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that he was looking out for an exchange for Newcastle; which was fully confirmed by a card which he sent on Tuesday last, in these very words:

"Tuesday, December 2.

"Dr. Brown presents his compliments to Dr. Birch; and acquaints him, that a very unexpected overture has lately been made, which will prevent any final determination concerning the Vicarage of Newcastle for some little time. This, at present, is entirely a secret; but Dr. Brown was desirous of hinting this to Dr. Birch as far as he could with propriety and therefore relies on Dr. Birch's ho nour, that it will not be made known to any but those whom it may most nearly concern."

My Lord Royston, who had on Sunday last been informed of the Doctor's hesitating to vacate Horkesley, went on Tuesday morning, before I had received the Doctor's card, to the Bishop of Durham; and, not meeting with his Lordship at home, left a Letter for him, giving some account of Dr. Brown's engagement to quit Horkesley, and inclosed in that Letter one of the Doctor's. The Bishop returned the visit the next morning, and mentioned to Lord Royston his having granted further time to the Doctor; but declared himself entirely ignorant of the circumstances of the facts mentioned by Lord Royston, Dr. Brown not having given the Bishop the least hint of them. The Bishop, however, promised to send for the Doctor, and talk to him on the subject.

Such being the real case, I shall leave it to your Lordship's judgment, whether Dr. Brown has not, by his repeated promises, precluded himself from all right of continuing at Horkesley, to my great disappointment and prejudice? and whether he ought to be allowed to attempt to falsify those promises, by going on to traffic for so important and valuable a cure as that of Newcastle with the best bidder?

I am, with the highest regard, my Lord, your Lordship's most obedient and most humble servant, THO. BIRCH.


To the Rev. Dr. BIRCH.

DEAR SIR, Grosvenor-square, Dec. 9, 1760. Dr. Brown was here last night; and said, that yesterday he was at the Bishop of Durham's " to appoint the time for institution: so you may look upon that business as well over. I heartily give you joy of it; and am your truly affectionate friend and faithful servant, W. GLOUCESTER.


To the Rev. Dr. BIRCH.

DEAR SIR, Prior Park, Nov. 17, 1762. It gives me much pleasure that my little Book* is approved of by one whose judgment I so much value. You could not have told me any news more agreeable to me than of a new Book from you; nor of † any present more acceptable than such a testimony of your friendship. I love your Books, because they bear the image of your heart, your integrity, your candour, and equity. I esteem them, because they have the strong stamp of your mind, your good judgment, and critical acumen.

I shall, in a few days, be setting forward for town. In what disposition I shall find it, I do not know. As a Churchman, I pray for Peace; as a Man, I rejoice in this cessation from human slaughter; as a Briton, I shall submit my judgment to my betters, and especially to that which is best of all,

* The "Doctrine of Grace."

"Letters, Speeches, Charges, Advices, &c. of Francis Bacon, Lord Viscount St. Alban, Lord Chancellor of England."


the Wisdom of Parliament. For as to the political advantages accruing from it to Great Britain, or the disadvantages, if any, I know but as much, and no more (which is indeed nothing) than the Party Libellers on both sides; who have just taught me this as they came in my way in the common newspapers, that they are equally the disgrace of Letters and human nature.

I am, dear Sir, with the truest esteem, your most affectionate and faithful humble servant, W. GLOUCESTER. All the family desire their kindest remembrance

to you.


To the Rev. Dr. BIRCH.

DEAR SIR, Grosvenor-square, Dec. 13, 1762. This inclosed scrap of a Letter from Mr. Hurd will acquaint you with our request; and, if it be in your power to comply with it, we know your friendship and benevolence too well to doubt of your inclination. Ever your most affectionate friend and faithful servant, W. GLOUCESTER.

[The Inclosure.]

"I am now digesting my scattered hints and papers on the use of Travelling. Your Lordship promised to inquire of Dr. Birch for Lord Essex's Letter to the Earl of Rutland on the subject. Horace Walpole mentions it, as being referred to in the Bacon Papers. If the book itself could be procured by his means, Millar would take care to send it. R. HURD."



Rev. Mr. HURD to Rev. Dr. BIRCH.


DEAR SIR, Thurcaston, Feb. 25, 1763. You will receive with this the small book you me the favour to send me at the request of the Bp. of Gloucester, together with the collations of the MSS. in the Museum; for both which, but espe cially the last, I am greatly indebted to you. The Earl of Essex's Letter is slight upon the subject; but it was a pleasure to see any thing from his hand. The MSS. you were so obliging to collate for me are very much superior to the printed copy.

New books are so long in travelling to us in the country, that I have not yet seen your late Collection of the Bacon Papers. I am the more impatient for this pleasure, as I hear, on all hands, that it is extremely curious and useful. I heartily wish the long continuance of your health and life, that you may oblige us with still more of those valuable works, with which you have already so much enriched the English History.

Believe me to be, with great respect, reverend Sir, Your much obliged and most obedient servant, R. HURD.


To the Rev. Dr. BIRCH.

DEAR SIR, Prior Park, March 12, 1763. I have your favour of the 10th, and am obliged to you for your kind enquiries after my health. The bad accident that befel me* was attended with all the most favourable symptoms; and the broken bone seems now to be reasonably well united, though I am afraid it will be some time yet before get the free use of that arm.


* A broken arm, from a fall in his garden.


My compliments to the Stewards; but, with my best dispositions to serve the Charity *, I certainly shall not be in London in May. To ask for a Preacher in London, is like asking for a Centinel in a German Town. Every corner will supply them.

I am much obliged to your friendship for the trouble I give you. All here are much at your service. No one any where more than, dear Sir, Your very affectionate and faithful humble servant, W. GLOUCEster.

[blocks in formation]

DEAR SIR, Prior Park, April 18, 1763. I have your favour of the 16th. As to the tickets, I should be glad if you would give yourself the trouble of disposing of them as you see fit.

Lord Bute's abdication, just on the rising of the Session, is to us, who know nothing of the intrigues of the Court, a most mysterious thing. It is a phænomenon that seems to predict great changes. May the King and Constitution never suffer!

All here are much yours. No one any where more than, dear Sir, yonr very affectionate and faithful humble servant, W. GLOUCESTER.

P.S. I wish you would demand of Mr. Millar (for any of mine is at your service) the last Edition of my " Discourse of Grace;" for it is less imperfect

than the others.

[blocks in formation]

DEAR SIR, Grosvenor-square, Oct. 25, 1763. I have taken the liberty you gave me, to inclose a memorandum of the things I would gladly be allowed

* Bp. Warburton was in this year one of the Stewards for the Sons of the Clergy.


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