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" Oh woman ! lovely woman ! Nature made thee To temper man : we had been brutes without you ! Angels are painted fair to look like you : There's in you all, that we believe of" heaven ; Amazing brightness, purity and truth, Eternal joy, and everlasting... "
The British Theatre: Or, A Collection of Plays, which are Acted at the ... - Página 16
editado por - 1824
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The Complete Art of Poetry: In Six Parts, I. Of the Nature, Use ..., Volume 2

Charles Gildon - 1718 - 490 páginas
...Oh Woman ! lorely Woman ! Nature made you To temper Man : we had been Brutes without you. Angels ate painted fair to look like you. There's in you all that we believe of Heav'n ; Amazing Brightuefs, Purity, and Truth, Eternal Joy, and everhfting Lbve. Ota. Vtn. Prtf. Under how hard a Fate...
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The orphan. The history and fall of Caius Marius. Venice preserv'd. Poems ...

Thomas Otway - 1757 - 392 páginas
...paft. JAFFEIR. Can there in Woman be fuch glorious Faith ? Sure all ill Stories of thy Sex are falfe ; Oh Woman ! lovely Woman ! Nature made thee To temper...There's in you all that we believe of Heav'n, Amazing Brightnefs, Purity and Truth, Eternal Joy, and everlafting Love. BEL V ID ERA. If Love be Treafure,...
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Venice Preserv'd: Or, a Plot Discover'd. A Tragedy. Written by Mr. Thomas Otway

Thomas Otway - 1766 - 92 páginas
...paft. Jaff. Can there in Woman be fuch glorious Faith ? Sure all ill Stories of thy Sex are falfe ! Oh Woman! lovely Woman! Nature made thee To temper...look like you : There's in you all that we believe of Heaven, Amazing Brightnefs, Purity and Truth, Eternal Joy, and everlafting Love. Bel. If Love be Treafure,...
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Plays: Viz. The Orphan, and Venice Preserv'd

Thomas Otway - 1767 - 292 páginas
...paft. JAFFEIR. Can there in woman be fuch glorious faith ? Sure all ill ftories of thy fex are falfe. Oh woman! lovely woman ! Nature made thee To temper...There's in you all that we believe of Heav'n, Amazing brightnefs, purity and truth, Eternal joy, and everlafting love. BELVIDERA. If love be treafure, we'll...
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The Hibernian Magazine, Or, Compendium of Entertaining Knowledge

1781 - 800 páginas
...with Jaffier ; Can there in women be fuch glorious faitli ? Sure all ill ftories of thy fex sre falfc. Oh woman ! lovely woman ! Nature made thee To temper...: There's in you all that we believe of . heav'n, Amnzing brightncfs, purity, and truth, Eternal joy, and evcrlaftmg love. And fotne with * Caftalio...
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The Monthly Miscellany for ..., Volume 2

1774 - 428 páginas
...workmanftiip of the artift. I cannot forbear quoting here what the pathetic Otway has tenderlyexclaim'd — O woman, lovely woman, Nature made thee To temper man, we had been brutes without thee. Exterior ornaments, and all the little harmlefs luxuries of drefs, were once, and ought dill...
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The Diarian Miscellany: Consisting of All the Useful and ..., Volume 4

Charles Hutton - 1775 - 412 páginas
...For thus fays the ingenious Otway, Oh woman ! Lovely woman ! Nature made you to temper man: we been brutes without you. Angels are painted fair to...look like you. There's in you all that we believe of heaven; amazing biightnefs ! Purity and truth ! Eternal joy ! And everlaffing love ! Not purple violets...
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Letters on Several Subjects: By the Rev. Martin Sherlock, A.M. ...

Martin Sherlock - 1781 - 240 páginas
...with Jaffier ; Can there in woman be fuch glorious faith ? Sure all ill ilories of thy fex are falfe. Oh woman ! lovely woman ! Nature made thee To temper...There's in you all that we believe of Heav'n, Amazing brightnefs, purity, and truth, Eternal joy, and everlafting love. C 193 1 And fome with ( i ) Caftalio...
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Letters from an English Traveller, Volume 2

Martin Sherlock - 1781 - 220 páginas
...but what blafphemies ! — • Take quickly for the antidote; O woman, lovely woman, Nature made you To temper man ; we had been brutes without you : ....look like you; There's in you all that we believe of Heaven, 'Amazing brightnefs, purity, and truth, . ~ Internal joys, and everlafling love. Otway.) hot...
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Venice Preserved, Or, A Plot Discovered: A Tragedy

Thomas Otway - 1797 - 460 páginas
...did thy mother, when she hugg'd thee first, And bless'd the Gods for all her travail past. Cij Jaf. Can there in woman be such glorious faith? Sure all ill stories of thy sex are false I Oh woman ! lovely woman I Nature made thee To temper man : we had been brutes without you I Angels...
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