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sense of propriety and my own reason, to recommend the works in question, did I not consider that the Government itself would derive great advantage therefrom, and that the people of the Union would be interested in and benefited by them. It will not be denied, that from the construction of public works at any given point, individual benefit will arise; but where the object itself is national, where the end is the greatest good of the greatest number, can the Government consistently withhold an appropriation because a few might reap a local benefit? Navy yards are located upon private property, the holders of the sites of course derive personal benefit, and the land bordering upon the establishments is increased in value; but no one would object to such an establishment on account of the local advantage given thereby to the owners of the soil. So with forts; so with sites for custom-houses, and other public buildings. The question then arises in this case, who will be the most benefited by the erection of harbors upon the borders of that lake, where the Almighty has not spread out land-locked bays and safe roadsteads, the nation, or a few individuals? The Territory of Wiskonsin is situated on the western shore of Lake Michigan; a distance of about four hundred miles lies exposed to the lake, on which no harbor is to be found. The shores of the ocean have natural harbors; and the tempest-tossed ship may, if she fall short of her destined port, seek another, or scud before the gale without interruption; but on this lake there is no place of safety below Chicago-no place of rest. If she scuds, she is upon Michigan-if she hauls her wind, she dashes on Wiskonsin. There are light-houses upon the lake, but the light-house offers no protection. The beacon-light may gleam upon the beetling cliff; but if there is no harbor-no shelter-the beacon-light will shine on, amid the tempest--a monument of destruction-a mocker amid the storm.

The shores of Lake Erie were once strewn with the fragments of wrecks, and the bones of mariners; but now the harbors open their quiet bosoins to the lake-craft, and the losses of life and property upon her shores are comparatively small.

The Territory of Wiskonsin is strictly under the fostering care of the United States. Within the last two years, nearly one and a half millions of dollars have been paid into the national Treasury by emigrants, for lands within its limits. Those emigrants are mostly farmers-actual settlerscultivating the soil. Last year, in the neighborhood of Milwaukie, Southport, and Racine, alone, they raised a surplus of upward of 50,000 bushels of wheat. These settlers had but a small capital; they spent their ready money for land, and they have now no means to make the desired improvements; besides, by far the greater part are settled upon farms in the interior. The Government still has a vast amount of valuable farming land between the lake and Rock river, which would be brought into market immediately were the channels for exportation without danger; and the interest on the money thus received for the lands, from the time of the improvements, should they now be made, up to the time when the tide of emigration would force them into market, without improvements, would, in my judgment, pay double the amount of the cost of those harbors.

The mines of lead in the interior could be worked to greater advantage, and exportation would be treble what it now is on the shores of the lake. Many who have a large surplus of produce on hand fear to trust it to the uncertainty of a voyage; and thus the benefits which might be experienced therefrom by the distant parts of the Union, are cut off. The navigation

there is not carried on by the settlers of Wiskonsin or Michigan. It is from the east, and with but one harbor, and that at Chicago, there is no place of safety on the western shore from Green Bay to the head of the lake. The navigation is connected with the Atlantic coast. It is a continuation of the channel of trade to the far west. It therefore seems that, without the construction of harbors upon the shores of this vast agricultural domain, one important link will be omitted in the great chain of commerce. Fourteen steamboats per week coast along this unprotected shore; and often goods have to be landed on the Michigan side, and then be reshipped without a certainty of landing them in Wiskonsin. Large numbers of schooners and other small craft frequent the lake; and the number of human beings from all sections of the country, whose lives are daily exposed to destruction, for the want of the public works suggested, is enormous. A gale on the lake leads inevitably to shipwreck; life and property not belonging to Wiskonsin, fall sacrifices to the power of the elements; citizens from the remote parts of the Union are made to feel the want of a haven. No one can tell, how soon it may be his lot to beat along those harborless shores, made terrible by the wrecks that line them.

The highway to the public domain, should be free from real dangers; speedy settlement follows easy access, and thus the banks of rivers and lakes are made the sites of villages and cities. Canada employs considerable shipping upon the Michigan waters, and the trapper and voyager are constantly trading with the inhabitants of that section of country. The time has been, and may be again, when self-defence will require a number of ports on Lake Michigan, for the outfit and preservation of our national vessels. In support of what I have stated in relation to the destruction of property on the lake, I beg leave to insert extracts from letters received from that Territory.

Mr. Wing, an intelligent gentleman from Racine, writes under date of November 12, 1839, as follows:

"There has been a great destruction of shipping on Lake Michigan, and loss of life, all for want of harbors; the ship Milwaukie and six schooners have been wrecked within four weeks, and much damage has been done to steamboats."

Another letter of the 20th states, that "a brig is on shore below this place (Racine) with 8,000 bushels of wheat on board, all for the want of a harbor. Is the Government willing to see not only our property all sacrificed, but many valuable lives? We have purchased the land, believing that the Government would do by us as it has done by all other States and Territories, by improving our harbors."

In addition to these disasters, the De Witt Clinton a little over a year since was cast away with the United States engineers on board, they escaped by swimming, while the boat and property on board received considerable damage. Emigration and the transportation of goods west, have been very great for several years past, and should the Government construct two or three harbors on the western shore of Lake Michigan, I am quite sure that the revenue would pay all the expense. Great bodies of Indians are located west of Michigan, and in case of a war with them the navigation of the lake would afford great facilities in our defence. The wooding of steamboats would be necessary, but at present it cannot be done at certain periods without great hazard; and the loss of life is not unfrequent. While stopping at Racine last season, I saw three steamboats

of the largest class at one time calling for wood, but owing to the roughness of the lake they could not obtain it.

There are military posts at Mackinaw, Green Bay, and Chicago, and it will be necessary to navigate Michigan to carry troops, rations, and munitions of war, from one to the others.

Wiskonsin is a great country for mines, and were the channel of trade open, these mines would be worked to a greater extent and the metals would find their way to New York and other eastern cities, the lake-route being the most direct.

The United States have never withheld money from works of strictly national character in States or Territories. The removal of the raft of the Red river; the erection of seawalls; the breakwaters, fortresses, harbors, navy yards, foundaries, armories, light-houses, beacons, buoys, &c., strewn throughout the length and breadth of the land, testify to the truth of my assertion. The channels of ingress and egress to the western lakes are national in their character. Harbors must be erected for the good of the public at large. The mariner, who sees the light-house and the well-guarded port on the shores of the ocean, asks why his bark and life should be jeoparded upon an inland sea; why the same fostering care should not be spread over those who beat upon the shores of Wiskonsin, as over those who glide into the safe harbors that a beneficent Government has provided upon the main. The safety of shipping, the encouragement of trade, the protection of commerce, the defence of the country, and the increase of revenue, demand the improvements asked for; and if the mariner can be lighted along his dangerous way at public expense, may he not be permitted to cast his eye upon a place of safety beyond, created by the same means?

Having thus shown the necessity and propriety of the General Government erecting harbors on the western shore of Lake Michigan, the next thing remains to point out some places where they seem to be the most needed. Several points on the western shore of the lake have been surveyed, among them I believe Milwaukie, Racine, Southport, and the mouth of Pike river, are to be found. Milwaukie is situated about 100 miles north of Chicago, Racine about 75 miles, Southport and Pike river about 60 miles.

The first point, Milwaukie, has a population of about 1,200. The Milwaukie river is deep, and the country around affords good facilities for building a harbor. The greater portion of the land being heavy timbered, there is not, as a matter of course, much surplus produce for exportation; but large quantities of goods, and many emigrants and passengers, are destined to land there, where, hitherto, no facilities have been afforded. The surveys and estimates of building a harbor at this point have been transmitted to the Topographical Bureau, which you will doubtless have before your committee.

The next point, Racine, is a fine location. It has a village, whose population will range from three to four hundred; and is the first point where steamboats can be supplied with wood, to any great extent, from its own resources. Two miles and a half, up Root river, upon which the place stands, are rapids, and an extensive quarry of excellent stone, which would greatly assist in the construction of a harbor, and furnish greater facilities than can be found at any other place. The country, in the rear of this place, is a rich prairie, with here and there isolated groves of fine

timber, with oak openings. It resembles at a distance an old and highlycultivated grazing country, rich in orchards and waving fields; and as the traveller goes onward he expects to see villages behind the clumps, and hamlets by the water-courses. As a grazing country, it has few equals; and its climate is more genial than that of western New York. In support of my opinions as to Racine, I beg leave to enclose a copy of the proceedings and the memorial of a large meeting of settlers held at that place in relation to the subject under consideration. The gentlemen named are men of the highest respectability and intelligence, and their statements may be relied on.

I think I hazard nothing in saying that, for many years to come, more surplus produce will be shipped at Racine than at any other point, it being the termination of the Mississippi road which passes through the counties of Walworth and Racine; which are as fertile as any portion of Wiskonsin, and are cultivated to a considerable extent. I know several individuals who last year had over one hundred acres of wheat, which yield about thirty-five bushels to the acre. Several flour-mills have been built in this section; and herds of cattle are seen scattered over the country in the finest condition imaginable. The wild pea, which is abundant on the prairie, is found sufficient for the support of the herds, in the grazing season, alone.

According to an estimate of the United States engineers, the expense of constructing a harbor at this point would be $30,000 less than at any other place surveyed on the lake. By cutting a channel through the bar formed at the mouth of Root river, and building two seawalls out to deep water, a hundred ships and over might find a shelter under the bluffs of Racine, and be protected from every wind.

In relation to the surveys of the rivers of Wiskonsin, the United States engineer, in his report to Governor Dodge of December 31, 1839, states: "The results developed are exceedingly satisfactory, far more so than is generally believed by those who have not had the opportunity of a personal examination of them."

Southport has a population of several hundred, and is a place of considerable business. Pike river is another point contiguous, which has been surveyed by Government to be improved. It cannot, however, be expected that harbors will be built at every point at once.

Milwaukie and Racine seem now to be the most important places. Milwaukie from its size, and Racine from its connexion with the great road, its important situation, and the ease and slight expense with which its harbor could be constructed.

The United States have already built light-houses at several of those points, viz: Milwaukie and Racine. They have already made some appropriations for building roads-one from Milwaukie, and another from Racine, westward, to Sinipee, on the Mississippi. They have also laid out and nearly completed one from Southport north, through Racine, Milwaukie, &c., to Green Bay. Often are the officers of Government delayed at those places, they being the termination of the roads where they must take shipping.

Vessels and steamboats, ready to land or take in freight and passengers, have to fly before the wind, and several days generally elapse before they return if they return at all. Many times I have seen vessels commence discharging their cargo, and in the midst of it, at the approach of a storm, com

pelled to weigh anchor in confusion, and stand out before the gate. I trust that the committee, over which you preside, will pardon me for hav ing thus crudely and diffusely given the result of my observations upon this important subject. And should my remarks aid in producing a favor. able report, I shall have the proud satisfaction of feeling that, in this mat ter, I have had the welfare of the people at heart. That I have advocated no sectional work, for individual benefit, but a great, a national, a democratic work; the effects of which may be apparent when the West shall bloom in gardens; and when time shall number three hundred millions of enlightened freemen under the broad banner of this glorious Republic. With the greatest respect, I have the honor to be, your most obedient ORRIN HOLT.



Chairman Committee on Commerce,

House of Representatives.

MILWAUKIE, May 9, 1840.

MY DEAR SIR: Three or four steamboats have passed up the lake with many emigrants for our Territory, but the lake was so rough they could not land here, the wind having blown from the northeast for a week. The Erie, Buffalo, Bunker Hill, Constellation, and Illinois, all have gone up in a gale, with no place in our Territory for them to run into. The proprietors of steamboats on the lakes have placed their best boats in the line between Buffalo and Chicago, which makes it the best route for south. ern gentlemen to New York; and it is a shame that, between Fort Gratiot and Chicago, a distance of 500 miles, the boats have to weather all the storms. There has been property enough lost within the last ten days on Lake Michigan, to have built three good harbors. The steamboat Cham plain, the brig Queen Charlotte, and four or five schooners, are ashore, and some of them total wrecks, and what a pity it is that they were not all loaded with Senators and members of Congress. We all have strong hopes that an appropriation for a harbor will be had. Yours, truly,


Hon. J. D. DOTY.

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