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Vice President pro tempore, Mr. King elected, 618; his Yeas and nays, on armory bill, 800.

address on taking the chair.

Richard M. Johnson elected by the Senate Vice
President of the United States for four years,
commencing on the 4th March, 1837, no elec-
tion having been made by the college of elect-
ors, 738; his letter of grateful acknowledg-
ment of his election, 779; takes his oath of of-
fice, enters on the duties of President of the
Senate, and delivers an address, 1035.

Volunteers; a bill to make compensation to the Kentucky
and Tennessee volunteers who were discharged
without being called into service, considered,
and ordered to a third reading, 807.

Yeas and nays, on referring the bill to extend the provis-
ions of the act regulating public deposites, 89.
the admission of Michigan, 267, 293, 294, 325.
Treasury circular; 376, 563.

expunging resolution, 504.

land bill, 557, 661, 662, 666, 667, 668, 669, 692,
693, 694, 695, 696, 706, 727, 728, 729, 736,777.
taking up the memorial of the American Coloni-
zation Society for a charter, 636.

abolition in the District of Columbia, 711, 723,
724, 739.

on the bill for ceding the public lands, 753, 794.
on the bill to designate the kind of funds receiva-
ble for the public revenue, 778.

on the fortification bill, 779, 794, 795.
taking up the resolution proposing to recognise
the independence of Texas, 797.

on the bill to amend the act for the punishment of
certain crimes against the United States, 802,

on the Cumberland road bill, 807.

bill to increase the military establishment, 840.
bill for relief of the executrix of R. W. Meade,

report of committee on Mr. Madison's writings,

reduction of the tariff, 874, 884, 939, 965, 966,
975, 981.

United States and Mexico, 985.

on recognising the independence of Texas, 986,


on the bill to advance a million of dollars on the
two per cent. land fund of Alabama and Missis-
sippi, 986.

on a motion to strike out the 2d section of the
fortification bill, which provided for a deposite
of the surplus revenue, on the 1st of January
next, with the several States, 1006; the House
disagreed to this amendment, and insisted on
its disagreement, and the Senate adhered, by
yeas and nays, 1034.

French and Neapolitan indemnity bill, 1009.
harbor bill, 1014.

general appropriation bill, 1018.
road bill, 1019.

on the bill to aid the Falmouth and Alexandria
Railroad Company, 1021.



Bayard, Mr., Delaware, on the admission of Michigan, Black, Mr., Mississippi, on bill for the relief of the ex-


expunging resolution, 458, 724.

land bill, 561, 660.

abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia,
711, 713, 714.

bill for the improvement of the useful arts, 796.
Choctaw reservations of land, 853, 872.
Benton, Mr., Missouri, his call for annual statements in
relation to commerce and navigation, 5.
Treasury circular, 21, 104, 533, 534, 578, 778.
expunging resolution, 128, 380, 485, 505, 506.
the admission of Michigan, 128, 172, 246.
unexpended appropriations, 150, 155, 159, 167.
the land bill, 378, 379, 530, 556, 681, 731, 733.
French and Neapolitan indemnities, 517.
distribution of books, 726.

bill for ceding the public lands, 750, 792.
the fortification bill, 779.

the armory bill, 798.

bill to compensate the Kentucky and Tennessee
volunteers, 807.

bill to increase the military establishment, 809,
828, 810.

on the late court of inquiry on General Scott,
841, 842.

reduction of tariff, 884, 902, 939, 966.

distribution question, 1001.

supplying the committee rooms with certain
books, 1010.

Black, Mr., Mississippi, on the Treasury circular, 376,


land bill, 662, 681, 728, 731.

ecutrix of R. W. Meade, 846.

Choctaw reservations of land, 852, 872.
Captain Hall's improved rifle, 991.

Brown, Mr., North Carolina, on the admission of Michi-

gan, 278.

abolition in the District of Columbia, 508, 510.
land bill, 667.

bill for the cession of the public lands, 741.
reduction of the tariff, 911, 914, 915.
distribution question, 998.

Buchanan, Mr., Pennsylvania, on the admission of Mich-
igan, 169, 171, 235, 310.

building for United States courts at Philadelphia,
325, 326.

the land bill, 378, 379, 559, 560, 561, 693, 731.
expunging resolution, 440.

French and Neapolitan indemnities, 521, 523.
marine corps, 535.

American Colonization Society, 566, 567, 568.
copy-rights to foreigners, 671.

abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, 709.
bill for ceding the public lands, 792.

bill for promoting trade with Belgium, 800, 805,


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

admission of Michigan, 167, 168, 204, 205, 206,
294, 295, 317.

building for United States courts at Philadelphia,

Treasury circular, 375, 644, 778.

surplus revenue, 376, 377.

land bill, 378, 379, 702, 729, 735, 736, 753, 758,

expunging resolution, 417.

abolition in the District of Columbia, 507, 508,
509, 510, 710, 712, 718, 719.

French and Neapolitan indemnities, 516, 520.
acknowledging Texas, 528, 1012.

American Colonization Society, 564, 565, 566.
copy-rights to foreigners, 671.

sick and disabled seamen, 691, 692.
election of President and Vice President, 700.
foreign aggression on slave property, 725.

on the bill for a cession of the public lands, 739,
741, 742, 744, 790.

fortification bill, 779.
armory bill, 798, 799.
Cumberland road bill, 804.

bill to increase the military establishment, 807,
826, 833, 859.

publishing Mr. Madison's writings, 852.

the report of the committee on Mr. Madison's
writings, 858, 865, 871.

reduction of tariff, 873, 879, 902, 914, 915, 926,

distribution question, 992, 999, 1020, 1022, 1023.
light-house bill, 1009.

navy appropriation bill, 1014.

Clay, Mr., Kentucky, his land bill, 20, 377, 380, 512,
529, 530, 550, 555, 560, 645, 662, 665, 668,
759, 774.

the Treasury circular, 360, 562, 778.
expunging resolution, 429.

French and Neapolitan indemnities, 514, 517.
memorial in relation to foreign emigrants, 533.
American Colonization Society, 564, 565, 566,
568, 636.

reduction of the revenue, 575.

counting the votes for President and Vice Presi-
dent, 617, 700.

land frauds, 666, 667.

copy-rights to foreigners, 670, 696, 697.

bill proposing a cession of the public lands, 741.
bill for promoting trade with Belgium, 801, 806.
Cumberland road bill, 803, 806, 807.

bill to increase the military establishment, 839.
bill for remission of duties on goods destroyed by
fire at New York, 849.

reduction of tariff, 873, 882, 967.

United States and Mexico, 982.

inauguration of President Van Buren, 992.
distribution question, 993, 998, 1020, 1024.
recognising the independence of Texas, 1012.
Clayton, Mr., Delaware, on slavery in the District of
Columbia, 777.

the bill for amending the act for the punishment
of certain crimes against the United States, 802.
Crittenden, Mr., Kentucky, on Treasury circular, 70.
the admission of Michigan, 290.

Joseph Nourse's claim, 645.

fortification bill, 794.

armory bill, 798.

bill to pay Kentucky and Tennessee volunteers,


bill to increase the military establishment, 828.

Crittenden, Mr., Kentucky, on the late court of inquiry
on General Scott, 841.

report of committee on Mr. Madison's writings,

distribution question, 1008, 1020, 1027.

Cuthbert, Mr., Georgia, on the abolition of slavery in
the District of Columbia, 715, 716.
bill for promoting trade with Belgium, 806.

on the late court of inquiry on General Stott, 841,
844, 846.

reduction of tariff, 875, 878, 883.
distribution question, 997.

Dana, Mr., Maine, on the admission of Michigan, 223.
expunging resolution, 391.

land bill, 551.

Davis, Mr., Massachusetts, on unexpended appropria-
tions, 157.

the admission of Michigan, 317.
Texas, 419.

French and Neapolitan indemnities, 522, 524.
reduction of the revenue, 577.

sick and disabled seamen, 690, 691, 692.
land bill, 694, 695, 760.
steam boiler bill, 777.

bill for promoting trade with Belgium, 806.
reduction of tariff, 874, 876, 877, 878, 894, 902,

light-house bill, 1009.

navy appropriation bill, 1014.
harbor bill, 1014.

distribution question, 1032.

Ewing, Mr., Ohio, on repealing the Treasury circular,
8, 534, 562, 563, 778.

the admission of Michigan, 170, 231.
expunging resolution, 485.

land bill, 529, 530, 535, 557, 558, 560, 667, 695,
726, 729.

land frauds, 666.

abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia,

Cumberland road bill, 803, 804.

Choctaw reservations of land, 853.
distribution question, 1030.

Ewing, Mr., Illinois, on the land bill, 681.

Fulton, Mr., Arkansas, on the admission of Michigan,


[blocks in formation]

Kent, Mr., Maryland, announces the death of his col- | Prentiss, Mr., Vermont, on the bill to amend the act for
league, Mr. Goldsborough, 3.

on abolition in the District of Columbia, 507,

reduction of the tariff, 965.

King, Mr., Alabama, on unexpended appropriations,


the land bill, 379, 513, 529, 562.

abolition in the District of Columbia, 509.
Treasury circular, 534, 562.

American Colonization Society, 568.

King, Mr., Georgia, on the admission of Michigan, 321.
land bill, 645, 660, 728, 731.

abolition in the District of Columbia, 712, 716.
distribution of books, 725.

Knight, Mr., Rhode Island, on making annual statement
of commerce and navigation, 5.

the bill for the improvement of the useful arts,

[blocks in formation]


bill for relief of John McCartney, 986.
Morris, Mr., Ohio, on the admission of Michigan, 168,
170, 206, 212.

expunging resolution, 505, 506.

abolition in the District of Columbia, 507, 509,
708, 709, 712.

land bill, 512, 529, 530, 557, 561, 666, 668.
in relation to W. B. Lloyd's memorial, 530.
Treasury circular, 562, 636.

Nicholas, Mr., Louisiana, on land frauds, 666.

sick and disabled seamen, 692.

Niles, Mr., Connecticut, on reduction of duties, 69.

Treasury circular, 104, 375, 778.
unexpended appropriations, 162.
the admission of Michigan, 285.

expunging resolution, 408.

abolition in the District of Columbia, 508.
land bill, 693, 735.

copy-rights to foreigners, 697.

bill for ceding the public lands, 740, 780.

bill for the improvement of the useful arts, 796.
report of committee on Mr. Madison's writings,

reduction of tariff, 877, 939, 953, 956, 962, 965.
distribution question, 998, 1008.

Norvell, Mr., Michigan, on land bill, 667, 669, 735.
election of President and Vice President, 698,

bill for ceding the public lands, 784, 794.
the Cumberland road bill, 803, 804.
reduction of the tariff, 966.

recognising the independence of Texas, 1010.
Parker, Mr., Virginia, on the bill to amend the act for

the punishment of certain crimes against the
United States, 802.

the punishment of certain crimes against the
United States, 801, 805.

Preston, Mr., South Carolina, on the admission of Michi-

gan, 256.

expunging resolution, 397.

recognising the independence of Texas, 526, 797,
1010, 1013.

the marine corps, 535.

copy-rights to foreigners, 670, 697.

election of President and Vice President, 701.
abolition in the District of Columbia, 713.

the distribution of books, 725.

the Cumberland road bill, 803, 804.

bill to increase the military establishment, 839.
on the late court of inquiry on General Scott,
840, 841, 842, 845, 846.

on Choctaw reservations of land, 854.

on report of committee on Mr. Madison's wri-
tings, 859.

reduction of tariff, 875, 928, 932, 957, 962.
Captain Hall's improved rifle, 991.
distribution question, 996.

Rives, Mr., Virginia, on public deposites, 89.
Treasury circular, 120, 343, 563, 635, 636.
expunging resolution, 405.

American Colonization Society, 568.
land bill, 663, 665.

abolition in the District of Columbia, 717, 720.

on the late court of inquiry on General Scott, 843.
report of committee on Mr. Madison's writings,

reduction of the tariff, 916.

distribution question, 996, 1025.

navy appropriation bill, 1014.

Robbins, Mr., Rhode Island, on the publication of Mr.
Madison's writings, 849.

Robinson, Mr. Illinois, on the expunging resolution, 505,

[blocks in formation]

abolition in the District of Columbia, 712, 713.

fortification bill, 779, 794, 795.

bill for ceding the public lands, 790.

reduction of the tariff, 967.

memorial from Cherokee Indians, 1010.

supplying the committee rooms with certain
books, 1010.

Strange, Mr., North Carolina, on the admission of Michi-
gan, 221, 305.

Treasury circular, 327.

expunging resolution, 473.

American Colonization Society, 567, 568.

bill for the improvement of the useful arts, 796.
on the late court of inquiry on General Scott, 845.
reduction of the tariff, 923.

Swift, Mr., Vermont, on the land bill, 727.

petition from town of Georgia, Vermont, praying
for abolition in the District of Columbia, 739,

the bill to amend the act for the punishment of
certain crimes against the United States, 802.

Tallmadge, Mr., New York, on a national bank in New | Webster, Mr., Mass., on petitions for a duty on coal, 19.

York, 418.

the land bill, 662.

Tipton, Mr., Indiana, on the admission of Michigan, 228.

Treasury circular, 376.

land bill, 530, 535, 550, 553, 660, 661.

abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia,
706, 711.

bill for ceding the public lands, 792.

bill to amend the act for the punishment of cer-
tain crimes against the United States, 801.
bill to increase the military establishment, 829.
reduction of the tariff, 978.

bill to remunerate Captain Hall for improvements
in firearms, 988, 991.

Walker, Mr., Mississippi, on public deposites, 84, 86.
the admission of Michigan, 226.

on acknowledging Texas, 360, 527, 797, 986,
1010, 1012.

the land bill, 377, 380, 419, 512, 513, 529, 530,
534, 557, 559, 560, 561, 663, 667, 668, 679,
694, 695, 696, 728, 729, 731.

Treasury circular, 533, 619, 778.

American Colonization Society, 565.

bill for ceding the public lands, 750, 787.
Cumberland road bill, 807.

Choctaw reservations of land, 854.

Wall, Mr., New Jersey, on the petition of the heirs of
the late Colonel Philip Johnston, 123.
abolition in the District of Columbia, 507, 511.
reduction of tariff, 879, 883.

distribution question, 1007.

supplying the committee rooms with certain
books, 1010.

Webster, Mr., Massachusetts, on repealing Treasury
circular, 18, 89, 635, 643.

deposite banks, 68.

expunging resolution, 499.
land bill, 669, 695.

abolition in the District of Columbia, 714, 715,

memorial in favor of a national bank, 737.

bill for ceding the public lands, 740, 744, 784.
report of committee on Mr. Madison's writings,

reduction of tariff, 873, 874, 880, 954, 958, 966.
call on the Secretary of the Treasury and Secre
tary of the Senate for information, 967.
distribution question, 998, 1008.

White, Mr., Tennessee, on the admission of Michigan,

land bill, 559, 677, 681, 694.

abolition in the District of Columbia, 712.

bill to compensate the Kentucky and Tennessee
volunteers, 807.

on Choctaw reservations of land, 854, 872.
Indian appropriation bill, 893.

Wright, Mr., New York, on unexpended appropriations,


the mint bill, 326.

surplus revenue, 377.

French and Neapolitan indemnities, 513, 515,
518, 521, 523.

reduction of the revenue, 569, 577.
land bill, 693.

a bill to remit duties on goods destroyed by fire
at New York, 847, 848, 849.

reduction of tariff, 872, 873, 874, 875, 878, 879,
920, 930, 965.

distribution question, 993, 1020, 1022, 1023.
harbor bill, 1014.


Abolition memorials, 1120, resolution that all memorials | Bounty lands; the Committee on the Public Lands are

of this kind shall be laid on the table, without
reading or debate, 1120, 1156, 1339, 1396,
1397, 1411, 1424, 1513, 1585.

Amendment of the constitution; a report on the subject,


Anderson, William, a bill for relief of the representatives
of, 1296; rejected, 1313.

Appropriation bill, civil and diplomatic, 2010, 2099,
2143; passed, 2145.
navy, (see Navy.)
army, (see Army.)
Indian, (see Indian.)

Army; a bill making appropriations for the army for
1837, 1130, 1554, 1756, 1908, 1949; passed,

a bill to increase the military establishment, 2149;
bill passed.

Atchafalaya railroad; a bill granting a right of way
through the public lands for this road, 1420; bill
ordered to be engrossed, 1424.
Bank of United States; a bill providing for the punish-
ment of reissuing its notes, 1897.

a resolution proposing to prohibit the receipt
of the notes of the late bank for debts due the
Government, until they shall cease to be re-
issued by its officers, &c., 1944.

a memorial from the president and directors
thereof, 1947.


instructed to inquire into the expediency of
altering the laws on this subject, so as to allow
locations to be made on any lands subject to
entry at private sale, 1051.

Ebenezer, a bill for relief of, ordered to a third
reading, 1424; bill passed, 1513.
Buffalo harbor; a resolution directing the Secretary of
War to report the survey and examination of a
harbor at the east end of Lake Erie, 1512;
agreed to.

Canada trade; a resolution instructing the Committee on
Commerce to inquire into the expediency of re-

vising the laws regulating trade on the frontiers,
1512; not passed.

Censure of Mr. Adams; a proposed resolution to that
effect, 1610.

Chaplains; one ordered to be elected for each House, to
interchange weekly; Rev. Mr. Comstock elect-

ed on the part of the House, 1122.
Coal; a petition from Massachusetts, praying for a duty
on foreign coal, 1049.

Coffee, General John, a Representative from Georgia;
his death announced by his colleague, Mr.
Haynes, and the usual mourning ordered, 1046.
Colonization Society; a petition from Kentucky, asking
pecuniary aid from Congress for this society,
1585; subject laid on the table.
petition from Colonization Society, 1755.

Committees, appointed, 1046.
Committee of investigation; complaint from members of
the committee, of a certain publication in the
official journal, 1573.

Commerce and navigation; a report from the Secretary
of the Treasury on the subject, ordered to be
printed, 2156.

Contempts of the House a resolution proposed, to define
the offence; rejected, 1755.

Crary, Isaac E., appeared as the Representative from
Michigan; took his seat, 1504.

Creek reservations; a bill to authorize sales of these
reservations, 2155.

Crimes in the District of Columbia, stated in a message
from the President United States, 1412; re-
ferred to the Judiciary Committee.
Cumberland road; a resolution from the State of Illinois,
in relation to this road, 1132.

a bill for its continuance, 2072; passed, 2076.
Currency bill; a bill designating the funds receivable
for the revenue, 2085; passed, 2090.
Dana, N. & L.; a bill to refund certain duties paid on
salt, 1388; bill rejected, 1420.

a motion to reconsider the above vote of re-
jection; bill laid on the table, 1512.
Dawson, William C., a new member from Georgia,
elected to supply the place of General Coffee,
deceased, took his seat, 1156.

Decatur, Susan; a resolution granting her a pension,
1571; passed.

Deposite banks; a resolution calling on the Secretary of
the Treasury to communicate the dividends and
surpluses remaining in the several deposite
banks, for the years 1833, '34, '35, and '36,
1177, 1212; agreed to, 1226.

Dickson, David, late a Representative from Mississippi;

his death announced by his colleague, Mr. Clai-
borne, and a resolution passed for wearing
crape for one month, in testimony of respect for
his memory,
Distribution surplus; a resolution directing the Commit-
tee of Ways and Means to report a bill to amend
the 13th section of the act of last session to regu-
late the deposites of public money, by releasing
the several States from any obligation to return
the same, 1051; ordered to lie on the table.
Distribution question; a motion on the subject, 1926,
1958; bill passed, 1991.

Durett, Louis, a bill for the relief of the heirs of, 1216.
Duties, amount of; a resolution calling on Secretary of

the Treasury for the amount of duty collected
on salt, &c., 1162; agreed to.
discriminating; a bill repealing them on Dutch
and Belgian vessels, 2093; passed.

Fortifications; a bill making appropriations for certain
fortifications for 1837, 1130, 1920, 1958, 2095,
2145; a committee of conference appointed be-
tween the two Houses, 2148; the committee can-
not agree; the House refuses to recede from
their disagreement.

Freedom of elections; notice of Mr. Bell of his intention
to introduce a bill to secure the freedom of
elections, 1453, 1516.

French spoliations prior to 1800; a motion to print a list
of the claimants, 2141; agreed to.

Geological reconnoissance; a resolution proposing the
printing of an extra number of a report on this
subject, by Mr. Featherstonhaugh, 1163; re-
ferred to Library Committee.

General Post Office; a message from the President, en-
closing a document from the Postmaster Gen-
eral, 1128; referred.

Harbor bill, 1991, 2059, 2146; passed.
Herod, William from Illinois, appeared and took his seat,
in the place of the late Mr. Kinnard, 1451.
Indian affairs; a bill to regulate the disposition of the
proceeds of lands ceded by Indian tribes, 1130;

a bill making appropriations for the suppression of
Indian hostilities, 1130; passed.

a bill making appropriations for the current ex-
penses of the Indian department, 1130; passed.
resolution proposing to instruct the Committee on
Indian Affairs to inquire into the expediency of
appropriating money to hold treaties and pur-
chase lands from the Sac, Fox, Sioux, and
Winnebago Indians, 1148; agreed to, 1150.
hostilities; a bill for additional appropriations,
2075; passed.

Indian appropriation bill for the year 1837, 1515, 1525;
passed, 1554.

Investigation reports and resolutions in relation to the de-
posite banks, 2076; ordered to be printed, 2093.
Jones, John Paul; resolution requesting the President to
prosecute with effect the claim of the United
States against Denmark, for the value of prizes
made by Jones in 1779, 1754; referred to the
Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Journals, on keeping of; a resolution offered on the sub-
ject, 1398.

Judicial system; a bill supplemental to an act to amend
the same, 2147.

Kern and George; their memorial, as clerks, for a settle-
ment, 1567, 1572; laid on the table, 1573.
Kilbourn, David, a bill for the relief of, 1571; passed,

Kinnard, George L., late a member from Indiana; his
death announced by his colleague, Mr. Davis,
and the usual mourning ordered, 1047.

Elsineur, a petition relative to the quarantine at, 1427.
Executive administration; so much of the President's Knox, Andrew; a bill for his relief, 1555; read a third

message as relates to the executive departments
referred to select committee, 1057.
departments; a resolution proposing the appoint-
ment of a committee to inquire into the con-
duct of the different departments, 1170, 1399,
1572; agreed to.

report from the above committee ordered to be
printed, 2143.

Exploring expedition; resolution calling on the President
for information of its progress, 1570; agreed to.
Fire companies in the District of Columbia; a bill to or-
ganize them, passed, 2092.

Foreign grain; Committee on Agriculture were instruct-
ed to inquire into the expediency of abolishing
the duties on it, 1050.

Foreign consuls; resolution directing the Committee on
Foreign Affairs to inquire into the expediency

of abolishing the office of agent of claims at
Paris and London, 1172.

time and passed, 1556.

Land bounty; a resolution instructing the Committee on
Public Lands to inquire into the expediency of
providing by law a bounty for disbanded of-
ficers, 1175; laid on the table.

Lands, public; a resolution directing the Committee on
Public Lands to inquire into the expediency of
prohibiting by law the purchase of land at auc-
tion, with a view to forfeit them, and then ob-
tain them at Government price, 1204; agreed
to, 1205.

a resolution for appointing a select committee to
inquire into the expediency of granting to the
several States their just portion of the public
lands, 1242.

a bill to prohibit the sales of public lands except
to actual settlers in limited quantities, 2091; laid
on the table.

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