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B. C. 133-30.

Revolution impending at Rome-Family of the Gracchi-Cornelia and her sons-

Marriages of Tiberius and Caius-Tiberius in Spain-His view of the state

of Italy-He is elected Tribune-His Agrarian law-Its real character and

object-Its defects of principle-Growth of the abuses in the possession of

public land-Their effects on Italy-Remedy proposed by Gracchus-Diffi-

culties from both parties-Objection to the form of the proposal-Opposition

of Octavius-He is deposed from the Tribunate-Passage of the law-Begin-

ning of revolution-New proposals of Tiberius-He is attacked by the nobles

-His defence in the Senate-He is charged with aiming at the crown-

Attempt to re-elect Gracchus - Tumult on the Capitol-The Senate, Scævola,

and Scipio Nasica-Death of Tiberius Gracchus-Beginning of the Civil Wars

-Persecution of the Sempronian party-Banishment of Nasica - Scipio

Emilianus and the moderate party-Censorship of Metellus-The new Tri-

umvirs-Execution of the law-Its practical failure-Complaints of the

Italians-Scipio suspends the distribution-Alien law of Junius Pennus, and

failure of the proposal to enfranchise the Italians-Revolt and destruction of

Fregelle-Caius Gracchus devotes himself to follow his brother-His quæs-

torship in Sardinia and return to Rome-His election to the tribunate -- His

eloquence and character-Banishment of Popillius-The Sempronian laws-

The corn-law and its effects-Military_burthens lessened-Remodelling of

the jury-lists-The Equestrian order-The provinces and their revenues-

Re-election of C. Gracchus-His plans of colonization and enfranchisement

-The tribune Drusus outbids Caius-Absence of Caius in Africa-His de-

clining influence-Consulship of Opimius-Deaths of Gracchus and his par-

tisans-Heroism of Cornelia-Aristocratic re-action-Trials of Papirius and

Carbo-C. Marius tribune-The province of Gaul-Settlement of the Agra-

rian question-Human sacrifices at Rome
. 1-43



Marius is honoured as a second Camillus-His defeets-He creates a standing

army-His league with Glaucia and Saturninus-The Appuleian laws-Ban-

ishment of Metellus-Sedition and death of Saturninus-Triumph of the

Optimates-Retirement of Marius-Foreign affairs: Spain and Cyrene-Lex

Cæcilia-Judicial abuses by the Equites-Q. Scævola in Asia-Condemnation

of Rutilius Rufus-Prosecution of Scaurus-Tribunate of M. Livius Drusus

-His measures of reform-Their passage and repeal-Assassination of

Drusus-Revolt of the Allies-The Social or Marsic War-The Italian con-

federation, and its new capital-The States faithful to Rome-The two

scenes of the war-Successes of the insurgents in Campania-L. Julius Cæsar

-Defeat and death of Rutilius Lupus-Successes of Marius, Sulla, and Pom-

peius Strabo-The Romans grant the citizenship to the Allies-The Lex Julia

and Lex Plautia Papiria-The franchise in Cisalpine Gaul-Second year of

the war-Successes of Pompeius Strabo and Sulla-Resistance of the Sam-

nites-War with Mithridates-Consulship of Sulla-Jealousy of Marius-Tri-

bunate and laws of Sulpicius Rufus-Marius appointed to the command

against Mithridates-Sulla marches upon Rome-Flight and adventures of

Marius-Proceedings of Sulla-Cinna elected consul-Sulla departs for Asia

-Attempt at a counter-revolution-Cinna driven out of Rome-He collects

an army-Return of Marius to Italy-Siege and capitulation of Rome-

Massacre of the Optimates-Seventh consulship of Marius-The first

Mithridatic War-Character of Mithridates VI.-Affairs of Cappadocia

and Bithynia-Invasion of Asia, and massacre of the Italians-Insurrection

of Greece-Sulla lands in Epirus, takes Athens, and defeats Archelaus-

Peace with Mithridates- The Civil War extends to Asia-Deaths of Flaccus

and Fimbria-Sulla returns to Italy-Government and death of Cinna-Pre-

parations for war-Sulla defeats Norbanus-Is joined by Pompey and other

leaders of the Optimates-Marius the younger and Papirius Carbo-Defeat

of Marius-Massacre at Rome-Sulla defeats the Samnites before the Colline

Gate-Death of Marius-Autocracy of Sulla-The first great proscription—

Triumph-Dictatorship, and legislation of Sulla-His retirement, death, and

[blocks in formation]

ship of Pompey and Crassus-Reversal of Sulla's acts-Restoration of the

tribuneship and reform of the jury lists-Rise of Caius Julius Cæsar-His

resistance to Sulla-He serves in Asia-Prosecution of Dolabella-Cæsar

again leaves Rome-Adventure with the Pirates-He studies rhetoric at

Rhodes-Supports Pompey-Restores the images of Marius-Rise of Marcus

Tullius Cicero-His family and education-His one campaign-Speeches for

Quintius and Roscius-He withdraws to Athens-His friendship with Atticus

-He studies in Asia and at Rhodes-Returns to Rome and devotes himself

to pleading causes-His quæstorship in Sicily-Prosecution of Verres-

Rivalry with Hortensius and triumph of Cicero-Dedication of the Capitol

-The Equestrian order-The war with the Pirates-Command conferred on

Pompey by the Gabinian law-His brilliant success-Second Mithridatic

War, and restoration of peace-Vast preparations of Mithridates-The

death of Nicomedes III. brings on the third Mithridatic war-Mith-

ridates defeats Cotta and besieges Cyzicus-Lucullus raises the siege,

and defeats Mithridates in Pontus-Mithridates flies to Armenia--History

of the country-The kingdom of Tigranes-Lucullus settles the affairs

of Asia-He defeats Tigranes, takes Tigranocerta, and besieges Nisibis

-Irruption of Mithridates into Pontus-Roman disasters--Mutiny in the

army of Lucullus-Glabrio sent to supersede him-Pompey made general-

issimo in the East-Cicero prætor-His speech for the Manilian law-Retire-

ment of Lucullus-Pompey advances into Pontus-Flight of Mithridates to

Bosporus-Pompey in Armenia-Submission of Tigranes-Pompey in the

Caucasian lands-He marches into Syria-Death of Mithridates-Review

of Syrian history-Syria made a Roman province-The kingdoms of Com-

magene and Edessa-Damascus and Arabia-Phoenicia and Cole-Syria-

Palestine-REVIEW OF JEWISH HISTORY-Religious and moral state of the

restored people-Hostility of the Samaritans-Their origin-Schismatic

temple on Mount Gerizim-Hatred of the Jews and Samaritans-Bloodshed

in the Jewish temple-Jaddua and Alexander the Great-Judæa under the

Ptolemies-Simon the Just and Eleazar-The Septuagint version-Onias II.

and Joseph the son of Tobias-Ptolemy Philopator at Jerusalem-Hyrcanus

the son of Joseph-Palestine under Antiochus the Great-Story of Heliodorus

-Reign of Antiochus Epiphanes-Hellenism in Judæa-Jason and Mene-

laus-Murder of Onias III.-Sack of Jerusalem by Antiochus-Massacre by

Apollonius-Great persecution under Athenæus-Martyrdom of Eleazar-

Revolt of Mattathias-Judas Maccabæus-His victories, dedication of the

temple, treaty with Rome, and death-Jonathan Apphus secures peace-

His murder by Tryphon-Prosperous government of Simon Thassi-His

murder-John Hyrcanus I.-Independence and extension of Judæa-De-

struction of the temple on Gerizim and of Samaria-Quarrel with the Phari-

-Reign of Aristobulus I.-Alexander Jannæus-War with Ptolemy Lathy-

rus-Rebellion of the Pharisees-Their ascendancy under Alexandra--Aris-

tobulus II. and Hyrcanus II.-Rise of Antipater-Civil War-Interference

of the Romans-Pompey takes Jerusalem and profanes the temple-Its sub-

sequent plunder by Crassus-Hyrcanus II. and Antipater-Escape and

rebellions of Aristobulus and his sons-Deaths of Aristobulus and Alexander

-Cæsar restores Hyrcanus, with Antipater as procurator-Rise of Herod-

Murder of Antipater-Hyrcanus in the hands of Herod-The Parthians

restore Antigonus-Herod at Rome-Returns as king of Judæa-Capture of

Jerusalem-End of the Asmonæan dynasty-Accession of Herod the Great-

Deaths of Antigonus, Aristobulus, and Hyrcanus-Events at Rome during

Pompey's absence-Consulship of Cicero and conspiracy of Catiline-Pompey

returns to Rome-His political attitude and his triumph-State of parties-

Trial of Clodius-Opposition of the Senate to Pompey-Cæsar in Spain-

His return to Rome-The first triumvirate

sulate of Cæsar-Position of Cicero-Clodius elected Tribune-Cicero's

banishment and recal-Clodius quarrels with Pompey-Riots of Milo and

Clodius-Meeting of the Triumvirs at Lucca-Partition of the Provinces

-Second Consulship of Pompey and Crassus-Dedication of Pompey's

Theatre-Pompey remains at Rome-Crassus departs for Syria-Omens of

disaster-He crosses the Euphrates and retires-Embassy from the Par-

thians-Crassus enters Mesopotamia-Tactics of the Parthians-The battle

of Charra-Death of the younger Crassus-Retreat to Charræ- Death of

Crassus-Sequel of the Parthian war-
-Anarchy at Rome-Murder of Clo-

dius-Pompey sole Consul-Trial of Milo: Speech of Cicero-Pompey

joins the Optimates, and aims to strengthen himself against Cæsar-

Prorogation of his command-Caesar's Gallic War-First Campaign: The

Helvetii and Germans-Second campaign: the Belgic tribes-Third cam-

paign the Armoric nations-Fourth campaign: Cæsar crosses the Rhine,

and invades Britain-Fifth campaign: second invasion of Britain: attacks

on the winter quarters of the Romans-Sixth campaign: second passage

of the Rhine-Seventh campaign revolt of Gaul under Vercingetorix

Siege and capture of Alesia-Eighth campaign: complete subjection of

Gaul-Cæsar in Cisalpine Gaul-Cicero's proconsulate in Cilicia-Mea-

sures of the Senate against Cæsar-He is declared a public enemy-Antony

and Cassius fly to Caesar's camp-Cæsar crosses the Rubicon - The great

Civil War begins-Flight of the Pompeians to Brundisium and Greece-

Cæsar master of Italy-War in Spain: Defeat of Afranius and Petreius-

Capture of Massilia-Cæsar dictator for eleven days-Cæsar in Greece:

battle of Pharsalia-Flight of Pompey to Egypt-His death-Cæsar in

Egypt-Cleopatra-The Alexandrine war-Cæsar in Pontus: Veni, Vidi,

Vici-His return to Rome-Pardon of Cicero-African war: battle of

Thapsus siege of Utica: death of Cato-Triumph of Cæsar-Reformation

of the Calendar-Insurrection in Spain-Cæsar defeats the Pompeians at

Munda-His return to Rome as master of the empire-Dictatorship

for life, and other honours - His gigantic projects - The Conspiracy

against his life-Character of Brutus-The Ides of March-Character

of Cæsar-His admirers and imitators.



Sequel of Cæsar's death-The conspirators and the people-The corpse of

Cæsar-Proceedings of Antony-Decision of the Senate-Hollow reconcilia-

tion-Cæsar's acts are confirmed and the provinces allotted-Cæsar's testa-

ment-Funeral oration of Mark Antony-Fury of the people-Government

of Antony-His use of Cæsar's papers-Octavius at Apollonia-His

decision on hearing of Cæsar's death-M. Vipsanius Agrippa-Octavius

returns to Italy-Claims his inheritance as C. Julius Cæsar Octavianus-

His interview with Cicero-He arrives at Rome-Omens of his greatness

- He courts the Senate and people-His interview with Antony-Octa-

vian discharges Cæsar's bequests-His popularity-Apotheosis of Julius

-The Provinces -Cicero's Philippics'Antony leaves Rome-War of

Mutina-Defeat of Antony-Octavian breaks with the Senate, returns to

Rome, and becomes Consul-His coalition with Antony and Lepidus-

Second Triumvirate-Proscription-Murder of Cicero-Successes of Sextus

Pompeius-The Republicans in the East - Battles of Philippi-Deaths of

Brutus and Cassius-Partition of the Provinces-Antony and Cleopatra-

Confusion in Italy-War of Perusia-The Parthians in Syria-Antony

and Sextus before Brundisium-Reconciliation of the Triumvirs-Peace

with Sextus Pompey at Misenum-Ventidius defeats the Parthians-New

war with Sextus, and defeat of Octavian-Second reconciliation of Octa-

vian and Antony-Treaty of Tarentum-Agrippa's victory over Sextus

Pompey Deposition of Lepidus-Death of Sextus-Extinction of the

Senatorial party-Honours heaped upon Octavian-Agrippa and Maecenas

-Antony and Cleopatra in the East-Antony's defeat in Parthia-His

Armenian campaign and triumph at Alexandria-Roman provinces given

to Cleopatra The Egyptian Court-Octavian's successful wars in the

Alps-His growing popularity-Final breach with Antony-War declared



B.C. 29 to A. D. 14.

Octavian the sole ruler of the Roman world-Imperator and Censor for life—

Census of the empire-The dignity of Princeps-He accepts the Impe-

rium for ten years-The provinces of Cæsar, and of the Senate and

people-The title of Augustus-The name of Caesar-Augustus goes to

Spain-His dangerous illnesses-Question of a successor-He receives the

perpetual tribunitian and consular powers-His legislative and judicial

functions The Emperor not above the laws-The popular assemblies —

State of the Roman people-The Senate and the Equites-The Imperial

consuls, prætors, ædiles, and quæstors-The prefect of the city-Govern-

ment of the provinces-Military organization-The Prætorian cohorts and

Urban guards-The Legions-The fleet-Finances of the empire—Sum-

mary of the Imperial system-The family of Augustus-Livia and her step-

sons-Octavia and Marcellus-Death of Marcellus-Marriage of Julia to

Agrippa-Caius and Lucius Cæsar, and Agrippa Postumus-Descendants

of Octavia and Antony-Genealogy of the "Six Cæsars"-Augustus in the

East-The standards of Crassus recovered-The great Secular games-

Agrippa goes to the East-Augustus in Gaul-Description of the Danubian

regions-Vindelicia and Rhætia conquered by Tiberius and Drusus-Con-

sulship of Tiberius-Augustus Pontifex Maximus-Death of Agrippa —

Marriage of Tiberius to Julia-Drusus in Gaul-Account of the Germans

and their land-The four campaigns of Drusus in Germany-His death

and funeral-Conquest of Mosia-Tiberius in Germany-His retirement

to Rhodes-Banishment of Julia-Advancement and deaths of Caius and

Lucius Cæsar-Adoption of Tiberius-His campaigns in Germany and

Illyricum-Intrigues against Augustus-Exile of Ovid-Catastrophe of

Varus-Tiberius and Germanicus in Germany-Last days and death of


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