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"lawe, as ye haue fome time taken vppon you

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place of iuftice. And if it were well tried, I "beleue ye fhuld not be wel able to ftand ho"neftli therto.


"Mi Lord i am not fo perfect but i mai erre "for lacke of knowledge. But both in con"fience & fuch knoledge of the law as God "hath geue me, i wil do nothing but i wil "maintain and abide in it. And if mi goodes "and all that I haue be not able to counterpaise "the cafe: mi bodie fhal be redi to ferue the "turne, for thei be all at the Quenes Highnesse ❝ pleasure.

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"Ah fir, ye be veri quicke & ftoute in your "anfwers. But as it fhoulde feme, that which cc ye did was more of a will, fauouring the opi"nion of your Religion against the Seruice "nowe vfed, then for ani occafio or zeale of

iustice, feinge the Quenes Highnes dooth fet "it furthe, as yet wishinge all hir faithful fub"iectes to imbrace it accordingli: & where ye "offer both bodie and goodes in your triall, "there is no fuch matter required at youre "handes, and yet ye fhall not haue your owne "will neither.


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"My Lord, I feke not wilful will, but to shew 66 my self as i am bound in loue to God, and "obedience to the Quenes Maieftie, in whose "caufe willingly for iuftice fake (al other respectes "fet apart) i did of late (as your Lordship "knoeth) aduenture as much as i had. And "as for my religion, i truft it to be fuche as pleaseth God, wherin i am redy to aduenture "afwell my life as my fubftaūce, if i be called "therunto. And fo in lacke of mine owne 66 power ad wil, the Lordes wil be fulfilled.

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"Seing ye be at this point Mafter Hales, i "wil presently make an end with you. The


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Quenes Highnes fhal be enfourmed of youre

opinion, and declaration. And as hir Grace "fhall therupon determine, ye fhall haue knoledge, vntil whiche tyme ye may depart, as ye "came without your oth, for as it appeareth, ye ar scarfe worthi the place appointed.

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"I thancke your Lordship, and as for my "vocation, being both a burthen and a charge, more than euer i defired to take vpon me, "whenfoeuer it fhal please the Quenes Highnes

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"to ease me thereof: i fhall moost humbli with "due contentation obei the fame.

"And fo departed from
"the barre."


was arraigned for high treafon before the Lord Mayor of London and fome of the principal nobility and Judges of the realm, for being concerned in Sir Thomas Wyatt's rebellion. The jury, however, acquitted him, against the pleafure of the Judges, and in fpite of their menaces. They were all imprisoned for this terrible offence: fome of them were fined, and paid 500 marks a-piece, according to Stowe; the reft were fined fmaller fums, and, after their discharge from confinement, ordered to attend the Council table at a minute's warning.

"In one of the trials about this time," fays Fuller, "the following occurrence took place:

"A perfon tried for treason, as the jury were "about to leave the bar, requested them to con"fider a ftatute which he thought made very "much for him. Sirrah, cried out one of the

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Judges, I know that statute better than you ❝ do.


"do. The prifoner coolly replied, I make no “doubt, Sir, but that you do know it better " than I do; I am only anxious that the Jury "fhould know it as well."


THE following fervile letter from this Queen, then the Princess Elizabeth, to Queen Mary, on fending the latter her portrait, is in the Collection of Royal Letters in the British Museum.

re PRINCESS ELIZABETH TO QUEEN MARY. "Like as the riche man, that dayly gathereth "notes to notes, and to one bag of money ❝layeth a great fort, till it come to infinit, fo "methinks your Majefty, not being fufficed "with many benefits and gentleness, fhewed to 66 me afore this time, doth now increse them in "afking & defyring, (when you may bid & "commande,) requiring a thinge, not worthy "the defyring for itfelfe, but made worthy for

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your Highness requeft: my picture I mene; "in wiche if the inward good will towarde 66 your Grace might as wel be declared as the "outfide face and countenance fhal be feen, I


"wold not have tarried the commandment, but


prevent it, nor have been the last to graunt "but the first to offer it. For the face I

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graunt, I might wel blushe to offer, but the "mynde I fhal never be ashamed to prefente: "for though from the grace of the pictur the "coulors may fade by time, may give by wether, 66 may be spotted by chance; yet the other not "time with her fwift winges fhall overtake, nor "the muftie cloudes with their lowerings may “darken, nor chance with her flippery foote may "overthrow. Of this although yet the prise "could not be greate, because the occafion "hathe beene but fmall; notwithstanding, as a

dog hathe a day, fo I perchance may have "time to declare it in deedes when now I do "write them but in wordes. A further, I "fhall most humbly befeeche your Majeftie, that "when you fhall looke on my pictur, you will "vitsafe to thinke, that as you have but the out"ward fhadowe of the body afore you, fo my in"ward mynde wifheth that the body itselfe were "oftene in your presence: howbeit because both

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my fo beinge I thinke could do your Majestie "litel pleasure, though myfelfe great good; &


againe, because I fee as yet not the time agrees "therewith; I fhall learn to followe this faing "of Orace: Feras non culpes quod vitari non "poteft. And then I will (trublinge your Majeftie I fere) ende with my moft humble


66 thankes,

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