Imagens das páginas

tion to this subject, so that once for all, and now, the question may be determined. J. I.

PARISH REGISTERS (4th S. ii. 114, 165, 234.) The case of neglect and careless manner in which parish registers are kept as a rule having been fully made out, the time seems to have arrived when some practical step should be taken for transferring the whole of them to London, or

those for each diocese to the cathedral town of such diocese. I therefore suggest that it would be advisable to form a committee for drawing up a bill to be brought forward in next session of Parliament; and further, that the readers of "N. & Q." and others interested bring the matter under notice of their friends in Parliament, by which means the carrying of the bill would be ensured.

I cannot resist mentioning the following: it occurred two years ago:-Wishing to search the register of a parish in Somerset, and finding the clergyman from home, I sought out the clerk, who, after telling me that the clergyman kept all the registers and took all the fees, added that there were, however, a couple of very old books at the bottom of the vestry-chest, which had lain there time out of mind; and sure enough I found two complete registers extending backwards from 1657 to an early period, but blurred and nearly rotten from damp. The clerk naïvely remarked, "The parson don't know of these, and I aint a-going to tell un." W. H. C.

Brixton, S.W.

I do not think the registers sent to Somerset House have as yet supplied the place of our parochial registers. First, because in a large town, unless (in case of a birth) the father of the child takes the trouble to give notice to the registrar, no entry is made. Secondly, because it is optional whether or not he enter the child by any name; and if he does enter a name, it may be entirely changed when the child is baptised and entered in the parish register. Some time since I had occasion to enter the birth of a child with the district registrar, and upon being asked the name of the child, I replied that, as it had not been baptised, it had no name, and therefore I did not enter any. On returning home this circumstance gave rise to a discussion as to what the child should be called, and to a name being decided on. The next morning I went again to the registrar's office, informed him of the name, and requested that it might be inserted. This was refused, and I was told that when the child was baptised I might have the name entered on producing a certificate of baptism from the clergyman. As this would have cost three shillings and sixpence (one shilling for the search, and two-and-sixpence for the certificate) I declined to produce it, and went away, having learnt so much of the way in which our civil re


gistration is managed that I made mind that should I ever have to make a similar entry, I should wait till the registrar called upon me for the purpose; and in such case I presume that I might wait till doomsday, as the Act of Parliament does not, I believe, assign that functionary a fee. G. W. M.

that the ambergris of our old writers was nothing AMBERGRIS (4th S. ii. 190.)—I would suggest more nor less than amber-grease, as it used to be written in other words, the brown osmazome gravy of roast meat, distinguished from gravy fat. I think, on examination of old cookery-books, that this will be found consistent with the dishes said to be so prepared. Thus Milton's —


meats of noblest sort

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is quite consistent; but he does not say the fish was so cooked. Charles II.'s favourite dish of 'eggs and ambergris" is also intelligible. This, too, will serve to explain why the word gravy is entirely wanting (till very recently) in our dictionaries.

DRYDENIANA (4th S. i. 383.)—

E. K.

"Him of the western dome, whose weighty sense
Flows in fit words and heavenly eloquence:
The prophets' sons, by such example led,
To learning and to loyalty were bred."

Absalom and Achithophel.

[blocks in formation]

HESSEY (4th S. ii. 178.) — This place is called Esdesai and Hesdesai in Domesday, Hessay in Kirkby's Inquest (circa 1285), Hessey in the Nomina Villarum (1316). See Surtees Society, vol. xlix. Index Locorum 1. K. P. D. E.

WHIT-SUNDAY DECORATIONS (4th S. i. 551; ii. 190.)-The decorations spoken of appear to me to be simply the remains of the medieval festival observances, the decorations being simply the best at hand. Amongst other particulars, Fosbrooke in his Antiquities states it was the custom for "a tree to be erected by the church-door, where a banner was placed, and maidens stood gathering contributions. An arbour called Robin Hood's Bower was also put up in the churchyard."


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"When you want a shave, call in here, Where you can get one without shedding a tear. When you go by, whether it be east or if it be west, When you pass Tom, you pass the best; Call any day, except on Monday, For that is Tom the barber's Sunday." Previous to houses being numbered as at present, it was customary for other traders to designate by an appropriate sign the nature of their business. In the Beaufoy collection of London tokens of the seventeenth century are five issued by barbers, the sign being "the barber's soapbox: 1. By I. T. in Westminster; his wife's Christian name began with E. This token was (by the inscription on it) issued "in the M. P. in Westmenester." M. P. means market-place, and on its site is built the Westminster Hospital. 2. By Iohn Bromley, in the Strand, near the Bridge, 1666. Strand Bridge was at the western extremity of Somerset House. 3. By the same person, only near York House. (Qy. Did he remove or rent the two shops at one time, as both tokens bear the same date?) 4. By Iohn Grice in Little Wood Street. 5. In the same street (which was formerly designated Cripplegate Within) by Francis Plomer, 1666.

From Wits Recreations, 1663, is the following:

"On a Barber.

"Tonsorius onely lives by cutting haire,

And yet he brags that kings to him sit bare :
Methinks he should not brag and boast of it,
Since he must stand to beggars, while they sit."

MASK OF CROMWELL (4th S. ii. 202.) — In the Gem Room of the British Museum is a mask in wax taken from the face of Cromwell after death; and in the National Portrait Gallery, George Street, Westminster, is a terra-cotta bust of him. Comparison with these would, I should think, furnish sufficient evidence to C. H.

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Clifford's Inn. MEDAL OF CROMWELL: THE DASSIER MEDALS (4th S. ii. 80, 163.)-I have amongst others a bronze one in a brass frame, a very cleverly drawn characteristic head of Martinus Folkes Arm1, and on the reverse "Societatis Regalis Londini Sodalis, M.DCC.XL.' Who was this Martin Folkes, and what society is that? The medal is not one

[Martin Folkes, born in 1690, died 1754, was president of the Royal Society, and also the Society of Antiquaries. He is noticed in most biographical dictionaries."-ED.]

of Jean Dassier's series, but by Ja. Ant., just at the time when he became second die engraver to the British Mint in 1740. In the Extraits des Registres du Conseil d'Etat de la République de Geneve, from 1535 to 1792, several Dassiers are most honorably mentioned, both for their talent and patriotism. The last of the name was the late Mr. Auguste Dassier, the well-known and wealthy Paris banker, and president of the Lyons railroad, who was connected by marriage with the Labouchere family. His was a clear financial head, and to him only the first half of Byron's saying is applicable —

"Commerce fills the purse but clogs the brain." P. A. L. RAYMOND LULLY (4th S. ii. 205.)-Some accounts of the doctor and other similar enthusiasts can be found in Mackay's Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions. FRANK CHRISTIE.


JOSHUA SYLVESTER (4th S. ii. 179.) Sylvester died at Middleburgh in 1618; but neither the date of his death nor that of his He was a great burial has been ascertained. favourite with Queen Elizabeth and King James, whose son, Prince Henry, gave him a yearly pension of twenty pounds; in allusion to which, he signs himself on one occasion "the pensioner of Prince Henry." His translation of Du Bartas reached a seventh edition, the last appearing in 1641. It is supposed that his poetry was held in much esteem by Milton, who is believed to have received some inspiration from it; at least, in 1800, the Rev. Charles Dunster undertook to convince the world that Milton was indebted to Sylvester by publishing

"Considerations on Milton's Early Reading, and the Prima Stamina of his Paradise Lost,' together with Extracts from a Poet of the Sixteenth Century."

There are some interesting facts about Sylvester in Mr. Collier's introduction to his Memoirs of the Principal Actors in the Plays of Shakespeare, 1846. Does MR. GROSART intend to include "The Soul's Errand" in his reprint of the "silvertongued" singer? If so, upon what evidence does he attribute it to Sylvester? "The Soul's Errand" (sometimes ascribed to Sylvester) is unquestionably the same poem as "The Lie," which Sir Egerton Brydges has published among Sir Walter Raleigh's poems; and which a manuscript discovered in the Chetham Library at Manchester establishes was written by Raleigh.



LOCAL TERMINATIONS (4th S. ii. 202.)-Both Ham and End are purely Saxon words: the former signifying a "home or dwelling-place, also a borough or village"- the latter, both as a root and a derivative, having the meaning now in daily use.

Within three miles of my residence here, there is a private house called Ham. As an affix, the word is of common occurrence in this and other southern counties. By some it is thought to be referable especially, if not exclusively, to sheltered situations.

Of the usage of end as a terminal, in Gravesend, we have a very pertinent example. This name, according to Bailey, is made up of Grave-from genere, Saxon, a governor-and End-the termination of the graviate, or county.



Particulars of Price, &c., of the following Books, to be sent direct to the gentlemen by whom they are required, whose names and addresses are given for that purpose:

THE RELIQUARY, by L. L. Jewitt. All Numbers from 1 to 24.

Wanted by Mr. G. W. Marshall, Weacombe House, Taunton.


Also any books printed at Frankfort between 1520 and 1560, with woodcuts.

Wanted by Rev. J. C. Jackson, 13, Manor Terrace, Amherst Road, Hackney, N.E.

On the meaning of abad, I can throw no light. CHR. FRID. GARMANN, DE NUTRITIONE INFANTIS. Lipsior. 4to, 1667. In all probability it has an Hindoostanee derivation. EDMUND TEW.



Etching and Etchers. By Philip Gilbert Hamerton. (Macmillan.)

This is an instructive book on a branch of art which has of late years been strangely disregarded. For, though admirers of art flocked to the Burlington Club's exhibition of the copies of Rembrandt's "Hundred Guilder Print," the study of etchings has been with comparatively few exceptions confined to connoisseurs, too many of whom value the works of the best etchers not so much for their beauty and artistic merit as for their rarity and curiosity. The present work is calculated to call increased attention to etching and etchers; for, although intended to be useful as a practical manual, and also as an introduction to the study of the great etchers, its higher aim as a contribution to the philosophy of art has been to define the objects and intentions of etching, and to show how closely its success is connected with fidelity to its central idea,which central idea, according to Mr. Hamerton, is the free expression of purely artistic thought. Having enunciated this great fundamental principle, Mr. Hamerton proceeds to examine the powers and qualities of the art, its difficulties and facilities as compared with other forms of art, and then to establish the accuracy of the law which he has laid down by a careful examination of the works of the best etchers, both of the English and Continental schools. In this way we are by means of critical analysis led to a more perfect appreciation of the merits and defects of different masters, and to form some opinion as to how far their relative success or failure has depended upon their obedience or disregard of the principle which Mr. Hamerton has laid down. This, the larger division of the book, is illustrated with between thirty and forty etchings (with two exceptions, which are copies after Ostade), all from the original plates. How important an advantage it is to study really the works of the etchers themselves, and not copies of them however skilfully made, the perusal of a very few pages of Mr. Hamerton's volume sufficiently demonstrates. When we add that among the original etchings here given are works by Rembrandt, Callot, Paul Potter, Karl du Jardin Waterloo, besides etching made for the work before us by the best etchers of the day, we have said enough to show that the book is one deserving the earnest attention of all true lovers of art. The latter part of the volume relates to the various processes, and will, we doubt not, lead to the wasting of many plates and much time, for it would seem from Mr. Hamerton's view, that etchers, like poets, are born and not made. The book is very fitly dedicated to Mr. Haden, whose masterly works have done so much to awaken an interest in this too long neglected but beautiful form of art expression.

DE GEMELLIS. Lipsia, 4to, 1667.
OOLOGIA CURIOSA. Gyneæ, 4to, n. d.

TURIA. Rostoch et Lipsiæ, 8vo, 1714.



The same. Folio, 1646.

Surtees Society Publications, 1-7, 9-12, 14-23, 25-32.

RABELAIS in Dutch. Alle de Geestige Werken van Mr. Francois Rabelais, door Claudio Gallitalo.

Parker Society.




ATHENEUM. All before 1831.

COLLINS'S PEERAGE. 5th edit. Supplemental Volume. ANNUAL BIOG. AND OBIT. 1833.

JOH. WOLFII, LECTIONUM MEMORABILIUM. only, which was published separately.

Edit. 1600.

The Index

THE INNOCENT CLEARED; or, the Vindication of Capt. John Smith.
Lond. 4to, 1648.
INDEX TO ROLLS OF PARLIAMENT, by Starchy, Pridden, and Upham.
Fol. 1832.

ANTHROPOLOGICAL REV. Nos. 1, 2, and 3.

THOS. BROWN'S WORKS. 4 Vols. Dublin, 8th edit. 1779. Vol. I.
Johnson, St. Paul's Churchyard, 1783. 8vo. Vol. II.


ET ARTIS. Herbipoli, 1666. 4to.

Wanted by Edward Peacock, Esq., Bottesford Manor, Brigg.

Notices to Correspondents.

UNIVERSAL CATALOGUE OF BOOKS ON ART.-All Additions and Corrections should be addressed to the Editor, South Kensington Museum, London, W.

R. INGLIS Esq. (Glasgow) and the Rev. R. D. DAWSON DUFFIELD, LL.D. We have received letters for these Correspondents. Will they kindly send us their addresses?

NOTES ON BOOKS. We are compelled to postpone our notice of Wood's Natural History of Man, &c., till next week

THE ST. CHRISTOPHER OF 1423. The first of several papers connected with the Fairford Windows, by Mr. Holt, will appear on Saturday


W. W. R. The best work, we believe, for French slang is the following: Etudes de Philologie comparée sur l'Argot et sur les Idiomes analogues parlés en Europe et en Paris. Par Francisque-Michel. Paris: Didot, 1856, 8vo.

HEREFORDENSIS. There were above twenty editions of the English Bible before the first edition of the Genevan version of 1560.

OsгHAL. Dr. James Price published a separate work, entitled An Account of some Experiments on Mercury, Silver, and Gold. Oxford, 1782, 1783, 4to. There is a German translation of it, 1783, 8vo.

H. W. The line, "On the light fantastic toe," occurs in Milton, L'Allegro, line 34.

HYD (Kelso). The work is one of the numerous editions of the Regimen Sanitatis Salerni: or the Schools of Salerne's Regiment of Health. ERRATA-4th S. ii. p. 56, col. ii. line 5 from bottom, for deeds", read "deed-envelopes p. "Hartwell;" p. 238, Col. I. 496, col. ii. line 31, for "Hertwell" read line 32, for Fovargne" read "Fovargue; p. 139, col. í. last line for "Bedfordshire" read" Hertfordshire." *** Cases for binding the volumes of" N. & Q." may be had of the Publisher, and of all Booksellers and Newsmen.

A Reading Case for holding the weekly Nos. of "N. & Q." is now ready, and may be had of all Booksellers and Newsmen, price ls. 6d. ; or, free by post, direct from the publisher, for 1s. 8d.

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Printed by GEORGE ANDREW SPOTTISWOODE, at 5 New-street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the County of Middlesex; and Published by WILLIAM GREIG SMITH, of 43 Wellington Street, Strand, in the said County.-Saturday, September 12,18€8.

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