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" O'ercast with gloomy cares, and discontent; Then tell me, Syphax, I conjure thee, tell me, What are the thoughts that knit thy brow in frowns, And turn thine eye thus coldly on thy prince ? SYPHAX. 'Tis not my talent to conceal my thoughts, Or carry smiles... "
The British Theatre: Or, A Collection of Plays, which are Acted at the ... - Página 9
editado por - 1824
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Cato: A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her ...

Joseph Addison - 1713 - 220 páginas
...obierved of late thy Looks are fali'n, O'ercaft with gloomy Cares, and Difcjonfentj Then tell me, Sjrpkaxt I conjure thee, tell me, What are the Thoughts that knit thy Brpw in Frowns, And turn thine Eye thus, coldly on thy Prince ? kyph. Tis not my Talent to conceal...
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Cato: A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His ...

Joseph Addison - 1733 - 94 páginas
...obferved of late thy Looks are fall'n, O'ercaft with gloomy Cares and Difcontent; Then tell me, Syphnxi I conjure thee, tell me,' What are the Thoughts that...Frowns, And turn thine Eye thus coldly on thy Prince ? Jitb. Why doft thou caft out fuch ungen'rous Terms .Againft the Lords and Sov'reigns of the World...
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The Miscellaneous Works: In Verse and Prose, of the Right Honourable Joseph ...

Joseph Addison - 1773 - 364 páginas
...thus alone. I have obferved of late thy looks are fall'n, O"ercaft with gloomy cares and difcontent ; Then tell me, Syphax, I conjure thee, tell me, What...thoughts that knit thy brow in frowns, And turn thine eyes thus coldly on thy prince ? sr PHA x. 'Tis not my talent to conceal my thoughts, Or carry fmiles...
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The Miscellaneous Works: In Verse and Prose, Volume 2

Joseph Addison - 1777 - 354 páginas
...obferv'd of late they looks are fallen, O'ercaft with gloomy cares, and difcontent ; Then tell me, Sypbax, I conjure thee, tell me, What are the thoughts that...frowns, And turn thine eye thus coldly on thy Prince ? sr PHA x. 'Tis not my talent to conceal my thoughts, Or carry fmiles and fun-mine in my face, When...
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The Works of the English Poets: Addison

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 366 páginas
...alone. I have obferv'd of late thy looks are fallen, O'ercaft with gloomy cares, and difcontent ; , Then tell me, Syphax, I conjure thee, tell me, What...frowns, And turn thine eye thus coldly on thy Prince ? SYPHAX. 'Tis not my talent to conceal my thoughts, Nor carry fmiles and fun-fhine in my face, When...
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The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical ..., Volumes 23-25

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 942 páginas
...I have obferv'd of late thy looks are fallen, O'ercaft with gloomy cares, and difcontent; Then tel) me, Syphax, I conjure thee, tell me, What are the...frowns, And turn thine eye thus coldly on thy Prince ? SYPHAX. 'Tis not my talent to conceal my thoughts, Nor carry fmiles and fun-fhine in my face, When...
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The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., Volume 23

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 402 páginas
...JUBA, SYPHA X. I have obieiVd of late thy looks are fallen, O'ercaft with gloomy cares, and difcontent; Then tell me, Syphax, I conjure thee, tell me, What are the thoughts that knit thy brow in frown'. And turn thine eye thus coldly on thy Prince ? JUBA. Syphax, I joy to meet thee thus alone....
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The Speaker: Or, Miscellaneous Pieces, Selected from the Best English ...

William Enfield - 1785 - 462 páginas
...thus alone. ^ I have obferVd of late thy looks are fall'n, O'ercaft with gloomy cares and difcontent ; Then tell me, Syphax, I conjure thee tell me, What...thoughts that knit thy brow in frowns, And turn thine eyes thus coldly on thy prince? SYPH. 'Tis not my talent to conceal my thoughts, Or carry fmiles and...
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The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and ..., Volume 30

English poets - 1790 - 364 páginas
...thus alone. 1 have obferv'd of late thy looks are fallen, O'ercaft with gloomy cares, and difcontent; Then tell me, Syphax, I conjure thee, tell me, What are the thoughts that knit thy brow in fi»« -'' And turn thine eye thus coldly on thy Prince.' SYPHAX. 'T is not my talent to conceal my...
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British Theatre: The orphan, by Thomas Otway. 1791. Cato, by Joseph Addison ...

John Bell - 1791 - 292 páginas
...Jub. Syphax, I joy to meet thee thus alone. I have observ'd of late thy looks are fall'n, O'ercast with gloomy cares and discontent ; Then tell me, Syphax,...frowns, And turn thine eye thus coldly on thy prince ? SypA. 'Tis not my talent to conceal my thoughts, Or carry smiles and sunshine in my face, When discontent...
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