SCENE IV. St. Mark's Place. A Scaffold, and a Wheel, prepared for the Execution of PIERRE. Enter CAPTAIN, PIERRE, GUARDS, EXECUTIONER, and RABBLE. Pierre. My friend not yet come? Enter JAFFIER. [Falling on his Knees. Jaff. Oh, Pierre ! my fame, I can't forget to love thee. Pr'ythee, Jaffier, Jaff. Dead! Pierre. Yes, dead, Jaffier! they've all died like men too, Worthy their character. Jaff. And what must I do? Pierre. Oh, Jaffier! Jaff. Speak aloud thy burden'd soul, And tell thy troubles to thy tortur'd friend. Pierre. Friend! Couldst thou yet be a friend, a generous friend, I might hope comfort from thy noble sorrows. Jaff. And I a kind one, That would not thus scorn my repenting virtue, Or think, when he's to die, my thoughts are idle. Pierre. No! live, I charge thee, Jaffier. Jaff. Yes, I will live : But it shall be to see thy fall reveng'd, At such a rate, as Venice long shall groan for. Pierre. Wilt thou ? Jaff. I will, by Heaven! Pierre. Then still thou'rt noble, And I forgive thee. Oh!-yet-shall I trust thee? Jaff. No; I've been false already. Jaff. Rip up my heart, and satisfy thy doubtings. Jaff. Tears! Amazement! Tears ! I never saw thee melted thus before; And know there's something labouring in thy bosom, That must have vent; though I'm a villain, tell me. Pierre. Seest thou that engine? Jaff. Why? [Pointing to the Wheel. Pierre. Is't fit a soldier, who has liv'd with honour, Fought nations' quarrels, and been crown'd with conquest, Be exposed, a common carcase, on a wheel? Pierre. Speak! is't fitting? Jaff. Fitting! Pierre. I'd have thee undertake Something that's noble, to preserve my memory Capt. The day grows late, sir, Pierre. I'll make haste. Oh, Jaffier! Though thou'st betray'd me, do me some way justice. Jaff. What's to be done ? Pierre. This and no more. [He whispers JAFFIER. Jaff. Hah! is't then so ? Pierre. Most certainly. Jaff. I'll do't. Pierre. Remember. Capt. Sir Pierre. Come, now I'm ready. Captain, you should be a gentleman of honour ; [TO JAFFIER. Jaff. 'Twont grow stale before to-morrow. [PIERRE and JAFFIER ascend the Scaffold.EXECUTIONER binds PIERRE. Pierre. Now, Jaffier ! now I'm going! Now Jaff. Have at thee, Thou honest heart, then! -here And this is well too. [Stabs him. [Stabs himself. Pierre. Now thou hast indeed been faithful! This was done nobly! We have deceiv'd the senate. Jaff. Bravely! Pierre. Ha! ha! ha!-oh! oh! Jaff. Now, ye curs'd rulers, [Dies. Thus of the blood ye've shed, I make libation, And sprinkle it mingling. May it rest upon you, And all your race. Oh, poor Belvidera ! Sir, I have a wife; bear this in safety to her, I'm sick- I'm quiet. [Dies. [The Scene shuts upon them. SCENE V. An Apartment in PRIULI's House. Enter PRIULI; BELVIDERA, distracted; and Two of her WOMEN. Priuli. Strengthen her heart with patience, pitying Heav'n! Bel. Come, come, come, come, come; nay, come to bed, Pr'ythee, my love. The winds! hark how they whistle! And the rain beats! Oh, how the weather shrinks me! somewhere. Stand off, I say! What, gone? Remember, tyrant, I may revenge myself for this trick, one day. Enter CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD, and whispers PRIULI. Priuli. News? what news? Capt. Most sad, sir : Jaffier, upon the scaffold, to prevent A shameful death, stabb'd Pierre, and next himself; Both fell together. Bel. Ha! look there! My husband bloody, and his friend too! Murder! Peep up, and give me but a look. I have him! My love! my dear! my blessing! help me! help me! They have hold of me, and drag me to the bottom! Nay-now they pull so hard-farewell [Dies. Priuli. Oh! lead me into some place, that's fit for mourning; Where the free air, light, and the cheerful sun, [Exeunt omnes. THE END. LONDON: PRINTED BY THOMAS DAVISON, WHITEFRIARS. |