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1st, 1862.

McClellan's Repudiation of Stone's Movement.


MCCLELLAN, in his sub- | was, therefore, held closely McClellan's Repudiareport (Nov. 1st) to the along the Maryland line of tion of Stone's MoveSecretary of War regarding the river opposite, with the Ball's Bluff disaster, and referring to his headquarters at Poolesville and Darnestown, orders to General Stone of October 20th, ex- having an army quite sufficient to keep the pressly stated that he "did not contemplate enemy at bay until such time as McClellan's an attack upon the enemy or the crossing of advance should compel the enemy to concenthe river in force by any portion of General trate his entire strength to the south, to cover Stone's command." This is confirmatory of his own menaced capital. This is the simour statement [see page 343] that Stone alone ple history of that long, inactive campaign was responsible for the movement in force in camps along the Upper Potomac. Why a over the river. In that report McClellan also portion of the "grand army" was not spared declares the advance upon Dranesville made to press down the Shenandoah valley, or why by McCall, October 19-20, was but a recon- Rosecrans was not so strengthened in the noissance, from which he was ordered to re- Kanawha valley as to threaten Richmond tire again to his old camp at Langley's, Oc- from the west, are among the unexplained tober 20th, and McCall so did retire, October matters of the fall of 1861. Bad roads and 21st. The gradual withdrawal of the enemy want of transportation were the excuses of from McClellan's front was not followed by fered at the time by apologists; but, that exa corresponding evacuation of their positions cuse lost its popular effect when urged as the on the line of the river above Washington, sole reason for the loss of every campaign or and the General sought by his diversions heavy movement which ended disastrously to either to drive the rebels back from Leesburg our arms. and Harper's Ferry or to give them a chance The key to General Mcto show if their intent was to try and retain Clellan's movements during the line of the Upper Potomac. The result the four months succeeding of the battle of Ball's Bluff was such as to in- his installation as General-in-Chief is found duce a recall beyond the Potomac of all the in the mere fact of his appointment to that forces ordered forward to sustain Stone's position after what had transpired between movement, since it demonstrated the imprac- Scott, McClellan and the War Department. ticability of holding ground in face of the Under date of October 4th, 1861, the Generaladverse concentration indicated. The en-in-Chief, complained of Mc'Clellan's insubortrenchments thrown up at Leesburg indicated dination-citing evidences of glaring breaches the enemy's design to retain their positions of military usage and of the Articles of War. above Washington. After citing the evidence Scott wrote:

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McClellan's Suprema cy of Command.

"Has, then, a senior no corrective power over a junior officer in case of such persistent neglect and disobedience? The remedy by arrest and trial before a Gourt-Martial would probably soon cure the evil; but it has been feared a conflict of authority

The Grand Army.

ten of cavalry and twenty-
two batteries all field
forces, exclusive of those manning the defenses
of Washington, which were numerous and

near the head of the army would be highly encouraging to the enemies and depressing to the friends of the Union. Hence my long forbearance, and continuing (though but nominally) in duty. I shall try to hold out till the arrival of Major-General Hal-powerful erections, more or less elaborate in leck, when, as his presence will give me increased construction and occupying an arc stretching confidence in the safety of the Union and, as I am

unable to ride in the saddle or walk, by reason of dropsy in my feet and legs and paralysis in the small of the back, I shall definitively retire from the


from Great Falls, ten miles above Washington, to the Accotink Creek, fifteen miles below the city.* As the regiments were all then very nearly up to the standard, (1010) the force ready for the advance was above one hun

There is a volume of history in this paragraph. If McClellan was named to the posi-dred thousand. In this estimate it will be tion after the citations of a superior officer charging him with insubordination, all authority over him was at an end. He was

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II. General Wm. F. Smith, at and opposite Chain

Bridge, with lines advanced to Miner's Hill: ten regiments of infantry; one of cavalry; two batteries.

III. General Fitz-John Porter, with lines from Miner's Hill to Falls Church: thirteen regiments of infantry; two of cavalry; three batteries.

IV. General Irvin McDowell, from Falls Church to Munson's Hill: eleven regiments of infantry; one of cavalry; three batteries.

V. General Louis Blenker, from Munson's Hill to one mile south of Mason's Hill: eleven regiments of infantry; one regiment of mounted riflemen; two batteries.

VI. General Wm. B. Franklin, from Blenker's

perceived the troops of Banks, Dix, Lander, Wool, &c., are not included, although each of these commands performed its part of the programme for pressing back the enemy. These figures only represent the strength of the divisions represented in the first grand review, Nov. 20th, in which seventy thousand splendidly equipped men participated. Not a day passed up to the 28th of January, 1862, that accessions were not made to the arms of all kinds above enumerated, until McClellan confronted the Confederate seventy thousan.' in and around Manassas with twice seventy

thousand of as superb soldiers as the world

ever beheld.

McClellan's Advance.

A reference to the Summary, No. VI., will advise the reader of the several reconnoissances and advances made during November, December any January by McClellan's force. Slowly as his troops pressed outwardly, by the very weight of numbers, the Confederates withdrew

first from Munson's Hill, then from Vienna, then from Fairfax C. H. The advance from the northern wing of the army was, however, less marked. Up to Dec. 20th, when the

lines to Springfield: twelve regiments of infantry; heavy skirmish at Dranesville occurred, the division of McCall had not permanently ad

one of cavalry; three batteries.

VII. General Sam'l P. Heintzelman, from Spring-vanced from the camp in front of the Falls. field to the Accotink and Alexandria road: seven regiments of infantry; one of cavalry; two batte


VIII. General Edwin V. Sumner, west bank of Potomac below Alexandria: twelve regiments of infantry; one of cavalry; three batteries.

That skirmish proved the enemy to be on the alert. Although the rebel force then engaged was but a foraging party under Stuart, from Centreville, the intervening fifteen miles of country was daily scouted by them, while beyond, in the "Valley of Virginia," their Springfield (on the Orange and Alexandria rail- cannonaded Dam No. 5 at their pleasure, and, possession was almost undisputed. They road): seven regiments of infantry; one of cavalry; two batteries.

IX. General Erasmus D. Keyes, at and around

* See pages 342-43 for list of separate works con

Here were ninety-six regiments of infantry, stituting these defenses.

Jackson's Advance.


on the 20th, shelled it with great fury in hopes of accomplishing its destruction, thus to render impossible Federal communication by the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. On the 17th Jackson marched from Winchester to Martinsburg with five thousand men. At the latter place he was reenforced by about two thousand seven hundred. He bore with him boats for a pontoon, proving that his purpose was to cross the Potomac. He struck the river at a point three miles below Williamsport, where the cannonade of the dam above referred to transpired. That furious waste of powder and shell evidently covered the rebels' real design, which was a descent on Williamsport, to secure the heavy store of flour and salt deposited there, as well as to lay hands on the specie of the Washington County Bank. The rapid concentration, at that then much exposed place, of the regiments of Generals Hamilton and Williams' commands, however, prevented the passage of the rebels at Falling Waters; and thereafter the demonstration seemed to be confined to the destruction of the dam. The artillery duel which followed was of the most exciting nature. Best's and Knapp's batteries responded from the Federal side the first against the enemy's position at Falling Waters, and Knapp, with his two Parrott pieces, protecting the dam.

Lander's Operations.


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The military forces of the United States are about to enter your counties as a part of the Union. They will go among you as friends, and with the earnest

hope that they may not, by your own acis, be forced to become your enemies. They will invade no rights of person or property; on the contrary, your laws, your institutions, your usages will be scrupulously respected. There need be no fear that the quietude of any fireside will be disturbed, unless the disturb ance is caused by yourselves. Special directions have been given not to interfere with the condition of any persons held to domestic service, and, in order that there may be no ground for mistake or pretext for misrepresentation, commanders of regiments and corps have been instructed not to penit any such persons to come within their lines."

The most effective reassurance appeared to The forces above Wil- be in proclaiming that runaway negroes liamsport were of Lander's should be bayonetted back to their masters. command. This gallant officer was placed in As Henry A. Wise's plantation was thus procharge of the "Department of Harper's Ferry tected in its "property" the “invasion,” even and Cumberland,” created by General Order to that arch enemy of the Republic, was not 91, October 24th, with the design of cover- so serious a matter, after all. The malignant ing working parties on the Baltimore and return made for such clemency [see Letcher's Ohio railroad between these points. His Message, Appendix, page 524,] placed the troops were composed of Maryland and Vir- Federal authorities, viewed with reference to ginia volunteers-raw levies, but effective, for succeeding events, in a very absurd predicaunder his vigilant eye they soon became skil-ment; but, that was the policy then prevailful soldiers. Protecting their own property ing, East and West; the status of the negro they were doubly interested and so secured the line of that road around Cumberland as to render that point safe, though the general want of energy in crowding the enemy back from the line of the river, from Williamsport to Leesburg, really left Lander only a post occupation at Cumberland. The failure to occupy Leesburg, Harper's Ferry and the neck opposite Williamsport, in November,

was not to be disturbed even though his bondage gave the greatest possible “aid and comfort to the enemy." There were nine thousand slaves in the two counties to a white population, before the rebellion, of about thirty-three thousand; but many of the whites were then in arms against the Union. Those remaining outwardly welcomed the advent of the Federal forces: covered by the ægis

Occupation of the "Eastern Counties."

of the ordinances of said Convention, and of the acts of the General Assembly, held by authority of said Convention. It is therefore ordered, by direction of the President, that if any person shall hereafter attempt within the State of Virginia, under the alleged authority of said Commonwealth, to exercise any official powers of a civil nature, within the limits of any of the commands of the occupying forces of the United States, unless in pursuance of the declarations and ordinances of the Convention

of such a proclamation, | offices-State, county and municipal-by alleged what had they to complain authority from the Commonwealth of Virginia, in of or to fear? Lockwood disregard and violation of the declaration of the landed at Newtown, Maryland; then march- people of Virginia, represented in Convetion at the through to Horntown, then to Drummond- city of Wheeling, on Thursday, June 13, 1861, and town, where the United States flag was found flying before the Court House. The militia, organized under Letcher's orders, voluntarily disbanded; every Confederate flag and symbol of rebellion disappeared, and the occupa- | tion proved a source of prosperity to the people. To the rebels it was a sore affliction, since they drew from those two counties immense supplies of cereals and forage. All commerce with the western shore was suspended; the light-houses along the river were relit; the Courts and County offices were reopened; and, generally, affairs assumed a pleasant face. Lockwood, in his sub-proclamation, dated Drummondtown, Nov. 23d, authorised the "judges, magistrates, and other civil officers to continue in their several offices and perform all and every function of the same conformably to the Constitution of the United States, the law of Virginia, previous to the ordinance of secession,' except so far as modified or changed by any subsequent act of the Legislature sitting in Western Virginia, and the laws passed by said Legislature, sitting in Western Virginia, subsequent to the passage of said act of secession." The only additional requirement was for the office holders to take the oath of allegiance to the United States.

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assembled at Wheeling on the 13th day of June, 1861, and the acts of the General Assembly, held by authority of said Convention, such attempt shall be treated as an act of hostility against the United States, and such persons shall be taken into military custody. Commanding officers are directed to enforce this order within their respective commands. By command of


Major-General MCCLELLAN. "L. THOMAS, Adjutant-General."

It is to be regretted that partizan "politics" with its baleful breath for power, ere long came forward to create a new State of West

ern Virginia, whose limits only extended on
the east to the western crest of the Allegha
nies-thus leaving all that portion of Eastern
Virginia occupied by our forces without a
civil loyal power for recognition.
such a creation was unconstitutional is plain
to any reader of the Constitution. It says
(Art. IV. sec. 3.):


"New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other State, nor any State be formed by the junction of two or more States--without the consent of the Legisla tures of the States concerned as well as of the Con gress."

The wiser-nay, the shrewder-policy was to recognize the Western Virginia Government as the State Government de facto of Virginia, as was done in the above orders, The subdivision of the State is another of the sins of commission for which the Federal Congress and President must answer.

It is well here to look over the lines to see how the enemy regarded affairs, in a military sense, at the close of the year 1861. That they were both jubilant and depressed the

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Rebel Views of "The Situation "



Rebel Views of

"The Situation."

Examiner of November 14th, reviewing their successes, said:

tone of their journals prove | produce a total loss of con-jubilant over their mili-fidence in the Lincoln adtary successes but depress-ministration among its own ed at the formidable attitude of the Federal people; and that would most probably be Government and the failure of all their the real effect. Both the North itself, and schemes for a foreign recognition. Their more particularly the administration in powsuceesses were conceived to have been deci- cr, are impelled to offer battle at this moment sive, east and west-were so avowed by Da- by necessities which seem to us as imperative vis in his message of Nov. 18th, as well as by as irresistible. They must fight, and we are the press generally. There was complaint ready for the fray. The defiant cry of the at the want of greater success. Those oppos- whole South is, 'Lay on, Macduff.'" If uted to the "defensive" policy adopted by Da- tered by an enemy this was prophetic. None vis, conceived it possible to have winter- so well as the rebels themselves knew the quartered their armies on Northern soil; and best policy to pursue for their "subjugation :" their organs, while accepting the general re- it would have been well to have profited by sults of victories won, still declared the past their apprehensions. Earlier than this the campaign but a comparative success. [See rebel chiefs considered the advance against the article quoted in Appendix, page 523.] Manassas as a failure; and though they preThere was no fear of McClellan's approach. pared to run, if such a necessity should arise The Richmond Dispatch of Dec. 23d, said: by McClellan's springing upon them some "It is the warm sun that brings out the ad- unlooked-for strategy or energy, they still der. The splendid season of dry weather regarded the Army of the Potomac as harmthat we have had for three weeks has hard-less, for the winter at least. The Richmond ened the earth, restored the roads, prepared the way for a grand advance of the enemy wherever he is in force. It is almost incredible that he will refuse to avail himself of the auspices which thus smooth his path. The untoward affair on Friday last at Dranesville, will probably inspire his soldiers with some confidence in themselves, and conspire with the excellent roads to invite an advance." The expectation of an advance against Manassas was as generally entertained in Richmond as in the Northern cities The rebel Congress had prepared for such a contingency by resolving Nashville, Tennessee, as the future capital of the Confederacy; Government and State archives were put in order for immediate shipment to the interior-all in expectation of the march of the vast army around Washington upon Richmond. So certain were the Confederates of this advance that the press construed any further delay on the part of the Federals as an evidence of want of pluck, and of confidenee in their cause. Said the Dispatch: "To refuse to fight under the influences now pressing upon it, would argue an imbecility in the North, its generals, and its armies, which could not fail to be interpreted most unfavorably against that section Such a failure ought to

"In the Peninsula Magruder holds the enemy securely in check. In the single battle there fought the enemy was ignominiously routed. At Manassas our army has held its ground firmly, proudly and defiantly. It awaited with confidence the onset of the finest army that had been hitherto organized on this continent, and drove it back with a loss, not so much of numbers as of honor, that never will be forgotten. In its old stand point it defies the advance of the enemy. It is a standing menace and insult to the enemy. It is within twenty miles of his capital, and it means to stay there or to advance

-not to fall back. Meantime McClellan has let the best

period for an attack go by. We still believe he will assuil Generai Johnston in this position, but we have no apprehension about the result.”

The enemy thus indicated the "situation" in Virginia, where was gathered the mightiest army this continent is likely ever to behold; and if this freely confessed scorn of Federal pluck and sagacity now has the significance of historic truth, it is not the historian's place to suppress this evidence of their prescience for fear of injury to the memory of those wholly responsible for it. The people of the North writhed under this scorn of their army; but, what could the people do? The chief in command, having adopted the

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