Imagens das páginas

IN THE SEVENTEENTH YEAR OF THE COMMONWEALTH. 265 warehoufe on Pianketank, fifty dollars; at Milner's, one hundred and thirty. three dollars and thirty-three cents; at Suffolk, one hundred and thirty-three dollars, and thirty-three cents; at Cherrystone's and Nafwaddox, under one infpection, one hundred and fixteen dollars and fixty-feven cents; at Littlepage's, One hundred and fixteen dollars and fixty-feven cents; at the Brick-house, one hundred dollars; at Hood's, one hundred dollars; at Boyd's, two hundred and fixty-fix dollars and fixty-feven cents; at Davis's, two hundred and fixty-fix dollars and fixty-feven cents; at Blandford, two hundred and fixty-fix dollars and fixty-feven cents; at Quantico, two hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents; at Dumfries, two hundred and thirty-three dollars and thir, ty-three cents; at M'Rae's, two hundred dollars; at Bullitt's, one hundred and fixty-fix dollars and fixty-feven cents; at Cat point, one hundred dollars; at Totukee, one hundred dollars; at Gray's creek, one hundred and fixteen dol lars and fixty-feven cents; at Low point, one hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents; at Falmouth, two hundred dollars; at Acquia, one hun dred and fixty-fix dollars and fixty-feven cents; at Dixon's, two hundred dollars; at Fredericksburg, two hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents; at Royton's, two hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents; at Nomony, one hundred dollars; at Leed's and Mattox, under one infpection, one hundred and fixty-fix dollars and fixty-feven cents; at Yeocomico and Kinfale, under one infpection, one hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents; at the College Landing, eighty-three dollars and thirty-three cents; at York-town, eighty-three dollars and thirty-three cents; at Hampton, fifty dol lars; at Crow's warehouse and at Crefap's, the inspectors fhall receive for each hoghead by them infpected, the fum of fixty-feven cents, feventeen cents whereof thall be paid to the proprietor for the rent of the warehouse, and the refidue for their own use; at Romney, fifty dollars; at Lynch's, two hundred and twen ty dollars; at Rivanna, one hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents; at Swan creek, one hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents; at Mecklenburg, one hundred dollars; at Barksdale's, two hundred and fixty-fix dollars and fixty-feven cents; at Weft-hill, two hundred and fixty-fix dollars and fixty-feven cents; at High-ftreet, two hundred and fixty dollars and fixty-feven cents; at Weft. brook, two hundred and fixty fix dollars and fixtyfeven cents; at Petersburg, two hundred and fixty-fix dollars and fixty-leven cents; at Henderfon's, one hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents; at Nicholas's, one hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents; at Morgan-town, fifty dollars; at Great Falls, one hundred and thirty three dollars and thirty-three cents; at Woodjon's, one hundred and fixty-fix dollars and fixty-feven cents; at Portsmouth, one hundred dollars; at Thornton's, one hundred and fixty-fix dollars and fixty-leven cents; at Amherst, one hundred dollars; at Booker's, one hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents; at Horfley's, one hundred dollars.


XXXI. PROVIDED always, That if the quantity of tobacco, which fhall If the warehoufe does be received at any warehoufe already established, or hereafter to be established, not pay the infpectors fhall not be fufficient to pay the ufual charges and the infpectors falaries, the falaries, the deficiency deficiency fhall not be paid by the public. not to be made good by

XXXII. THE infpectors at the feveral warehouses, established above the falls of James river, upon the delivery of their notes, or an order where notes have not been iffued, fhall deliver the tobacco for transportation, with a printed manifeft, descriptive of the owner's name, the name of the skipper of the batteau or canoe, if tranfported by water, or if waggoned, the name of the waggoner, to what warehouse or port the fame is deitined, and to whom to be delivered; the faid manifeft fhall moreover exprefs the marks, numbers, and weights of the tobacco, and each hogthead fhall be ftamped with the name of the warehouse at which it was infpected; which manifeft thall, by the skipper or waggoner, (as the cafe may be) if the tobacco is intended to be fent to any warehouse heretofore establifhed, be delivered to the inspectors thereof, who are hereby required to receive the fame, and grant a receipt therefor, and enter fuch tobacco in a separate book to be by them provided and kept for that purpofe, and on the receipt aforefaid being prefented, fhall deliver the faid tobacco with fuch manifefts, as by law are required for other tobacco lodged in their warehoufes for exportation, when required, and may demand for all fuch tobacco the fame warehouse rent as for other tobacco by them infpected. Pro vided always, that nothing in this act contained, fhall be conftrued to prevent

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the public.

Infpectors above the falls of James river to deliver printed manifests with the tobacco.


Copies thereof and of
certificates of payment

of duties to be sent to
the auditor.
Owner may have his
tobacco reinfpected and

The warehoufes to be

tions af others.

266 IN THE SEVENTEENTH YEAR OF THE COMMONWEALTH. any owner of tobacco paffed at the faid infpections, who has previously paid the legal duties, from exporting, felling, or ftoring the fame in any private warehoufe, without being obliged to ftore it in any warehoufe heretofore ef tablished.

XXXIII. THE owners of fuch tobacco, previous to the delivery thereof, fhall procure a duplicate of the manifeft, with a certificate from the inspectors, that the duties impofed by law have been paid; which certificate, with all o thers granted in fimilar cafes, fhall be lodged with the clerk of the court of that county where the tobacco was inspected, to be by him tranfmitted to the auditor of public accounts, on or before the twenty-fifth day of October, annually, to be by him compared with the infpectors accounts. And in cafe the owner of the tobacco fhall fufpect any fraud to have been practifed or ufed by any kip. per or waggoner in the transportation thereof from either of the faid ware houses, it fhall be lawful for the infpectors at any warehoufe to which the fame may be brought, and they are hereby required, at the request of fuch owner, to reinfpect and weigh the fame, and if found to be damaged or embezzled, the infpectors fhall not enter the fame in their books, but it fhall remain fubject to the directions of the owner, in like manner as other damaged tobacco.

XXXIV. THE appointment of infpectors, and all other regulations apperunder the fame regula- taining to the faid warehouses, fhall be the fame as are provided for by law for other infpections, fo far as the fame do not contravene this act. All tobaccó infpected at either of the faid warehouses, fhall be fubject to the fame duties and impofts, and be collected and accounted for by the infpectors in the fame manner, and under the like penalties, as are directed and prefcribed for other ware houfes heretofore established. And the infpectors at each of the faid warehouses, may demand and receive for each hogfhead by them infpected, the fun of fixty-feven cents, feventeen cents whereof, to be by them accounted for and paid to the proprietor for the rent of the warehouse, and the refidue for their Tobacco infpected there, own ufe. Provided nevertheless, that no perfon fhall be obliged to receive aty notes paffed at any of the faid warehouses, in difcharge of any tobacco contracts heretofore entered into.

Allowance to the infpectors and for warehouse


'fhall not be a tender in certain contracts.

Inspectors to deliver to bacco to be manuface


Method of detecting in

their duty.

XXXV. THE inspectors of the feveral warehouses within this common wealth, fhall deliver any infpected tobacco to any perfon or perfons who thail duly demand the fame, by delivery of the notes or otherwife, for the purpose c manufacturing it, and grant him or them a manifeft therefor, upon fuch per fons paying the ufual duties, and lodging with them a certificate of his or their having, before fome court of record within this commonwealth, entered into a bond with fufficient fecurity, in the penalty of fifteen hundred dollars, payabi to the governor and his fucceffors, for the use of the commonwealth, with con dition that he or they will not export, or caufe or fuffer to be exported, either by land or water, any tobacco received by him or them for the purpose of m nufacturing, until it has been manufactured.

XXXVI. AND for the better detecting infpectors who fhall not do their Spectors who do not do duty, and for the moré fpeedy and eafy examination into complaints agains them: Be it enacted, that any two juftices of the peace fhall have power to he all complaints against any infpector within their county, and to take the depe fitions of witneffes upon the matter of fuch complaint on both fides, which hal be tranfmitted by them to the governor and council, for their determination And to the end fuch depofitions may be taken in the best manner, the clerk the county, or fome fufficient perfon by him to be appointed, shall attend the faid juftices for that purpose, and be paid by the county the fame fees as are e fhall be by law established for attending the examination of witneffes opon a dedimus poteftatem. And morcover any two juftices fhall have power to visit or any of the public warehoufes within their county, and if they fhall discove any negligence in the infpectors, either in fecuring the tobacco, or flowing the fame away in a proper manner for faving the room in fuch houses, or that they are guilty of any other breach or breaches of their duty, the juftices fhall cer tify the governor and council thereof. And if any infpector fhall be adjudged guilty of a breach of his duty, he shall be removed from his office, and be fore ver after incapable of ferving as an infpector. And if any inspector shall removed from his office, upon a complaint and profecution against him in the method by this act prescribed, he shall be liable to the action on the cafe of the profecutor for his neceffary cofts and expenfes in fuch profecution, in which the profecutor shall recover his full cofts of fuit; but if the inspector or inspectors shall be acquitted upon fuch examination, the profecutor shall be liable to the

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