ESSAY V. On temperature-mischiefs from inaccurate
ideas-infancy-necessity of great care to maintain a due
gentle warmth-gradual bathing better than washing-how
clammy extremities to be treated-warm bath-how to
manage in case of dry heat-nurses heat feverish infants-
nurses should be told the reason of practices-dialogue-
prejudice as to food-more advanced age-discipline of
hardness-in what circumstances cold applications hurtful
-insouciance of orientals and of occidentals-no chilled
person fit to encounter a cold medicine-cold to hot parts
-explanation-cold air recommended in many cases in pre-
ference to cold water-hardiness-evening and night ma-
nagement-exercise-kinds and circumstances-covering-
catarrh that is not inflammatory-preservative and curative
measures-second childhood-conservatories of old age.
ESSAY VI. SCROPHULA-acute and chronic diseases-
public impression-verbal and other explanations-scro-
phulous constitution-false shew of health-advance to-
wards scrophulous diseases-signs on the face-and struc-
ture-intellect-sanguineous and phlegmatic scrophula-
scrophulous atrophy-chilblains-how indications of scro-
phula to be considered-graver scruphulous diseases-moral
-exciting causes-prevention of scrophula by a proper
education-errors in opinion and practice-of sea-water-
attention of parents to scrophulous children-plan for
practical instruction as to the nature and prevention of
scrophulous and other slow diseases.
ESSAY VII. CONSUMPTION-mortality-to which is
to be added the sickliness of consumptive families-letter
of an invalid exemplifying this, and shewing that the mo-
dern plan for cultivating the intellect contributes scarce more
than the pursuit of frivolous accomplishments to the health
and happiness of young people-proofs that consumption
is more frequent-of the persons most liable--from occu-
pation, descent, and habits of life-nature of the phthisical
disorganization of the lungs-how far consumption is and
is not a scrophulous disease-vocal efforts-correction of
phthisical temperament-imminent danger-false opinions,
fatal delays, and errors-maxims-contagiousness of con-