Imagens das páginas

plete little structure, and is thus described by Petrie:-"This little church-which would be in perfect preservation if its stone roof remainedmeasures on the inside but 16 ft. 6 in. in length and 12 ft. 6 in. in breadth; and its walls, which are 3 ft. in thickness, are built in a style quite cyclopean, the stones being throughout of great size, and one of them not less than 18 ft. in length, which is the entire external breadth of the church, and 3 ft. in thickness."

On this island may be mentioned, the kitchen middens in various places, usually at the old ecclesiastical settlements; also a cave, said to have been inhabited till recently, the last occupants being some of the Patriots, who, after their defeat, fled to Aran to escape the butchery that was going on in Ireland, at the dawn of the present century.

Fig. 171. Terminal Cross or Tearmon.

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On Aranmore, the village now called Killeany, was the first Christian settlement, St. Eude, the apostle of the island, having resided here and founded Teampullmore and a monastery. These are now gone, having been carried away by the Cromwellians to build the fortress of Arkin. Here it may be mentioned, that St. Eude is supposed to have come across from the opposite coast of Connemara on a large flat granite block. This stone is shown at a small bay on the south-east coast, and called Cloghnacurrach, or the stone boat. At Killeany there is the butt of a round tower; fifty years ago this is said to have

been 40 ft. high. From the style of the building, the tower would appear to have been much more modern than many of the churches on the islands, which is very probable, as many, if not all, the round towers in Mayo and Galway were built about the tenth or eleventh century, that of Annaghdown, on Lough Corribthe site of which only remains on the strand near the church according to Petrie, having been erected A.D. 1238. Besides the round tower, there are two blessed wells, various ruins, and the pedestal of a very large cross, of which now only one broken fragment remains. To the south of Killeany, at the church called Teaglacheinne, St. Eude and one hundred and twenty other saints, are said to be buried. This church, probably, was not erected till the thirteenth or fourteenth century, judging from the style of the building. It is now nearly buried in sand, and the saint's tomb cannot be seen unless you excavate. On it is an inscription in very ancient letters.

The present capital of the island is Killronan. Here there was formerly a church dedicated to St. Ronan; now, however, there is only the aharla previously described. Near this village is Ballcearna, or St. Clama's House. Here existed her church, liagan, and well. The latter is the largest spring in the island, and its waters are said to be incapable of being boiled, or of boiling anything.

Monasterkeiran lies more than a mile north-northeast of Killronan, and is the best preserved church in the islands. The present structure was built in the fifteenth century, on the site of a more ancient church. In its vicinity are the ruins of various

[graphic][merged small]

buildings, while its tearmons, with the terminal crosses, have been previously described. There is also a bullan and a holy well, the latter in a cyclopean cell.

Teampull Soorney, or St. Serenus's church, is situated about a quarter of a mile north-west of Monasterkieran. Here are the remains of a church that seems to be the oldest on the islands; Tobersoorney, a bullan cut in the solid rock, into which the water is conducted by a minute channel; and close to the latter a circular inclosure that seems to be an abarla, in which a rude pillar cross stands. To the north of this inclosure is the foundation of a structure in the corner of which is a handsome bullan cut in a large block of granite. Kilbride supposed this to be the ruins of the church called

in Colgan's list Kilnamanach, or the Church of the Monks, dedicated to St. Caradoc Garbh (the rough). Farther westward, in the neighbourhood of the village called Cowrugh, are various ruins, about which very little is known. One church has the remarkable and poetical name of Teampull nag ceatharaluinn, or the "Church of the Four Beautiful Ones"; near it is their grave, and a well dedicated to them. We may also call attention to two bullāns, two liagan, several cloghāns, a cashel, a laura; also the village of Ballynasean, previously described, as it is supposed to be in part preChristian.

Kilmurvy, farther west, signifies "the church on the sand." Such a church does not now exist, if it is not buried. At or near the village are Teampullmacduagh; Teampullnaneeve or Teampullbeag, as it is known by both names; and a third, the name of which is forgotten; a holy well, a tall stone cross, and the site of a fifteenth-century monastery, once famous as a seat of learning. The first of these churches lies inside a cyclopean fort or cashel.

Farther north-west, near the north shore of the island, is the village of Onaght, but known to and called by the Aranites, as Bally-na-seacht-teampull, or the village of the seven churches. Here there are now only two churches, Teampullanphoill, or the church of the hole, and Teampullbrecan; but there are the sites of numerous buildings, some of which may be the remains of the churches after which the place is called. Teampullbrecan was called after the founder of the settlement, and his grove is shown, marked by a cross cut in a flag. There are also two elaborately carved stone crosses that have been broken up; the pieces, however, some years ago were collected by Sir W. Wilde and S. Ferguson, M.R.I.A., and it is to be hoped by this time they are restored as far as practicable. Near the church is a holy well; also a labba, the latter said to cure sterility in the human race.

As a conclusion to this brief sketch of the antiquities of Aran, attention may be drawn to the rich field of ancient lore which lies here unworked. There is the limestone cave on the middle island, which probably contains relics of the pre-historic man; the buried habitations and other structures; the dirt-heaps or kitchen middens at the Pagan and ancient Christian habitations; also the artificial mounds, about which nothing is known, which may be either cnocāns or tuiams.


"THE eggs of the Garden Slug (A. hortensis) are phosphorescent for about a fortnight after they have been deposited, and may be seen in the evening on moist hedge-banks, giving out a pale light." Harting's Rambles in Search of Shells.


USEFUL SLIDES.-Like, I dare say, many of the younger readers of SCIENCE-GOSSIP, and students of microscopy, I have to exercise considerable economy, and mount my own objects; naturally I am desirous of stocking my cabinet with really useful and instructive slides, and, as the winter season approaches, and students have more leisure at their disposal, I venture to take up a little of your room, and make an appeal to your readers for assistance, trusting that out of their experience they may be able to advise and instruct not only myself, but others who likewise are young students in this absorbing pursuit. My first difficulty is with whole insects, which are so necessary to study. With some specimens from the Coleoptera, the Diptera, and Hymenoptera, I think I may say I have been fairly successful; but with many specimens from the last-named two orders I have failed, the delicacy of the wings, and the extreme hardness of the chitine of the head and thorax, being the stumbling-blocks in my progress: thus, long before the thorax is sufficiently soft to admit of flattening out, the wings have been acted upon so strongly by the liquor potassæ, that the two membranes separate, and tear under the most delicate manipulation which I can bring to bear upon them. Doubtless many of your readers have encountered and triumphed over this difficulty; and I trust that they will favour me with full particulars of their method. Perhaps because I am a very young student I sympathize strongly with those microscopists who go in for pretty objects, even though, as in the case of many seeds and diatoms, no real knowledge can be obtained from such objects. We see so many things in the moral world made ugly and distorted by crime and folly; we see so much of misuse in the natural world, resulting in that which is offensive to the eye and painful to the mind, that we may surely be allowed the luxury of observing that which is pleasing in art and nature. Though we concede so much, it is undeniable that objects must be beautiful to the mind as well as to the eye, and to be this their structure and also their adaptability to the place in nature which they fill, must be clearly manifested, and therefore the cabinet of every microscopist should contain numerous slides of sections and delicate dissections of entomological objects. I have long desired to possess slides of antennæ which would clearly show the nerves, and have tried (once only) the bleaching preparation recommended by Dr. Hicks (see the article in the February number of SCIENCE-GOSSIP for 1874), but without the least result as regarded the manifestation of the nerves. Have any of the readers of SCIENCE-GOSSIP made the experiment, and with what result? Many learned writers have spoken of these nerves as objects easily observable in well prepared antennæ,

but it is rather remarkable that although my friend, Mr. J. S. Harrison, of this port, has placed his large and valuable collection of slides (containing specimens by all the best mounters of the day) at my disposal, I never have been able to make out those nerves; and I consider it more remarkable still that I have never met a microscopist who has seen them. My own private impression is that writers or observers sometimes draw upon their imagination, and describe what they would like to see, on the same principle that engravers depict objects in a state of perfection which cannot be attained to in mounting. I believe I have somewhere in SCIENCEGOSSIP seen passing reference made to preparations of the nervous systems of insects. If such preparations are practicable, then no microscopist can rest satisfied until he possesses them, and I shall esteem some information on this point most valuable; as also on the preparation of small entomological specimens in such a manner as to reveal the internal structure. As an example of what I mean I may say that I read an article on the brain of Pediculus capitis, written after the close observation of a whole specimen stained and mounted in balsam by Topping, and I at once began to strongly desire such an addition to my collection. Lastly, if we would attain to a truly practical knowledge of microentomology we must have carefully-prepared sections of the heads, eyes, antennæ, and other parts of insects, and I have been satisfied by ocular demonstration that such preparations have been most successfully made, chromic acid being, I believe, the hardening agent. I am entirely ignorant of this process, but am most desirous to have it fully explained to me, and have good reason to hope that many of your readers will give me the benefit of their experience, should they possess sufficient patience to wade through the long narration of my requirements. I have, of course, in my remarks, been addressing myself to micro-entomologists only. -E. Lamplough, Hull.

VARNISH FOR MICROSCOPICAL CELLS.-Could any of your correspondents give me a receipt for white varnish for ringing cells? Also, I should be glad to know of any coloured varnishes suitable,rose or lake. I have tried sealing-wax varnish.— W. G. C.

GLYCERINE MOUNTING.-In his statement as to a mixture of gold-size with white lead, &c., being a good cement for confining glycerine, "F. K." has ignored Dr. Carpenter's advice that varnishes for such purposes should never contain any solid particles, as sooner or later they become porous (see his work on the Microscope, 5th edition, p. 236). I have found amber dissolved in chloroform to be a very good varnish for just keeping the glycerine within bounds, as it dries almost instantly. Then

I apply a coating of gold-size or shell-lac varnish, not to extend more than possible beyond the junction of the cell and cover. When quite dry, wash off any glycerine by a gentle stream of water, and then varnish with plain gold-size, and finally with some mixed with crocus of iron.-J. R. T.

INTERFERENCE OF LIGHT.-I expect J. G. R. Powell will find the obscuration he complains of caused by reflection from the inside of the tube of his microscope. I have often been bothered myself in the same way when using a deep eyepiece. I don't see how to avoid it whenever a short eyepiece is substituted for a longer one, so long as eyepieces are of the present construction.

THE MICROSCOPICAL STRUCTURE OF LYCOPODIUM SPORULES IN RELATION TO THEIR PHARMACEUTIC AND THERAPEUTIC VALUE.-This was the title of a paper recently read before the Homœopathic Pharmaceutical Association. The author said the appearance of the fine dusty sporules of Lycopodium in mass is well known to all pharmacists, being extensively used as a harmless covering for pills, also as a puff powder on account of its extreme fineness; and on the Continent not unfrequently as a producer of artificial fire, from the quality it possesses of flaring up when ignited. "It has often struck me as a very anomalous and unexplained fact that the remedial virtues of the Lycopodium sporules should be ignored by the dominant school of medicine, while by the smaller body of Homœopathic practitioners, Lycopodium has from the commencement proved one of their most cherished. remedies. It was with a wish to solve if possible this incongruity that I have recently made a series of experiments with the aid of the microscope. A crude examination of Lycopodium in the microscope, with a one-inch objective, shows it to be composed of an infinitesimal number of minute hard strawcoloured particles, each about th of an inch in diameter. Upon applying a quarter or one-fifth objective, these little particles will be seen to possess a definite regular form, each particle being a hard nut, rounded on one side, converging in triangular lines, with flattened sides, to an apex on the other side, and the whole surface covered with rounded knobs. After pounding a small portion for a considerable time in a Wedgewood mortar, examination showed the nuts not to be perceptibly altered or fractured; but on repeating the process with a very minute quantity of the sporules in an agate mortar and pestle, many of the nuts were found to be completely fractured and their contents dispersed. Conjecturing that the contents of the nut, whatever its nature, contained the vital medicinal element of the Lycopodium, the broken sporules, with the addition of a drop of water, were put under the microscope, when a large number of unmistakable

oil-globules were at once visible. A similar experiment to the last was next made, but with the addition of ether to the ground sporules in place of water, the result being, as anticipated, that no oilglobules were visible, being absorbed by the ether. These experiments seem to prove conclusively that as in the case of many seeds, the hard-cased sporules of the Lycopodium are filled with a peculiar oil. If, then, as surmised, it is to the action of this oil upon the system that the medicinal virtues of Lycopodium are to be ascribed, the apparent inconsistency respecting it between the two systems of medicine is at once explained-the nutty sporules as administered in their unaltered form by the adherents of the old school, probably passing through the system without any assimilation having taken place; while, on the other hand,, the Homœopaths have by trituration and subsequent attenuation extracted the oil, and administered it in a form easily assimilable with the tissues of the body. Having investigated thus far the true physical nature of the remedy, there remains to be determined the best means of most thoroughly extracting this oily matter, and the most suitable menstruum and form for its preparation and administration. To this end six months ago I prepared a series of mixtures (which are on the table before you) of the following fluids with a given quantity of the Lycopodium sporules, viz., alcohol (absolute, rectified, 20 o.P., and proof), distilled water, glycerine, and ether, and heated each (the glycerine solution excepted) to boiling-point for a few minutes. Upon then examining them under the microscope, no alteration in the form of the sporules was perceptible in any of the solutions, and now, after six months, I think you will see, that with the single exception of the ethereal preparation, in which a large proportion of the sporules are swelled out and broken, none of the solutions appear to have produced any visible change in the appearance of the sporules." Mr. Thompson here exhibited the different solutions, showing a drop of each under the microscope (onefifth objective), confirming the above statement. "As all of you are aware, the 'British Homœopathic Pharmacopoeia' recommends that Lycopodium should be prepared in trituration; and, no doubt, the good results accruing from Lycopodium (so frequently administered in the higher attenuations) are owing to the long-continued triturating process of the hard sugar crystals upon the shells of the sporules, fracturing many of them, the milk sugar absorbing the contents. But I was not a little surprised to find, on microscopically examining the lower triturations, how few comparatively of the sporules were broken, the greater number of them having escaped fracture altogether, lying about among the sugar crystals quite uninjured. The 1x trituration was then exhibited in a drop of water under the microscope, showing the entire

sporules lying about amongst the sugar-of-milk crystals. The first centesimal trituration did not yield very much more satisfactory results; for, upon examining a little of it in a drop of water with the one-fifth objective as before, the separate sporules were still seen in many cases clustered together in small masses, a large number not being at all injured. In examining the second and third centesimal triturations, however, it was found that the triturating process had thoroughly succeeded, for all the sporules appeared to be completely broken, and numbers of oil-globules were floating about in the water. These experiments upon the triturations of Lycopodium were entirely confirmed by examining samples of the same triturations procured from other Homœopathic chemists, all yielding precisely similar results. Subsequently, I have been at some pains to practically ascertain if it be possible to prepare a proper 1× trituration of Lycopodium. It is not to be attained by making it according to the allotted time in the Pharmacopoeia; but I find that if a small quantity (not more than 500 grains) be very well triturated for two hours, the 1 x trituration so prepared will, on microscopic examination with the one-fifth objective, show all the sporules to be thoroughly crushed. The first centesimal and higher triturations made up from this will be found to be intimately mixed, and minute subdivision completely accomplished. It thus becomes evident that a very considerable amount of trituration is essential in order to thoroughly break the outer cuticle of the Lycopodium sporules, and so to free the inside contents; the trituration form, therefore, certainly appears to be the best method of preparing and administering the drug in its lower attenuations. If made at all as a strong tincture, the previous experiments conclusively show that ether, and not alcohol, should be the vehicle used. In this series of experiments I have merely endeavoured to make good a theory that will reconcile opposite statements respecting the therapeutic value of a parti cular substance. In so doing I would not be so presumptuous as to say that in no case will the Lycopodium sporules, if taken in their ordinary form, affect the system either curatively or otherwise. This lies within the province of the medical practitioner to determine, and exactly opposite statements on the point have been made."


SPAWN OF FROGS AND TOADS.-In the last number of SCIENCE-GOSSIP, a correspondent, "G.S.," in his paper on the "Spawn of Frogs and Toads," asks-"Whether the eggs of the water lizard, or newt, are laid at different times"; to which I answer, "They are so laid." Having had the smooth newt in a small aquarium the last three

years, I have had the eggs just laid, and the young from previously-laid eggs more than a month old at the same time, with others of all intermediate ages. I beg to refer "G. S." to a paper on the subject in SCIENCE-GOSSIP, vol. for 1874, p. 104, where the manner of laying the egg is described. I think "G.S." is quite right about the tails of tadpoles being absorbed, and not thrown off. I have had both toads and frogs under observation, and have always seen the tails gradually diminish until quite gone, but never saw one thrown off. I have witnessed the development of both frog and newt from the egg, of which I have sketches by me taken at the time. The frog tadpole was free from the egg in about five days; the tadpole of the newt was free from the egg in about twenty-four days after it was laid. The development of the frog is very rapid.J. Fullagar, Canterbury.

THE POPE OR RUFFE (Perca cernua).—In answer to the question by Mr. Thomas C. Oborn, in the last number of SCIENCE-GOSSIP, the pope is a fish of the Perch family, and therefore a predacious species. It is fond of worms and other animal food; and unless well supplied therewith is not likely to be, while alive, a very quiet tenant of an aquarium. The pope may be kept very well, if properly fed, in an aquarium, the food being appropriate, but by no means too abundant. Probably Mr. Oborn's popes died from want of any proper food.

ENGLISH HUMBLE-BEES IN NEW ZEALAND.Two nests of English humble-bees have just been sent to New Zealand, by Mr. Frank Buckland, for the Canterbury Acclimatization Society. These insects are specially desired in New Zealand for the purpose of fertilizing the common clover; the proboscis of the common bee is not sufficiently long to reach down to the pollen of the clover flower, while the humble-bee is enabled to do so. In this way the insect is expected to do great service to the agriculturist by largely extending the growth of the clover. Such a practical application of "Darwinism" never occurred before! The bees were packed in their own nests in two boxes, and will be under the charge of a member of the New Zealand Council, who is provided with every necessary for their welfare during the voyage. They are expected to arrive about the middle of January-midsummer at the antipodes.

CAMBERWELL BEAUTY.-A fine specimen of this rare butterfly was caught at Aldborough, in Suffolk, during the last week in October.

POPULAR SCIENCE LECTURES.-We are glad to draw attention to a very ingenious Dissolving View lantern which has been recently invented by Mr. W. C. Hughes, optician, of 151, Hoxton-street, N., and which will be found highly useful in illustrating popular science lectures, whilst its easy

manipulation makes it exceedingly valuable to extemporaneous speakers. Adjuncts such as these are undoubtedly useful in advancing the dissemination of scientific knowledge.

CONVOLVULUS HAWK-MOTH.-In the November number of SCIENCE-GOSSIP allusion is made to the plentiful occurrence this season of Sphinx convolvuli. I know of as many as ten having been got; six were caught by collectors, and the other four were picked up in the streets by different persons.R. H. F., Aberdeen.

WHITE BEES. - The instinct of the hive bee teaches it not to permit the population of the hive to increase to an inheritance of starvation; and thus, when continuous bad weather forbids honeygathering, the workers destroy and throw out of the hive the helpless, immature young, which in both larvæ and pupa state are white. These are sometimes expelled by thousands, even although the stores of the colony are far from exhausted. The steady in-come of honey stimulates breeding, and this is taken advantage of by the scientific apiarian in the early spring, who, by gently and continuously feeding his bees before nature affords a supply, has the satisfaction of finding the population of his hives rapidly increasing, and ready to take the utmost advantage of the bountiful yield from the fruit blossoms which an all-wise Providence provides. But woe betide the negligent or forgetful beekeeper; for if this artificial supply be intermitted for a few days, and nothing comes in from the woods and fields, the bees permit no "bouches inutiles," and the massacre commences. This state of things has been particularly apparent during the last summer and autumn, and before the May flowers make their appearance again nine-tenths of the stocks of bees throughout the length and breadth of England will be found to have perished. Although a labouring man will feed his pigs, he rarely feeds his bees, and, when he does, he gives an ounce where he should a pound.-John Hunter, Eaton Rise, Ealing.

CONVOLVULUS HAWK-MOTH (p. 259).-At the October meeting of the Watford Natural History Society, Mr. Arthur Cottam read a "Note on the Appearance of Sphinx convolvuli," in which he mentioned that several specimens of this moth had recently been taken in the neighbourhood of Watford. Two were taken by a postman, who, when delivering the letters in the morning, found them on door-knockers.-J. H.

A GIGANTIC HYDROZOAN.- Professor Allman has forwarded to Nature an account he has received from Professor Wyville Thomson, of a large gymnoplastic hydroid recently obtained by the Challenger in the North Pacific, lat. 34° 37′ N., long. 140° 32′ E., at a depth of 1,875 fathoms, or more than two miles. This zoophyte is of such

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