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A Weekly Paper














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ARMY.-January: Military justice (Colonel Crawley), 1, 4, 20. The English and Swiss RifleThe Duke of Cambridge on men, 19. the Crawley court-martial, 33. Who is to blame? 36. The Aldershot inquiry, 52. Punishment of evidence (the Crawley case), 65.-March: Colonel Crawley's champion in the Lords, 146. The last word of Colonel Crawley's case, 178. Retracted plea of guilty, 195.-April: The soldiers' pay, 242.July: Inducements to military service, 435. The camp at Wimbledon, 450. The fortification mania, 482.-September: Army purchase and army administration, 562. Fortifications, 579. CHURCH-January: Canon Wordsworth and Dean Stanley, 4. The Metropolitan of Cape Town and Bishop Colenso, 52. Canon M'Neill and the Church of England and Ireland, 68.- February: The failure of Church prosecutions, 97. The Essays and Reviews' judgment, 116. Dr Pusey's letter to the Record, 132.-March: Idleness the father of mischief (Convocation), 147. The Oxford meeting on the Williams-Wilson judgment, 147. Orthodoxy versus honesty (Professor Jowett), 162. Benefit of clergy, 163. A small note on a great subject, 177. Dr Pusey and the Oxford declaration, 180. The Primate's toral, 194. A small note on a great subject, 196.April: The Attorney-General and the Oxford declaThe Quarterly Review on the Privy ration, 212, 259. Council judgment, 275.-May: The Pope of South Africa, 290. Mr Kingsley and Dr Newman, 324, 340, 357, 373.-June: Religious Tests at Oxford, 355. Look at home, 386. The Church in danger again, 387. An unanswered letter, 387, 888. The great rebellion revived, 403.--July: The Bishop of Cape Town's spiritual raid, 435, 452. Convocation, 465. Science and Theology, 467. The Archbishop of York's explanation, 483-August: The University mission to Central Africa, 437. The civilization


of London, 499. Church politics, 530. Clergy and
laity, 531, 547. Catholicism; its bane and antidote,
546.-September: Centrifugal Christianity, 578.
High Church Toleration, 580. The Catholic worship
in gaols, 593. The new standard of Christian liber-
ality, 594. Dr Pusey's crusade against the Judicial
Committee, 595. Idolatry in Lower Clapton, 611.
The retort of dishonesty, 612.-October: The Bishop
of Gloucester's libel on the nation, 641. Ecclesi-
astical assumptions, 642. Fair play, 644. Ecclesi
astical types, €57.-November: An independent
minister, 707.-December: Mr Disraeli's romance of
the Church, 769. The proposed strike against Sun-
day work, 785. The Bishop of Cape Town and his
counsel, $19.

COMMERCE-January: The Manchester Chamber of
Commerce and the cotton supply, 67.
COURT.--September: The bunted Prince and Princess,
577.-October: Court Niaiseries, 691.



DEATHS.-January: Mr Thackeray's career,
June: Nathaniel Hawthorne's death.
October: Walter Savage Landor, 627, 643. The Duke
of Newcastle, 681.-November: Death of Mr John
Leech, 707.

EDUCATION.-March: Competitive examination of
proved qualification, 161. April: The public
schools, 210-June: Public school education, 355
The right thing in the wrong way, 371. Statements
about Eton, 384.-July: Reports of school inspect-
ors, 450.-October: Education of the poor, 658.-
November: Mr Lowe on middle class education, 706.
war? 49. Greece, 51. February: Debates on Den-
mark, 82.-March: The sham plot (Mazzini and Mr
Stansfeld), 146.-April: Sympathy with Denmark,
211. The Conference, 225. Lord Clarendon's mis-
sion, 242.-The Conference again postponed, 237, 273.
Non-intervention, 275. - May: The Conference

again, 290. The case of Mr Bewicke, 291, 356. War for
what? 338.-June: The Conference, 354, 386. Miss-
ing, a committee, 354.-July: The sham fight
in the Commons, 418. The Debate, 434. The An-
glo-French alliance, 434. The influence of Lord
Malmesbury v. Influence of Lord Russell, 449.—
August: Lord Palmerston on peace policy, 546.-
September: Lord Palmerston on insular position,
609. Earl Russell's farewell to Germany, 610.-
October: Lord Clarendon's Mission, 641. English
parties abroad, 690.—November: Mr Cobden on
foreign policy, 753. Non-intervention, 755.
FINANCE-April: The surplus, 210. The budget, 225.
The malt-tax debate, 241. Classification of the
sugar duties, 244.-October: The revenue returns,

GARIBALDI IN ENGLAND.-March: The visit of Gari-
baldi, 195.-April: Garibaldi, 211. His reception,
243. Anti-Garibaldi plot revealed, 251. Garibaldi's
departure, 273. — May: Results of Garibaldi's
visit, 289.-The mismanaged Garibaldi affair, 307.
IRELAND.-January: Galway's wants again, 67.-
March: The Galway contract, 179.-April: "The
balderdash of stopping and slowing," 226.-June:
The horse policy for Ireland, 370. How to thwart
reformation, 372. Emigration from Ireland, 402.-
August: Revived repeal agitation, 529. The
Irish vice-royalty, 530. Belfast and other fighting,
530, 546.-October: The Irish lord-lieutenancy, 674.
-November: The vice of the vice-royalty, 738. Sir
R. Peel's Irish policy, 755.

Want work and won't work, 372.-November: The
public works act and the Manchester corporation,
721-December: The poor-law board and the Man-
chester corporation, 769. Lancashire's Lesson, 803.
controllable impulses (the Townley case), 2, 20.
Ready suspicion, 3. Mad doctors' law (the Town-
ley case), 17. The veto on criminal justice
(do.), 33. The Derbyshire magistrates and
the Home Office, 51. The short and easy
Groundless pro-
process to find insanity, 66.

ceedings for divorce, 68.-February: The end of
all in the wrong (the Townley case), 82.
famous and infamous divorce case (O'Kane v. Pal-
merston), 83. Love, law, and physic, 99. Benefit
of drunkenness, 99. The modified ticket-of-leave
system, 113. Judicial and extra-judicial inconsis-
tency, 115. Evidence against probability, 116. Se-
condary punishments. 130. Prison (so-called)
discipline, 132. The law's protection of female purity
and noblemen's portmanteaus, 132.-March: Prison
discipline exemplified, 146. Improper but respect-
able, 163. Hall's reprieve, 179.-April: Stoning
trains, 211. Model sentence, 242. Discussion in the
House of Lords, 243. How to make criminals for
ever, 258. Clerical justice, 258. Lunacy law, 259.
May: From your tents, O Israel! 291. The Rev.
Uriah Tonkin, 307, 322. St Mildred's den of
thieves, 323. The Colney Hatch homicide, 324.—-
June: Disproportioned punishment, 355. Justice's
farce, 371. Trade in evidence (Wood v. Wood), 403.
July: Punishment of rape, 455. The ticket-of-leave
man's chain, 451. Offences against women, 467.
Wilful blindness, 483. Unregulated punishment,
483.-August: Questionable conviction, 497. The
flogging in Durham jail, 498. Curiosities of justice,
531. September: Fines, 561, 609.-October: Crimi-
nal responsibility, 625. Evidence to character, 643.
Dear walnuts, 659. A prisoner's understanding of
his magistrate, 689. A Marquis at odds with
Justice Midas, 691.- November: An infant's neces-
saries, 722. Offences against women and offences
against property, 723. Cheap sport, 755.-Decem-
ber: Preachee against floggee, 771. Weights
and measures of justice, 786. Malice general and
particular, 801. Of vermin, S03. The walnut sen-
tence surpassed, 803.

LAW REFORM. - January: Discrepancies
in punishment, 19.-Law of Divorce, 50.-Feb-
ruary: Passive obedience of the Home Secretary,
97.-April: The lame leg of the law (foreign en-
listment act), 226.-May: Capital punishment, 289.
Debtor and creditor law of the poor, 305.
poor man's credit, 337.-August: Public executions,


498. Hanging, 499. The new law of penal servi-
tude, 545.-September: How to bind to crime, 578.
-October: Sir James Wylde on the law, 625.
Church law, 626. Treatment of convicts, 690.-
November: Public execution, 737.

NOTABLE TRIALS.-January: The Town-
ley case, 2, 20, 66, 82.-February: The case of
the Alexandra, 97.-June: The Yelverton case, 369,
385.-July: Modelling a wife (the Hopley case),
451, 466. The Yelverton appeal, 448.-September:
Gullibility (Davis and Cooper), 611.-November:
Circumstantial Evidence (case of Franz Müller),
705. Müller's case, 721.-December: The judge's
charge in the Codrington case, 770.

MISCELLANEOUS.-January: Judges' assize quar-
ters, 3. Dainty English, 35.-March: Sir Row-
land Hill, 177. Sir R. Peel on depopulation, 179.
First suggestion of the penny postage, 195.-
April: Important rectification (the Queen's dress),
244.-May: Culture of Oysters and of men, 324.
Acclimatization societies, 339.-July: British flag
planting, 449. Memorial to Mr W. J. Fox, 467.
The change in runaways, 483.-August: Lubbers'
lingo, 513. Origin of slang phrases, 545.-Septem-
ber: The knowledge of ignorance, 593. Two festi-
vals, 595. Sayings and doings at Bath, 610.- Octo-
ber: Kill! kill! kill! 626. An English newspaper
in Siam, 627. Which are the middle classes? 627.
An insular position not to be lamented, 659. Taste
for natural scenery, 659. Free colonies, 673. Junius
and newspaper writing, 674. Long submarine
cables, 689.-November: Earl Russell on empire,
738.-December: Calvin, Galileo, and Shakespeare,


PUBLIC COMFORT.-January: The street torture, 2. The grinding oppression, 18.-May: The street nuisances, 290, 323. Dogberry's instructions to the police on street music, 339.-June: Trivial amusements v. business, 370.-September: Homes of the working classes, 579. Organized conspiracy to torment, 595.-November: Mr Bass's Act properly enforced, 738.

HEALTH.-April: Consumption of beer, 211. September: Diet, 563.-November: The temple of temperance in Guildhall, 737.

MORALS.-January: The ring, railway companies, and the police, 17. The condition of the labourer, 67.-February: Ballet dresses and fire, 98. Public executions, 129.-March: Facilities for the savings of the poor, 161.-July: Knox et Venus, 419. The slave trade, 418, 436.-August: A case for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 547.-December: Asking too much, 834.

SAFETY.-January: Ready suspicion, 3. The railway guard, 35.-February: Ballet dresses and fire, 98.-April: Stoning trains, 211.-July: The Egham collision, 417. Railway communication, 449.-August: Health of watering-places, 513. Railway management and responsibility, 513. The railway telegraph at fault, 517.-October: Conveyance of gunpowder, 641. Fire insurWhat they do in powder craft,

ances, 657.
658. The powder question, 674.-November: Fire in
powder barges, 724. Aldermanation of justice
(furious driving), 739. Poisoning of the Lower
Thames, 739.- December: Ill-guarded treasure,
786. Trotting too fast, cutting too short, 787. The
dangers of the streets, 802. The loss of the Stanley,
803. The Blackheath disaster, 817. Crimes of vio-
lence, 824. The evidence as to the Blackheath
disaster, 835.

1864, 833.

SHAKESPEARE TERCENTENARY.-April: Our Mr Bayes and his monument, 244. The celebrated Shakespeare, 259. Shakespearian celebrations, 273. SHEFFIELD DISASTER, THE.-March: The burst reservoir at Bradfield, 195.

NAVY.-January: American guns and armour-
clad ships, 20. The new royal yacht, 50. Arms
and ships' armour, 66. Our 68-pounder pea-
shooters, 68.-February: Ships as they are and RETROSPECT.-The year gone by (1863), 1. The end of
ships as they ought to be, 82. A cheap crew and
its work, 83. Naval discipline, 98. Anchors and
cables, 114. The debate on the steam rams, 129.
Progress of building in the navy, 130.-March:
The armament of the royal navy, 178. Harbours
of refuge, 194, 274.-April: The Spithead folly, 211.
The balderdash of stopping and slowing, 226.
Daunt's rock, 243. Our guns, 258.-May: Wreck
of the City of New York, 291. The late sea fight,
322.-July: New lights at the Admiralty, 435.
"Suum cuique," 451.-August: The shipping!
interest, 529.-September: Imitation of the wrong
thing, 610.-October: The naval desideratum, 691.
December: The naval questions, 785.
PARLIAMENT.-February: Opening of the session,
Debates on Denmark, 82. Private and local
bills, 113. The prisoners' insanity bill, 114.
Anchors and cables, 114. Judicial and extra judi-
cial inconsistency, 115.


WAR OFFICE.-November: Can it be true? (Mr T.
Hughes), 754.—December: It couldn't be true, 771.


The Brighton election, AFRICA THE WEST COAST or.-May: The Ashantee war, 338.-June: The African blunders, 402. ALGERIA.-November: Not the paradise for Englishmen to go to, 739. Algeria, 753.-December: The Algerian Bureaux Arabs, 787. Governor-Generalship in Algeria, 819.

115, 132. Steam rams, 129. Public executions, 129.
Secondary punishments, 130. Prison (so-called)
discipline, 132.-March: The battle horse of the
opposition, 145. Colonel Crawley's champion in
the Lords, 146. The sham plot, 146. The Thurloe-
square horror (Mr Stansfeld and Mazzini), 177. The
last word of Colonel Crawley's case, 178. The ar-
mament of the royal navy, 178. The tables turned,
197-April: The surplus, 210. The budget, 225.
The ministerial changes, 225. What next? 225.
The malt-tax debate, 241. The Tory majority, 241.
Administration of justice, 243. Mr Lowe's case,
257.-May: Capital punishment, 289. The street
nuisances, 290. Mr Gladstone on reform, 305, 321.
Parliamentary parties, 321.-June: Mr Gladstone's
speeches, 353. The Chinese debate, 354. The right
thing in the wrong way (public schools), 371. Vote
by ballot, 387, 402.-July: The sham fight in the
Commons, 418. The debate, 433. Combination
against bribery at elections, 434. The influence of
Lord Malmesbury e. the influence of Lord Russell,
449. The late division, 467. The Indian minister
and the Indian budget, 482. Session of 1864, 481.--
August: Holiday speech-making, 514.- September:
Mr Roebuck at Sheffield, 577. Mr Disraeli's Ayles-
bury bucolic, 611.-October: Mr Disraeli's new line,
641. Re-assembling of the cabinet, 658. Lord
Stanley de omnibus rebus, 678.-November: Lord
Stanley's bidding for the lead, 706.--December:
Recent speeches on reform, $19.

AMERICA.-February: The case of the Alexandra, 97. -March: American slave emancipation, 147.April: Tuscaloosa, 274.-May: Grant's campaign in Virginia, 337.-June: The American sea duel, 401-July: All but! 481.-September: The Presidential election, 593.-October: The battle at Fisher's hill, 642.-November: Mr Bright on President Lincoln, 705. Mr Seward's speech, 751. Licentiousness of the Americ in pulpit, 754. The Rowdy diplomatist, 755-December: Mr Cobden on the American War, 770. The Florida and Brazil, 802. The Presideat's message, 818. The oflicious proposal, 834. The St Albans' affair, $35.

AU-TRALIA-August: Western Australia, 547-September: The new colony of Northern Australia, 378. BRAZIL.-April: Justice in Brazil, 227.-June: Cheering symptoms in Brazil, 855,-July: Slave trade and slavery in Brazil, 415, 436.—November: Brazil,


CANADA.-November: The Canadian Federation, 700

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