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SERM. Body. They lofe their proper Spring and X. Vigour. Hence the Chriftian's Graces

grow weak, his Evidences obfcure, and his Hopes languid. GOD will never leave them that forfake not him: he will not fail to draw nigh to them in Comfort, who keep close to him in Duty. And therefore the dependant, humble and confcientious, the active, watchful and laborious Chriftian, is the Man that may expect, and who generally has, the best and brightest Hopes of Heaven.

Now bleffed be the GOD and Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift, who according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively Hope, by the Refurrection of Jefus Chrift from the dead, to an Inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadetb not away; referved in Heaven for them, who are kept by the power of GoD, through Faith unto Salva tion (r).

(r) 1 Pet. i. 3-5.



Wherein true Wisdom confifts, and how it is to be attained.


A Sermon preach'd to young People.

PROV. iv. 7.

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get Wisdom.


HAT thefe Words are not im

properly adapted to the Inftruction of young perfons (for whofe Benefit this Difcourfe is more

immediately intended) appears from the preceding verfes of the chapter; where we

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find the like Exhortation directly addreffed
to fuch. It may not be amifs therefore to
caft your Eye upon them; ver. 17.
Hear, ye Children, the Inftruction of a Fa-
ther; and attend to know understanding. For
I give you good Doctrine: forfake ye not my
Law. For I was my Father's Son, tender
and only beloved in the fight of my · Mother.
He taught me alfo and faid uuto me;
thy Heart retain my Words: keep my com-
"mandments and live. Get Wisdom, get
Understanding: forget it not,
from the Words of my Mouth. Forfake ber
"not, and fhe fhall preferve thee: love her,

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neither decline

and fe fhall keep thee. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get Wisdom: and "with all thy getting, get Understanding."

There is no need of any further confideration of the Words, that go before the text, because there is nothing in them, on which the illustration of it's fenfe depends. I shall therefore immediately proceed,


I. To confider, what that Wisdom is, which
is here fo earnestly recommended.
II. In what fenfe it is called the principal

III. How

III. How it is to be attained."

I. Let us briefly confider, what that Wif dom is, which is here fo earneftly recommended, and which Solomon calls the principal thing.

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Who is the wife Man? or where is Wisdom to be found? is the grand Enquiry which hath exercised the fagacity, and employed the thoughts, of the beft and greatest Men from the Beginning of the World to this present day. But after all their laboured and anxious researches after Wisdom, what can it be, but "the Knowledge and uni"form Pursuit of the greatest Good, or the "true Happiness of our nature?"



So that according to this definition of Wifdom, it is two-fold, viz. fpeculative and practical, or wifdom of mind, and wisdom of conduct. Speculative wifdom, or wifdom of mind, confifts in the Knowledge of our true Happinefs, and the way to it. Practical wisdom, or wifdom of conduct, confifts in the fteady Purfuit of it in the right way.

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These two things do not always go toXI gether: a perfon may know wherein his

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true happiness confifts, and the way to it; and yet not stir one Step towards it: which, it is to be feared, is the cafe of many who live under the Light and Advantage of the christian Inftitution. But these are so far from deferving the character of wise Men, that they discover the greatest instance of Folly, that is to be found in the whole World. So that true Wisdom muft neceffarily confist of these two things united: or in other Words, it is a steady Pursuit of our highest Happiness according to the best Light and Direction we have therein,

But hereupon you will certainly afk, What is that highest Happiness of our nature, in the fteady and right pursuit of which true Wisdom doth confift?To this I anfwer in one Word; The highest Happiness of our nature is the enjoyment of the Favour and Love of Gop; which can only be attained by a Likeness to him in Holiness, or the moral perfections of our mind. Therefore whatever tends to make us more like to GOD, and more fit for the enjoyment of him, that is Wisdom.


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