Imagens das páginas

CHILI.-February: The ecclesiastical miscreants in Chili, 83.

CHINA.-January: Captain Sherard Osborn and the Chinese Government.-June: The Chinese debate,


DENMARK AND GERMANY.-January: The Danish question, 3. Schleswig-Holsteinism, 18. Arbitration versus intervention, 19.-February: The state of Denmark, 83. The Germans in Slesvig, 99. Germany and the Conference, 130.-March: Quarrelling over the prey, 145. Denmark, Austria, and Prussia, 161. Germany and the Conference, 177. The Danes "still alone," 193.-April: Bombardment of Sonderborg, 225. The Conference, 225. Denmark and the Duchies, 258. German and Dane, 274.-May: Danish alternatives, 306. The Danish Question, 322. The great Powers and the Diet, 337. The rival Universities, 339.-June: The Danish difficulty, 369. Denmark and the Conference, 386July: Any stick to beat the dog, 417. The upshot of the Conference, 419. Dynastic policy in Denmark, 450. Bismark, 465. The Prussians in Jutland, 466. "Of Bismark and the North," 484.August: The partition of Denmark, 497. Aims and schemes of Prussia, 514.-September: A romance in politics, 578.-November: Germany and the Duchies, 723. Slesvig and Holstein, 756.-December: Bismark and the Duchies, 771.

FRANCE.-January: The Napoleon of Peace, 17. M. Thiers in opposition, 33. Commercial policy of France, 49. The discredited conspiracy, 50. The French in Mexico, 51.-February: The French Parliament, 81. The Suez canal, 114.-March: The French elections, 194.-April: A supplementary plot, 209. The election machinery of France, 212.August: An Emperor's score, 515.-September: M. de Persigny on the Imperial régime, 561. Petty larceny of the French post office, 579. Not gone yet, 609.-October: Germany and France, 627.December: Trial of the thirteen, 785.

FRANCE AND MEXICO.-January: The French in Mexico, 51.-March: Bold Emperor Max, 162. April: The French in Mexico, 209. Latest news from Mexico, 212, 227. The new Empire in Mexico, 241.-September: The Mexican reign of order, 578.

GERMANY.-January: Fatherland going to pieces, 65. June: German war, 401.-August: The Danubians,


United Germany, 515.-September: Two Sovereigns at Vienna, 562.-October: Germany and ince, 626.-November: Germany and the Duchies, 723.-December: Rivalry of the great German powers, 786. A Council at Berlin, 819.

GREECE AND THE IONIAN ISLANDS.-January: Greece and England, 51.-September: Servia and Greece, 594.-October: The Greek accelerator, 642.-December: The Ionian Islands under Greece, 818. INDIA.-February: The monetary crisis in India, 115. Indian waste-lands and redemption of Indian land-tax, 130. The colony of Singapore, 131.March: Redemption of the land-tax, 163.-May: Sir Charles Trevelyan and Indian finance, 322.July: A just request, 419, 420. The Indian minister and the Indian budget, 482.-September: The supposed hoarding of the precious metals, 579.November: The Indian Civil Service, 722.-December: The Bootan war, 834.

ITALY.-April: Garibaldi, 211.-May: Venice, 307.June: The rival spiritual powers at Rome, 353.September: Progress in Italy, 562.-October: The last feat of diplomacy, 625. Italy and its capital, 657. Half-way to Rome, 689.- November: Italy against the French Italians, 722.-December: General Cialdini, 801. The medieval lord of misrule, 833.

NEW ZEALAND.-February: The battle in New Zealand, 99, 147.-June: The blundering New Zealand war, 387.-July: War in New Zealand, 434. The New Zealand guarantee, 450. New Zealand and its wars, 465.

POLAND.-January: The Poles and their tormentors, 66.-November: Russia's crimes condoned, 738. RUSSIA.-June: Fate of the Circassians, 385. TURKEY.-January: Nationalities in Turkey, 2. Another quarrel. 35.- February: Turkish pros. pects, 99. The Wallachian coup-d'etat, 323.-October: The future of Turkey, 675. The Turkish Government and the missionaries, 690.-December: Turkey, 817.

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Admiralty eccentricities, 756. sagacity, 787. Aldershott inquiry, the, 4, 20, 36, 52. American guns and armour-clad ships, 20. Anonymous voting once the custom in England, 772. Apologue, an, by the late Thomas Lovell Beddoes, 643. Attorney-General, the, and the Oxford declaration, 212. Bell-tolling, 756. Bishop, the, and the Dean, 629. Black and white, 725. Black skins versus red coats, 116. Brazil and the slave trade, 452, 453. Brighton election, 132. Cabbage, 596. Canadian federation, 692. Can directors do no wrong? 388. Canon M'Neile and the church of England and Ireland, 168. Canon Wordsworth and Dean Stanley, 4. Cape Town, Tactics of the, 452. Carbine, the breech-loading, 373. Church, the established, 692. Civil war and civil law, 725. Clergy and laity, 531, 547. Confederate breech-loaders, 563. Construction of railway carriages, 452. Cupid, Death, and Psyche, 643. Deaf, Registry of the born, 389. Denison, Archdeacon, the tactics of, 148. Disraeli, Mr. at Oxford, 772. Ecclesiastical delays, 4. Ecclesiastical obligations, 468. Electors, the age of, 724. Emperor's welcome, an, 420. 'Essays and Reviews' judgment, 116. Fair-play, 644. Fontenoy, Battle

of, 245. France, the election machinery of, 212. Franco-Italian convention, 660. French freetraders, 84. Furious driving, 757. Galway contract, the, 179. Germany, war with, 356. Greeks, the, at sea, 548. Gun question, glozing over the, 100. Gun complaint, the chronic great, 484. Gun duel, great, 245. Historical criticism, 660. Historical parallel (Mexico), 308. Horse, the, and his parasite, 468. Jewing Jowett, 292. Judicial committee of Privy Council, the, 84. Dr Pusey's crusade against it, 595. Judicial mockeries, 581. Just request, a, 420. Kingsley, Mr, and Dr Newman, 324, 340, 357, 373. Landor, Walter Savage, 643. Law of honour, the, 820. Longley, Archbishop, on the Decalogue, 788. Manchester and the public works act, 740, 756. Metropolitan of Cape Town and Bishop Colenso, 52. Mexico, news from, 212, 227, 245, 260, 324, 357, 372, 401, 452, 500, 707. 739, 772. Mexico, the finances of, 292. Military armament, the proposed change in, 500. Mirror for magistrates, another, 358. Müller, Franz, 707. New Zealand, the battle in, 147. Not too distinct, 420. Obedient servants to command, 581. Opera company, an English, 659. O Lud! 292. Ordnance conjurors, 548. Our 68-pounder pea-shooters, 68. Oxford meeting, the, on the Williams-Wilson judgment, 147. Pan! pan! 592. "Pantonian case, the, 434. Parallel, a, 532. Paternity of a maxim, 708, 720. Petty larceny at the French post-office, 581. Persigny-Frank and free, 580. Police, 757. Poor education, 660. Prince and Princess, the hunted, 596. Privy Council judgment, Quarterly Review on, 275. Protestant liberty in England and France, 164. Pusey-Denison declaration, the, 164. Pusey, Dr, a question for, 675. Pusey, Dr, and the Oxford declaration, 180. Pusey's, Dr, letter to the 'Record,' 182. Redemption of Indian land-tax, Reform in the county courts, 388. Relative powers of England and Germany, 340. Retort of dishonesty, the, 612. Rogers's breech-loading, for the army, 468. Safety for small investments, 196. St Paul's cathedral and the Whitefriars gas works, 148. Scurrility, the retort of, 820. Sensational partridge-shooting, 372. Sensation murders, 612. Sensationalists, petition to the, 452. Ships and guns, 628. Small note, a, on a great subject, 196. Society for the protection of women, 676. Theologians, the morality of, 694. Threatened visit, a, 484. Theological controversy, fairness in, 628. Toleration, High-church, 580. Veteran, a, 358. Virgin science, 485. Volunteer review, the, 500. Was Tartuffe impossible? 692. Weight of medical evidence in cases of insanity, 69. Whately, Archbishop, 629, 675. Worth and intelligence, 564. Yelverton case, the, 484.


Barnwell on Townley, 361. Bonnie Dundee,_628. Both's best, 615. Cambridge prize poem; Denmark, 106. Courtesies exchanged at the gate of Trinity college, Cambridge, 3. Directions for making Parliamentary fireworks (a la Disraeli), 173. Disraeli's nine points of the law, 788. Episode, on the Danish conference, 361. Form and substance, 601. Hamlet in the Foreign Office on the Danish question, 420. How to make a novel, 279. Irruption of the Fenians, 148. Left school, 840. Puseyism, 629. Reductio ad absurdum, the, 659. Theatrical reflections, 717. Three hours in torment, 330. To Alfred Tennyson, 564.

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Acland, H. W., Sir Benjamin Brodie,' 136. Adams, W. H. D., English Princes,' 24; 'Dwellers on the Threshold;' 648. Agnew, Sir Andrew, The Agnews of Lochnaw,' 532. Aimard, Gustave, 'The Smuggler Chief,' 86. Ainsworth, H. W. A., John Law,' 423. Andersen, H. C., ' In Spain,' 310. Anderson, F. L. M., Russian Poland,' 149. Anstie, F. G., Stimulants and Narcotics,' 453. Arnason, Jon, Icelandic Legends,' 165. Arnold, J. M., 'English Biblical Criticism,' 88. Arnold, R. A., The Cotton Famine,' 615. Atkinson, George, 'Papinian,' 440.

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BABBAGE, C., 'Life of a Philosopher,' 343, 440, 554.
Bain, Alexander, 'The Senses of the Intellect,' 263.
Baines, Thomas, South West Africa,' 711, 742.
Banim, Michael, Town of the Cascades,' 133.
Bateman, J. C., 'Two Families,' 38. Beale, Anne,
'Nothing Venture, Nothing Have,' 710. Beecher,
Lyman, Autobiography,' 8. Bell, Evans, 'The
Empire in India,'70. Bell, Robert, 'English Poets,'
425, 538. Bennett, Charles, Noodledoo,' 726.
Bissett. Andrew, Omitted Chapters,' 248, 294.
Bleek, W. H. I., Hottentot Fables and Tales,' 183.
Bohn, H. G., Appendix to Lowndes,' 775. Brad-
don, Miss, Henry Dunbar,' 404. Brewer, J. S.,
Calendar of Henry VIII.,' 424, 740. Brown,
James, Bible Truths with Shakespeare's Parallels,'
167. Brown, Rawdon, Venetian State Papers,'
664, 708. Browning, Robert, 'Dramatis Personæ,'
860. Bruce, H. A., Sir William Napier,' 217, 485,
501. Bruce, J., State Papers of Charles I.,' 344.
Buckmaster, J. C., Mechanical Physics,' 103.
Bullock, W. H., Polish Experiences,' 500. Bulwer,
'The Boatman,' 199. Burritt, Elihu, London to
John o'Groats,' 248. Burton, J. H., 'The Cairngorm
Mountains,' 519; The Scot Abroad,' 424, 470.
Burton, R. F., ‘Abeokuta and the Camaroon Moun-
tains,' 20, 21; Mission to Dahome,' 646; 'The Nile
Basin,' 775. Bushby, Mrs, "The Danes Sketched
by Themselves,' 504.

CAMPBELL, W., 'Indian Journal,' 391. Carlyle,
Thomas, Frederick the Great,' 167, 196. "Cecil,"
Hunting Towers,' 136, 180. Chambers, William,

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Chambers, Lieut.-Col., MACDONALD, George, Adela Cathcart,' 217, 550. 'Garibaldi and Italian Unity,' 264. Chesney, Mackay, R. W., 'The Tübingen School,' 103, Man'Recent Campaigns in Virginia and Maryland,' 8. chester, Duke of, 'Court and Society,' 39, 198. MarClarke, Mr and Mrs Cowden, Works of Shake- tin, Frederick, 'Statesman's Year Book,' 172. Markspeare,' 200, 421. Clayton, E. C., 'Queens of Song,' ham, Clements R., Quichua Grammar,' 101; 22. Cobbe, F. P., Cities of the Past,' 35; 'Italics,' 'Travels of Pedro de Cieza de Leon,' 711, 757. 645. Cockayne, Leechdoms, &c., of Early EngMarsh, G. P., 'Man and Nature,' 279, 437. Marsh, land,' 121, 165. Colenso, Bishop, 'The Pentateuch,' Part IV., 4. Collette, Henry VIII.,' 167. CulJ. B., Reference Shakespeare,' 167. Maury, M. ling, C. A., Strathcairn,' 437. Cook, F. L., Lincoln's-Inn Sermons,' 25. Coote, H. C., 'Neglected Fact in English History,' 811. Corbet, Henry, 'Tales and Traits of Sporting Life,' 598. Cox, G. W., 'Tales of Thebes and Argos,' 56, 150. Cox, Mrs E. W., 'Our Common Insects,' 471. Crawford, M. S., The Wilmot Family,' 662. Croly, Dr, 'Book of Job,' 24. Crowe, E. E., History of France,' 308. Crowe, J. A., and Cavalcaselle, 'New History of Painting' 745, 820. Cumming, Dr, 'Life and Lessons of Our Lord,' 822.

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D'ALMEIDA, W. B., 'Life in Java,' 487, 566. Dal-
rymple, Charles, Life of Christ,' 472. D'Aubigne,
J. H. M., History of Calvin,' 344, 395. Davies,
Thomas, Microscopic Objects,' 56. Deene, Kenner,
'Anne Cave,' 86. Derby, Earl, Homer,' 791.
Dicey, Edward, Schleswig-Holstein War,' 44.
Digby, K. H., 'On the Thames,' 868. Dimock, J.
F., St Hugh of Lincoln,' 121, 261. Disraeli, B.,
'Revolutionary Epick,' 328. Dobell, H., Diet and
Regimen,' 168. Dod, R. P., 'Parliamentary Com-
panion,'135. Draper, J. W., Intellectual Develop-
ment of Europe,' 437. Duncan, Francis, 'Our Gar-
risons in the West,' 565. Dyce, Gilbert, Bella
Donna,' 70. Dyce, A., Shakespeare,' 276, 342,
421. Dyer, T. H., 'History of Modern Europe,' 744.
EASTLAKE, Lady, 'History of Our Lord as Exempli-
fied in Works of Art,' 296, 645. Eastwick, E. B.,
'Three Years in Peru,' 136, 151. Edge, F. M., 'The
Alabama and the Kearsarge,' 548. Edwards, Edward,
'Biographical History of the French Academy,'
612. Elton, Charles,Norway,' 521. Elvin, C. N.,
'Anecdotes of Heraldry,' 392. Engel, Carl, 'The
Music of the Most Ancient Nations,' 745, 790.

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FARNHAM, Eliza, Woman and her Era,' 360. Fitz-
gerald, Percy, Life of Sterne,' 217, 389; Le Sport
at Baden,' 518. Fitzpatrick, W. J., Archbishop
Whately, 424, 564. Fonnereau, T. G., ' Diary of a
Dutiful Son,' 182. Foss. Edward, The Judges of
England.' 745. Forster, John, Sir John Eliot,' 153,
198, 213, 229, 260. Forster, S. A., History of the
Violin,' 71. Forsyth, William, 'Life of Cicero,' 56,
84. Freer, Martha Walker, Anne of Austria,' 612.
Friswell, J. Hain, 'Life Portraits of Shakespeare,'

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GAIRDNER, James, 'Richard III. and Henry VII.,' 53.
Gairdner, John, 'The Medical Profession in Edin-
burgh,' 183. Gallenga, A. Letters from Denmark,' 457.
Galton, Francis, Vacation Tourists,' 629. Gatty,
Mrs, Parables from Nature,' 790. Gilbert, John,
"The Dolomite Mountains,' 360, 422. Gilchrist, Alex-
ander, William Blake,' 246. Gleig, G. R., Wel-
lington,' 200. Godwin, George, Another Blow
for Life,' 25, 292. Gorst, J. E., The Maori King,'
262. Graham, Col., Military Ends,' 279. Grant,
Captain, Sources of the Nile,' 807. Grindon,
L. H., Botany,' 487. Guizot, F., Memoirs of a
Minister of State,' 217, 359. Guthrie, G., Bank
Monopoly,' 168.

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HALL, C. F., 'Life with the Esquimaux,' 808. Ham-
bleton, Joseph, 'Song of Songs,' 102. Harford,
J. S., William Wilberforce,' 264. Hawthorne,
Nathaniel, 'Pansie,' 569. Hayward, A., 'Diaries
of a Lady of Quality,' 296, 326. Hazlitt, W. C.,
'Shakespeare Jest-Books,' 262, 808. Heppel, G.,
'Arithmetic,' 231. Hilton, David, 'Brigandage
in South Italy,' 693. Holmes, O. W., 'Soundings
from the Atlantic,' 85. Hood, T. H., 'Cruise in
the Western Pacific,' 7. Horner. Susan, Guiseppe
Giusti, 629. Hornby, Lady, 'Constantinople,' 8.
Hoskyns-Abrahall, J., 'Western Woods and
Waters,' 153. Hotten, J. C., The Slang Diction-
ary,' 741. Houghton, Lord, 'Address to Philosophi-
cal Institution, Edinburgh,' 150. Howitt, Mary,
The Cost of Caergwyn,' 824. Hugo, Victor,
'Shakespeare,' 329. Hume, Mary C., The Golden
Rule,' s.

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Jameson, Mrs. 'History of our Lord in Art,' 296, 645. Jamison, D. F., Bertrand du Guesclin,' 8, 71. Jeaffreson, J. C., Robert Stephenson,' 711, 725, 743. Jephson, J. M., Shakespeare,' 217. Jerrold, Blanchard, At Home in Paris, 745; 'Children of Lutetia,' 376. Jerrold, Douglas, Works,' 136. Johnson, C. W., House and Garden,' 343. Johnston, W. K., Atlas,' 200, 664; Dictionary of Geo

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F., Physical Geography,' 457, 614. Mayhew, Edward, Horse Management,' 25. Mazzini, Joseph, 'Duties of Man,' 214; 'Life and Writings,' 440, 597. McCausland, 'Adam and the Adamite,' 745. McCombe, William, 'Poetical Works,' McLeod, Norman, Old Lieutenant and his Son,' 24. M'Leod, Thomson's Winter,' 136. Mendelssohn, Bartholdy, Letters of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy,' 5. Meredith, George, Emilia in England,' 468. Merivale, Charles, Conversion of the Roman Empire,' 711. Michi, Siberian Overland Route,' 745, 788, 821. Miles, William, 'Horses' Teeth,' 425. Miller, Edward, Smaller Latin Grammar,' 136. Miller, Hugh, Edinburgh and its Neighbourhood," 86. Miller, J. S., Stream of Life,' 217. Mills, John, Nablus and the Modern Samaritans,' 790. Mitchell, Arthur, 'The Insane,' 104. Mitchell, J. M., The Herring,' 39, 69. Molesworth, W. M., History of the Reform Bill of 1832,' 839. Montalivet, Comte de, Rien!' 404. Moody, Sophia, 'What is Your Name?' 87. Morley, Henry, English Writers,' 56, 117. Morris, M. O., Rocky Mountains,' 424, 515. Mouhot, Henry, Travels in Indo-China,' 325. Müller, Max, Science of Language,' 440, 582. Murray, F. A., Ella Norman,' 70. Muter, Mrs, Travels of an Officer's Wife,' 199, Musgrave, G. W., 'French Parsonage,' 472. Mutu Coomara Swamy, 'Arichandra,' 120.

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NEALE, E. V., Analogy of Thought and Nature,'87. Netherclift, F. G., Autograph Souvenir,' 56. Nichols, Thomas, Forty Years in America,' 88, 134. O'BRIEN, A. P., 'Petersburgh and Warsaw,' 456. Ogilvie, J., 'Comprehensive Dictionary,' 25. Owen, Richard, Power of God in Animal Creation,' 71. PAGE, David, 'Physical Geography,' 614. Palliser, Mrs, History of Lace,' 774. Parton, James, Benjamin Franklin,' 360, 390. Paterson, Peter, 'Glimpses of Real Life,' 392. Peel, Edmund, 'Judas Maccabæus,' 633. Percy, John, Metallurgy,' 228. Perkins, C. C., Tuscan Sculptors,' 839. Phillips, Henry, Musical Recollections,' 374. Phipson, T. L., Utilization of Minute Life,' 406. Plumptre, E. H., 'The Book of Proverbs,' 727. Pontès, L. 'Etudes sur l'Orient,' 199. Praed, W. M., Poems,' 569, 581. Prendergast, Thomas, The Mastery of Languages,' 680. Puckle, John, Dorer Castle,


QUATREFAGES, A. de, 'Metamorphoses of Man and the Lower Animals,' 535.

RAMAGE, C. T., 'Thoughts from Latin Authors,' 126.

Ramsay, A. C., Physical Geography,' 440. Ramsbottom, Joseph, 'Phases of Distress,' 520. Rawlinson, G., Five Great Monarchies,' 153. Reade, W. Winwood, Savage Africa,' 20. Rennie, D. F., British Arms in North China and Japan,' 792, 837. Richard, Henry, Joseph Sturge,' 586. Riethmüller, C. J., Alexander Hamilton,' 88, 119. Riley, H. T, Thomas Walsingham,' 296. Robertson, J. B., Modern History and Biography,' 553. Robertson, J., 'Pastoral Council,' 839. Rowland, David, Laws of Nature,' 87. Russell, William, 'Eccentric Personages,' 711.

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SALA, G. A., 'Robson,' 565. Salverte, Eusebius, 'History of Names,' 598. Sandie, George, Horeb and Jerusalem,' 38. Sandwith, H, 'The Hekim Bashi,' Sandys, William, History of the Violin,' 71. Schaible, C. H., 'First Help in Accident,' 712. Scrymgeour, 'Poetry and Poets of Great Britain," 136. Semmes, R., 'The Alabama and the Sumter, 487, 548. Senior, N. W., Essays on Fiction,' 326. Seton-Karr, W. S., 'Selections from Calcutta Gazetteer,' 440. Shields, F. J., Illustrations to Bunyan,' 773. Shedden, Thomas, Logic,' 521. Smiles, Samuel, George and Robert Stephenson,' 725, 843; James Brindley and the Early Engineers,' 725. Smith, Philip, History of the World,' 311. Smith, R. H., Expositions of Great Pictures, 167. Smyth, Mrs, Ten Months in the Fiji Islands,' 103. Southgate, Henry, What Men have said about Women,' 823. Speke, J. H., What led to the Discovery of the Source of the Nile,' 472, 401. Stanley, A. P., The Encouragement of Ordination,' 390. Stevenson, David, Lighthouses,' 711. Strangford, Viscountess, Eastern Shores of the Adriatic,' 342, 437. Stuart, J. McDouall, Explorations in Australia,' 360, 455. Stubbs, W., Chronicles of Richard I,'329. Surtees, S. F., Waifs and Strays of North Humber History,' 774.

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KAYE, J. M., The Sepoy War,' 711. Keightley,
Thomas, Plays of Shakespeare,' 200. Kent, C.,
'Footprints on the Road,' 424, 632. Kingsley,
Charles, The Roman and the Teuton,' 180. Kirke,
Edmund, Down in Tennessee,' 661. Kirkwall,
Ionian Islands,' 408, 503. Kirwan, A. V.. 'Host
and Guest,' 182. Knight, Charles, A Working
Life,' 340, 408, 421. Kortüm, K. A., The Jobsiad,'

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LALOR, John, England among the Nations,' 327.
Law, Isabella, Winter Weavings,' 247. Le Breton,
R. H., Memoirs of Lucy Aikin,' 710. Le Fanu, J.
S., Uncle Silas,' 824. Leighton, A., 'Mysterious
Legends of Edinburgh,' 664. Lemon, Mark, 'The
Jest-Book,' 614; Wait for the End,' 56; 'Loved
at Last,' 758. Lennox, Lord, W. P., 'A Man of
Family, 424. Lewins, William, 'Her Majesty's
Mails, 534. Lewis, George, Aristotle,' 200. Lewis,
Sir G. C., 'Administrations of Great Britain,' 200,
263. Liebeg, Justus von, Natural Laws of Hus-
bandry,' 21. Linton, Mr and Mrs, Book of the
Lake Country,' 773. Liszt, F., Life of Chopin,'
25. Lothian, Lord, Confederate Secession,' 648,
710. Lovelace, Richard, Lucasta,' 136. Lowell,
J. R., Biglow Papers,' 599; Fireside Travels,"
Luard, H. R., Annales Monastici,' 121
Lumley, B., Reminiscences of the Opera,' 406.
Lytton, Sir E. B., Schiller's Lay of the Bell,' 773.

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Theodore, 'Thackeray,' 135. Taylor, Tom, Ballads and Songs of Britany,' 839. Temple, R. and C., The Temple Anecdotes,' 775. Tennant, Sir J. E., 'Story of the Guns,' 37, 54. Tennyson, Alfred. 'Enoch Arden,' 515. Thompson, D'Arcy, 'Fun and Earnest,' 727. Ticknor, George, Life of Prescott,' 100. Tilley, H. A., 'Eastern Europe and Westeru Asia,' 167, 247. Timbs, John, 'A Century of Anecdote,' 775. Torrens, W. M., Lancashire's Lesson,' 791. Tracy, Madame de, Essais, Lettres est Pensées,' 838. Trevelyan, G. O., 'The Competition Wallah,' 329.

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WESTGARTH, William, 'Victoria,' 182. Westmacott,
R., Handbook of Sculpture,' 296.
Thomas, 'Chronicle of the Compleat Angler,' 521.
Whately, Archbishop, 'Remains of,' 424, 564. Wil-
mott, R. A., Summer Time in the Country,' 538,
552. Wood, Rev. J. G., 'Homes without Hands,'
Wornum, R.N., Epochs of Painting,' 425.
Wraxall, Lascelles, Caroline Matilda,' 405, 550.
Wright, I. C., 'The Iliad of Homer.' 80s. Wright.
Robert, 'General Wolfe,' 358. Wright, Thomas,
'Autobiography,' 72.


YATES, Edmund, 'Broken to Harness,' 824.


ALMANACS, POCKET BOOKS, AND DIARIES.-Almanach de Paris,' 791. Art-Union of London Almanack; British; 'Cassell's;' City;' De la Rue's;' 'Dietrichsen's;' 'Farmer's;' 'Gutch's;' Letts's;' "London; 'Morton's;' 'Price & Co.'s;' 'Punch's;' 'Rimmel's; Showell's;' 'Thorley's;' 'Weather;'


Campaigns in Virginia and Maryland,' 8. Edge, F.
M., The Alabama and the Kearsarge,' 548. Lo-
thian, Lord, Confederate Secession,' 648, 710.
Semmes' Cruise of the Alabama,' 487, 548.


ART.Cornhill Gallery, the,' 758. Crowe and Cavalcaselle, New History of Painting,' 745, 820. Eastlake, Lady, and Mrs Jameson, History of our Lord in Art,' 296, 645. Home Thoughts and Home Scenes,' 738. Illustrations to Longfellow's Hype. rion,' 773. Linton, 'The Lake Country,' 773. Perkins, C. C., Tuscan Sculptors,' 839. 'Pictures of English Life,' 558. Shield's 'Illustrations of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress,' 773. Smith's 'Expositions of Great Pictures,' 167. Westmacott's Handbook of Sculpture,' 296, 374. Wornum, Epochs of Painting,' 425.

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BIOGRAPHY.-American: Beecher, Lyman, Autobiography,' 8. Davenport, the Brothers,' 759. 'Franklin, Benjamin,' 360, 390. Hamilton, Alexander, and his Contemporaries,' 88, 119. Irving, Washington,' 38. Menken, Adah Isaacs,' 759. 'Prescott, William Hickling,' 100.

Danish: 'Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark,' 408, 550.

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Mathematics: Heppel, Arithmetic,' 231. Kimber,
'Mathematical Course,' 39.

Science: Buckmaster, 'Elements of Mechanical
Physics,' 103. Beeton's Dictionary of Universal
Information,' 167. Beeton's Encyclopædia,' 153.
ESSAYS.-'About in the World,' 616.
'Papinian,' 440. Babbage, 'A Chapter on Street
Nuisances,' 343. Colonial Essays,' 310. Corbet,
'Tales and Traits of Sporting Life,' 598. Cornelius
O'Dowd upon Men and Women, and other Things
in General,' 616. Fonnereau, 'Diary of a Dutiful
Son,' 182. Digby, K. H., 'Evenings on the
Thames,' 808. "Essays on Social Subjects,' 600.
Holmes, 'Soundings from the Atlantic,' 85. John-
son, The House and Garden,' 343. Lalor, Eng-
land among the Nations,' 327. Inglefield, Words
of Advice to Young Naval Officers,' 103. Lowell,
'Fireside Travels, 693. Mazzini, 'The Duties of
Man,' 214.

English: Aikin, Lucy,' 710. Agnews, the, of Lochnaw,' 532. 'Anecdotes of Heraldry,' 392. Babbage, Charles, 'Life of a Philosopher,' 440, 544. 'Blake, William,' 246. 'Brindley, James, and the early Engineers,' 725. Brodie, Sir Benjamin,' 136. 'Cornwallis, Caroline Frances,' 264. * Cowper, Mary, Countess, Diary of,' 246. Eliot, Sir John,' 153, 198, 213, 229, 260. English Poets,' 538. English Princes,' 24. English Writers before Chaucer,' 56, 117. Finch, Francis Oliver,' 791. Edward,' 136. Judges of England,' 745. 'Passages of a Working Life,' 340, 408, 421. Sir William,' 217, 485, 501. Paterson, Peter, a Strolling Comedian,' 392. 'Philips, Henry, Musical, Recollections of, 374. Robson,' 565. 'St Hugh of Lincoln,' 121, 261. Stephenson, George,' 725, 743. 'Stephenson, Robert,' 711, 725, 743. Sterne, Lawrence,' 217, 389. Sturge, Joseph,' 586. Thackeray, the Humourist and the Man of Letters,' 135. 'Whately, Archbishop,' 245, 616. •Wellington, Duke of,' 200. Wilberforce, William,' 264. Wolf, Major-General James,' 358. Wright, Thomas, Autobiography,' 72. 'Wynn, Miss Frances Williams,' 296, 326.

[ocr errors]

117. Puckle, 'Church and Fortress of Dover Castle,' POLITICAL ECONOMY.-'Utilitarianism Explained
774. Riley, Thomas Walsingham,' 296. Stevenson,
'Letters and Papers of the Reign of Henry VI.,'
and Exemplified,' 136.
172. Stubbs, Chronicles of the Reign of Richard
I.,' 329. Surtees, Waifs and Strays of North-
Humber History,' 774.

Greece, Ancient.-Cox, 'Tales of the Gods and
Heroes, 56, 150.

Greece, Modern, and the Ionian Islands.-Kirkwall,
'History of the British Protectorate,' 408, 503.
India.-Bell, The Empire in India,' 70. Fergusson,
'Rock Cut Temples,' 38. Kay, 'The Sepoy War,'
711, 724. Seton-Karr, 'Selections from Calcutta
Gazettes, 1784, 1788,' 440. Trevelyan, 'The Compe-
tition Wallah,' 329.

Italy.-Chambers, Garibaldi and the Italian Unity,'
264. Hilton, Brigandage in South Italy,' 693.

Pontès, Etudes sur l'Orient,' 199. Poland.-Bullock, Polish Experiences,' 500.
Senior, Essays on Fiction,' 324. Tangled Talk,' Rome.-Kingsley, Roman and Teuton,' 180. Meri-
616. Tracy, Madame de, Essais divers, Lettres
et Pensées,' 838. Whately, Miscellaneous Re-
vale, 'The Conversion of the Roman Empire,' 711.
mains,' 424, 564. Wilmott, Summer Time in the
Country,' 552.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[merged small][ocr errors]

RELIGION AND THEOLOGY.-Allon, 'The Christ, the Book, and the Church,' 328. Arnold, M. J., English Biblical Criticism and the Pentateuch,' 88. 'Balance, The; or, Episcopacy Defended,' 632. Colenso, The Pentateuch and the Book of Joshua,' Part IV., 4. Cumming, Dr, 'Life and Lessons of Our Lord,' 822. Croly, 'The Book of Job,' 24. Gatty, Mrs, Parables from Nature,' 790. Golden Light,' 822. Guizot, Meditations on Christianity,' 488. Hadley, Caroline, 'Stories of Old,' and 'Stories of the Apostles,' 822. McCausland, Adam and the Adamite,' 745. Mackay, 'The Tübingen School and its Antecedents,' 103. Owen, H., The Book of Psalms,' 790. Owen, Richard, 'The Power of God in His Animal Creation,' 71. Plumptre, E. H., 'The Book of Proverbs,' 727. Robertson, 'Pastoral Counsels,' 839. Stanley, Dean, The Encouragement of Ordination,' 390. Quarterly Review on 'Freethinking,' 488. Vance, Harmonised Old Testament,' 103.

Various.-Engel, Ancient Music,' 745, 790.
'History of the World,' 310.
graph Souvenir,' 56. Lumley, 'Reminiscences of
the Opera,' 406. Palliser, History of Lace,' 774.
Robertson, Modern History and Biography,' 553.
LITERATURB. — English. — Barham, 'Ingoldsby Le-
Sandy's and Forster, The Violin,' 71.
gends,' 789. Bell, English Poets,' 425, 538. Corn-
wallis, Caroline Francis, Letters of,' 553. 'Don
Quixote,' 807. Goldsmith's Works,' 807, 823. 'Gul-
liver's Travels,' 807. Jerrold, Douglas, 'Works,'
136. Johnson, 'Lives of English Poets,' 538. Love-
lace, Richard, 'Lucasta,' 136. Morley, Henry,
'English Writers before Chaucer,' 56, 117. Scrym-
geour, Poetry and Poets of Great Britain,' '136.
Senior, Essays on Fiction,' 324. Shakespeare-
see Shakespearian Literature. Taylor, Henry, 'Poeti-
cal Works,' of, 8. Taylor, Jeremy, The Golden
Grove,' 424. Tennyson, 'Enoch Arden,' 515.
Transactions of the Philological Society,' 486.
Westwood, Bibliography of the Compleat Angler,'
521. Wilson, Recreations of Christopher North,


FICTION.- Adrian L'Estrange,' 278. Aimard, 'The
Smuggler Chief,' 86. Ainsworth, John Law,'
423. Altogether Wrong,' 278. Banim, The
Town of the Cascades,' 133, 277. Bateman, 'The
Two Families,' 38. Beale, A., 'Nothing Venture,
Nothing Have,' 710. Braddon, Miss, Eleanor's
Victory,' 276; 'Henry Dunbar,' 404. 'Breaker's
Ahead,' 521. Blackfriars; or the Monks of Old,'
136. Brotherton, Mrs, 'Respectable Sinners,' 278.
Browns, the, and the Smiths,' 278. Chesterford
and Some of its People,' 278. 'Christmas at Old
Court,' 39. Clarke, C., 'Charlie Thornhill,' 278.
'Chronicles of Carlingford,' 709. Clara Vaughan,'
29. Collins, C. A., The Bar Sinister,' 278.
Collins, C. J., Sackville Chase,' 276; 'Strathcairn,'
Crawford, N. S., The Wilmott Family,'
662. Danes, the, Sketched by Themselves,' 504.
Danvile, Mrs, Miriam's Sorrow,' 278. Deene,
Kenner, Anne Cave,' 86. 'Doctor Jacob,' 166.
Dyce, Bella Donna,' 70. Edwards, Amelia, Bar-
bara's History,' 278. Forbidden Fruit,' 278. For
Ever,' 278. Gaskell. Mrs, Cranford,' 823.
ham, Austin, A Terrible Woman,' 278. Grey; German.-Schiller, 'Song of the Bell,' 773.
Mrs, Good Society,' 278. Hawthorne, Pansie,'
569. 'Heathside Farm,' 278. Holt, The King's
Mail,' 277. Holme Lee, Annis Warleigh's For-
tunes,' 270. Hood, The Disputed Inheritance,'
277. Howitt, Mary, The Cost of Caergwyn,'
Hume, Mary C., The Golden Rule, 8.
'Janita's Cross,' 295. 'Joan Carewe,' 278. 'John
Greswold,' 454. Irving, Ernest, Catherine's
Marriage,' 278. Kavanagh, Julia, Queen Mab,'
Le Fanu, J. S., Uncle Silas, 824. Leigh-
ton, A., Mysterious Legends of Edinburgh,' 664.
Lemon, Mark, Loved at Last,' 758; Wait for
the End,' 56. Lennox, Lord W. P., 'Adventures
of a Man of Family,' 424. Leo,' 278. Locker,
'Sir Goodwin's Folly,' 277. Macdonald, George,
'Adela Cathcart,' 217, 550. Meadowleigh,' 278.
McLeod, The Old Lieutenant and His Son,' 24.
Meredith, Emilia in England,' 468. 'Mr and
Mrs Falconbridge,' 278. Mrs Lirriper's Legacy,'
774. Mulock, Miss, Domestic Stories,' 823. Mur-
ray, Ella Norman,' 70. Neville, Lloyd Pennant,'
277. 'Not an Angel,' 278. Not Proven,' 710.
'Not Quite the Thing,' 278. 'Opposite Neigh-
bours,' 278. 'Passages in the Life of an Old
Maid,' 278. Platt, Mr, Grace of Glencoe, 278. METALLURGY.-Percy, 'Metallurgy,' 228.
Ponsonby, Lady Emily, Mary Lindsay,' 276.
Reade, Charles, 'Hard Cash,' 279.

Gra- Britany.-'Ballads and Songs of Britany,' 839.

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BOOKS OF EACH WEEK.-January: 8, 24, 38, 56, 72. -February: 88, 103, 121, 135.—March: 152, 167, 184, 200.-April: 217, 232, 248, 264, 279.-May: 296, 310, 329, 344-June: 360, 376, 393, 407.-July: 424, 440, 456, 472, 486.-August: 505, 521, 538, 554.—September : 569, 586, 601, 617.-October: 632, 648, 664, 680, 711.November: 711, 744, 745, 758.-December: 775, 791, 807, 824, 839.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]
[ocr errors][merged small]

Greek.-Derby, Earl, Homer's Iliad,' 791. Lewes,
'Aristotle, 200. McGregor, Greek Anthology,'
710. Wright, 'Iliad of Homer,' 808.
Hebrew.-Hambleton, 'The Song of Songs,' 102.
Hindoo.-' Arichandra,' a Tamil Drama, 120.
Hottentot.-' Reynard the Fox in South Africa,' 185.
Italian.-James, Sir J. K., Jerusalem delivered
of Torquato Tasso,' 835.

Roman.-Ramage, 'Beautiful Thoughts from Latin
Authors,' 136

Scandinavian.-Arnason, 'Icelandic Legends,' 165.
MAPS.-' Denmark, Schleswig and Holstein,' 439.
Washington and Richmond,' 440.



Chemistry.—Watts, 'Dictionary of Chemistry,' 631.
Geology and Physical Geography.-Marsh, Man and
Nature,' 279, 437. Miller, Hugh, Edinburgh and
its Neighbourhood,' 86. Milton, J. L., 'Stream of
Life in our Globe,' 217. Page, Text Book of
Physical Geography,' 614. Ramsay, 'Physical
Geography and Geology of Great Britain,' 440. Sir
Charles Lyell at Bath, 613.


Natural History.-Cox, Mrs, 'Our Common Insects,' 471. Davies, Preparation and Mounting of Microscopic Objects,' 56. Grindon, British Garden Botany,' 487. Mitchell, The Herring, 39, 69. Phips on Utilization of Minute Life,' 406. Quatrefages, Metamorphosis of Man and the Lower Animals,' 535. Wood, 'Homes without Hands,' 9. Physics.-Arnott, 'Elements of Physics,' 121. SHAKSPEARIAN TERCENTENARY LITERATURE. — 152, 165, 181, 199, 216, 231, 276, 342, 421, 676.

[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

Texts.-History of the Texts, 165, 181, 199, 281, 276.
Allen, The Devonshire Hamlets,' 217. Booth,

Reprint of the 1623 Folio,' 165, 181, 199, 216. 'Cambridge Shakespeare,' 276, 342, 676. 'Cassell's Illustrated Edition,' 153. Clarke, Mr and Mrs Cowden, 'Works,' 200, 421. Dyce, Works,' 276, 342, 421, 676. Keightley, Plays,' 200, 676. Marsh, Reference Shakespeare,' 167. Staunton, Folio of 1623,' 165, 181, 199, 216, 231.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

SURGERY.-Anstie, Stimulants SPIRITUALISM.-Spirit Rapping in Glasgow in 1864,' and Narcotics,' 453. Dobell, Diet and Regimen,'


Ends and Moral Means,' 279. Inglefield, Words
of Advice to Young Naval Officers,' 103. Tennent,
The Story of the Guns,' 37, 54.

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

ing on Thin Ice,' 277. Taylor, Tara,' 277. The NOMENCLATURE.-Moody, What is your Name?'
Two Anastasias,' 677. Thomas, Annie, Sir Victor's
Choice,' 278.
87. Salverte, History of the Names of Men, Na-
tions, and Places,' 598.

[ocr errors][merged small]

Trollope, A.. 'Rachel Ray,' 278.
Trollope, T. A., Beppo the Conscript,' and Giulio
Mutatesta, 277. Uncle Crotty's Relations,' 278.
Wills, W. G., The Wife's Evidence,' 278. Wood,
Mrs, Trevlyn Hold,'
Yates, Edmund,
Broken to Harness,' 824. 'Young Artist's Life,
'Zoe's Brand,' 536.

[ocr errors]

a,' 86.


[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

CHILDREN'S BOOKS.—Adams, 'White Brunswickers,'
807. 'Beeton's Christmas Annual,' 823. Bennett,
Charles, The Sorrowful Ending of Noodledoo,' HISTORY.-America.-Chevalier, Mexico,' 200, 309. Biennial.-'Theological Review,' 153.
Bowman, Miss, Young Yachtsman,' 807. Duncan, Our Garrisons in the West,' 565.


[ocr errors]
[merged small][ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

'Bunch of Keys,' 823. Child's Play,' 758. Cuth-France.-Crowe, History,' 308. D'Aubigne, Refor
bert Bede, The White Wife,' 823. 'Daddy's
Makings,' 823. 'Effie's Friends,' 806. 'Every
Boy's Manual,' 807. 'Freaks in the Fells,' 807.
Going to the Dogs,' 823. Greene, R. J., Corners
and Cushions,' 823. 'History of Harry, the,' 823.
'Littlehope Hall,' 283. Lost Among the Afghans,'
823. Miller, Thomas, Goody Platts and her Two
Cats,' 823. Peter Parley's Annual,' 823. Thompson,
D'Arcy W., Fun and Earnest,' 727. Tillotson,
Stories of the Wars,' 823. 'Tales of Filial Love,'
823. Wraxall, Sir Lascelles, 'Golden Hair,' 823.
COMMERCE. Guthrie, 'Bank of Monopoly,' 168.
Taylor, Battle of the Standards,' 168.
Handbook of Dining,' 745. Crefydd's Family
Fare,' 25. 'Domestic Service Guide Book, the,'
711. English and Australian Cookery Book, the,'
'Englishwoman in India, the,' 775. Gentle-
woman, the,' 166. Kirwan, Host and Guest,'
182. Schaible, First Help in Accidents,' 712.
DIRECTORIES.- 'Lancashire, Liverpool, and Man-
chester,' 838. 'London,' 838. 'Northampton,
Huntingdon, Bedford, Buckinghamshire, Berks,
and Oxford,' 200. Stateman's Year Book,' 838.
EDUCATION.-Classics: Prendergast, The Mastery
of Languages,' 680. Wilkins, Latin Anthology,'
200. Yonge, English Greek Lexicon,' 521.
'Thomson's Seasons,'
Ogilvie, Comprehensive Dictionary,' 25.
'Reading Book for Adults,' 168.

mation under Calvin,' 844, 392. Guizot, 'Memoirs
of a Minister of State,' 217, 359. Montalivet, Comte
de, 'Rien! Dix-Huit Années de Gouvernement Par-
liamentaire,' 504.

Germany.-Dicey, 'The Schleswig-Holstein War,' 440.
Carlyle, Frederick the Great,' 167, 196. Gallenga,
'Letters from Denmark,' 457. Kingsley, Roman
and the Teuton,' 180.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Great Britain.-Agnew, 'Agnews of Lochnaw,' 532.
Arnold, The Cotton Famine,' 615. 'Annual Regis-
ter,' 360. Bissett, Omitted Chapters in English
History,' 248, 294. Brewer, 'Letters and Papers
of the Reign of Henry VIII.,' 424, 740. Brown,
Rawdon, Calendar of Venetian State Papers, relat-
ing to English Affairs,' 664, 708. Bruce, 'State Papers
of the Reign of Charles I.' 344. Burton, The Scot
Abroad,' 424, 470. 'Camden, Miscellany,' Vol. 5,
469. Chambers, 'History of Peeblesshire,' 472, 518.
Cockayne, Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Star-
craft of Early England, 121, 165. Collette, Sketch
of Henry VIII., 167. Coote, H. C., Neglected
Fact in English History,' 311. Forster, Sir John
Eliot,' 153, 198, 213, 229, 260. Foss, Judges of Eng-
land, 745. Gairdner, John, Early History of the
Medical Profession in Edinburgh, 183. Gairdner,
Jas., Letters, &c., of the Reigns of Richard 111. and
Henry VII., 53. Green, Mrs, Calendar of State
Papers of the Reign of Charles II.,'457. Horwood,
'Yearbooks of Edward I.,' 457. Lewins, William,
'Her Majesty's Mails,' 534. Lewis, Sir J. C., 'Ad-
ministrations of Great Britain,' 200, 263. Luard,
'Annales Monastici,' 121. Manchester, Duke of,
'Court and Society from Elizabeth to Anne,' 39,
198. Miller, Hugh, Edinburgh and its Neighbour-
hood,' 86. Molesworth, W. M., The Reform Bill,'
839. Morley, English Writers before Chaucer,' 56,

[ocr errors][ocr errors]

Monthly.-Alexandra,' 600. 'Art Journal,' 135, 424.
'Art Student,' 601. 'Bentley,' 585. Blackwood,' |
568. Cassell's Bible Dictionary,' 568. 'Christian
Work,' 9, 568. 'Colburn's New Monthly,' 585.
'Cornhill,' 72, 136, 568, 584. 'Dublin University,'
600. Entomologist's Monthly,' 538. Everybody's
Magazine,' 6. Fraser,' 568. Geological,' 456.
'Good Words,' 568. Intellectual Observer,' 585.
'London Society,' 585. Macmillan,'585. Nau-
tical Magazine, 601. Smith, Dictionary of the
Bible;' Smith's Magazine;' Victoria Magazine,'
585, 630. Wood, Homes without Hands,' 9.
Working Men's Club and Institute Magazine,


70, 454, 663.



TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE.-Africa.-Baines, Thomas,
'Explorations in South-West Africa,' 711, 742.
Burton, Abeokuta and the Camaroon Mountains,'
20; A Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome,' 646.
Drayson. Tales of the Outspan,' 823. Grant,
'A Walk across (Africa,' 807. Reade, 'Savage
Africa,' 20. Speke, What Led to the Discovery
of the Source of the Nile,' 472, 501.

America, North.-Hall, 'Life with the Esquimaux,'
80s. Kirke, 'Down in Tennessee,' 661. Nichols,
Forty Years in America,'
88, 134.
'Mexico,' 23.



America, South.-'In the Tropics,' 103.
'Rambles in the Rocky Mountains,' 424, 565.
'Travels of Don Pedro de Cieza de Leon,' 711, 757.
Vigne, South America, etc.' 23.

72, 102.

Asia, Western and Central.-Friar Jordan, 'The
Wonders of the East,' 133; Rambles in the Deserts
of Syria,' 136. Tilley, Eastern Europe and Western
Asia,' 67, 247. Travels of Ludovico de Varthema,'
Vacation Tourists,' 629. Vámbéry, 'Cen-
tral Asia,' 745, 804.
Australia.-Stuart, J. McDoual, Explorations in
Australia,' 360, 455. Westgarth, Colony of Vic-
toria,' 182. Muter, Mrs, Travels,' 199.
China.-Rennie, 'British Arms in North China and
Japan,' 791, 837.

[ocr errors]

France.-Jerrold, B., At Home in Paris, 745.
Murray's Knapsack Guide to Paris,' 662. Mus-
grave, Ten Days in a French Parsonage,' 472.
Germany.-Fitzgerald, 'Le Sport at Baden,' 518.
Great Britain-Burton, J. H., The Cairngorm
Mountains,' 519. Murray's Handbooks- Durham,'
440. Ireland,' 440. Wilmott, Summer Time in the
Country,' 552.
India.-Campbell, My Indian Journal,' 391. Mouhot,
Indo-China, Cambodia, and Laos,' 325. Muter,
Mrs, Travels,' 199.

[ocr errors]

Quarterly.-' British Quarterly,' 503. Edinburgh,'
Fine Arts Quarterly Review,' 361.
National,' 22. North-American Review,' 503, 520.
North British,' 583. Popular Science,' 537.
'Quarterly,' 70, 470, 678. Quarterly Journal of
Science,' 39, 455. 'Westminster,' 23, 502.
Weekly. All the Year Round,' 568, 774. Arrow,
the,' 567, 631. Cassell's Family Shakespeare,'
568. • Cassell's Popular Natural History,' 568, 832.
'Chambers's Journal,' 9. 368, 823. New Newgate
Calendar,' 6. 'Once a Week,' 568. Puncb,' 567, | Ionian Islands.-Kirkwall, Viscount, Four Years in
the Ionian Islands,' 408, 503.

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[blocks in formation]

Persia.-Eastwick, 'Three Years' Residence in Persia, 136, 151.

Poland.-Anderson, 'Russian Poland in 1863,' 149. O'Brien, 'Petersburg and Warsaw,' 456. Tilley, 'Eastern Europe and Western Asia,' 67, 247. "Vacation Tourists,' 829.

Russia.-Michie, 'Siberian Overland Route,' 745, 788, 821.

Spain.-Andersen, 'In Spain,' 309.

Switzerland-Murray's Knapsack Guide,' 662. Turkey.-Hornby, Lady, Constantinople during the Crimean War,' 8. Stamford, Lady, Eastern Shores of the Adriatic,' 342, 437.


Tyrol, The.-Gilbert, The Dolomite Mountains,' 360,


[ocr errors]

VERSE.-Browning, 'Dramatis Personæ,' 360. Bulwer, 'The Boatman,' 199. Disraeli, The Revolutionary Epick,' 328. Hoskyns-Abrahall, Western Woods and Waters,' 153. Law, Isabella, Winter Weavings,' 248. Lowell, J. R, The Biglow Papers,' 599. M'Combe, William, 'Poetical Works,' 554. 'Mene Tekel,' 294. Peel, Edmund, Judas Maccabæus,' 533. Praed, W. M., Poems,' 569, 581. Ramsbottom, Phases of Distress; Lancashire Rhymes,' 520. Tennyson, 'Enoch Arden, etc.,' 515.


[ocr errors]

EXHIBITIONS.-The Royal Academy, 279, 296, 488. A. Graefle's Portrait of the Queen, 712.


THE PRESENT CONDITION OF THE LONDON STAGE.39, 168, 311, 393, 712, 808.

ADELPHI.-The Area Belle,' 168. 'Leah,' 313, 393. 'The Dead Heart,' 393. The Workmen of Paris,' 792.

COVENT GARDEN.-' Cinderella,' 840.

DRURY LANE.-'Sindbad the Sailor,' 9.

[ocr errors]

Night and



ACCIDENTS AND OFFENCES.-January: 13, 14, 28, 29, 44, 56, 76.-February: 88, 106, 108, 124, 140. March 168, 170, 172, 189, 204.-April: 220, 234, 251. May: 301, 317, 348.-June: 365, 380, 412.-July: 445, 461, 478, 493.-August: 508, 524, 541, 556, 577.— September: 573, 605, 606, 621, 622, 700.-October: 636, 637, 654, 669, 684, 685, 700, 701. Murder of Mr Briggs, 460, 477, 492, 525, 557, 570, 588, 605, 621, 637. 696, 715, 748, 779. Garotters and the lash, 524. Riots in B lfast, 540, 590. Explosion at Vauxhall foundry, Liverpool, 542. Colliery explosion in Northumberland, 590. Death of Captain Speke, 606. Explosion of the Belvedere powder magazines, 638, 652, 668, 684. 713.-November: 716, 733, 749, 759.December: 776, 780, 795, 796, 812, 828, 844, 845. The murder in the Plaistow Marshes, 733, 748, 763, 780. Inundation at Sheffield, 186. Railway accident at Egham, 396.

CHARITIES.-National life-boat institution, 13, 25, 301, 845. Metropolitan benefit societies' asylum, 26. University college hospital, 269. Royal literary fund, 333. Sir Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy's bequest, 399. King's college hospital, 397. National life-boat institution, 525, 557, 569, 622, 680. CHURCH.-January: Trial of Bishop Colenso, 73.March: The Oxford declaration, 202.-April: Legal opinion thereon, 220.-May: The new Bishop of Peterborough.-June: Threatened extension of church rates, 258. The case of the Bishop of Natal, 408-July: Bishop of Cape Town's spiritual raid, 445. Science and declarations, 473. Fined for not attending church, 474.-August: Bishop Colenso and the inspiration, 532. The Bishop of Oxford on inspiration, 554.-September: Bishop Colenso in Leicestershire, 602. — - October: Bishop of Cape Town and Natal, 636, 698.December: Correspondence between Mr Voysey and the Archbishop of Canterbury, 779. Bishop Colenso and the Bishop of Cape Town, 812, 825. CRAWLEY COURT-MARTIAL, THE. Ja: uary: 44. -March: 173. GARIBALDI'S VISIT TO ENGLAND.-March: 205.April: 233, 248, 265, 282.-May: 301, 313.-June:



LANCASHIRE DISTRESS.-January: Its decrease, 25.
-October: The distress in Lancashire, 668.

Townley case, 28, 58, 90.-July: Parker v. Collett, 442.
The Yelverton case. 493.-November: The Codring-
ton divorce case, 761.

CASES.-January: The Townley case, 40, 58.-
March: Cresswell v. Jackson (will case), 154.-
May: Rev. Uriah Tonkin and the gipsies, 332.
MILITARY TOPICS.-August: The army medical
service, 554.

Morn,' 153, 168. Manfred,' 168. The Four Mow-
brays,' 168. 'The Alabama,' 168. Henry the
Fourth,' Part I., 312, 632. Henry the Fourth,'
Part II., 649. Macbeth,' 712, 775, 808. Cymbe- MISCELLANEOUS.-January: Thackeray's charity, 10.
line,' 712. Hop o'My Thumb,' 840.

HAYMARKET.-'King Arthur,' 9. 'Bunkum Muller,'|
'David Garrick,' 312, 393, 502. Our
153, 168.
American Cousin,' 393. Lord Dundreary Married
and Done For,' 393. 'Mademoiselle de Belle Isle.'
649, 759. Castle of Andalusia,' 649. Sunny-vale
Farm,' 792. No Song, no Supper,' 808.

HER MAJESTY'S.-'The Lion and the Unicorn,' 840.
LYCEUM.-The King's Butterfly,' 712.
OLYMPIC.-Taming of the Shrew,' 312. The Ticket-
of Leave Man,' 393. 'Sense and Sensation,' 393.
Close of Mr Emden's management, 601, 633.
H. Wigan's opening address, 713.
PRINCESS'S.-Tom Tucker,' 9. Donna Dianna,' 39,

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New jaw-bones, 14. The murderer Townley, 14. Lord Carlisle on Goldsmith, 29. Low art, 29. Times and types, 29.-February: Naval orduance, 93. Opening of museums and galleries on Sunday, 136.-May: Race for the Derby, 346-June: Mr Gladstone on reform, 361. The civil list, 394. August: The decoration of Westminster palace, | How to know when Parliament is up, 558. An enemy's army, 558.-October: Liabilities of insurance offices, 644.


PARLIAMENT.-February: The Queen's Speech, 92. The great conservative meeting, 423. -December: The Finsbury election, 778. Mr Cobden, Free trade and the anti-corn law league, 827.

LORDS.-February: Debate an the ad dress; Projected railways; Ecclesiastical commission, 92. The Slesvig-Holstein question, 105, 137. The American question, 105, 123. Metropolitan railways: Convicts.-March: Attempted assassination of Napoleon; Irish recruiting for America, 155. Denmark, 168, 184. The Crawley case; Irish constabulary, 184. The Kearsarg3, 184, 234.—April: Denmark and Germany, 234, 213. Regius professorship of Greek at Oxford, 248, 231. George Hall's

respite, 249. Departure of Garibaldi; Sentence of death; Land transfer act, 268. The Tuscaloosa; Burial of the dead in India, 281. Law of debtor and creditor, 300. Denmark, 316,

[blocks in formation]

COMMONS. February: The address; Colonel Crawley, 92. The Slesvig-Holstein question, 105, 137. Insane prisoners; Railway schemes; Japan, 105. Copyright, 123. Chain Cable and Auction Bills, 123. Brazil; Real servitude acts; The navy and army estimates, 124. Naval yards, public executions; ironclad vessels; Malt for cattle; Education in Scotland; Denmark, 137. Ionian Islands; Our naval weakness; Navy estimates; New Zealand loan; The slave trade, 138.March: Navy estimates; Mazzini; Civil Service estimates; Reduction of military forces; Inspectors of constabulary; Army estimates; Captain Speke; American violation of neutrality, 156. Denmark; Government annuities bill; Railway schemes; The Crawley court-martial; School grants; Weights and measures, 169. Harbours of refuge, 170. Japan; American neutrality, 181; Colonel Craw-|

ley; Government annuities; Mr Stansfeld and M.
Mazzini, 185.-April: Denmark and Germany, 234,
250. Navy estimates; The BUDGET, 234. Army
estimates; County franchise bill; Sugar duties,
250. Mr Lowe's explanation; Penal servitudes'
amendment bill; Our policy in Denmark; Gari-
baldi, 268. Garibaldi meeting on Primrose hill;
Partnerships bill; Irish Court of Chancery; War
in New Zealand; Ilarbours of refuge; Church
rates commutation bill; Bank notes (Scotland)
bill; The Tuscaloosa, 281. Channel squadron;
Sugar duties; Navy estimates; Capital punish-
ment; Street music; Insolvent debtors; Army
estimates, 300; Denmark; Borough franchise
bill; Inspection of schools, 316. China, 333. State
of Jutland; The Ionian Islands; America, 348.-
June: Steam rams; Spirit duties; Chincha Is-
lands; Southern independence, 364. Tests aboli-
tion (Oxford) bill; Endowed schools, 365. The
conference; Indian officers; New National Gallery;
Foreign duties on British vessels; Agricultural
statistics; Intoxicating liquors bill, 377. Dublin
improvement, 378. National Gallery; Indian
claims; New Zealand loan; Factory act of expan- CHILI.-January: Calamity in Chili, 73. ♦
sion; The Danish Conference; Irish education; CHINA AND JAPAN.-557, 700.

Message of President Davis; Progress of the war,
763.-December: The Confederate manifesto, 779.
Progress of the war, 795, 809, 827. The sinking of
the Florida, 809. President Lincoln's message, 827.
Sherman's march; Alleged capture of Savannah;
Defeat of Hood near Nashville, 812.

AUSTRALIA.-October: Australian transportation, 680.
November: 747.-December: 811.

Armstrong guns; Charity Commissioners, 397.

BRAZIL-February: 88.—September: Slavery in, 590. -October: The commercial crisis, 682. CANADA.-April: 251.-July: Great railway accident, 461. The Parliament, 490.-August: Proposed British American federation, 532, 665. November: The proposed inter-colonial constitution, 762.- December: Discharge of the Confederate "raiders," 843.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE.-January: 68. February: 125. June: 365. July: 467. August: 506, 557. October:


Debate on the Conference; Irish emigration; The CHINA.-January: 30.
Kearsarge and Alabama, 412. July: The

Conference, 425. Canadian frontier, 426. Vote of DAHOMEY.-May: Defeat of the King's troops, 314. want of confidence, 426, 441, 442, 458. Street music; Naval architecture; Public education: DENMARK AND GERMANY.-January: Speech of Penal servitude, 426. The game laws; Brazil and the Slave trade; Murder of Mr Briggs; Uniformity act amendment, 457. New Zealand, 458. Brazil; West coast of Africa; Paper manufacture; Ships of war; The Indian budget, 476. Indian medical service, 477. The Serpentine; The American war; Fortifications bill; Indian medical service bill; Mutual surrender of criminals; Committee of council on education; Mr G. O'Muller Irwin; Mexico; Emigration to the United States; Prorogation, 490. The ballot 542, 570. SHAKESPEARE TERCENTENARY. January: Mr Thackeray and the celebration, 30.-April: 'Punch' thereon, 269.-June: The monument committee,

[blocks in formation]

COMMERCE.-January: 11, 27, 43, 59, 75.-February: 91, 107, 122, 139.-March: 155, 171, 187, 203.-April : 219, 236, 252, 267, 284.-May: 299, 315, 331, 317.June: 363, 379, 395, 411.-July: 427, 443, 459, 475, 491.-August: 507, 528, 538, 555.-September: 571, 587, 603, 619.-October: 635, 651, 667, 683, 699.November: 714, 729, 746, 760.-December: 777, 794, 810, 826, 841.

CURRENT EVENTS.-January: 10, 26, 42, 58, 74.February: 90, 106, 121, 138.-March: 154, 170, 186, 202.-April: 218, 234, 251, 266, 282.-May: 298, 314, 330, 346.-June: 362, 378, 394, 411-July: 426, 444, 458, 475, 492.-August: 506, 522, 532, 554.-September: 570, 586, 602, 618.-October: 634, 650, 666, 682, 700.-November: 713, 732, 747, 761.-December: 778, 793, 809, 828, 840.


ALGERIA.-May: The insurrection in, 300, 349.


AMERICA.-January: The war in Tennessee, 10, 28, 44. The siege of Charleston, 10. The Confederate, press on Mr Lincoln's proclamation, 10. The war in Virginia, 28. General position of affairs, 57. Governor Seymour's message, 57. Progress of the war, 74.-February: The military situation, 84; Diplomatic correspondence with England, 89. Progress of the war, 104, 124, 140. The Alabama and her consorts, 108.-March: Military plans, 157, 186. Capture of the Saxon, 157. Adjournment of the Confederate congress of the war, 204.-April: 217, 228, 280.-May: 298, 313, 332. Battles in Virginia, 332, 345. Retreat of General Lee, 345.-June: Movements in Virginia, 362, 378, 396. Engagement of the Alabama and the Kearsarge, 409-July: Progress of Grant, 423, 444, 462, 473. Federal repulse at Petersburg, 428. The Alabama and the Kearsarge, Invasion of Maryland, 493.-August: A peace correspondence; the war in Georgia, 505, 524, 540. The war in Virginia, 524, 540, 556. ther raid in Pennsylvania; Re-invasion of Maryland; Attack on Mobile, 540. Capture of the Georgia, 556.-September: An interview with President The Davis, 569. The operations at Mobile, 572. Tallahasse, 572. Military operations, 572, 589. The Chicago convention; Governor Seymour's speech; The platform; Nomination of M'Clellan; Surrender of Fort Morgan; The battle in Mobile Bay, 604. The fall of Atlanta; Speech of Mr Seward, 617. General M'Clellan's acceptance of his nomination, 618.-October: The Lincoln platform; Speech of Mr Seward; The war in Shenandoah valley, 633. The battle at Fisher's hill; Affairs at Petersburg, Captain Semmes again afloat, 660. BatThe tles in Northern Virginia, 665, 634, 695. American debt; The Presidential election, 695. November: Defeat of Longstreet; The war in the West; The Tennessee deputation and President Lincoln, 715. Miscellaneous fighting; Capture of the Florida, 780, 763. Alleged Federal enlistment in England, 745. Mr Lincoln's re-election speech;




King Christian to his Chamber; the Danish protest; the Federal execution; Correspondence between the Duke of Augustenburg and Louis Napoleon, 12. The King of Prussia's reply to the Address of the Chamber, 13. The German Intervention, 28. French circular to the German States; the Conference proposed by England; Progress of the dispute, 42; Austrian and Prussian summons; Proceedings of the Rigsdag; Advance of Austrian and Prussian troops into Slesvig; Resolution of the Wurtemberg Chambers; Baden and the Congress; Debate in the Volksthing; the aspect of Slesvig; Earl Russell's despatch to the Federal diet, 57. Preparations for war; the defensive forces of Denmark, Austrian and Prussian plans, 76. February: Invasion of Slesvig; Battle before Missunde; Attack on Bustorf by the Austrians; Convocation of the Rigsraad; the Austro-Prussian ultimatum; Policy of the Danish Government; Swedish sympathy with Denmark, 90; Evacuation of Slesvig and re'reat of the Danes; the Treaty of 1852; Austrian and Prussian views, 104. The Austrian Reichsrath; the Emperor's speech; the German Diet; Hesse-Darmstadt, 116. Progress of the war, 123, 138. Proposed Conference in London, 138. The German Conference, 140.-March: Slesvig deputation to the Emperor of Austria, Galicia in a state of siege; the Federal Diet; the Islay and the Danish invasion, 148. Address of the Rigsraad to King Christian; Prussian and Austrian policy, The Danish elections; Public meetings, 172. Progress of the war, 172, 201. A Danish ironclad under fire, 172. The invasion of Jutland; French notes on the Conference; the Danish elections, 188. Duke of Augustenburg's surrender of 1852; Close of the Rigsdag; the Conference; bombardment of Düppel, 201; of Fredericia; Naval engagement, 202.-Aprit: The projected Conference; English notes to the Germanic diet; the siege of Düppel; Attack on Fredericia; Swedish and Norwegian sympathy, 218. Bombardment of Düppel; the Conference, 233, 252, 265. Capture of Düppel, 265, 283. Bombardment of Sönderborg, 263. The London Conference, 282. King Christian's proclamation, 283.-May: The Conference, 297, 314, 333, 348. Evacuation of Fredericia: Prussians in Jutland, 298. Danish victory at sea; Truce with the allies, 313. Bismark's Prussian postage at Jutland, 332, 346. despatch to Bernsdorf, 346.-June: The Conference, 362, 380, 409. Declaration of the Danish Plenipotentiaries; the Germanic diet and the Danish question; Duration of the armistice, 394.-July: Opening of the Danish Rigsraad; Capture of Alsen; Blockade of the German ports; Proceedings of the allies, 428. The Conference, 429. Retreat of the Danes; Circular despatch of Herr von Bismark; the intentions of Prussia and Austria, 444. Resignation of the Danish Ministry; Probability of Peace, 461. Military movements, 461, 473. trian and Prussian circular note, 473. The Danish armistice, 474. The Vienna Conference; the conditions of peace; Military riots in Rendsburg, 492.August: Peace negociations; the Federals in Holstein; Government of the Duchies; the Prussian occupation of Rendsburg; the Glücksberg family; the minor States of Germany, 506. First of the Peace preliminaries; the protocol; address to King Christian; his speech to the Rigsdag; meeting at Kiel; the great German Powers and the Duchies, 522; King Christian's address to the army; the Slesvig-Holstein complications, 540. The armistice, 536.--September: The Peace negociations, 570, 589, 618. The Dano-German controversy, 596. England, Prussia, and Denmark, 620.-October: More of Bismark's explanations, 628. The Peace negociations, 633, 695. The financial position of Denmark and the Duchies, 636. The Vienna Conference, 650, 665. Hungry Prussians in Jutland, 650, 665. The administration of the Duchies, 682, 695. Proposed annexation of Levenburg to Prussia, 650.-November: Conclusion of peace, 715. The last of the treaty, 730. Germany and the Duchies, 762, 779,



FRANCE.-January: Address of the Corps Legislatif, 26. The alleged conspiracy in Paris, 40. Speech of the Emperor-D-bates in the Corps Legislatif, 41. Proceedings of the Legislative Chambers, 58, 73.-February: Reply of the Emperor, 90.-May: Proceedings of the Legislative Chamber, 317. The Le Pommerais trial, 317, 332.-August: Unauthorized associations in France, 524. Liberty in France, 534, 558.-October: Lifeboats in France, 623.-December: Liberty of the press, 778. GREECE.-September: 589.

INDIA.-January: 74.-February: 140.-March: 172, 204.-April: 213, 233, 269.-May: 348.- June: 380, 408.-July: 474.-August: 508, 556. —September: 589, 621-October: 684.

INDIA AND JAPAN.-November: The cyclone at Calcutta, 728, 747. Operations of the allied fleet in Japan, 732. Sir John Lawrence in the Punjaub,

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761. The Indian medical service, 762.-December:
Miscellaneous News, 811, 845.

May: The Pope's allocution, 300.-July: Austrian
cruelty to Polish prisoners, 420. August: The end
of the insurrection, 521.- September: Russian
humanity towards Polish ladies, 596.

SPAIN AND PERC.-June: The seizure of the Chincha
Islands, 353, 364.-September: The new ministry,
618.-October: State of affairs, €92.-December:
The ministerial crisis, 825. Opening of the Cortes,
The Queen's speech, 840.


556, 588.

TURKEY.-January: The Sultan and the Congress,
13.-May: The Danubian principalities, 330.-Sep-
tember: The Circassian exodus, 570. Speech of
Prince Michel of Servia, 579.

ITALY.-May: Policy of the Italian government, 298.
The parliament, S14. The budget, 348.- July:
Proceedings of the Italian parliament, 429. Popular
education in Naples, 445.-August: Brigandage in
Tuscany, 506.-September: Austria and Italy, 570.
The French occupation of Rome, 620.- October: The
riots in Turin, 634. France and Rome, 636.
gramme of the new ministry and report of the late
ministry, 650. The promised evacuation of Rome, SWITZERLAND.-August: Disturbances at Geneva,
652. The Franco-Italian convention, 666. Opening
of the Chamber of Deputies: ministerial statement,
700. November: Discussion on the Franco-Italian
convention, 716, 731. Proceedings in Parliament,
734, 747. The rising in Venetia, 748. The transfer
of the capital, 762.-December: Proceedings of the
Parliament, 795. The speech of General Cialdini,
811. The Pope's Encyclical Letter, 842.
MEXICO.-January: Siege of Minatitlan, 13. Mexico
and the Archduke Maximilian, 26.-February: The
French in Mexico, 90.-March: Appointment of
Maximilian to the throne, 188.-.
-April: Juarez and
Ortega, 221. The Mexican throne, 228, 248. The
convention, 268. July: The Emperor Maxi-
milian's arrival, 428. Effects of French rule, 445.-
August: Maximilian's court, 505, 522, 532, 556.-
September: Progress of the French arms, 574. Con-
vention between France and Mexico, 617.-October:
Disturbances in the capital, 682, 691.

NEW ZEALAND.-January: Retreat of the rebels,
44.-February: Battle at Rangiri, 106.- May:
Retreat of natives, 298.-June: Battle at Orahan,
381.-July: Victory at Orahan, 460.-August:
Fresh Maori retreat, 538.-September: Maori ad-
vances, 602.-October: Prospects of peace, 665.
Surrender of the rebel chiefs, 682. November:
Maori surrender, 747.

POLAND.-January: Condemnation to death of Count
Stanislaus Zamoyski, 10. Progress of the insur-
rection, 10, 25, 58, 74. Mouravieff's rule in
Lithuania, 25, 44. Transportation and torture of
exiles; Execution of Mackiewicz, 25.-February:
Progress of the insurrection. 88, 106, 121, 140.
March: 157, 164, 204.-April: Proclamation of the
Polish peasants; The insurrection in Galicia, 217.


JANUARY.-W. M. Thackeray, 9; Earl of Charlemont;
Viscountess Boyle; Colone! Waymouth; Dean
Pakenham; Emile Saisset, 14; Viscount Valentia;
Alice Campbell; General Walpole; Admiral Gage;
Admiral Ayscough; Mr Combe (the London Ma-
gistrate), 30. Bishop Turton; Earl of Clare; J. P.
Plumptre; Behnes, the Sculptor; Bishop Arnoldi;
Lord Elgin, 44. Duke of Athole; Duke of Cleve
land; Lord Arthur Lennox; Miss Gilbert; Sir J
R. Grant; Admiral Hamelin; Admiral Richard
Saumarez; Mr George Burges; Mr Frederick Hush;
Mrs Sarah Lee; Mrs Penn, 60. Joseph Woods;
Sir William Atherton; Admiral Henderson; Ad-
miral Allen; Rowland Hunter, 77.

FEBRUARY.-Duchess of Parma; Duchess of Gordon;
Sir A. K. Clark-Kennedy; Adelaide Anne Proctor,
93. William Hunt; Mrs C. E. Law; Mrs V. F.
Foster; Rev. W. A. Newman; Countess d'Alton,

[blocks in formation]

MARCIL-Sir William Brown; Lady Anne Wilbra-
ham; Sir T. H. Roberts; Dr Gillis; Marquis Gus-
tave Cavour, 157. King Maximilian II. of Bavaria,
173, 186; Mr Leonard Horner; Stafford O'Brien, 173.
Major-General Harvey, 189; Lord Ashburton;
Earl of Aberdeen; Admiral Hugh Patton; Cardi-
nal Taylor; Mr J. C. Westwood; Mr C. Blunt;
Mr William Rothery; Mr A. B. Williams, 205.

APRIL-The Landgravine of Hesse Cassel; Mr J.
II. Erskine Wemyss; Sir E. Tucker; Viscount
Sidmouth; Professor Pillans; Rev. Cuthbert
Earle; Princess Victoria Gouramma, 221. Arch-
duchess Hildegarde; Duke of Palmelia; Duchess
of Glengall; Alderman Neild; Mr T. P. Cooke;
General Ahmuty; Colonel Bingham; A. A. Watts;
Lieutenant Colonel Burer, 235, Bishop of Peter-
borough, 269; Mr Kershaw; Mr Arme; Mr T. II.
Maudslay; M. Ellard; General Du Platt, 283.

MAY.-Meyerbeer; Countess of Falmouth; General
Geddes Frank Smedley, 301. Major Brabazon,
317. Mr Edward Archdall; Mr John Bullar; Ad
miral Robinson; Madame Garcia; General Sir A.

M. Tulloch; Mrs Roger Cunliffe, 333. Marshal
Pelissier; General Lake, 319.

JUNE.-Sir J. W. Gordon; Mr II. K. Seymer; Col.
R. Torrens; Mr A. M. Drummond; Reboul, 366.
Mr W. J. Fox; Nathaniel Hawthorne; M. Nassau
W. Senior, 381. Sir Edmund Bacon, 382. Lord A.
F. C. Vane Tempest; Lady Grenville; Earl of Gos-
ford; Sir A. Fanshawe; Professor Ferrier; General
J. E. B. Stuart, 293. Mr W. Smith O'Brien; Rev.
W. Cureton; Mr James Miller; William Begg:
Earl of Poulett, 413.

AUGUST.-Admiral Brasier; Mr A. W. Harnett; M.
Hachette, 509. Charles Wentworth Dilke, 24, 542.
Frederick Robson, 52. Vice-Admiral Drake; Miss
Catherine Sinclair; Rev. Joseph Romilly, 526. Sir
C. T. M Carthy; Dr R. Dundas Thomson; Mr
Alexander Astie; Miss Katherine Southey; Hon.
Richard Heales; Mr Bruce; Captain A. J. Doug-
las, 542. Lord Rodney; Mr F. Scully; Mr J. T.
Crawford; Marquis de Grouchy; Mr Stone, 538.

SEPTEMBER.-Earl of Morley; Sir G. S. Sebright;
Captain Abbott; Admiral Litchfield; Dr Marsh;
Sir C. Knightley; Sir John Ratcliff, 574. Duke of
Cleveland, 590. Viscountess Hardinge; Mr Flem-
ing, C6. Mr C. H. Saunders; Major-General
Vicars, 622.

JULY.-The King of Wurtemburg; Sir R. Gardiner;
General Vigors; Sir W. C. Codrington; Rev. Dr
Whiteside, 429. Washington Wilks, 430. Thomas
Colley Grattan; Sir W. Cox; General C. M. Hay;
Bishop Polk; Rev. S. T. C. Miller; Rev. John
Branthwaite, 446. Lady Mary Fox; Colonel
Brewster; Mr Baldwin, 462. Josiah Quincy, 478.
Admiral Cator; Major-General Hardinge; Sir W.
Brereton; Colonel Fielding Browne; Serjeant,
Mereweather; Mr Divett; Mrs Wood, the singer,


OCTOBER-Lady Louisa Brooke; Mr Joshua Bales; Walter Savage Landor; Miss Hillane; Mrs Harrison, 638. Gen. Reeve; Mr David Morris; Mr Fane; Mr Montague Gore; Mr Wm. Tait, 649. Hon. and Rev. George Spencer; Dr Milroy; Captain A. Torrens; Jacques Jasmin, 669. The Duke of Newcastle; Lord Somerville; Captain Becher; Mr Thos. Young; Admiral Greville; Sir W. E. C. Hartopp; Sir C. H. Coote; Major E. HI. Fraser, 685. Sir R. H. C. Rycroft; Lady Boswell; Dowager Lady Sherborne; Morgan Thomas; Captain W. S. Howard,


NOVEMBER-John Leech; Marquis of Bristol; Gen.
C. A. Bentinck; General Robbins; Charles Chris-
tian Rafn; Dr Burney, 717. Mr M'Culloch;
Right Hon. T. Erskine; Sir Montagu Stopford;
Lord Manners; Earl of Stair; Mr Hudson Gurney,
749. Mr R. Spooner, 764.

DECEMBER.-Mr David Roberts; Jules Gerard; Lord
Eliot Lady Alvanley; General Wynyard; Mr
James Skene, 781. Earl of Carlisle, 796. Right
Hon. Louis Perkin; Professor Silliman; Sir J. M.
Stronge; Mr Dayton; Mrs II. Fitzroy, 797.
Constant Mocquard; Countess of Bec'ive; General
Nepean; Lord W. C. O. Fitzgerald; Sir J. Turner,


Mr H. C. Smith; Mr A. F. Greville; Sir J. H. Pelley, 829. Marie, Countess de Tocqueville; Mr J. B. O'Brien; Mr Edward White, 845. DEATHS IN LONDON.-January: 14, 30, 44, 60, 76.— February: 93, 109, 125, 140.-March: 156, 173, 186, 205.-April: 221, 235, 269, 280.-May: 301, 318, 334. -June: 365, 382, 393, 413.-July: 430, 446, 462, 475, 493.-August: 509, 526, 542, 538.-September: 569, 622.-October: 638, 644, 669, 685, 701.-November : 717, 783, 749, 764.-December: 781, 813, 829, 845.

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