| Joseph Addison - 1713 - 220 páginas
...of Life on fuch Conditions. *Dec . C<efar is well acquainted with your Virtues, And therefore fets this Value on your Life : Let him but know the Price of Cato's Friendfoip, c* And name your Terms. Cato. Bid him disband his Legions, Reftore the Common-wealth to... | |
| Joseph Addison - 1733 - 94 páginas
...think of Life on fuch Conditions; Dec. Ctfar is well acquainted with your Virtues, And therefore fets this Value on your Life; Let him but know the Price of C«a's Friendfhip, And name your Term:. Cato. Bid him disband his Legions, Reftore the Commonwealth... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 366 páginas
...of life on fuch conditions. DECIU S. Crefar is well acquainted with your virtues, And therefore fets this value on your life : Let him but know the price of Cato's friendfhip, And name your terms. CATO. Bid him difband his legions, Reftore the commonwealth to liberty,... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 942 páginas
...life on fuel* conditions. DECIU S. Crefar is well acquainted with your virtues, And therefore lets this value on your life : Let him but know the price of Cato' s friendship,. And name your terms. CATO. Bid him difband his legions, Reftore the commonwealth... | |
| English poets - 1790 - 364 páginas
...of life on fuch conditions. DECIUS. Caefar is well acquainted with your virtues, And therefore fets this value on your life : Let him but know the price of Cato's friendfhip, And name your terms. CATO. Bid him difband his legions, Reftore the commonwealth to liberty,... | |
| Monthly literary register - 1821 - 676 páginas
...tamen es majus ea fugienda ope videretur, quo diuturnior esset servitus. Philipp. Or. 10. Addison. Bid him disband his legions, Restore the commonwealth to liberty, Submit his actions to the publick censure, And stand the judgment of a Roman senate, Bid him do this, and Cato is his friend.... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1796 - 476 páginas
...think on life on fuch conditions. Dec. Caefar is well acquainted with your virtues, And therefore fets this value on your life. Let him but know the price of Cato's friend* Ihip, And name your terms. Cato. Bid Mm dilband his legions, Reflorc the commonwealth to liberty,... | |
| Caleb Bingham - 1801 - 234 páginas
...think of life on thefe conditions. Dec. Cefar is well acquainted with your virtues, And therefore fets this value on your life. Let him but know the price of Cato's friendfhip, And name your terms. , Cato. Bid him difband his legions, < Reftore the commonwealth to... | |
| 1804 - 516 páginas
...on the second of mankind. Cato. No more : I must not think of life on such conditions. Dec. Caesar is well acquainted with your virtues, And therefore...public censure, And stand the judgment of a Roman hrnutc, Bid him do this, and Cato is his friend. Dec. Cato, the world talks loudly of your wisdom —... | |
| George Farquhar - 1808 - 338 páginas
...on the second of mankind. Cato. No more ; I must not think of life on such conditions. Dec. Caesar is well acquainted with your virtues, And therefore sets this value on your life. P2 Let him but know the price of Cato's friendship, And name your terms. Cato. Bid him disband his... | |
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