh the question of Real or Bogus Stuarts.'A deeply interesting and well-illustrated account of 'The Peary Relief Expedition' is supplied to Scribner's by its WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately. chief; Dr. W. H. Russell sends a graphic sketch of The To secure insertion of communications correspondents Fall of Sebastopol '; and an excellent account of 'The Poor must observe the following rule. Let each note, query, in Naples' forms the seventh article on "The Poor in Great Cities." The illustrations to this are admirable.— or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the The frontispiece to the Century consists of a portrait of signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to John Greenleaf Whittier, of whom a sympathetic bio-appear. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested graphy, by Miss Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, is given. It is to head the second communication "Duplicate." curious to find him using "thee as a nominative. Two W. W.consecutive papers, by different men. deal with 'The Great Wall of China. Crusty Christopher' is an account of John Wilson, with a capital portrait. An account of Millet's Early Life,' by his younger brother, will be studied, as will the To Gipsy Land of Miss Elizabeth Robins Pennell.- My Lord the Elephant,' which appears in Macmillan's, from the pen of Mr. Rudyard Kipling, contains further descriptions of the prowess and humours of the three soldiers." Under the Great Wall' is another study of the Great Wall of

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MR. A. W. TUER (The Leadenhall Press, E.C.) writes: "Will some one generously lend me for a few days his copy of Margarita Philosophica' (1503), containing an engraving of a female holding in one hand a key she is about to apply to the lock of a door, and in the other a hornbook, which she is offering to a little boy. The kindness will be remembered."

Notices to Correspondents.

We must call special attention to the following notices : ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

But O for the touch of a vanished hand.
Tennyson, Break! break! break!'

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Editorial Communications should be addressed to "The Editor of Notes and Queries '"-Advertisements and Business Letters to "The Publisher"-at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C.

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