Imagens das páginas


annual financial statement. He was afraid it was useless to expect | that they could go back to the expenditure of former years.—The report was agreed to.-The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER obtained leave to bring in a bill to amend The law relating to the purchase of Government annuities, through the medium of savings banks, and the granting of life assurances by Government. At present sums can be received for deferred annuities only in large amounts, and the objects of the bill were to enable them to take smaller sums through the medium of the Post-office savings banks. At present Government can grant life assurances to the amount of 100%, but only to persons who purchased deferred annuities, and it was proposed to abolish that restriction. Mr FERRAND, in moving for some returns of the names and officers of The Charity Commissioners, took occasion to animadvert strongly on the conduct of the commissioners, and complained of the expense to which they put the country.-Mr LowE defended the commissioners, and the returns, with some modifications, were agreed to.

[A mark (*) is attached to the Events discussed or more fully nar- that side, but under the rapid movements of General Cameron, and rated in this week's EXAMINER.]



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Feb. 6.-The Danes evacuate the town of Slesvig and their lines of
defence on the Danewerke, leaving behind them sixty guns. Engage-
ments during the retreat at Idstedt and near Oversee.*
7.-The Prussians rest a day in Flensburg."
8.-The Prussians march upon Duppel, and throw forward their
main body to Apenrade, to cut off the retreat of the Danes into

Feb. 11.-At a dinner to celebrate the Suez Canal undertaking,
Prince Napoleon retraces the history of the enterprise, dwells upon its
grandeur and utility, and pays a tribute of praise to all who had
participated in the undertaking.

Feb. 12.-The new lottery loan of 40,000,000 florins was negotiated
on Thursday evening at 96 per cent. The Austrian Credit Mobilier
takes 15 millions, Messrs Rothschild's 114 millions, and Baron
Wodianer 13 millions. All the other competitors for the loan joined
these capitalists. Large offers for the loan were made to the Govern-
ment, both by foreign and home capitalists.

Feb. 7.-The semi-official Norddeutsche Zeitung contains an article
upon the declaration made by Earl Russell and Lord Palmerston in the
English Parliament. The journal states that the Austro-Prussian
demands for the fulfilment of the London Treaty by Denmark were
made before the outbreak of hostilities; and says that, according to
international law, war annuls all treaties.*

They were open to attack in front from the land, and on one side from the Waikato river. The lake and swamp at their rear were chosen by them rather with a view to escape by water than from any fear on with the aid of a gunboat, the lake was used as a means of effectually cutting off their retreat. The intrenchments with which they had protected this naturally strong position consisted of an outer line of defences and a central redoubt, or fort. They were of the nature of pits, or trenches, so arranged that the passage from one to the other could only be through a narrow channel, through which a storming party would have to march in single file, and could, therefore, be picked off by the defenders almost with certainty. The level ground which stretched from the river to the intrenchment was protected by a series of rifle pits, which were sufficient to make a landing from the river very difficult; but, fortunately, General Cameron's movement had been so unexpected that these pits were not manned at the time of the attack. The assault was simultaneous on both exposed sides of the intrenchment, a land force advancing in front, and a party from the ships under Sir William Wiseman from the river. The attack only began at five o'clock in the evening, but before night the outer line of intrenchments had been stormed, and the storming parties bad so surrounded the central redoubt as to command the swamp in the rear. A very heavy loss was incurred in carrying this outer line of intrenchments on the land side, only two officers out of seven in the leading column escaping unwounded, All attempts to storm the central redoubt before night failed. It was even more skilfully constructed than the rest of the position, and was obstinately defended. When the daylight dawned, about half-past five the next day, the Maories hoisted a flag of truce, it seems, merely because they wanted to talk" and gain time for reinforcements to come up. Under the cover of night their King and the principal Chief, William Thompson, had contrived to escape across the swamp, and they were expected to return with a sufficient force to effect a rescue. The garrison, however, found themselves surrounded more completely than they expected, and surrendered unconditionally. William the fort with a reinforcement, and upon seeing the British flag flying over it he proposed a surrender, but his men refused to listen to him, and he retired, leaving, however, the customary token of his own submission. The prisoners were then sent back to Auckland. The Colonial Legislature has passed votes of thanks to all the forces engaged in the affair, and it is universally spoken of as the most decisive blow that has ever been struck at the Maori pretensions in

FRIDAY.-Mr R. LONG, in reply to Sir G. Grey, said that the UnderSecretary of State for the Home Department would shortly introduce a Bill on the subject of the losses inflicted on British farmers by the importation of diseased cattle and sheep.-Colonel FRENCH, in reply to Mr Layard, said that be regretted to state that the award had not yet been given to Captain White, but the papers in reference to the subject had been placed in the hands of an eminent lawyer. In reply to Mr M. Smith, Mr CowPER said it was intended to erect the new courts of justice on a site between Carey street and the Strand. -In reply to Sir G. Bowyer, Sir G. GREY said he had received a communication from the Sheriffs of Middlesex on the subject of having the execution of the seven pirates in different parts instead of all taking place in London. He had no such power, and with reference to another question on the paper, he said the Court of Queen's Bench interfered only in special cases, and there was no reason in the present instance to depart from the usual practice.-In reply to Mr Peacocke, Lord PALMERSTON said, on the Danish question the course the Government had proposed to pursue was to obtain a diplomatic engagement signed by Denmark, which would have more security than a mere assertion. By that agreement Denmark was to stipulate that the Rigsrad at its first meeting should revoke the Constitution. The engagement was to be witnessed by England, France, and Sweden. The Government of this country gave no further guarantee than the moral effect of being witness to the agreement, which they considered might be accepted by Prussia and Austria instead NEW ZEALAND: of a territorial occupation. It was decided, however, that the proposition was too late.-Lord R. CECIL, then asked the noble lord if he would state after a severe engagement, and makes 200 prisoners. Nov. 20.-General Cameron defeats the rebel natives at Rangiriri, New Zealand. Proposals to treat have been civilly but decidedly whether there was any foundation for a rumour which had appeared in a paper generally well informed, that an armistice had been agreed upon for the evacuation of Denmark ?-Lord PALMERSTON said that such an arrangement had been suggested to Prussia, as he understood, with the concurrence of Austria.-Mr S. FITZGERALD called attention

to the circumstances attending the capture of the Springbok, the barque Science, captured at Matamoras; the ship Margaret and Jessie and the Saxon, captured within the jurisdiction of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope; and to move an address for papers. The hon. member commented in very severe terms on the course which had been pursued by the American Government, which he designated as an outrage on the British flag, and one that demanded redress.The ATTORNEY-GENERAL said that in one case the American captain denied the charge that had been made against him, and the case was in course of investigation in America. The case of the Springbok had been heard before a court in America, and there was an appeal to a higher court. With reference to the Saxon, instructions had been forwarded to Lord Lyons, requesting him to bring the subject before the American Government. With regard to the Margaret and Jessie and the Saxon, he thought it would be most inexpedient to produce the papers. Indeed he objected to the production of any papers relating to a subject on which negotiations were pending. He also deprecated the publication of statements in reference to the subject, as being calculated to impede the course of negotiations.-Mr S. FITZGERALD per severed in his motion.-Lord R. CECIL described the statement of the

Feb. 6.-The Queen formally authorises the marriage of the eldest Thompson appeared shortly afterwards advancing in the direction of
daughter of the Duc de Montpensier to the Count of Paris.
Dec. 26.-Advices received at Shanghai state that Prince Satsuma
has paid the indemnity, and made certain concessions.




HER MAJESTY remains at Osborne. On Thursday, the Prince and
Princess of Wales, with the infant Prince, left Frogmore for St Leonard's-
on-Sea, where they intend to remain a fortnight, at Starkey's Royal
Victoria Hotel. The Prince of Wales will hold Levées, on behalf of
Saturday, March 12.
the Queen, at St James's Palace on Wednesday, March 2, and on

specially convened by the Lord Chamberlain, attend at his office, to
Feb. 5.-A deputation of the theatrical managers of London,
confer with him on the subject of the late unfortunate accident from
fire, by which an unfortunate ballet girl lately lost her life.*
6.-Dr West, late Archdeacon of Dublin, is elected Dean of St


8.-Mr F. Lygon is appointed Lieut.-Governor of British Honduras.
Mr J. Henderson is returned for Durham city without opposition.
At the weekly meeting of the Lancashire Distress Fund Committee
Mr Maclure states that 5467. 7s. 9d. was received last week, and
that the balance in the bank was 183,858. 17s. Mr Farnall's
relief from the guardians last as compared with the previous week.
report shows that there is a decrease of 2,918 persons in receipt of
the case of the Alexandra, the majority negativing the appeal, which
The Judges in the Court of Exchequer Chamber give judgment in
thereupon dismissed, and the matter will have to be brought before
the Judicial Committee of the House of Lords.*

Williams v. the Bishop of Salisbury," and "Wilson, Clerk, v.
The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council give judgment in
Fendall" (Essays and Reviews) reversing the judgment of the Court of
Arches in both cases, and also allowing the appellants their costs in
the appeal.*

Sir J. Liddell, C.B., is nominated Knight Commander of the Bath,
on his resignation of the directorship of the medical department of the

Attorney-General as very ingenious, but very unsatisfactory. He
wished to see the Government show to the American Government the is
same energy that they showed on the occasion of the murder of an
Englishman in Japan. The character of the nation was rapidly
falling by this fearful contrast between our conduct to the weak and
our conduct to the strong. This sentiment was echoed by LORD
accusation, and said he saw no reason to doubt the equity and inde-
pendence of the tribunals of the United States, and it was but due to
the Government of the United States to say that they had invariably
received the communications of her Majesty's Government in a spirit
of equity and justice.-Mr S. FITZGERALD then withdrew his amend-
ment. Mr HENNESSY called for explanations with reference to a
despatch on the subject of Poland, written in the month of September,
1863, by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. This despatch,
which was to our minister at St Petersburg, he said, contained a
passage expressing an opinion similar to that expressed by Earl
Russell at Blairgowrie, and which was to the effect that Russia held
Poland by virtue of the treaty of Vienna, and that as the conditions of
the tenure had not been observed, the title was no longer valid.
While the despatch was on its way, however, it was recalled by a
telegraphic message, and that passage was struck out. He asked if
the Government would produce the despatch in its complete form. Elizabethau architecture in England, is totally destroyed by fire. The
11.-Hillfield Hall, in Warwickshire, one of the finest specimens of
Lord PALMERSTON said it would be exceedingly improper to lay
before Parliament that which was not the definite act of the British owner, Mrs Beard, with her two sons and four female servants, save
Government. He did not think it was to the advantage of the Poles their lives by escaping in their night clothes.
to hold that Russia held Poland not by virtue of the treaty of Vienna
but by the right of conquest.-The army estimates were brought up
and laid on the table.

9. The iron screw-steamer Enterprise is successfully launched at
Mr J. R. Yorke is returned for Tewkesbury without opposition.
the case of Fitzgerald v. Fitzgerald is refused by Sir J. Wylde, on the
An application in the Divorce Court for a rule nisi for a new trial in
ground that he sees no reason for disturbing the verdict already given.
Mr T. W. Fleming (Conservative) is returned for Winchester
without opposition.

Lord of the Treasury.
10.-A Cabinet Council is held at the official residence of the First

Battle at Rangiriri.

declined by Sir G. Grey until the Queen's flag shall have been hoisted at his capital; and it is expected in the colony that this result will be followed by the steady pacification of the whole island.

The following is an official return of the names of the officers killed and wounded: Killed-1st Batt. 12th Regt. Lieut. W. L. Murphy. 2nd Batt. 14th Regt., Captain Phelps. Royal Artillery, Captain H. Mercer. Wounded-Royal Engineers, Captain Brooks. 2nd Batt. 14th Regt., Lieut.-Col. Austen, very severe. 40th Regt., Ensign A. Ducrow, dangerous. 65th Regt., Captain W. II. Gresson; Lieut. J. S. Talbot; Lieut. A. H. Lewis; Lieut. G. R. Chevalier.

THE POLISH INSURRECTION. BERLIN, Feb. 8.-Private letters received here from Warsaw, announce the arrest of an individual named Fawski, and state that it had led to most important discoveries, in consequence of which 1,000 persons had been arrested in Warsaw and the provinces up to Saturday last. The same letters further state that the archives of the National Government had fallen into the hands of the Russian authorities, and

that important personages in Poland and abroad were thereby seriously compromised. The Dziennik announces the discovery of ten inferual machines, together with booms and arms, at the vinegar manufactory of M. Eckert.

WARSAW, Feb. 10.-A circular has been addressed by General Berg rendering with their arms shall be permitted to retain their liberty. Those to the military commanders, ordering that insurgents voluntarily surwho surrender without arms shall be set free on producing a certificate of legitimation, and their future good behaviour being guaranteed by the authorities of their respective villages. Insurgents failing to comply with either condition are to be transported until the restoration

of order.

CRACOW, Feb. 11.-Advices received here state that a sharp engagement took place on the 20th ult. at Prochenk, in the district of of Zeglinski, Pogorzelski, Cwiek, Jagmin, and Wagner, and a strong Siedlic, government of Lublin, between the combined insurgent corps division of Russians under General Manukin.

The Poles lost ninetythree killed and 127 wounded. Epidemic typhus has broken out among the Russian garrisons in the district of Cracow.

ceived a numerous deputation of London theatrical managers, whom he FIRES IN THEATRES.-Yesterday week the Lord Chamberlain rehad convened in consequence of the late accidents by fire at the theatres, and also in consequence of a letter from the coroner for Middlesex relative to the accident to and death of the columbine at the Pavilion Theatre. On the occasion of the accident at the Princess's last spring, he called the attention of the managers to it by a circular. The two of the ground lights, or footlights; and also to hear the opinion of those points to which he now wished to call attention were, first, the covering persons as to means of enforcing upon the ballet girls the use of a preparation, like the solution of potass, to prevent their dresses catching fire. It was urged upon his lordship that if it were made compulsory to adopt the use of these solutions they would not get engagements. The Lord Chamberlain said he had received several letters, one from a magistrate, suggesting that there should be legislation on the subject. He only wished to point out what was the feeling of the public mind in this respect. He wished to learn whether it would be uninflammable, to carry out such a suggestion. To this it was replied practicable, if he issued a circular to have all outer garments rendered by several gentlemen that the solution could not be applied to silk or satin dresses, or to dresses ornamented with gold or silver, and that even when it was applied it was utterly useless if the under clothing that another point to which he wished to call their attention was the was not treated in the same way. The Lord Chainberlain then said question of ingress and egress at the theatres, suggested by the late awful occurrence in Chili. Several of the deputation having explained the means of exit at the theatres, the Lord Chamberlain pointed out that he had no control over music-halls, and then said that it would be regarded exits, impressing upon them that the public would hold them his duty to send them a circular on the subject of lights, and also as responsible for future accidents. Mr Webster suggested that his lordship should send them a letter, which they could have printed and placed in various parts of the theatre, calling, with severity, the of that kind were done he was sure that maungers would act upon attention of the ladies employed to the necessity of care. If something But they had tried dismissal, and in fact he did not know anything The position of Rangiriri, the scene of the present struggle, is on the which it was possible to do which they had not done. The Lord banks of the Waikato river, higher up than Mere-Mere, the scene of Chamberlain has since issued a general order on the subject, accompa General Cameron's late well-intended but disappointing effort. The nied by a series of regulations which he has directed should be posted A PRINTER'S ERROR.—A ludicrous blunder appears in a Ripon Maories, after their fashion, escaped his attack, and left him only the in a conspicuous position in the theatres over which he has control, paper, caused by a line which properly belonged to a meeting report shell of the fort. They retired, it seems, with the intention of making He particularly urges on the managers the importance of facilitating, having been accidentally placed between two announcements of birth, a similar stand, and, no doubt, of similarly slipping away, to Rangiriri, by every means in their power, the egress of all classes of their The record read as follows: "On the 3rd instant, at Ellington, the wife and it seems they were followed by General Cameron before they had audiences from their theatres. He acknowledges, with pleasure, that of Mr Terry, schoolmaster, of a son. He spoke indistinctly, but was had full time to make their dispositions, or the result to our forces much bas of late years been effected; but much room for improvement understood to say that, on the 5th instant, at Bond-gate, Ripon, the would, it is said, have been still more fatal. Their position was pro- still existe, and he hopes to find that his caution in this respect has wife of Mr Joseph Lonsdale, tailor, of a daughter. tected at the rear and on one flank by the Waikari lake and swamp. been attended to when the next annual inspection takes place.

The following telegram was received by Earl Russell from her COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION.-The Committee of "RANGIRIRI, Nov. 29, 1863.-Lieut.-General Cameron, on the 20th Majesty's agent and Consul-General in Egypt, dated Cairo, Feb. 7: Council on Education has presented to Parliament its revised Code of inst., with a force of 1,000 men and three guns, aided by the Royal 1864. The changes in it are confined to points announced by the Navy, under Commodore Sir William Wiseinan, attacked the rebel Minutes of the 21st of March and the 19th of May, 1863,-viz., en- natives, who occupied a very strongly entrenched position on the bank dowments, the inspection of workhouse schools, and a new system of of the river Waikato at Rangiriri, and after a severe engagement grants to training colleges. The numbering of the articles in the Code succeeded in dislodging them from it, and taking 183 prisoners, inof 1862, which remain unaltered in that of 1864, is preserved, for cluding most of the chiefs. The fighting commenced at five p.m., and purposes of reference and quotation. An appendix follows, showing did not cease till six a.m. next day. Our loss, including that of the separately all articles cancelled or modified, and all new articles. Royal Navy, is four officers killed, eleven wounded; thirty-seven men killed, eighty wounded. Names of killed and wounded will be sent by my first despatch.-COLQUHOUN." MELBOURNE, Dec. 23.–Advices from New Zealand announce that THE DANISH QUESTION.-We understand that the English Government has proposed an armistice to the belligerents, on the basis of the the Maories have suffered a great defeat. Two hundred prisoners were evacuation of Slesvig, with the exception of the Island of Alsen, by captured. The 50th Regiment had arrived. the Danes. This suggestion has met with the support of France, received by the arrival of the Calcutta mail. Our limits prevent us Since the receipt of the above by telegraph ample details have been Russia, and Sweden, and it is put forward as preliminary to a Con- from giving the report of the battle of Rangiriri in full, but the folference which, it is hoped, will finally dispose of the ong-vexed ques-lowing description tells the general story: tion of the Duchies.-Morning Post.



CORN MARKET, FRIDAY.-IMPORTATIONS Into London from the 8th of February to the 11th of February, 1864, both inclusive.


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RAILWAYS AND PUBLIC COMPANIES. From the List of Messrs Holderness, Fowler, and Co., Stock and Share Brokers, of Change alley, Cornhill.







as follows: Mr P. H. Berndes, of London; Mr J. Cheetham, of Staley bridge and Manchester; Mr J. L. Farley; Mr G. F. Holroyd, director of the Mercantile Credit Association; Mr G. P. Kitson, of Messrs Guest and Co.; Mr W. M'Andrew, of Messrs W. M'Andrew and Sons; Mr M. Nassif, of Messrs Abet Brothers; Mr W. M. Neill, THE STOCK EXCHANGE COMMITTEE have formally adopted the of Messrs Neill Brothers and Co., London and Manchester; Mr J. annexed resolution with regard to new companies: "The com- Rogerson, of London and Newcastle-on-Tyne; the Hon. R. T. Rowley, mittee will not recognise transactions in the shares of any new M.P.; Mr W. Tabor, director of the Imperial Bank; and Mr J. English and Scotch company unless one-half of the nominal capital of the company be Todhunter, late of the firm of Messrs J. Todhunter and Co. issued, and at least 10 per cent. paid thereon. The above resolution has been this day passed and confirmed, and will in future form part announced, with a capital of 1,000,000l., in 100,000 shares of 107. THE MARITIME INSURANCE COMPANY (Limited) is likewise of the law of the Stock Exchange.". It is understood that this reso- each, of which one-fourth are to be issued in the first instance. This lution applies to all companies which have not yet allotted their shares. In consequence of this rule, several representations have undertaking is of Liverpool origin, and is formed to continue the been addressed to the committee, who, it is understood, will meet to firm of Price and Co. The board is respectably composed, including SUARES marine insurance business long conducted by Mr H. Case, under the discuss the application of the rule to undertakings which have issued the undermentioned mercantile names: Mr F. Boult (of Messrs their prospectuses, but have not yet allotted their shares. THE CENTRAL GRYLLS MINING COMPANY (Limited) has issued Messrs Harrisons and Latham), Mr W. H. Haynes, Mr P. Hunter Boult, English, and Brandon), Mr A. Duranty, Mr W. Harrison (of) its prospectus. A purchase has been made of the lease of a mineral (of Messrs Brown, Hunter, and Co.), Mr G. B. Kerferd, Mr P. Maxproperty in Cornwall, within a short distance of the Wheal Grylls well, Mr P. M. Miller, Mr W. Nicol, Mr D. Powell, Mr T. H. Company's workings. It is mentioned that the Georgia tin lode runs through the property. The lease is for twenty-one years, and the Ridley, and Mr J. B. Smith (of Messrs Houghton, Smith, and Co.), Stock royalty 1-18th. The capital is 6,0007. in shares of 31. each, which, working, and the preliminary expenses will consist solely of the It is promised that "the strictest economy will be exercised in with 21. 10s. paid, have been quoted at 31 to 31. THE LONDON RESTAURANT COMPANY (Limited) is announced, actual necessary disbursements and legal charges." with a proposed capital of 50,000, in 10,000 shares of 51. each. It is proposed to open in London and elsewhere ten or twelve large restaurants, or dining establishments, as well as luncheon rooms, which are to be worked, if possible, in connection with one large central depot. Various improvements in the system of dining are promised, and special inducements are held out to subscribers in the shape of a "shareholders' tariff." To the preliminary expenses a sum equal to 3 per cent. on the company's capital is to be appropriated. THE NEW COMBMARTIN SILVER-LEAD MINING COMPANY (Limited) is announced, with a proposed capital of 16,000l., in 8,000 shares of 21. each. Combmartin is situate in the North of Devon, in a wellknown mineral district, and the sett obtained, comprising the estates of West Challacombe and Leicester, is adjacent to the old Combmartin miues. Nine lodes are opened, and the opinion of Mr E. Hopkins is cited to the effect that both the main lodes of old Combmartin mine continue through the sett. The present proprietors of the property are to receive 4,000l. in paid-up shares.





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MISCELLANEOUS.-The directors of the Bank of England, at their weekly court on Thursday, reduced the minimum rate of discount from 8 to 7 per cent.-The first steamer of the London, Italian, and Adriatic Steam Navigation Company, the Clotilda, sailed on the 2nd inst. for Italy, with a full and complete cargo, and, owing to want of Stock room, had to shut out nearly 300 tons of goods.-A requisition has been drawn up, having for its object to compel the directors of the London and Middlesex Bank to convene a meeting, according to the articles of association. The document referred to is lying at the office of Mr P. Wood, 24 Bucklersbury, for the signature of the shareholders.-A call of 17. is to be paid on the shares in the Singapore Gas Company (Limited) by the 19th inst.-The half-yearly meeting of the London and North-Western Railway Company will be held on the 19th inst.The first sod of the Bishop Stortford, Dunmow, and Braintree Railway is Stock to be turned on the 24th inst., and the day will be observed as a general holiday at Dunmow. The line will serve as another connecting link between the Colchester and Cambridge main lines of the Great Eastern system, into which it will, doubtless, be eventually merged.THE GLAMORGAN IRON ORE COMPANY (Limited) is also announced. At the meeting on Tuesday of the London and Northern Bank the direcThe capital in this instance is 40,000l., in 8,000 shares of 51. each, tors' report, showing a net profit on the operations since the comThe object is to purchase the lease of and work an estate of argil-mencement of business of 3,172, was adopted; 2,0007. of this sum is laceous iron ore situated five miles and a half from Britton Ferry carried to reserve fund, and 1,1727. to preliminary expense account.Docks, and the iron-works of the neighbourhood. A railway skirts The fourth call of 17., making 57. paid, is to be paid on the shares of the boundary of the property. The quality of the ore is described as the Bombay Gas Company (Limited) by the 7th of March.-A call of very good. The purchase-money for the lease is 12,4001., which is to 51. is to be paid on the shares in the Consolidated Discount Company be partly taken in shares. (Limited) by the 7th of March.-The half-yearly meeting of the THE CITY MERCANTILE CLUB AND DINING HALL COMPANY is an- Victoria Dock Company is convened for the 25th inst.-An extra. nounced, with a capital of 80,000, in 107. shares. The prospectus ordinary meeting of the Portugal Iron and Coal Company (Limited) states that the club, with its private dining, reading, and smoking is called for the 16th inst., to give the company's assent to the rooms for the exclusive use of members, will be conducted under the conditions of the royal decree allowing the company to carry on management of a committee, strictly upon the principles of similar operations in Portugal.-The report of the Berlin Waterworks Comestablishments, with a small entrance fee and subscription, and a pany, to be presented on the 18th inst., shows an increase of 6,9931. moderate dining-room tariff, adapted to the views of men of the in the receipts for the past year, the total having been 24,7521. The commercial world. Holders of ten shares and upwards will (subject available balance is 9,8387, out of which a dividend of 4s. per share to the ballot) be admitted to the membership of the club without is recommended, which will leave 5361. to be carried forward.-A entrance fee. The public dining halls will be upon a scale worthy report of the Australian Mortgage Land and Finnace Company details of the City, and capable of comparison with any establishment on the progress of the formation of the undertaking, and states that a the Continent. The directors have purchased in one of the best and local board of three persons, including the Crown Solicitor, has been most central situations in the City, in close proximity to the principal established in Queensland, whither 30,0007. has been remitted for places of business, a magnificent range of buildings (recently erected investment in mortgages. A call of 17. per share is to be paid in under the superintendence of an eminent architect) in the centre of March, when the directors contemplate taking power for the issue of Cheapside, having nearly 30,000 feet of floor space, and pre-emi bonds, obligations, or debentures.-The Brighton Railway traffic return nently adapted to the requirements of all branches of the proposed shows this week an increase of 6561. over last year, and the Southestablishmen The profits are estimated at m to 40 per cent. Eastern an increase of 9371.-An extraordinary meeting of the British THE CREDIT FONCIER OF MAURITIUS is announced, with a capital and American Exchange Banking Corporation (Limited) is called for of 500,000l., in shares of 50%, with an influential London board of the 26th inst.-The adjourned meeting of the Continental Bank Corpersons of Indian experience and a local board of merchants and poration (Limited) will be held on the 23rd inst., and will be made landowners. This undertaking was projected some time back under special, to confirm the previous resolution for altering the articles of the auspices of the Land Mortgage Bank of India, but it has been association.-The dividend on Great Eastern Railway stock, it is, delayed owing to the necessity for the insertion of a clause in the officially announced, will be at the rate of 2 per cent. per annum, articles of association of the latter company to enable them to under- against the same rate for the corresponding period in 1862. The stock take such agencies. has slightly improved to-day upon this announcement.-The directors


THE PROSPECTUS OF THE MEXICAN BANK (Limited) has been of the Vale of Neath Railway Company have agreed to recommend to
issued. The capital of this undertaking is two millions, in 20,000 their proprietors at the half-yearly meeting on the 19th inst. the de-
shares of 100%. each, but the first issue is to be limited to 5,000 shares. claration of a dividend on the ordinary stock at the rate of 4 per cent.
The board is composed as follows, viz. :-Mr F. Harrison, director per annum.
of the London and County Bank; Mr J. L. Hart, consul for Mexico;
Mr A. Heywood, ex-mayor of Manchester, and director of the
Alliance Bank; Mr L. Langworthy, of Manchester; Mr W. J.
Marshall, of Wilson, Bowles, and Co.; Mr J. Paterson, chairman of
the Standard Bank of British South Africa; Mr R. Rumney, director has accepted the proposition of Denmark, that a delay of eight weeks
of the Alliance Bank, of Manchester; and Mr C. Thurburn, late of should be allowed to Danish and Austrian ships, with their cargoes
Joyce, Thurburn, and Co., of Alexandria. The bankers are the Alli- (material of war excepted), to leave the harbours of both countries
ance Bank; the brokers, Messrs J. and J. Whitehead; and the without molestation; and that, during a similar period, the mails
London solicitors, Messrs Flux and Argles. Besides carrying on should be regularly conveyed to and from either country."
operations in Mexico, and between Mexico and Great Britian, it is

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Australian Agricultural

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32. 10

[blocks in formation]


Crystal Palace

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General Steam

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[blocks in formation]


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At Market

French 3 per Cent.
Italian 5 per Cent.
Mexican 3 per Cent.
Portuguese 1853
Ditto, 1862



Ditto ditto 1862


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Prices per Stone.
8. d.
s. d.
4,726 Beef 3 8 to 5 4 Beasts
16,285 Muttn 4 0 to 6 4 Sheep
114 Lamb -to
440 Veal 4 0 to 5 6 Pigs
Pork 3 6 to 5 0

METROPOLITAN CATTLE MARKET, MONDAY.-The arrivals of cattle and sheep into the port of London from the Continent during the past week have been limited. The Custom-house official return gives an THE UNITY BANK held an extraordinary meeting on Tuesday, entry of 511 oxen, 415 calves, 978 sheep, 36 pigs, and 6 horses, together Alderman Mechi in the chair. A long and angry discussion, involving making a total of 1,946 head, against 2,547 head at the same period last many personalities, took place with regard to the revelations made in year, 1,155 head in 1862, 1,625 in 1861, 1,998 in 1860, 2,305 in 1859, and 342 the report and balance-sheet just circulated by the directors. The in 1858. chairman remarked that the facts detailed were honest, and consistent with the utmost integrity-a statement which was met by expressions of strong disapprobation from the shareholders present. Alderman Mechi added that not the least loss had occurred to the bank from the directors or any of the friends introduced by them, with one trifling exception; nor were they aware of any irregularities on the part of the staff. He (the chairman) had himself paid out of his own Beef 3 8 to 5 4 Beasts pocket little short of 20,0007. on account of the bank. The share- Muttn 4 0 to 64 Sheep holders would lose the 10,000l. which was to bave been paid by the Lamb London and Middlesex Bank, the contract of the latter being to the Veal 4 0 to 6 0 Pigs effect that the Unity shareholders were not entitled to receive this sum till the London and Middlesex had divided 5 per cent., which it had not done. Mr Proctor said there appeared to have been gross neglect on the part of the management, and he entered into details with respect to the heavy items under the head of preliminary expenses and losses on bills discounted. This gentleman proposed a resolution in favour of the appointment of a committee of investiga- Wheat, English tion. It was explained by another shareholder, however, that the amendment could not be put on this occasion, the present being an extraordinary" meeting. It was finally decided to adjourn the meeting, so as to allow the accounts to be audited-the auditors, seven in number, to be appointed by the shareholders.

[blocks in formation]

Per Quarter.




39s 488 418 48s Beans, English



BANK OF ENGLAND.-An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and

534 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Wednesday, the 10th day of 500 Feb., 1864.


[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

388 53s 45s 53s

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

32s 38s 32s 38s
25s 31s 25s 31s

Oats, English

18s 24s 18s 24s

[merged small][ocr errors]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors][merged small]

Peas, English
Flour, English

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

32s 37s 32s 37s Rest

[ocr errors]

Per 280 lbs.

[ocr errors]

29s 40s 293 40s

Exchequer, Savings' Banks,
Commissioners of National

31s 353 31s 358

Debt, and Dividend



Other Deposits

Seven Days and other Bills



Feb, 11, 1864.

The capital is 1,000,000, in 20,000 shares of 50% each, of which
10,000 shares are to form the first issue, and the deposit has been
fixed at 11. per share on application and 47. on allotment, making
together 10 per cent, on the 50%. shares. The direction is composed Clover, £4 0s. to £5 103. Straw, £1 2s. to £1 10s.

HAY MARKET.-Per load of 36 trusses: Hay, £3 0s, to £4 103.

[blocks in formation]



such private armed naval forces as the mercantile marine shall afford. British ports, domestic as well as colonial, are now open, under certain restrictions, to the visits of piratical vessels, and not only furnish them The Times, in publishing a very important series of despatches on coals, provisions, and repairs, but even receive their prisoners when the the subject of the Alabama and her consorts, which has just been enemies of the United States come in to obtain such relief from presented to Parliament, gives the following account of them: The voyages in which they have either burnt ships which they have series contains a collection of documents, such as protests, affidavits, captured, or have even manned and armed them as pirates, and sent them and consular reports, relative to the depredations of these cruisers, as abroad as auxiliaries in the work of destruction. Can it be an occasion well as the communications which have passed between the Foreign- for either surprise or complaint that if this condition of things is to reoffice and Mr Adams, or his Government, upon the claims preferred on main and receive the deliberate sanction of the British Government, the behalf of American citizens. These last do not include any arising navy of the United States will receive instructions to pursue these out of the Alexandra case, or those which have been exchanged with enemies into the ports which thus, in violation of the law of nations reference to the iron-clads, on both of which topics Lord Russell and and the obligations of neutrality, become harbours for the pirates? Mr Layard claimed the privilege of reticence on Tuesday night, on the The President very distinctly perceives the risks and hazards which a ground that they involve questions still pending. For a different naval conflict thus maintained will bring to the commerce and even to reason the remarkable letter of Mr Seward, dated July 11, which the peace of the two countries. But he is obliged to consider that in appeared in our columns on Monday, has no place among these papers, the case supposed the destruction of our commerce will probably although it has been laid before Congress. It now appears, from the amount to a naval war waged by a portion, at least, of the British statements made in both Houses, that this letter, though authentic, was nation against the Government and people of the United States a never delivered by Mr Adams to Lord Russell. No one who has war tolerated, although not declared or avowed, by the British Governperused it will find fault with the discretion exercised by the United ment. If, through the necessary employment of all our means of States' Minister, to whose pacific efforts Lord Russell himself bears national defence, such a partial war shall become a general one between emphatic testimony. A remonstrance which, though it concludes the two nations, the President thinks that the responsibility for that with a compliment to the dignity of Great Britain, warns us that, painful result will not fall upon the United States. In stating thus unless we lay an embargo on Confederate privateers, they shall be frankly the views of this Government, it is proper for me to add that pursued "into the ports which thus, in violation of the law of nations it is not the President's purpose to resort to the extraordinary measures and the obligations of neutrality, become harbours for the pirates," of defence to which I have referred, unless they shall be rendered was scarcely likely to promote the object which Mr Adams had at necessary by a final decision of the British Government that it cannot heart. It was probably judicious to treat this missive as an isolated and will not interfere to restrain the hostilities which are now apebullition, written in an interval of very natural but not very states-prehended; nor will I allow myself to suppose that her Majesty's Governmanlike vexation. At all events, it is out of harmony with the mode- ment will for a moment conceive that anything I have written upon rate and argumentative tone which characterises the representations this point is written in a spirit of mere demonstration; on the contrary, actually made to our Government. The first despatch in this corre- while the pacific and friendly disposition of her Britannic Majesty's spondence which requires our attention is that of Lord Russell to Mr Government is fully appreciated and relied upon, it is well understood Adams, dated March 9, with respect to a demand from the New York that the Government is the last one in the world to yield to vehemence Mutual Insurance Company. This demand may be taken as a type what cannot be conceded in equity and justice. So, on the other of those which follow in rapid succession throughout these pages. The hand, it ought to be understood that the United States, if they could claimants urge that since the Alabama was built, fitted out, and ever be presumptuous, are sufficiently chastened already by the scourge despatched from a British port, chiefly manned by British sailors, taken of civil war to seek peace and friendship with Great Britain and all out of British jurisdiction by a trick, protected by the use of the Bri- other nations through any concession that is compatible with the tish flag, and admitted to British ports in the colonies as a man-of-permanent interests of national life and honour.-I am, &c., W. H. war, she was, "to all intents and purposes, a British vessel." In SEWARD." some of these memorials, several of which are framed on an uniform model, or common form," as lawyers would call it, two further arguments are used. The one is that she was allowed to leave our waters after due notice of her character and destination had been furnished to

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For three years past she had lived with her, and now the husband, who had not for eleven years contributed a farthing towards her support, actually wanted to take possession of the clothes and some rings which she herself had given to her. The coroner remarked upon the painful nature of the case, and said that the mode of suicide adopted was the most terrible that had ever come before him.


A BREACH OF PROMISE OF MARRIAGE CASE in the Court of Common Pleas, on Monday, was of a somewhat amusing character. It was an action brought by a Miss Welch, who is about thirty years of age, and who lived with her aunt, Mrs Jones, at Croydon. Mrs Jones kept a baker's and confectioner's shop, in which her niece used to serve. In the year 1861, the defendant, Mr Paske, who had been an officer in the East India Company's service, was staying at Croydon, under the care of a medical man; and he used to go to Mrs Jones's shop two or three times a day, and there eat almond cakes. These cakes were sold at the rate of two for a penny, and he used to eat eight of them a day. He also ate French rolls, sometimes four a day, at Mrs Jones's shop; and he had not been there many times before he asked to be allowed to go into the back sitting room to eat them. Once in April he went to Mrs Jones's for almond cakes and French rolls, and asked if Miss Welch was her daughter, and if she might be allowed to take a walk with him some evening. Mrs Jones replied, "No, not with my consent." He asked, "When did she walk out?" and she told him "sometimes in the afternoon." He afterwards told her that he had proposed to Miss Welch and she had accepted him, and Mrs Jones told him, "She was old enough to do as she liked." Several letters were written by the defendant to Miss Welch, and in one of them, concluding with "yours ever," Mr Robinson, for the plaintiff, pointed out that the "ever" was underlined six times. Mr Justice Byles asked if that meant for ever and something beyond. One of these letters contained a distinct promise, saying, "My dearest Eliza, I promise you faithfully you shall be my wife." After this promise the plaintiff had frequently visited him at his lodgings, and once, during an illness, had taken him some delicacies from the shop. On the 8th of the same month of May the defendant had written to Mr Dennis, a grocer in Dorking, and a friend of the plaintiff, telling him how much he admired Miss Welch, and asking him to procure a licence for him to marry her, and also a wedding ring. Miss Welch had lent the defendant 67. or 71., and shortly after he chose to pay attention to a Miss Slatter, the daughter of a linendraper in Dorking, whom, to the great distress of the plaintiff, he had paraded up and down before her aunt's shop, The first time this was seen by the plaintiff, Mrs Jones said she

A SUDDEN AND STRANGE DEATH, as strangely described was, the our Government; the other, that since, if she had been seized by the subject of an inquest held on Monday at the Holborn Union, on the nearly fainted, and was very ill in the following autumn in consequence Tuscarora or any other Federal man-of-war after leaving our territory, body of an ostler named Marjoram, who was employed at the Bell, in of Mr Paske's treatment. Soon afterwards Mr Paske married this Miss she would infallibly have claimed the privileges of British ownership, Gray's Inn lane. Another ostler, named Adams, was the first witness Slatter, "who," Mrs Jones said, "was pretty well as to respectability she must be a British "piratical craft." We have not space to dis- called. He said he slept in the same bed with deceased, and continued: -middling." It was shown that Mr Paske was well off, and after the cuss points founded on the supposition of what the Alabama would "Last Wednesday night he took some medicine, which he got from death of an aged relative it was said he was to come into possession of have done under circumstances which, thanks to the inactivity of the the hospital, and I put him to bed at ten o'clock. Federal navy, never occurred. We have to deal only with Lord RusA little after twelve, 2,700l. a year. At the close of the plaintiff's case, Mr Hawkins was sell's answers, which have always embodied an entire and explicit dis- before I put out the candle, he looked at me and gave a grin, and then proceeding to address the jury, and said this action "was a warning to claimer of responsibility. On July 13 he adheres to what he had said died, and that's all I know about it." In reply to the question as to all gentlemen with a passion for almond cakes," but the junior counsel, on March 9, and on September 14 he protests against such pretensions the witness said: "No; what was the use of troubling anybody. He last did so, and Mr Joyce announced that it had been agreed between whether he did not give an alarm when he found his companion dead, who for some time had been endeavouring to effect an arrangement, at on account of captures made by vessels "originally built " here, but was dead, and I found him 'werry cold' all night. I got up at half the parties that there should be a verdict for the plaintiff for 2001. .. fitted out as warlike cruisers in foreign ports, as "entirely at damages, the judgment not to be enforced until three months after the variance with the principles of international law, and with the deci- past five, told our landlord, and then went to the hospital for a sions of American Courts of the highest authority." He adds that he certificate, but couldn't get it. The dead man never got drunk. He death of Mr Haylefoot, the tenant for life of the property to which the "which her Majesty's Government cannot admit to be founded on any who had made a post-mortem examination of the body, deposed that from him by fraud when he was drunk. In closing the case, Mr Jushopes Mr Adams may not again be instructed to put forward claims that's just like me." The house surgeon of the Royal Free Hospital, his defence, had pleaded that the supposed promise had been obtained had no money nor friends, and only the clothes he always wore, and defendant is entitled. Verdict accordingly. The defendant, as part of grounds of law or justice." It was after this that Mr Adams applied death had resulted from serous apoplexy, produced by a thick plug of tice Byles said this plea should not have been pleaded, and had his

and distension of the vessels of the brain. Every organ of the body
mucous matter in the air passage, which led to congestion of the lungs strong disapprobation.
in every respect, but it was clear that death had resulted from natural
was healthy. The coroner said the case was a very extraordinary one
causes. A verdict to that effect was accordingly returned.



Saturday Evening. THE WAR IN DENMARK. to-day, an outpost skirmish took place yesterday between Torvemose COPENHAGEN, Feb. 12.-According to an official report published gaard and Rageboel. The enemy was repulsed with loss, and some prisoners were made. The enemy took possession to-day of Jahrhaus, lodge the enemy. The King has returned to Copenhagen. near Egersund. An iron-clad schooner has left for that place to disFLENSBURG, Feb. 12.-Troops and artillery continue to pass through here to the northward. It is not yet certainly known whether the attack on Duppel has commenced, but a few wounded men have been brought in. The Crown Prince of Prussia left Flensburg to-day for Slesvig.

HAMBURG, Feb. 12.-Fresh bodies of Prussian troops continue to arrive here. The Danish cavalry have retired into Jutland. The Danes have captured a Prussian brig in the Sound.

BERLIN, Feb. 12.—It is asserted that a Croat regiment has pillaged have collected a large number of boats, to be used in attempting a several houses in the town of Slesvig. The Austrians and Prussians landing on the island of Alsen. The first convoy of Danish prisoners has arrived here.

BRESLAU, Feb. 12.-According to a telegram received here, a body of Austrian troops, numbering 3,400 men, will arrive in this city in a few days, on their way to Slesvig. They will be conveyed by eight special trains, and will be quartered here for the night. A meeting of the directors of the railway took place at Cassel yesterday.

to Washington for instructions as to the course which he should thenceforth pursue, and the result is announced in the important despatch of October 23. As this despatch and Lord Russell's reply to it represent with great accuracy the two conflicting views, and complete the pleadings, so to speak, on either side, it may be worth while to give a summary of their contents. Mr Adams starts by pointing out that Great Britain and the United States are at peace, and mu- A DREADFUL RAILWAY ACCIDENT occurred on Thursday on the tually bound by treaty to restrain their respective subjects from mak-long incline of the Malton and Whitby branch of the North-Eastern ing war upon each other. He next dwells on the ravages of the Ala-railway. The last passenger train from Malton, consisting of two bama, roving over the seas "without lawful authority" that can be third-class carriages, one second-class and one first-class carriages, recognised by international law, and "in open defiance of all judi- with the van, travelled safely as far as the bank top in Gothland. Here cial tribunals" that can take cognizance of piracy. Then comes the engine was detached, and the train, as is usual, was hooked on to the gravamen of the charge. She was "built with the intent to a brake van, to which a rope of wire is attached, and was pushed over make war against the United States by British subjects, in a the bank on to the incline in the usual way. The trains are lowered British port, and prepared there to be armed and equipped with a by a stationary engine at the top, and last night all was considered to specific armament adapted to her construction for the very purpose "be in proper working order. When probably about 150 yards on the of preying on American commerce. That armament and equipment descent the rope suddenly broke, and the train was left to its career were "simultaneously prepared by British subjects, in a British port, down nearly a mile of incline of which the gradient is one in fourteen. with the intent to complete her preparation for her career," and the The velocity likely to be attained under such circumstances may be transfer of the armament to the hull was clandestinely arranged and more readily imagined than described, especially when the rails were carried out "with the connivance of her British holders." From these frozen and slippery, which rendered the two brakes of the vans comcircumstances, taken together, Mr Adans infers "one single criminal paratively useless. At the foot of the incline the line curves rapidly intent running equally through all the portions of this preparation," to the right, crossing the Elderbeck in the Beck Hole. Round this and, inasmuch as our Government, though "bound by treaty obliga- curve and over the bridge the train shot with terrific speed, and a few tions and the law of nations to prevent the execution of it," did not yards further left the rails and rolled over into the ditch. The firstact with "promptness and energy enough" to frustrate the enterprise, class carriage was quite upset, and out of one compartment two comhe continues to insist that we ought to indemnify American ship-mercial travellers were taken out dead. Strangely enough they bear owners for the losses which they have sustained. On the other hand, no marks of injury beyond a slight blackness on one eye of one of the he assures Lord Russell that "the United States desire to maintain deceased. The names of the killed are not known, but it is believed amity as well as peace," that they fully appreciate our difficulties, and they are Scotchmen from Dundee. In the next compartment of the that they are willing to defer the settlement of their claims for the first-class another commercial gentleman, a Mr. Nichols, also from the present, or even to submit them to arbitration. Lord Russell's response, north, was got out somewhat seriously injured about the head. The dated October 26, is more succinct and less controversial. He avails confusion in the dark was extreme, but eventually all the other pashimself of the admission that the present moment is not the most sengers were extricated, when it was found that although fourteen favourable for the calm and candid examination of the facts and prin- were more or less injured, their injuries were slight. The engine ciples in dispute. At the same time he seizes the opportunity to show which was waiting for the train at the foot, had steam up, and was at the material distinction between such proceedings as Washington's once sent to Whitby for new carriages and assistance. Similar Government prohibited, when the French attempted to make American accidents have previously occurred on this incline, but never previously ports their basis of operations against this country, and those which with a passenger train. are the subject of these complaints. "The British Government must decline to be responsible for the acts of parties who fit out a seeming merchant ship, send her to a port or to waters far from the jurisdiction of a British Court, and there commission, equip, and man her as a vessel of war." Mr Adams meets this in his rejoinder, dated October day week before Mr W. Payne, at the Gibraltar Tavern, St. George's AN EXTRAORDINARY SUICIDE formed the subject of inquiry yesterTHE PRUSSIANS IN HOLSTEIN. 31, by denying that the Alabama and other vessels of the same class road. The deceased was a married woman, named Cranfield, aged 49, lishes a telegram from Altona, dated Thursday night, which says: DRESDEN, Feb. 12.-The official Dresdner Journal of to-day pubever bore the semblance of merchant ships, even to her Majesty's residing in Elliot's row, Southwark. A. Wheeler, 33 L, said that on officers who reported upon them." This is virtually the close of the the previous Wednesday evening he was called to her house and found 'Field-Marshal von Wrangel has given notice of his intention to correspondence. her lying on the floor. She was in her night-dress. Her stomach was occupy Altona, Kiel, and Neumünster. The Federal Commissioners, frightfully cut in the form of a St Andrew's cross. according to instructions, have protested against the occupation. The The bowels protruded. A razor, clotted with blood, was found under her. She had Prussian General Raven thereupon repeated the notice of the occupa "MR SEWARD TO MR ADAMS. apparently been dead one or two hours. From further evidence it tion of Altona. It is said that the Federal troops would oppose the "Department of State, Washington, July 11, 1863. appeared that she was the wife of a smith, from whom she had been occupation." "Sir,-Your despatch of the 26th of June (No. 438) has been separated for eleven years. She was found on the floor, and just before received, together with three paper books containing a report of the she died, she said, "I have opened my stomach." Mr Edmunds, a trial of the Alexandra.... If the law of Great Britain must be left surgeon, said that she had been ailing for some time, and had a deluwithout amendment, and be construed by the Government in conformity sion that "she was always in crystal water." R. Cranfield said that with the rulings of the Chief Baron of the Exchequer, then there will be deceased had left him to live with another man. A few days before left for the United States no alternative but to protect themselves and her death she sent for him, as she had not seen him for ten years, and their commerce against armed cruisers proceeding from British ports, she thought he would wish to see her before she died. She said she VIENNA, Feb. 12.—The session of the Reichsrath will be closed in as against the naval officers of a public enemy; and also to claim and was very ill, and he told her that it did not surprise him, considering state on Monday next by a speech from the Throne. The new lottery insist upon indemnities for the injuries which all such expeditions have the wrong she had done him as well as God. He read a chapter in the loan of 40,000,000 florins was negotiated yesterday evening at 96 per hitherto committed, or shall hereafter commit, against this Govern- Bible to her, and said that she altered her ways too late. He wished cent. The Austrian Crédit Mobilier takes 15,000,000ff.; Messrs ment and the citizens of the United States. To this end this Govern- now to get her jewellery and wearing apparel. Mary Anne Cranfield Rothschild, 11,500,000f.; and Baron Wodianer, 13,500,000fl. All the ment is now preparing a naval force with the utmost vigour; and is said that Cranfield had abandoned his wife eleven years ago, to live other competitors for the loan joined these capitalists. Large offers for the national navy which it is rapidly creating shall not be sufficient with another woman; and, as he left his wife with a large family, she the loan were made to the Government both by foreign and home capifor the emergency, then the United States must bring into employment was obliged to live with another man to save them from starvation. talists.

The following is the despatch above referred to :


RENDSBURG, Feb. 12.-Advices received here from the theatre of war, to the morning of the 10th inst., state that a reconnaissance of the Prussian Guards division towards' Duppel, showed that the Danes were posted about an hour's march from that place. Two companies of the Queen of Prussia Regiment skirmished upon this occasion with three Danish companies. An officer and a few men were wounded on the Prussian side, while the Danes lost a number of prisoners.

[ocr errors]

A second telegram from Altona, dated this morning, has been received, saying: "In spite of the protest of the Federal Commissioners and of the General commanding the Federal troops, a Prussian battalion entered Altona at 10 a.m. to day." AUSTRIA.

[blocks in formation]

NEW YORK, Jan. 30, 4 p.m.-Nashville despatches state that the Confederates were worsted in a skirmish at Sevierville, Tennessee, on the 28th. The Federals claim to have captured 100 prisoners and two cannon. Scotsville, Kentucky, with 150 Federals, has been captured by the Confederates. Gold, 157. Cotton, 83c.


By the arrival of the Pacific we have the following from Chili:On every hand indignation has been expressed at the fanaticism of the priesthood, which was the cause of the horrible catastrophe at Santiago, and at the cruel, heartless conduct of those priests connected with the church which was burnt. With one mind the people of Santiago demanded that the building should be razed to the ground, and had not Government issued an order to this effect, notwithstanding the most strenuous efforts of the priests, most certainly the people would have done the work themselves. Now a struggle goes on between priests and people; the former, if possible, to regain the power and influence they have lost, and the people to assert their own freedom of thought. By the voice of the people this first result has been obtained in an Act of the Senate that henceforth there are to be no illuminations of churches and splendid night services, and that proper measures are to be carried out in all the churches as to a proper construction and sufficient number of doors. Another result of this calamity is the organization of a fire brigade for Santiago, and much enthusiasm has been displayed in this matter. The fire companies in Valparaiso are the most popular of the social institutions of the city. 2,100 corpses extracted from the Compagnia have been registered at the burial-ground. A number


EW THEATRE ROYAL, ADELPHI. Twenty-first week of the great Tragedienne, Miss Bateman in the highly successful Drama of LEAH."

On Monday, February the 15th, and during the week. THE PRETTY HORSEBREAKER Mr J. L. Toole and Miss Woolgar. At Eight, LEAH. Miss Bateman; supported by Messrs A. Stirling, R. Phillips, Billington, Stuart, Stephenson, Eburne, and Miss H. Simms. To conclude with a Fairy Extravaganza by H. J. Byron, Esq., LADY BELLE BELLE; or, FORTUNEO AND HIS SEVEN MAGIC MEN. Mr J. Clarke (from the Strand), Messrs R. Phillips, Stephenson, Eburne, Romer, and C. J. Smith; Miss Woolgar, Miss K. Kelly, Miss Patti Josephs, Miss Louise Laidlaw, Miss Seaman, and Miss Willard.


Commence at Seven.

ISS BATEMAN.-LEA H.-The triumphant and enthusiastic success of the great Tragic Artiste, Miss Bateman, on her first appearance in the character of LEAH, in the new five-act Drama of that title, having been nightly repeated,and even exceeded,during the last twenty weeks amidst the applause and tears of crowded audiences, and the profound impression created upon all who have witnessed the touching impersonation by Miss Bateman of the heart-broken Jewish maiden, being confirmed by the unanimous verdict and critical approval of the entire press, the Manager of the NEW ADELPHI THEATRE has the honour to announce that Miss Bateman will appear in the New Drama of LEAH EVERY EVENING, till further notice; and, in order to meet as far as possible the increasing demand for stalls, has added two more rows to those previously existing.


of single limbs and pieces of bodies have been found, and not a THE DEATHS IN LONDON LAST WEEK were 1,665, exceeding by
few sufferers died after the fire from the effect of burns and other 174 the estimated number. Diseases of the respiratory organs were
wounds; so that about 2,500 altogether may be safely estimated the cause of 438 deaths, of which 299 were attributed to bronchitis,
to have perished. On the 31st of December a similar calamity had 90 to pneumonia, and 18 to asthma. The deaths referred to phthisis
nearly befallen the worshippers in the San Isidro Church. One of the were 186; by zymotic diseases 340; 10 deaths were ascribed to small-
numerous candles on the altar came in contact with a pot of artificial pox, 23 to measles, 58 to scarlatina, 24 to diphtheria, 68 to typhus,
flowers, and, although the fire was immediately extinguished there and 81 to whooping-cough. The deaths of eleven nonagenarians are
was such confusion that the service had to be closed for the night.
recorded, the oldest of whom was a man who had attained the age of
98 years. Four children of a coachman, aged 3, 4, 6, and 7 years re-
spectively, and residing at 55 Park-crescent-mews West, Marylebone,
died of scarlatina, accompanied by diphtheria. The twin daughters of
a tailor, residing at Gerrard street, Soho, were found suffocated in bed.
The wife of a lighterman, residing at 13 Windmill street, Lambeth,
died of bronchitis, hastened by want of sufficient bed clothing. The
infant son of a cabinet-maker died at 94 Green street, Bethnal green,
from the absence of sufficient breast-milk, through poverty.
infant daughter of a french-polisher died at 44 Britannia street, Gray's-
inn lane, from inflammation of the lungs, accelerated by want.


MR WILLIAM HUNT, the well-known painter in water colours,
died at his residence, Stanhope street, Hampstead road, on Thursday,
at the age of seventy-four. Mr Hunt has exhibited in the gallery of
the Society of Painters in Water Colours since 1824. His works
have lately formed one of the chief attractions of the annual exbi-
bitions, and their absence will create a void that the society will not
easily be able to fill.

THE HON. MRS C. E. LAW died on the 25th ult., aged seventy-four.
She was daughter of Sir E. Nightingale, Bart., of Kneesworth Hall,
Cambridgeshire; and married, in 1811, the Hon. C. E. Law, Q.C.,
next brother to the present Earl of Ellenborough, and formerly
Recorder of London, and for many years M.P. for the University of


BIRTHS.-On the 6th, at Rotherham, the wife of Major St Leger, of a daughter-On the 4th, at 41 Clarges street, the wife of Colonel Inglis, of a daughter-On the 3rd, at Brighton, the wife of Harcourt Lees, Esq., of a son-On the 1st, at Middlehill, Dorset, the wife of W. H. G. Kingston, Esq., of a son.

MARRIAGES.-On the 5th Jan., Captain Vander Gucht, to Judith daughter of the late W. Tillotson, Esq.-On the 2nd Feb., J. B. M. Camm, Esq., to Caroline, daughter of R. E. Arden, Esq., of Sunbury, THE HON. MRS VESEY FITZGERALD FOSTER died last week at park-On the 2nd, the Rev. C. H. Weekes, to Laura, daughter of L. Bellevue, near Dublin. She was the daughter of Baroness Fitz-to Diana, daughter of Mr J. Sutch-On the 2nd, Friend Hopkins, Esq., Smith, Esq., of Hurstpierpoint-On the 2nd, Mr W. Bolster Whitman, gerald and Vesci, and the Right Hon. J. Fitzgerald, M.P., King's to Clara, daughter of Lieut.-Colonel Davis. prime serjeant-at-law, who sacrificed all his offices and retired into private life from his indignation at the Union. She married, in 1814, the Right Hon. J. L. Foster, M.P., Speaker of the Irish House of Commons, afterwards a baron of the Court of Exchequer. THE REV. W. A. NEWMAN, formerly Dean of Cape Town, died at Hastings on Sunday, aged fifty-two. He went out to the Cape in 1856, and since his return home he had been subject to much ill health, which was aggravated by the recent death of his wife; on which subject, within the last few days, he published a little book called, "Verses on Lent and Easter Tide; or, the Suffering, and the Glory which shall Follow," hoping, be says, that "the circulation of the book may suggest at least one holy thought, or breathe one word of comfort, to an aching heart tried by pain and suffering."




Sold by all Grocers, Chandlers, &c., &e.
WOTHERSPOON and CO., Glasgow and London.


This delicious condiment, pronounced by Connoisseurs

is prepared solely by LEA and PERRINS.
The Public are respectfully cautioned against worthless
imitatious, and should see that LEA and PERRINS' Names
are on Wrapper, Label, Bottle, and Stopper.


Sold Wholesale and for Export, by the Proprietors,
Worcester; Messrs CROSSE and BLACKWELL; Messrs
Barclay and Sons, London, &c., &c.; and by Grocers and
Oilmen universally.


Curry Powder, and Curry Sauce, may be obtained from all
Sauce Vendors, and wholesale of

Managers, Messrs EDMUND FALCONER and F. B.

Monday, February 15th, and during the week, the New Serio-Comic Drama, entitled NIGHT AND MORN, in which Mr Phelps will appear, supported by Messrs Barrett, Raynor; Misses R Leclercq, Atkinson, and Heath. After which the GREAT DRURY LANE ANNUAL, in the form of a GRAND COMIC CHRISTMAS PANTOMIME, entitled SINDBAD THE SAILOR, the Great Roc of the Diamond Valley, and the Seven Wonders of the World. The extensive and magnificent Scenery by Mr William Beverley. Characters in the opening by Messrs Neville, Fitzjames, Tom Matthews, and Master Percy Roselle, Misses E. Weston, Coventry, Rose Leclercq, Cicely Nott, and Miss Lizzie Wilmore. HarlequinadeClowns, Harry Boleno and C. Lauri. Pantaloons, Messrs W. A. Barnes and J. Morris. Harlequins, Messrs J. Cormack and S. Saville. Columbines, Madame Boleno and the Misses Gunnis. Prices as usual. Box-office open from ten till five daily.


ST JAMES'S THEATRE. Manager, Mr BENJAMIN WEBSTER. Crowded with rank and fashion. The New Comedy every evening. Monday, and during the week at Seven, a New Comedy by Leices ter Buckingham, Esq., entitled the SILVER LINING. By Mr Charles Mathews, Mr Frederick Robinson, Mr Ashley, Mr Johnstone, Mr Montague, Mrs Charles Mathews, Mrs Frank Matthews, Miss Cottrell, Miss Wentworth, and Mrs Stirling. To be followed by Un Anglais Timide, entitled COOL AS A CUCUMBER; and 1863, or THE SENSATIONS OF THE PAST SEASON. Mr J. L. Toole and Mr Paul Bedford.


Conductor, Professor STERNDALE BENNETT, Mus. D.-The Directors respectfully announce that the CONCERTS of the ensuing Season will take place at the HANOVER-SQUARE ROOMS on the following Monday evenings: February 29, March 14, April 8, May 2, 16, and 30, June 13 and 27. Subscriptions received by Messrs Addison and Lucas, 210 Regent street.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

DEATHS. On the 31st Dec., suddenly, in the officers' hospital at Calcutta, Lieut. Walter Landor Dickens, of the 26th Native Infantry Regiment, and doing duty with the 42nd Highlanders, second son of Charles Dickens, of Gad's hill, Kent-On the 31st Jan., near Swansea, Mrs Freeman, aged 89-On the 28th, at Godalming, the Rev. G. Abbot, 84-On the 7th, Mrs Kean, 87-On the 11th, Miss Lake, of Iffley, 82-On the 1st Feb., E. T. Loader, Esq., 89-On the 4th, at 86-On the 6th, at Southampton, Mrs Moses, 92-On the 2nd, at Ryde, B. A. Gordon, Esq., 82-On the 5th at Clapham, Mrs Bontein, Stanhope street, Mr W. Calvert, 87-On the 2nd, Lady Cholmeley 80On the 3rd, at S:oke Newington, H. Andrews, Esq., 83-On the 4th, at Highgate, T. Fleming, Esq., 88-On the 4th, at 27 Bennett street, Mrs Riley, 84-On the 3rd, at Edinburgh, Miss Robertson, 96-On the 3rd, at Bounds park, Tunbridge wells, the Rev. Sir C. Hardinge, Bart., 84.

[blocks in formation]

J. EPPS, of London, Homeopathic Chemist, was the assistance of elaborate machinery, in being the first to produce an article PURE in its composition, and so refined by the perfect trituration it receives in the process it passes through, as to be most acceptable to the delicate stomach. For general use, EPP S'S сосод is distinguished as an INVIGORATING, GRATEFUL BREAKFAST BEVERAGE, possessing a most


Dr Hassall, in his work on " Adulterations of Food," says: "Cocoa contains a great variety of important nutritive princi


of the body. Again," as a nutritive, cocoa stands very much higher than either coffee or tea."

Directious: Two teaspoonfuls of the powder in a breakfast cup, filled up with boiling water or milk,

Secured in tin-lined 1b., ib., and 115, packets, labelled, and sold at 1s. 6d. per lb. by Grocers, Confectioners, aud Chemists.

[blocks in formation]

E. MOSES and SON'S BOOTS and MB a perfectly palatable form for administering


SHOES, for all Classes and all Ages.


this popular remedy weak digestion. Manufactured by T. Morson and Son, 19 and 46 Southampton row, Russell square, W.C., în bottles at 38., 5s., and MOSES and SON'S OUTFITS for 10s. each. PEPSINE LOZENGES in boxes at 2s. 6d. and all CLASSES, all Ages, and all Climates. 4s. 6d. each.




154, 155, 156, 157, Minories; 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89,

506, 507, 508, New Oxford street; 1, 2, 3, Hart street.
137, 138, Tottenham-court road; 283, Euston road.



Bridge street, Bradford, Yorkshire.

recommend "Waters' Quinine Wine" as an excellent and
simple stimulant.

Manufactured only by ROBERT WATERS, 2 Martin's
lane, Carmon street, London, EC. Sold by Grocers, Italian
Warehousemen, and others, at 30s. a dozen.
Wholesale Agents, E. Lewis and Co., Worcester.

[blocks in formation]

E. MOSES and SON'S ESTABLISH-pressive accumulations, ent properties, they remove all op

MENTS are CLOSED every Friday evening at sunset until Saturday evening at sunset, when business is resumed until Eleven o'clock.

All Articles are marked the lowest prices in plain figures. Any article not approved of will be exchanged, or the money returned.

List of Prices, with Rules for Self-measurement, Fashion Card, and our new pamphlet "On Modern Costume" sequel to Gossip on Dress"), gratis and post free.




Sold in bottles 2s. 6d. each, Wholesale, A. Sleigh, 13 Little
Britain, and all Patent Medicine Vendors.


is realised by the use of

regulate of the

and bowels, strengthen the stomach, and purify the blood. Unlike many remedies, they do not induce liability to take cold or establish a necessity for the habitual use of purgatives, and are thus strongly recommended as the BEST FAMILY MEDICINE.

Sold by all Chemists and other dealers in Patent Medicines, at 1s. 1 d., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. Wholesale Depot, 22, Bread street, London.




LIMBS, CHILBLAINS before they are broken, &c., is
DREDGE'S HEAL-ALL, the celebrated Embrocation which
has long been known through the West of England as so
successful in alleviating the pains of the above disorders,
giving ease after the first application, and, if repeated ac-
cording to the directions, seldom failing to effect a perfect
cure.-Price 1s. lid. and 2s. 9d. per Bottle.-Please observe
that the names of "BARCLAY and SONS, Farringdon
street," are engraved on the Government stanip.-Sold by

This elegant and fragrant oil is universally in high all chemists.
repute for its unprecedented success during the last sixty
years in promoting the Growth, Restoring, Improving, and


It prevents hair from falling off or turning grey, strengthens
weak hair, cleanses it from scurf and dandriff, and makes it
beautifully soft, pliable, and glossy. In the Growth of the
Beard, Whiskers, and Mustachios it is unfailing in its stimu-
lative operation. For Children, it is especially recommended
as forming the basis of a beautiful Head of Hair. Its invalu-
able properties have obtained the Patronage of Royalty and
the Aristocracy throughout Europe; while its introduction
into the nursery of Royalty and the numerous testimonia is
constantly received of its efficacy, afford the best and surest
proofs of its merits.

Price 38. 6d., 7s., 10s. 6d. (equal to four small), and 21s.
per bottle. Sold by chemists and perfumers.



PURE FLUID MAGNESIA has been, during twenty-five years, emphatically sanctioned by the Medical Profession, and universally accepted by the Public, as the best Remedy for ACIDITY of the STOMACH, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, GOUT, and INDIGESTION, and as a mild Apericnt for delicate constitutions, more especially for Ladies and Children. When combined with the ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP, it forms an agreeable Effervescing Draught, in which its Aperient qualities are much increased. During Hot Seasons and in Hot Climates the REGULAR use of this simple and elegant remedy has been found highly beneficial. It is prepared (in a state of perfect purity and of uniform strength) by DINNEFORD and Co.. 172 New Bond street, London; and sold by all respectable Chemists throughout the World,



The Directors entertain APPLICATIONS for ALLOT- Incorporated, with Limited Liability, under the Companies'
Act, 1862.
TURE STOCK, which has been created under



CAPITAL 2,000,000l. in 40,000 SHARES of 501. EACH.

[blocks in formation]

powers of the Company's Act of 1853, for the purpose of CAPITAL, £1,000,000, in 100,000 SHARES of £10 each. Deposit 17. per Share on Application, and 17. 10s. on Allot-process of Messrs Elkington and Co., is beyond all comparison

paying off and extinguishing the mortgage debt of the Company.

The Stock has a fixed and perpetual yearly dividend or interest, at the rate of 4 per cent. per annum; and such dividend or interest is the first charge upon the tolls and undertaking, and lands, tenements, and hereditaments of the Company, and has priority of payment over all other dividends on any other stock or shares, whether Ordinary, Preference, or Guaranteed.

Any amount of stock not being a fraction of a pound can be subscribed for.

Interest will commence from the date of the receipt of the money by the Company, and will be paid half-yearly, on the 15th January and 15th July, by warrants on the Company's Bankers, which will be sent to the address of each registered proprietor.

Communications on the subject to be addressed to
HENRY OAKLEY, Secretary.
Secretary's Office, King's-cross Station, London,
November, 1863.


Commissariat Office, Aldershot, 5th February, 1864.

TENDERS will be received at this Office

FEBRUARY, from Parties who may be willing to enter into


in such quantities as may be required for the use of her Majesty's Forces and Military Departments at the following places, from 1st April, 1864, to 31st March, 1865:

Aldershot Camp-Wallsend Coals, Coke, Kindling Wood, Composite and Dip Candles.

Royal Military College, Sandhurst-Wallsend Coals. Waterworks, Bourley-Small Coal (such as that known as "Newport Smalls").

Separate Tenders are required for each of the abovenamed places, and for Fuel and for Light.

Forms of Tender and Conditions of Contract may be obtained on application at this Office, by letter or in person, between the hours of ten and four o'clock, where every information on the subject will be furnished.

The Tenders must be made on the Printed Forms, properly Alled up, signed, and delivered at this Office (under closed envelope marked on the outside "Tender for Army Supplies"), by the hour appointed, and no Tender will be noticed that is not in compliance with these conditions.


[blocks in formation]

Francis Boult, Esq. (Messrs Boult, English and Brandon.)
Alexander Duranty, Esq. (Messrs A. Duranty and Co.)
William Harrison, Esq. (Messrs Harrisons and Latham.)
W. H. Haynes, Esq., Merchant.

Patrick Hunter, Esq. (Messrs Browne, Hunter and Co.)
George B. Kerferd, Esq. (Messrs George B. Kerferd and

Peter Maxwell, Esq., Merchant.

P. M. Miller, Esq. (Messrs Miller and Mosman.)
William Nicol, Esq., Merchant.

Daniel Powell, Esq. (Messrs Daniel Powell and Co.)
T. Harrison Ridley, Esq. (Messrs Ridley, Son and Co.)
J. Berkeley Smith, Esq. (Messrs. Houghton, Smith and
With power to add to their number.
Henry Case, Esq.

The National Bank of Liverpool (Limited.)
The National Bank, Old Broad street, London.
And its Branches in Ireland.

[blocks in formation]

This Company is formed, not for the purpose of establishing a new Marine Insurance Office in rivalry with Offices already opened, but with the object of continuing the existing Marine Insurance business so long conducted by Mr Henry ATIONAL SHAKESPEARE Case, under the firm of Price and Co., in Exeliange buildings, Liverpool.



MEETING of the GENERAL COMMITTEE will be held on MONDAY, February 15, at the SOCIETY OF ARTS, to receive (1) A Report from the Site and Monument Committee. (2) A Report from the Dramatic and Entertainment Committee. The Chair will be taken at Four o'clock p.m., by

His Crace the DUKE of MANCHESTER,



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U BARRY'S HEALTH-RESTORING sands of cases which had been considered hopeless. We quote a few: Cure No. 58,216 of the Marchioness de Brehan, Paris, of a fearful liver complaint, wasting away, with a nervous palpitation all over, bad digestion, constant sleep lessness, low spirits, and the most intolerable nervous agitation, which prevented even her sitting down for hours together, and which for seven years had resisted the careful treatment of the best French and English medical men.Cure No. 1,771. Lord Stuart de Decies, Lord-Lieutenant of Waterford, of many years' dyspepsia.-Cure No. 49,842. "Fitty years' indescribable agony from dyspepsia, nervousness, asthma, cough, constipation, flatulency, spasms, sickness, and vomiting. Maria Joly." Cure No. 46,270. Mr James Roberts, of Framley, Surrey, of thirty years' diseased lungs, spitting of blood, liver derangement, and partial deafness.-Cure No. 47.121. Miss Elizabeth Jacobs, of extreme nervousness, indigestion, gatherings, low spirits, and nervous fancies.-Cure No. 54,816. The Rev James T. Campbell, Fakenham, Norfolk, "of indigestion and torpidity of the liver, which had resisted all medical treatment." In tins, 1lb., 2s. 9d.; 2lb., 4s. 6d.; 5lb., 11s.; 12lb., 22s.; 24lb., 403.-Barry du Barry and Co., No. 77 Regent street, London; also at 61 Gracechurch street; 4 Cheapside; 63 and 150 Oxford street; 54 Upper Baker street.

Mr Case's services, as underwriter, have been secured upon terms satisfactory to the Directors, dependent in part upon the success of the Company, and without the payment of any "promotion money," either in cash or Shares.

Sir Henry E. F. Young, C.B., late Governor of Tasmania and
formerly of South Australia.

William Nicol, Esq., M.P., Director of the London and
County Bank.

Hugh C. E. Childers, Esq., M.P., Director of the London and
County Bank.

George Young, Esq., Director of the City Bank.
Andrew Lawrie, Esq., Director of the City Bank.
Colonel James Holland, Director of the Agra and United
Service Bank.

P. G. Vander Byl, Esq. (Messrs Vander Byl and Co., Cape

Frederick Harrison, Esq., Director of the London and South
American Bank.

Richard B. Wade, Esq., Director of the National Provincial
Bank of England.

William Tabor, Esq., Director of the Imperial Bank.
William J. Maxwell, Esq, Director of the National Provin-
cial Bank of England.

George Campbell, Esq. (Messrs H. N. Dickson and Co.,
London, and Dickson, De Wolf, and Co., San Francisco).
George E. Scaramanga, Esq. (Messrs Scaramanga Brothers,
London and New York).
Robert Rodgers, Esq. (Messrs Robert Rodgers and Co., Liver-
pool, and Rodgers, Meyer, and Co., San Francisco).

The London and County Bank, Lombard Street, and its


The City Bauk, Threadneedle Street, and 34 Old Bond

The Bank of Liverpool for Liverpool.

The National Provincial Bank of England for Manchester,
Birmingham, and other Branches.

The Agra and United Service Bank for India and China.
The Bank of Australasia for Australia and New Zealand.
Mons. Pierre Rodoconachi for Paris.


Messrs Wilkinson, Stevens, and Wilkinson, 4 Nicholas
Lane, Lombard Street.

Messrs Atchison and Hathaway, 14 Bedford Row.

[blocks in formation]

It is anticipated that whilst the extensive connection
already possessed by Messrs Price and Co., will be retained and
consolidated by the formation of a Company the business will,
at the same time, be considerably increased in consequence Temporary Offices:-London Financial Association Limited |
of Marine Insurance Companies being now very generally
preferred to private Underwriters.

The success which has attended the operations of Marine
Insurance Companies in Liverpool, may be gathered from the
present value of their Shares in the market, viz.:
The Thames and Mersey,-Amount paid, £2, present price,
£7, equal to 250 per cent. premium.
The British and Foreign,-Amount paid, £2, present price,
£4 15s., equal to 137 per cent. premium.
The Union-Amount paid, £2, present price, £5 1s. 3d.,
equal to 156 per cent. premium.

The Empire.-Amount paid, £2, present price, £4 10s., equal
to 125 per cent. premium.

The Albion,-Amount paid, f2, present price £3 1s. 3d,
equal to 56 per cent. premium.
The Mercantile,-Amount paid. £1, present price, £1 15s.,
equal to 75 per cent. premium.
The strictest economy will be exercised in working, and
the preliminary expenses will consist solely of the actual
necessary disbursements and legal charges.
Applications for Shares must be accompanied by a payment
of £1 per Share, which will be retained on account of the full
payment of £2 per Share on the number of Shares which
may be allotted to the applicant, and will be liable to for-
feiture if payment of the remaining £1 per Share be not
made at the time to be stated in the notice of allotment.
Forms of Application for Shares may be obtained from the
Brokers, and also at the Temporary Offices of the Company,
4 and 5 Brown's buildings, Liverpool.

In cases where no allotments are made, the deposit will be
returned without deduction.

To be retained by the Bankers.

To the Directors of the Maritime Insurance Company

Having paid to the Bankers of the
above named Company the sum of £
I hereby
request that you will allot me
Shares in the said
Company, and I agree to accept such Shares, or any smaller
number that may be allotted to me, and to become a Member
of the Company, and I authorise you to place my name on
the Register of Members in respect of the Shares to be
allotted to me, and I agree to be bound by all the conditions
and regulations contained in the Memorandum and Articles
of Association of the Company; I further authorise you to
forward, by Post, to my address, as below, the Certificate for
any Shares which may be allotted to me.

[blocks in formation]

OLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS.-THE KNIFE SUPERSEDED.-All afflicted with ulcers, diseases of the bones, and inflammations of the joints should read this testimonial to the curative powers of these healing and purifying remedies. Mr John Allen, 17 Denmark st., Leicester, saffered severely from a bad foot for three years, during which long period he was under surgical treatment without any perceptible benefit. He resolutely objected to amputation which seemed the only course open till he providentially tried Holloway's remedies. These gave him great relief, and at last completely cured him. Spots, blemishes, sores and skin disorders arising from impoverished blood or a reckless course of life may be removed by the judicious use of Holloway's Ointment and pills

of the failure of the Bill.

Detailed prospectuses and plans, with forms of application
for shares, may be obtained at the Offices of the General
Credit and Finance Company, 7 Lothbury, E. C.; or of the
Secretary of the Railway Company, at 17в Great George

street, Westminster.

RECEIVED AFTER TUESDAY next, the 16th instant.
JAMES HUTT, Secretary.
Great Eastern Northern Junction Railway, 178
Great George street, Westminster, Feb. 10, 1864.



No. 1 Threadneedle Street.

The London Financial Association Limited invite Subscriptions for the Capital Stock of the British ani Calitornian Banking Company Limited.

This Bank is established to supply these facilities which the great and increasing trade of California imperatively requires. It is remarkable that while British capital has been seeking investment in Joint Stock Banking operations in every part of the world, Calitoria has been hitherto overlooked. This omission has excited no little surprise on the part of the merchants and traders of that State, an 1 the establishment of this Bank will be eagerly hailed by them. The following facts show how large a field of operations will be open to this Institution. The yield of the Gold Fields is above £8,000,000 per annum, and is steadily increasing. Silver mines, discovered about four years ago in the new territory of Nevada, are now producing £200,000 sterling per month. Great progress has been made in agriculture, and instead of importing grain, as the Gold Colonies of Australia do, California exports largely. The population of the State exceeds 500,000, exclusive of the Chinese and Indians, and is on the increase.

[blocks in formation]

9 19 9 12 9 013 9 614 17 8

Any article to be had singly at the same prices. An oak chest to contain the above, and a relative number of knives, &c., 21. 15s. Tea and coffee sets, dish covers, and corner dishes, cruet and liqueur frames, &c., at proportionate prices. All kinds of re-plating done by the patent process.


varied assortment of TABLE CUTLERY in the world, all warranted, is on sale at WILLIAM S. BURTON'S, at prices that are remunerative only because of the largeness of the sales.

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FURNISHING IRONMONGER, by appointment to H.R.H. the PRINCE of WALES, sends a CATALOGUE gratis, and post paid. It contains upwards of 500 Illustra tious of his illimited Stock of Sterling Silver and ElectroPlate, Nickel Silver, and Britannia Metal Goods, Dish Covers, Hot-water Dishes, Stoves, Fenders, Marble Chimney. pieces, Kitchen Ranges, Lamps, Gaseliers, Tea Trays, Urns, and Kettles, Clocks, Table Cutlery, Baths, Toilet Ware, Turnery, Iron and Brass Bedsteads, Bedding, Bedroom Cabinet Furniture, &c., with Lists of Prices, and Plans of the Twenty large Show-Roots, at 39 Oxford street, W.; 1, 1A, 2, 3, and 4 Newman street; 4, 5, and 6 Perry's place; and

The Great Pacific Railway for uniting the Atlantic and
Pacific Coasts is now under construction. When completed
it will take only six days to convey passengers and goods
from New York to San Francisco, and the latter place will
then become an important depot for the trace to China, 1 Newman yard, London.
Japan, and other parts of the East. For the purpose of
communication, California is already brought by telegraph
within ten days of Europe.

There is tri-monthly steam communication between Call-
fornia and the Eastern States, and Europe, via Panama, and
bi-raonthly between San Francisco and the British Colonies
to the North. The direct trade between England and Call
fornia, and between the Colonies and California, is rapidly
increasing; and a large proportion of the precious metals
is being sent to London instead of, as formerly, to New

The facilities for discounting commercial paper, and for
deposits, are at present very deficient, contrasting remark-
ably with those in the Atlantic States, in India, China, Aus-
tralia, and other British possessions.
The rate of discount
ranges from one to two per cent. per month, and the
Exchange business is capable of great development.
The business of the Bank will include advances on Ship-
ments of Gold, Silver, and other produce of the country, the
Purchase of Bullion, the Discount of Commercial Bills,
Advances for a limited period on Available Securities and
Merchandise, Letters of Credit, and all other usual Banking

[blocks in formation]

1 10 0 1 15 0 0 18 0 110 0 1 3 6 70s. to 200s.; Corner Dishes, £6 15s. the set of Four; Cake Cruet Frames, 18s. 6d. to 70s.; Tea and Coffee Services, Silver. Baskets, 25s. to 50s.; and every Article for the Table, as in

OLD GOODS RE-SILVERED, EQUAL TO NEW. RICHARD and JOHN SLACK beg to call attention to their superior method of ELECTRO SILVERING, by which process goods, however old, can be re-silvered equal to new. -Estimates given for re-plating.

To the Directors of the British and Californian Banking IVORY TABLE KNIVES, best quality, warranted not to


Company Limited.
Having paid to your credit, with
the sum of £
I request you will allot
Shares in the above Company, which i agree
to take (or any less number that may be allotted to me), to
pay the Calls that may be made upon the same, and to
become a Member of the Company.


Name in full
Usual Signature.
Profession or Business
Aduress in full....

[blocks in formation]

SLACK'S TABLE CUTLERY. come loose in the handles, and to balance. 1st size. 2nd size. 1 Dozen......... £0 16 0 £1 0 0 056

1 Pair Carvers.. 0 4 6

3rd size. £1 2 0 069

Messrs SLACK have been celebrated fifty years for their superior manufacture of Table Knives.

SLACK'S ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE GRATIS, or sent post free, containing upwards of 350 Engravings, and Prices of Fenders, Fire-irons, Furnishing Ironmongery, Slack's Nickel and Electro-Plated Wares, Table Cutlery, &c. No person should furnish without one. RICHARD and JOHN SLACK,

Fronmongers to Her Majesty, 336 Strand, opposite Somerset House.

VERLAND ROUTE.-Communication -The PENINSULAR and ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGA CHANDELIERS. TION COMPANY BOOK PASSENGERS and RECEIVE Wall Lights, and Mantel-picce Lustres, for Gas and GARGAL FAR, MALTA, EGYPT, ADEN, CEYLON, MADRAS and PARCELS at their LONDON OFFICE, for CALCUTTA, THE STRAITS, and CHINA, by their Steamers leaving Southampton on the 4th and 20th of every month. For GIBRALTAR, MALTA, EGYPT, ADEN, and BOMBAY, by those of the 12th and 27th of each month; and for MAURITIUS, REUNION, KING GEORGE'S SOUND, MELBOURNE, and SYDNEY, by the Steamers leaving Southampton on the 20th of every month.

Candles, Table Glass, &c.
Glass Dinner Services for 12 persons, from £7 158.
Glass Dessert do. do. do. from £2
All Articles marked in plain figures.
Ornamental Glass, English and Foreign, suitable for
Mess, Export, and Furnishing Orders promptly executed.
BROAD STREET.-Established 1807,

fidently recommended as a simple but certain remedy for
Indigestion. They act as a powerful tonic and gentle
aperient, are mild in their operation, safe under any circum-Presents.
stances, and thousands of persons can now bear testimony
to the benefits to be derived from their use. Sold in bottles
at 1s. lid., 2s. 9d., and 11s. each, in every town in the
kingdom. CAUTION!-Be sure to ask for "Norton's Pills,"
and do not be persuaded to purchase the various imitations.

For further particulars apply at the Company's Offices, 123 Leadenhall street, E.C., London; or Oriental place, South, ampton.

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