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Colton's "Four Years in Great Britain."

"Mr. Colton seems to have possessed such excellent judgment in finding out scenes and objects worthy of a traveller's attention-so much tact in avoiding the hackneyed and commonplace-and he describes what he saw with such vivacity; and more than all, he has so many personal anecdotes to tell of his own adventures among beggars, and coachmen, and landlords, and peasants, and gentlemen and ladies, and he tells them with so much point and good humour, that the reader feels as much at home with him as though he were an old acquaintance. One thing we like him for especially; and that is, for giving such copious details as he does of scenes, and persons, and classes of society, out of the common routine of travellers in England; and this, of course, is to be ascribed in a great measure to the length of time employed in picking up his knowledge. Four years in England are enough to furnish materials for a dozen volumes; it may easily be conceived, then, how richly two volumes must be filled, where such an ample stock of recollections existed. In a word, we like Mr. Colton's book, and we think all other readers will like it too."-New-York Evening Star.

"We have looked through these volumes with a deeper interest than we had anticipated in opening them, and we lay them down with the impression, that they are destined to exercise a most salutary influence on the state of public opinion in this country-an influence never more needed than at this time, when the criticisms of British officers on half-pay, curates wanting parishes, female speculators who have failed in making their fortunes among us, as well as actresses who have succeeded, have nearly frightened the timid, the thoughtless, the vulgarly genteel, from their propriety, and driven them to the conclusion that there must be something wrong in the very constitution of society on this side the Atlantic, or there could not be so great ado about it. To all such we urgently recommend the perusal of Mr. Colton's book, with the confident anticipation that it will afford a radical cure for their diseased fancies. The author has returned to this country purely and exultingly an American. On the great questions of liberty and absolute political equality as contrasted with monarchy and aristocracy-entire freedom and non-interference in religion as contrasted with a union of church and state-he is in heart and soul, in judgment and feeling, with his country and her institutions; and his convictions are expressed with a manliness which contrast most forcibly with the ignorant and volatile gossip, . the small witticism, and the gross outrage of domestic privacy and confiding hospitality, which have characterized the herds of English works on America. The vein of seriousness in which the whole is conceived will not impair the pleasure even of the habitually thoughtless, while it will heighten the confidence of all in its statements, and their respect for its conclusions."-The New-Yorker.

"This pleasing book reminds us sometimes of the simplicity of Goldsmith's Vicar, and sometimes of the sensitiveness of Sterne. Mr. Colton has much too that is solid and discriminating in his sketches; and his style and character unfold so agreeably, that one feels, at length, as if in converse with a friend."-Southern Rose Bud.

"Decidedly the best, most sensible, and entertaining description of English scenery, manners, antiquities, distinguished men, and political peculiarities, that has ever been published, in this country at least, is a work in two volumes, by the Rev. Calvin Colton."New-York Commercial Advertiser and Spectator.

"The book differs materially and advantageously from ordinary memoranda of travels in this particular, that instead of giving a continuous narrative of all his movements, necessarily embracing much tedious and uninteresting detail, he has made up his work somewhat after the fashion of a sketch book, in distinct chapters, each containing a description of some interesting scene, or incident, or person, or class of society. Mr. Colton has contented himself with describing what he saw in such language as any sensible, well-educated man would use, who had eyes to see, and a soul to feel withal, but no particular ambition to figure as a turner of magniloquent paragraphs, therein also differing materially from the multitude of tourists, who are marvellously given to ' gild refined gold and paint the lily.' ""-New-York Mercantile Advertiser.


"Two as pleasant, entertaining volumes as one might wish to read; and, strange to say, as strongly marked with novelty of detail as any other characteristic, after all the multitude of books, letters, and impressions, and descriptions, with which the public has been favoured for many years past by all manner of tourists. principal cause of this freshness both of matter and manner is, that very thing which at first sight one would suppose most incompatible with it, viz., the length of the author's sojourn among the people he describes. Ordinary travellers merely go scampering through the country, noting, of course, only the prominent points which lie in the accustomed track. Mr. Colton was there four years, and had time to go looking for new things, and to make repeated and deliberate investigations of those of which others have given us merely the results of a few hurried glances. Mr. Colton's descriptions both of men and things are certainly very clever, lively, graphic, and entertaining; and he has collected facts, political, statistical, &c., which are curious and valuable.”—Morning Courier and New-York Enquirer.

"Among the numerous works of this class, we have rarely met with any which we have read with more pleasure than the volumes now presented to our perusal under the above title. Candid in his opinions and judicious in his observations, the writer has brought together a large mass of information respecting those subjects which are most interesting to an American reader. The minuteness of his descriptions tends to impress very forcibly upon the mind those scenes of which he treats; and, while looking over the different chapters in which Mr. Colton speaks of the coronation and other splendid sights of this kind, we can almost imagine ourselves a beholder of the spectacle."-American Traveller.

"We have read with pleasure Colton's Four Years in Great Britain.' It is an instructive and interesting work. The author exhibits much shrewdness and accuracy of observation; and there is a uniform, moderate tone-an absence of exaggeration throughout the book, which ensures the confidence of the reader. The picture presented of the wealth, magnificence, pervading comfort, and civilization of England very striking. The extreme beauty and high cultivation of the country, the splendid relics of former times, the perfection of roads and coaches, the gorgeous pageantries of the most magnificent court of the world, the security of property and person, and the elegance and refinement of the higher classes of society, are all described and commented upon with the enthusiasm and delight which their contemplation is calculated to inspire in a benevolent and cultivated mind."-National Gazette.

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