Imagens das páginas


Portugal, and England, at the rate of five shillings and four-pence the penny- until regulated by con-
weight, or of a dollar for twenty-feven grains; the gold coin of Germany at Rates.
the rate of four shillings and ten-pence the penny weight, or a dollar for twen-
ty-nine grains and eight tenths of a grain; Spanish milled dollars at the rate of So much of this act as
fix shillings, or one hun red cents; and other filver coin uncut, in like propor- relates to German g
tion. Cut filver coin shall be receivable at the treafury of this commonwealth and cut filver repealed.
See acts of 1793, ch.
for all public dues and taxes, at the rate of fix shillings and eight-pence, or
one dollar and eleven cents the ounce.

II. AND be it further enacted, l'hat the money of account of the commonwealth, shall be expreffed in dollars or units, difines or tenths, cents or hundredths, and mills or thoufandths; a difine being the tenth part of a dollar, a cent the hundredth part of a dollar, and a mille the thousandth part of a dollar; and that all accounts in the public offices, fhall be kept and had in conformity to this regulation.


The public accounts ra
be kept in dollars and
parts of dollars.

the state debt.

III. THE treasurer of the commonwealth is authorifed and directed to re- The treasurer to receive ceive from the commiflioner of the loan-office of the United States in this ftate, the intereft on the de. the intereft which hath or thall become due on the deficiency of the fum allow-ficiency of the loan of ed to be subscribed of the debt of this commonwealth, agreeably to an act of Congrefs, intituled, "“An act making provifion for the Debt of the United States." VI. ALL and every Act and Acts, claufe and clauses of Acts, coming Repealing claufe. within the purview of this Act, shall be, and the fame are hereby repealed. V. THIS act fhall commence in force, from and after the firit day of January, in the year of our Lord one thoufind feven hundred and ninety three.

Commencement of this


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An A against Divulgers of False News.
[Paffed the 27th of December, 792.]

II. BE it therefore enacted by the General Affembly, That what perfon or
perfons foever, thall forge or divulge any tuch falie reports, tending to the trou-
ble of the country, he shall be by the next juftice of the peace fent for, and bound
over to the next county court; where if he produce not his author, he fhall be
fined forty dollars, (or lefs if the court think fit to leffen it) and befides give
bond for his good behaviour, if it appear to the court that he did maliciously
publish or invent it. a

7HEREAS many idle and bufy headed people, do forge and divulge Preamble.
falfe rumours and reports:

Divulgers of falle news to be fined and bound to good behaviour.

III. ALL and every act and acts, claufe and clauses of acts, coming within Repealing claufe. the purview of this act, fhall be, and the fame are hereby repealed.

IV. THIS A&t shall commence and be in force, from and after the paffing Commencement of this thereof.




An Act to prevent unlawful Hunting.,

[Paffed the 23d of December, 1792.]

WHOSOEVER fhail hereafter ufe any fire hunting, or the killing of

any deer by fuch means, on any patented lands, every perfon prefent Penalty for fire hunting. at fuch fire hunting, thall forfeit and pay four dollars for every fuch offence; which penalties fhall and may be recovered before any justice of the peace in the county where any of the offences aforefaid thall be committed, and shall be divided, one half to the ufe of the overleers of the poor of the district wherein the offence was committed, and the other half to the perfon or persons who will inform for the fame. And every juftice of the peace before whom information fhall be made of any of the offences aforefaid, fhall take for evidence the confefion of the party accufed, or the oath of one credible witnefs; and where the owner of any lands thall profecute for any unlawful hunting and ranging on his lands, the oath of fuch owner thall be fufficient evidence to convict the offender; but in that cafe the whole penalty thall go to the overfeers of the poor. b

What evidence of the offender's guilt shall be


II. IF any perfon fhail fhoot, or otherwife kill any tame deer, having a bell Penalty for killing tame or coilar on its neck, every perion to offending, fhall be liable to an action of deer.

(a) 1561, ch. 11, fec. 1, 2. (6) 17,8, ch. 1, Jec. 8, 9.

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Repealing claufe,

Commencement of this



A widow not barred of right of entry into her land lo by her hufband's default.

When the wife may defend a fuit brought for

her lands.

When the reverfioner may defend a fuit bro't against the tenant for life.

When the dying feized

of a diffeifor fhall not

take away the right of


Husband's conveyance of his wife's lands not heirs.

trefpafs to the perfon whofe property the fame fhall be, to be profecuted in the court of the county where the offence fhall be committed. a

III. ALL and every Act and Acts, coming within the purview of this A&t, fhall be, and the fame are hereby repealed. Provided always, That nothing in this Act contained, shall be conftrued to repeal any A&t heretofore måde, for fo much thereof as may relate to any offence committed or done before the commencement of this Act.

IV. THIS Act shall commence in force, from and after the paffing thereof.


An Act concerning the right of Entry, and giving Remedy against collufive Judgments of Lands, and wrongful Alienations theref in certain Cajes.



[Paffed the 19th of December, 1792.]

HERE a husband doth lofe the lands of his wife by default, it is unreasonable that the wife after the death of her hulband, fhould have no other recovery but by writ of right:

II. BE it therefore enacted by the General Aembly, That a womar, after the death of her husband, fhall not be injured by fuch default, but thall notwithftanding, retain her right of entry, and may profecute the fame, by any real or mixed action, that may beft fuit the cafe. If the tenant fhall object to the wife's claim, that he entered by judgment, and it be found that his entry was by default, to which he fhall antwer, if required, he thall then further answer and fhew his right in like manner as in the writ he firft purchased against the hulband and wife; and if he can thew fuch right, the wife thai gain nothing by her writ; but if the hufband abfent himlelt and will not defend his wife's right, or against the wife's confent, will render the wife's lands in any fuit inftituted against the hufband and wife for lands which are her inheritance during the coverture, then the wife may come at any time before judgment, and defend her right. b

III. IF tenant in dower, tenant by the curtefy, or otherwife for term of life, or by gift, where the reverfion is referved, do make default, or will give up, the heirs or they unto whom the reverfion belongeth, fhall be admitted to their answer if they come before judgment; and if upon fuch default or furrender, judgment happen to be given, then the heir or they unto whom the reverfion belongeth, after the death of fuch tenants, fhall in no wife be injured by fuch default or furrender. b

IV. THE dying feized hereafter of any diffeifor, having no right or title, fhall not be fuch defcent in law as to take away the right of entry from fuch, as at the time of the death of the diffeifor, had lawful title of entry, except fuch diffeifor hath had peaceable poffeffion five years next after the citieifin committed without entry, or continual claim of fuch as have lawful title. c

V. NO feoffment, or other conveyance, or other act or acts hereafter to be made, fuffered, or done by the husband only, of any lands, tenements, or hersto prejudice her or her ditaments, being the inheritance or freehold of his wife, during the coverture between them, thall in any wife be, or make any difcontinuance thereof, or be prejudicial or hurtful to the faid wife or her heirs, or to fuch as shall have right, title, or intereft to the fame, by the death of fuch wife; but the faid wife or her heirs, and fuch other to whom fuch right fhall appertain after her deceafe, fhall and may then lawfully enter into all fuch lands, tenements, and hereditaments, according to their rights and tities therein; any fuch feoffment, or other conveyance, or aft, to the contrary notwithstanding. c

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VI. ALL and every Statute and Act, or clause and claufes of any Statute or Act, coming within the purview of this Act, fhail be, and the fame are hereby repealed. Provided nevertheless, That nothing herein contained, fhall be conftrued to affect any right. which may have accrued, or been veiled before the commencement of this Act.

VII. THIS A&t shall commence in force, from and after the paffing therof.

(a) 1772, ch. 39, fec. 5. (b) 13 Edo. 1, ch. 3. (32 H. 8, cb. 33. Ib. ib. ch. 28, fec. 6.

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An Act reducing into one the feveral As concerning the Fees of certain Officers, and declaring the Mode of difcharging the faid Fees and County Levies.t


[Paffed the 19th of December, 1792.]

E it declared and enacted, by the General Affembly, That it fhall and may

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be lawful for the clerk of the council, the clerk of the houfe of de- Fees to be received by legates, the register, the clerks of the general court, high court of chancery, court of appeals, diftrict courts, clerks of corporation courts, and all county court clerks, theriffs, coroners, conftables, and furveyors, refpectively, to demand, receive and take the feveral fees herein after mentioned and allowed, for any bufinefs by them refpectively done, by virtue of their feveral offices, and no other fees whatfoever: That is to fay-a

For every teftimonial,

To the Clerk of the Council,

To the Clerk of the House of Delegates,

For a copy of an act of Assembly, if contained in one sheet,
And for every fheet after the firit,

To the Regifter, b

For iffuing a warrant of furvey, and recording the fame,
For every warrant iffaed in exchange for another warrant, or where
lands claimed under a former warrant, fhall be recovered on a ca-
eat, and recording the fame,

For receiving a plat and certificate, and giving a receipt for the fame,
For ifuing and recording a grant thereupon, if the quantity therein
contained exceed not four hundred acres,

For hundred acres, exceeding that of four hundred, every

For recording a plat and certificate of furvey, if the quantity does not exceed four hundred acres,

For every hundred acres exceeding that quantity,

For entering a caveat, or for a copy thereof,

For a copy of any grant or patent of land,

For a fearch for any thing, or for reading the fame, if a copy be not required,

For keeping a regular account of warrants, examined and cancelled, to be paid by the treafurer, on the auditor's warrant, for each war


To the Surveyor, c

For every furvey by him plainly bounded as the law directs, and for
a plat of fuch furvey, after the delivery of fuch plat, where the fur-
vey fhall not exceed four hundred acres of land,
For every hundred acres contained in one furvey above four hundred,
For furveying a lot in town,

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And where a furveyor thall be topped or hindered from finishing a furvey by him begun, to be paid by the party who required the fame to be furveyed,

For running a dividing line,

For furveying an acre of land for a mill,

For every furvey of land formerly patented, and which fhall be re-
quired to be furveyed, and for a plat thereof delivered as aforefaid,
the fame fee as for land not before furveyed,

And where a furvey fhall be made of any lands which are to be added
to other lands, in an inclufive patent, the furveyor fhall not be paid
a fecond fee for the land firft furveyed, but thall only receive what
the furvey of the additional land thall amount to,
And where any furveys have been actually made of feveral parcels of
land adjoining, and feveral plats delivered, if the party shall defire
one inclufive plat thereof, the furveyor hall make out fuch plat for
For running a dividing line between any county or parish, to be paid
by fuch refpective counties or parishes, in proportion to the num
ber of tithables, if ten miles or under,

And for every mile above ten,

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+ See als of '96, ch. 5. (a) 1745, as altered by fubjequent regulations (6) Mery 4739, ch. 7, fec. 1. (c) 0.7. '83, 44, 32, 10. 9.

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