Legislative Union, was issued by the National Press Agency. B.M. 8146 c. 9 (3). Speeches on the Irish Question in 1886. With an appendix containing the full text of the Government of Ireland and the Sale and Purchase of Land Bills of 1886. [Edited by P. W. C.] Revised edition. Edinburgh, A. Elliot, 1886.-8vo. pp. 358. B.M. 8145 f. 6. The Church in Wales. A speech [on May 24, 1870] ...in the House of Commons on the resolution of...... Watkin Williams. [Extracted from Hansard's Debates.] London, P. S. King & Son.-8vo. B.M. 4109 b. 18 (6). B.M. Catalogue gives 1886 as date of publication. 1887. *Locksley Hall' and the Jubilee.-Nineteenth Century, January, 1887, pp. 1-18. *Notes and queries on the Irish demand.-Nineteenth Century, February, 1887, pp. 165-90. Reprinted in 'Special Aspects of the Irish Question,' 1892, pp. 57-108. *The greater gods of Olympos : I. Poseidon.-Nineteenth Century, March, 1887, pp. 460-80. The Irish Question. Speech [at the Eighty Club dinner]......on......April 19, 1887, and list of those present. London.-Eighty Club, 1887. 8vo. pp. 32. B.M. 8139 aa. 36 (2). The greater gods of Olympos II. Apollo.-Nineteenth Century, May, 1887. pp. 748-70. The great Olympian sedition.—Contemporary, June, 1887, pp. 757-72. *Lecky's History of England in the Eighteenth Century.-Nineteenth Century, June, 1887. pp. 919-36. *The greater gods of Olympos : III. Athenê.-Nineteenth Century, July, 1887, pp. 79-102. *Mr. Lecky and political morality.-Nineteenth Century, August, 1887, pp. 279-84. *Electoral facts of 1887.-Nineteenth Century, September, 1887, pp. 435-44. See November, 1878, December, 1889, and September, 1891. *Ingram's History of the Irish Union. - Nineteenth Century, October, 1887, pp. 445-69. Reprinted in 'Special Aspects of the Irish Question,' 1892, pp. 135-85. See January, 1888. *An olive branch from America.-Nineteenth Century, November, 1887. Mr. Gladstone's letter on Mr. Pearsall Smith's article 'An Anglo-American Copyright' is printed on pp. 611-12. 1888. *A reply to Dr. Ingram.- Westminster Review, January, 1888, pp. 76-81. This letter is an answer to Dr. Ingram's article 'Mr. Gladstone and the Irish Union. A Reply,' which appeared in the Nineteenth Century for December, 1887. The Westminster Review letter is reprinted in 'Special Aspects of the Irish Question,' 1892, pp. 187-95. *The Homeric Herê.-Contemporary, February, 1888, pp. 181-97. Coercion in Ireland. Speech......in the House of Commons, February 17th, 1888. Revised and authorised edition, London, National Press Agency, 1888.-8vo. pp. 31. B. M. 8146 c. 11 (8). *Further notes and queries on the Irish demand.Contemporary, March, 1888, pp. 321-39. Reprinted in 'Special Aspects of the Irish Question,' 1892, pp. 197-234. Robert Elsmere' and the battle of belief.-Nineteenth Century, May, 1888, pp. 766-88. Commons on June 27th, 1888, as revised by Mr. Gladstone. (Preface by the Hon. F. Lawley.) London, C. F. Roworth, 1888.-8vo. pp. 39. B.M. 8235 f. 41 (11). Channel Tunnel. Great speech......in the House of *The Elizabethan settlement of religion.-Nineteenth Century, July, 1888, pp. 1-13. *Mr. Forster and Ireland.-Nineteenth Century, September, 1888, pp. 451-64. Reprinted in 'Special Aspects of the Irish Question,' 1892, pp. 235-62. *Queen Elizabeth and the Church of England.-Nineteenth Century, November, 1888, pp. 764-84. 1889. *Daniel O'Connell.-Nineteenth Century, January, 1889, pp. 149-68. Reprinted in 'Special Aspects of the Irish Question,' 1892, pp. 263-302. *Noticeable Books: 1. 'Divorce '-a Novel.-Nineteenth Century, February, 1889, pp. 213-15. A review of a book by an American author, Margaret Lee, published in England by Messrs. Macmillan under the title Faithful and Unfaithful.' *Noticeable Books: 1. For the Right.'-Nineteenth Century, April, 1889, pp. 615-17. A review of Karl Emil Franzos's novel. *Italy in 1888-89.-Nineteenth Century, May, 1889, pp. 763-80. *Plain speaking on the Irish Union.-Nineteenth Century, July, 1889, pp. 1-20. Reprinted in Special Aspects of the Irish Question,' 1892, pp. 303-42. *Phoenician affinities of Ithaca.-Nineteenth Century, August, 1889, pp. 280.93. *The Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P., on cottage gardens and fruit culture. Address......at the annual exhibition......of the Hawarden and Buckley Horticultural Society, in the grounds of Hawarden Castle, on the 22nd of August, 1889. London, Cassell & Co.-8vo. PP. 16, issued for the Cobden Club. B.M. 8228 bb. October, 1889, pp. 602-7. *Journal de Marie Bashkirtseff.-Nineteenth Century, *The English Church under Henry the Eighth.-Nineteenth Century, November, 1889, pp. 882-96. *Noticeable Books: 1. Memorials of a Southern Planter.'-Nineteenth Century, December, 1889, pp. 984 986. The book reviewed is by Mrs. Smedes. *Electoral facts of to-day.-Ib. pp. 1056-66. There is a reference on p. 1056 to an article "in the October number of this Review, 1887": it shown," &c. (a mistake for September); reference should be September. Mr. Gladstone's article occupies pp. 1-27. The thirty-fourth edition of this number is in the B.M. 08227 g. 17. *The Melbourne Government: its acts and persons.Nineteenth Century, January, 1890, pp. 38-55. *Ellen Middleton.-Merry England, January, 1890, pp. 161-74; February, pp. 235-52. A review of a new edition of Lady Georgiana Fullerton's novel, first issued in 1844. *On books and the housing of them.-Nineteenth Century, March, 1890, pp. 384 96. The impregnable rock of Holy Scripture. - Good Words, April, 1890, pp. 233-9. *The Creation story.-Good Words, May, 1890, pp. 300311. *The office and work of the Old Testament in outline. -Good Words, June, 1890, pp. 383-92. *The Psalms.-Good Words, July, 1890, pp. 457-66. *The Mosaic legislation.-Good Words, September, 1890, pp. 597-606. *On the recent corroborations of Scripture from the regions of history and natural science.-Good Words, October, 1890, pp. 676-85. *The impregnable rock of Holy Scripture: VII. Conclusion.-Good Words, November, 1890, pp. 746-56. This article reverts to the original title, and bears a number. The other articles are not numbered, and, as shown above, bear distinctive titles. See below. *Mr. Carnegie's 'Gospel of Wealth': a review and a recommendation. - Nineteenth Century, November, 1890, pp. 677-93. The impregnable rock of Holy Scripture. Revised and enlarged from Good Words. London, W. Isbister, 1890.-8vo. pp. viii, 296. B.M. 4017 c. 16. Another edition, revised and enlarged, pp. xii, 306, was issued by Isbister & Co. in 1892. Landmarks of Homeric study, together with an essay on the points of contact between the Assyrian tablets and the Homeric text. London, Macmillan & Co., 1890. -8vo. pp. 160. B.M. 2282 b. 1. 1891. is made on the same page to the article in De- The Duke of Argyll's article had appeared in the August number. *The Romanes Lecture, 1892. An academic sketch .Delivered in the Sheldonian Theatre, Oct. 24, 1892. With annotations by the author. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1892.-8vo. pp. 47. *Archaic Greece and the East. London, Luzac & Co., 1892.-8vo. pp. 1-32. An address to the Oriental Congress as President of the Section for Archaic Greece and the East. Female suffrage. A letter......to Samuel Smith, M.P. London, J. Murray, 1892.-8vo. pp. 8. B.M. Pam. 68. *Special aspects of the Irish Question. A series of reflections in and since 1886. Collected from various sources and reprinted. London, John Murray, 1892.8vo. pp. viii, 372. B.M. 8146 aaa. 41. The Preface, signed "W. E. G.," is p. vi. *The speeches and public addresses of the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. With notes and introductions. Edited by A. W. Hutton......and H. J. Cohen...... With portraits. In ten volumes......With a preface by Mr. Gladstone. London, Methuen & Co., 1892.-8vo. B.M. 2238 cc. 13. Vol. x. pp. x, 412, covering 1888-91, is the only volume yet published. Mr. Gladstone's Preface occupies pp. V, vi; the editors' Introductory Note forms p. vii. HISTORY IN POTTERY AT BRIGHTON. If articles of china and other ware, in the shape of household ornaments and things for domestic *Professor Huxley and the swine-miracle.-Nine-use, jugs, mugs, &c., were not unluckily in many teenth Century, February, 1891, pp. 339-58. *Letter explaining a sentence in the article in the February number.-Nineteenth Century, April, 1891, p. 690. *Electoral facts, No. III.-Nineteenth Century, September, 1891, pp. 329-40. There is an erratum on p. 676 of the October number correcting some figures on p. 334. Though the article is called "No. III.," it is really the fourth, as articles on electoral facts had appeared in the Nineteenth Century for November, 1878, September, 1887, and December, 1889. In fact, the present article contains references to each of its predecessors. It is said on p. 330 that "in October, 1887, in the pages of this Review, it was cases so extremely brittle, and very seldom joys for ever, they would often prove a valuable guide to mark the interest, greater or less, taken by a nation in passing events. This must strike any one very much when in the Brighton Museum, where is an extremely interesting arrangement of curious pottery and porcelain, lent by Henry Willett, Esq., who has, as he says in the preface to a short catalogue, made the collection "to illustrate the principle, or rather in development of the notion, that the history of a country may be traced on its homely pottery." I do not propose to give a full list of this pottery, but only to mention some of the most peculiar or amusing. Some of the things earliest in date are among One mug has a picture of a boat from which an the Delft ware; a small-necked round flask in- Englishman casts a rope to a negro just escaped scribed Sack, 1650; a larger-sized one, Claret, from a slaver. Three figures have reference to 1651; another 1634; and the collection is brought Uncle Tom's Cabin'; Mrs. Beecher Stowe, with up to the last few years with a plate of the Queen's the volume in her hands; St. Clair; and Uncle Jubilee (1887), a portrait of General Gorden on a jug, Tom with Evangeline. Small porcelain medals clay figures of the Oscar Wilde School, "greenery-show, in black, a negro kneeling with hands upyallery, Grosvenor Gallery " young man with sun- raised; and one jug is inscribed with the words, flowers in his hand, and other men and women en "Remember them that are in bonds." Lastly, suite as Mrs. Poyser would say, "I am not there is a negro figure, kneeling on one knee, with denying that women are foolish, they are made to hands upraised, "Bless God, thank Briton, me no match the men "; and there are also other figures slave." representing (would you be surprised to hear?) the Tichborne trial of 1874. There is the boy, R. C. Tichborne, before leaving England; a very fat man, the Claimant; the Dowager Lady Tichborne; the Solicitor-General, &c. Some American history is shown in the following. A blue and white plate inscribed,— On a large jug is a design headed "The memory Columbia's sons inspired by Freedom's flame To turn to the "moral Washington of Africa," as Fleecy locks and black complexions, Dwells in white and black the same. To many people the most interesting part of the collection is the political. Some of the china bears names or allusions to events which are still famous in history; some of the rest, names which were causes of excitement, and even riots, in their time, but which now bring no special ideas to the mind, only a medley of long-forgotten elections and ephemeral triumphs, who only exist now in the poems or parodies of their day, e. g.: Fielden, or Finn, in a minute or two There is also a small china ornament of him in a Britain's Friend. His name further appears with those of Grey, Brougham, Russell, Albury, and Norfolk, on a scroll in the centre of a large bowl; a ribbon above bears the words: "We are for our King and the People. The Bill, the whole Bill, and nothing but the Bill." Round the sides of the bowl are alternate pictures of the king dissolving Parliament and of a figure holding the light of truth on a pedestal, inscribed with: Reform & Parks. Apropos to Sir F. Burdett and the excitement of that time, I will here note one of the many parodies of Gray's 'Elegy,' entitled, "An Elegy For me no more the flaming press shall teem Can golden box,* though worth a hundred pound, Here hides his head, now humbled to the Earth, On the 22 Dec. 1819, Forced to in the Reform House of felsen in Stuston." Used in Norfolk. The items seem to be rents paid by holders of tenements for right of common. Cf. Dan. sætte til fals, to set to sale. Fenugreek, a herb (Parker Soc.). Fernyear, last year. So in Aberdeenshire. Fery, a day of the week; pl. Feries (ibid.). "My feste is turned into simple fery" (said by the Bishop in Lydgate's 'Dance of Macabre '). Fet, v. to fetch (Parker Soc.). Fetise, spruce, elegant (ibid.). Fettle. See 'N. & Q.,' 4th S. ii. 543. 66 Fingers. Though the people of the londe loke thorowe the fyngers upon that man which hath geuen his sede vnto Moloch" (Coverdale's Bible Levit. xx. 4). Cf. Hazlitt's 'Proverbs,' p. 424. Fisking, dancing (Parker Soc.). Flaske, to flap the wings (Golding's 'Ovid's Kin-To flaske his wings, with wauing of the which he raysed Faddy, a Cornish dance, at Helstone. Gent. Mag., June, 1790, p. 520; Brand, 'Pop. Antiquities,' i. 223. Fannel, a fanon: "xviij peeces of stoles and than Flat, a rough flat basket, holding rather less than a bushel. Cambs. Flatlings. See Lyndsay's 'Monarche' (E. E.T.S.), i. 82. Fligge. "He and alle his olde felawship put out their fynnes and arn right flygge and mery" (1461, Margery Paston). Flinter-mouse, a bat. N. & Q.,' 4th S. iv. 45. Flop-a-dock, a foxglove. See Mrs. Bray, 'The Tamar and the Tavy,' i. 316. Flush, i.e., right. See 'Lusty Juventus,' in Hazlitt's Olá Plays,' ii. 78. Fods. In Nares. Read flods, i.e., floods. Then green and voyd of strength and lush and foggy is the blade. Golding, 'Ovid's Met.,' bk. xv. leaf 182. Foine, a kind of spear. "His head thrust through fannels" (Parish documents at Whitchurch, Read-with a foine" (1584, R. Scot, 'Discov. of Witch ing; ab. 1574). Fanon. "Cum stola et fanone" (Testamenta Eboracensia,' ii. 202). · Fastens, Fastyngonge Thursday. See quot. in Brand, Pop. Antiq." "Wee will han a seedcake at Fastens (Braithwaite's Lanc. Lovers,' quoted in Brand, Pop. Antiq.,' ed. Ellis, ii. 23). Feazy, troublesome, fractious. Said of a child. Cambs. Fear, to terrify (Gloss. to Parker Society's Publications). * Proposed to be presented to him, craft,' bk. xii. c. 16). Forcelets, explained (Parker Soc.). Foreslowing, Forespeaking, Forespoken (ibid.). Forestall, an outlying piece of ground near a Painter's Forestall, in a map of E. Kent, by C. farm. Kent. See "Fostal" in Halliwell. E.g., Packe, ab. 1745. Forne, former, past (Parker Soc.). Error for ferne. Forpossid, tossed about. "With sondry tempestis forpossid to and fro" (Lydgate, 'St. Edmund'; MS. Harl. 2278, fol. 42). Forveye, v. to stray, err (Lydgate's 'Troybook,' christened, his father then living in Spring Gardens. leaf G 5, col. 2). The burial roll contains many famous names." Miss Lucia Elizabeth Bartolozzi, when married Fostal. See Forestall. Frank up, to fatten (Shak.). So in Golding's in St. Martin's Church, in 1813, to Mr. A. Vestris, 'Ovid's Met.,' bk. xv. leaf 180: must have been only sixteen, as she was born in 1797. She, when Madame Vestris, was remarried to Charles Mathews, at Kensington Parish Church, in 1838, and died at Gore Lodge, Fulham, on Aug. 8, 1856. In the Life of Charles J. Mathews' it is curious to note that, though there are several portraits of him, not one of Madame Vestris appears. It may be noted that in the old church was buried Sir John Fenwick, beheaded for high treason on Tower Hill, Jan. 27, 1697, in the reign In post gads terrible Progne through the woods, and at of William III. Macaulay says that "his re her heeles A flocke of Froes. I. e., women. Ovid has "turba comitante suarum," 1. 594. Froise, a kind of pancake. Warw. See Brand, 'Pop. Antiq.,' ed. Ellis, i. 393. Frorne, frozen (Parker Soc.); and Spenser (Globe ed.). Frounter, an attack, encounter. See Lydgate's 'S. of Troye,' leaf E 6, col. 2; and frontiere in Godefroy. Fulbolsy (Halliwell), phonetic for Fulbolsh. See Batchelor's Beds. Dial.' W. W. SKEAT. ST. MARTIN'S-IN-THE-FIELDS, LONDON.-The following interesting cutting is from the Daily News of Dec. 7, 1892, and seems worthy of preservation in the pages of 'N. & Q.': "For some weeks past the church of St. Martin's-in-theFields has been encased with scaffolding. The fabric, it seems, stands in need of external repair, owing to a decay of some of the stones and their jointing. According to the architect's report, a sum of 5,000l. should be expended in order to restore the exterior to a sound, and, indeed, a safe condition. The church was built by James Gibbs, architect of the Radcliffe, Oxford, and St. Mary's-le-Strand, in 1721-6, and cost nearly 37,000l. in all. When St. Martin's Lane extended to the mews by Charing Cross, and before the clearing away of Porridge Island, the Bermudas, Seymour, Vine, Church, and Lancaster Courts, with other small thoroughfares around, the church did not form so conspicuous a feature in the view as it does now. Duncannon Street is named after Lord Duncannon. He was fourth Earl of Bessborough in the Irish peerage, who, as Chief Commissioner of Woods and Forests in Lord Melbourne's time, laid out St. James's Park. In 1859, the late Frank Buckland, the naturalist, found in the vaults the coffin of John Hunter, who lived next door to Hogarth's house, on whose site now stand the Tenison Schools. Leicester Square. Hunter's remains were reinterred in the nave of Westminster Abbey. In July, 1824, the King and Queen of the Sandwich Isles were buried in the vaults, having passed their very brief sojourn in this country at Osborn's Hotel, John Street, Adelphi. In the old church was baptized Sir Francis Bacon; in its successor, on Jan. 28, 1813, Mr. A. Vestris married Miss Lucia Bartolozzi, granddaughter of the eminent engraver; and on May 15, 1809, Cardinal Manning, when ten months old, was mains were placed in a rich coffin, and buried that night by torchlight, under the pavement of St. Martin's Church" (Hist. of England,' chap. xxii.). His three sons, Charles, William, and Howard Fenwick, who had predeceased him, were also buried near the altar of the same church, with their father. JOHN PICKFORD, M.A. Newbourne Rectory, Woodbridge. MISTAKEN DERIVATION. - Miss Agnes M. Clerke, in her admirable 'System of the Stars,' p. 221, having occasion to notice a false derivation of the star-cluster name Pleiades, compares it to "the derivation of elf and goblin from Guelf and Ghibelline." In my ignorance I never heard of this piece of folly before. It is worth a place in your pages. ASTARTE. 'THE WHOLE DUTY OF MAN.'-Many communications upon this subject have appeared in N. & Q.,' but I think that the following extract from the Home Office Caveat Book, at the Public Record Office, is new:— "Oct. 10, 1678. That noe License passe [the Great Seal] for the sole printing of the Whole Duty of Man,' translated into Latin, till notice be given to Mr. Johnson, at Mr. Attorney-Generall's." R. B. P. PARISH EKE-NAMES.-The following paragraph from the Eastern Evening News, Norwich, of November 15, is interesting, in view of the widespread custom of giving playful or satirical descriptions to towns and villages: "A Stalham correspondent writes as follows:-In former times many parishes had a distinguishing name; for instance, in this district we had 'Proud' Stalham, 'Sleepy' Ingham, Silly' Sutton, Clever' Catfield, and Raw' Hempstead. The meanings of these appellations are amusing. The pride of Stalham is supposed to arise from its central position and commerical importance, possibly from the go-ahead charateristics of the inhabitants, and also from the well-known fact that it possesses a bank, a corn hall (not used), and a policestation. Anyhow, inhabitants of the surrounding villages are wont te speak of going up' to Stalham. Ingham is said to take the peaceful name of sleepy' from the circumstance that an aged inhabitant, then living in an |