Imagens das páginas


The figures between [ ] refer to PART I.

[blocks in formation]

Dover, 13; East Hetton, 25; Garth
Pit, 32. FACTORY, Ardeer, 11;
Stephanskirchen, 31. FIRE, Balloon
on the Tempelhof Common, 32; Khe-
rieleff, church of, 61. MINES, Johannes-
burg, 53; Snaefell, 25. MISCELLA-
NEOUS, Adour, iron bridge over the, gives
way, 42; Caldas da Rainha, 56; Ex-
celsior coach, 26; Menheniot, 8; Rust-
chuk Station, 47. RAILWAY, Alders-
gate Station, 22. SHIPPING, Cissir
Veliki, Russian ironclad, 15
ADDRESS, debate in the House of Lords, [9];

in the House of Commons, [10]; amend-
ments, [12]; agreed to, [19]
loyalty, [344], [347], 48; proclamation,
[347], 58. KABUL city bazaar, fire,
AFRICA, Bangweolo Lake explored,
[385]; Blantyre, celebration of the
Jubilee, [385]; rinderpest, appearance
of, [386]; Sharpe, Mr. A., Commis-
sioner and Consul-General, [386]

EAST.--ABYSSINIA, Asmara, aurif-
erous quartz discovered, 18; Leon-
tieff, Major, appointed Governor-Gene-
ral, 41; missions, French and Russian,
[378], 16; Rodd, Mr. R., his mission
to King Menelek, [378], 23. GERMAN
EAST AFRICA, imports and exports,
[379]. MADAGASCAR, France, total cost
to, [381]; Gallieni, Gen., his procla-
mation, [381]; Jesuits, crusade against
Protestantism, [381]; Ranavalona,
Queen, exiled, [381], 13. PORTUGUESE
EAST AFRICA, Gazaland, native risings,
[379], 19; rebels defeated, [379], 43.
UGANDA, "Choua" proclaimed King,
[380]; Macdonald, Major, and the
mutineers, battles between, [380];
Mwanga, King, instigates revolt, [379]
railway, completion of 121 miles, [381];
rebellion, outbreak, [380]; Soudanese
troops, mutiny, [380], 60. ZANZIBAR,
British tribunal, [379]; Cracknall, Mr.
W. B., appointed judge, [379]; slavery,
decree abolishing, [378], 19

NORTH.-TUNIS, Sfaks, port of,
opened, 22
outbreak of, [377], 2, 4, 19, 46.


AFRICA, SOUTH, continued.

COLONY, Africander Bund, annual
congress, [370]; Budget, [370]; ex-
ports, [372]; foreign Power, motion
against the intervention, [371], 22;
Imperial Navy, resolution, [371], 29;
imports, [372]; Milner, Sir A., ap-
pointed Governor, [370], 25; visits parts
of the colony, [372]; Parliament opened,
[370]; Rhodes, Mr. C., at Cape Town,
1, 21; sails for England, 2; reaches
London, 5; rinderpest, spread of,
[372]; Sprigg, Sir G., want of confi-
dence vote, [371], 23. NATAL, Binns,
Mr., Premier, [373]; Durban, demon-
stration, 3; elections, general, [373];
Escombe, Mr., Premier, [372]; on the
Jubilee celebration, [373]; resignation,
[373]; Immigration Restriction Bill,
[372]; Robinson, Sir J., resignation,
[372]; Umslopogaas, death, [373]; Zulu-
land, annexation of, [373], 73. ŎRANGE
FREE STATE, Alien Immigration Bill,
[374], 29; Constitution, report on the
revision, [374]; draft treaty, [374], 16;
Franchise Bill, 28; Steyn, Pres., on
closer union with the Transvaal, [373],
RHODESIA, Buluwayo, completion of
railway to, [377], 64, 66; rebellion,
suppression of, [377]. TRANSVAAL,
Alien's Law, repealed, [375], [376], 24;
Bosman, Field-Cornet, tried and ac-
quitted, 29; "Brown versus the State,"
[374]; draft treaty, [375], 16; Dutch
language, 26; elections, [375], 15;
Eloff, Lieut., suspended, 18; acquitted,
19 Industrial Commission, [375],
[376]; Johannesburg, dynamite explo-
sion, [376]; Star suspended, [375], 17;
decision in favour, 20; Judiciary and
the Legislature, dispute between,
[374], 11, 12, 16; Krüger, Pres., at
Bloemfontein, [373], [375], 14; his
congratulations to the Queen, [376];
releases prisoners, [376], 34; on the
London Convention, 50; Leyds, Dr.,
re-elected Secretary of State, [375], 28,
54; raid, claim for damages, [375];
revenue, [377]; Uitlanders, admitted
to the franchise, [374], 9; Volksraad,
opened, [375], 24; prorogued, [377]
pedition, mutiny of his troops, [385],
32: DAHOMEY, disturbances, 62.
GOLD COAST, Bona, British occupa-
tion confirmed, [382], 72; Henderson,
Lieut., his mission, [381]; attacked by
Sofas, [382]; Northcott, Lieut.-Col., ap-

AFRICA, WEST, continued.

pointed to the command, [382]. LAGOS,
French expeditions, [382], 58; Say
boundary, [382]. NIGER COAST PRO-
TECTORATE, Benin, expedition to, [384],
1, 9, 10 massacred, [384]; city cap-
tured, [384]; King of, surrenders,
[384], 47. NIGERIA, Kiffi stormed,
[384], 66; peace, treaty of, signed,
[384], 7; slave raiding. campaign for
the suppression, [383], 3, 6, 11. SENE-
GAL, St. Louis, new bridge opened, 60
AK-BAITAL Pass, road across the, 58
ALLEN . Flood, case of, 17, 30; judgment,

AMBASSADORS, appointment of, Hay, Col.
J., 10; Reid, Mr. W., 28; Venezuela,

AMERICA, [386].Vide Canada, Mexico,
Newfoundland, United States, West


Señor, elected President, [400]; insur-
rection, [401]. HONDURAS, debt, in-
ternal, amount of, [400]; insurrection,
[400]. SAN SALVADOR, [401]
Buenos Ayres, central station demo-
lished, 29; locusts, flights of, 35;
population, [404]. Congress opened,
[404]; crops, [405]. National debt,
[404]. Paper money in circulation,
[405]. Revenue, [404]. Uriburu, Pres.,
his message, [404]. BRAZIL, Consel
heiro, expeditions against, [405], 13,
58. Guiana boundary question, [405].
Martial law proclaimed, [406], 65.
Moraes, Pres., attempt to assassinate,
[406], 64. Revenue Bill, [406].


de Janeiro, commercial situation, [406];
convicts revolt, 65; newspaper, pro-
prietor of, assassinated, 14; offices
sacked, 64. Tariff Bill, [406]. BRITISH
GUIANA, Georgetown, meeting, [405];
gold, amount of, [405]; population,
[405]; revenue, [405]; Sendall, Sir W.
S., Governor, [405]; sugar industry,
[405]. CHILI, congress opened, [406];
elections, [406]; ministries, resignation,
[406]; nitrate, production of, [406].
PERU, civil marriage law, [407]; Lima,
gold standard adopted, [407], 58;
President, his message to Congress,
[407]; Puno, police outbreak, [406];
silver coinage suspended, [407]. URU-
GUAY, Borda, Pres., shot, [407], 50;
Congress opened, [407]; Cuestas, Señor,
President ad interim, [407]; attempt
to kidnap, [408], 67; Monte Video,
state of siege proclaimed, [407], 13.
VENEZUELA, Andrade, Gen., elected
President, [408]; boundary dispute,
Martens, Prof., selected umpire, [408],
59; financial crisis, [408]; Great
Britain, diplomatic relations resumed,
[408]; Pietri, Dr. J., appointed
minister, [408]

ANAM, King of, agrees to abolish the office
of Viceroy of Tong-King, 45
ANDRÉE, Herr, on crossing the North Pole
in his balloon, 40

ARKWRIGHT, Capt., discovery of his re-
mains, 49

ART.-Retrospect of :-

BRITISH Museum, 121

NATIONAL Gallery, 119; Ireland, 121;
Scotland, 121

NATIONAL Gallery of British Art, 120
NATIONAL Portrait Gallery, 120

NEW Gallery, 124

ROYAL Academy, 123
SALES, 124

SOUTH Kensington Museum, 122
WALLACE Gallery, 120

ASHMEAD-BARTLETT, Sir E., captured by
a Greek warship, 24

ASIA, [344]. Vide Afghanistan, Burmah,
China, Hong-Kong, India, Japan,
Korea, Siam

ST. AUGUSTINE, celebration of the landing
of, at Ebbsfleet, 53

AUMALE, Duc d', funeral service, 26
AUSTRALASIA, [408].-Vide New South
Wales, New Zealand, Polynesia,
Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria
ELECTION, Federal Convention, [410],
13; triennial, [420]. PARLIAMENT
opened, [420]. SUFFRAGE Bill, [421].
WAY, Rt. Hon. S. J., member of the
Judicial Committee, 27

Convention, [410], [421], 5, 13; general,
[421]. FEDERATION Bill, [421]. POP-
ULATION, [422]. Prosperity, [422).
REVENUE, [422]

Bill, [295]. Ambassador presents a
note to the Porte, 38. Army, reform
in the position of non-commissioned
officers, [297]. Ausgleich Bill, [293],
61, 64, 68, 71. BADENI, Count,
motions of impeachment against, [292].
59, 65; insulted, [292], 68; duel,
[292]; resignation, [293], 18. 68.
Budget, [293]. CHARGÉ d'Affaires
leaves Sofia, 48. DELEGATES, election,
[291] Dualist arrangement, question
of the renewal, [294] ELECTIONS,
[290], 15, 28. FOREIGN Affairs, [296],
[297] GOLUCHOWSKI, Count, on for-
eign policy, [297]-[299], 67. Gratz,
Wille, Dr. B., sentenced, 71. LAN-
GUAGE, decree, [290]. Lueger, Dr.,
elected burgomaster, 19, 20. MERSINA,
insult to the consul at, [296], 66.
Ministry, resignation, [293]; the new,
[293]. PARLIAMENT, obstruction in,
[291], [292], 28; all-night sittings, [292],
61, 62, 64; closed, 75. Prague, Young
Czech party, manifesto, 73. REICHS-
RATH, opened, 17; re-assembled [291];
scene in the, 28, 68; first session closed,
30. Riots, [293], 28, 68, 69. Russia,
new compact with, [297], [299], [307),
[314] SCHWARZENBERG, at Budweis,
38. Students' demonstration, [293],
VIENNA, agriculturists' meeting,
51; German National party, meeting,


Emperor of, at St. Petersburg, [296],
22; at Buda-Pesth, [293]

Archduke Otto of, received by the
Emperor of Germany, 8
AVALANCHE, tourists and guides swept
away, 52

BANK of England, rate of discount raised,
56, 59; reduced, 5, 7, 19, 26; gover-
nor, on the proposal to increase the
use of silver, 54

BANKERS and merchants, memorial on the
gold standard, 60

BARRY, J., and five others charged with
the death of W. Croot, 73

BARRY, Rev. W., his lecture on Burke, 62
BATTENBERG, Prince Henry of, funeral
service in memory of, 4

BAYARD, Mr., banquet at the Mansion
House, 12

BELGIANS, King of the, on the principle oi
personal service, [315]; in Paris, 59
BELGIUM. ALLIANCE Society, [317].
Anglo Belgian treaty, [317] Army
reform question, [316]. BRASSINE,
General, resignation, [315], [316]; his
scheme of Army reform, [316]. CATHO-
LIC party, schism in the, [317]. Chimay,
Prince, his petition of divorce granted,
4. Civic Guard, reorganisation, [316].
MICHEL, L., expelled, 54

BETTING ring or Tattersall's enclosure,
decision on, 38


[107]. Agriculture and Industries
(Irish), [127]; withdrawn, [128]. Ap-
propriation, [185]. BURIALS, [75].
CHURCH of England and Wales, Dis-
establishment, [39], 8. Congested
Districts (Scotch), [185] EDUCATION,
Secondary, [185]; Welsh Intermediate,
[174]. Employers' Liability, [118],
[122], 27, 41; amendments in com-
mittee, [124][126]; schedules, [125];
report stage, [149]; third reading,
[153]; in the Lords, [154], [180];
passed, [184]. FINANCE [146]. Foreign
Prison-made Goods, [122], [144], [185].
ISLE of Man, [144]. LAND Transfer,
[185]. London County Council, 10.
London University Commission, [185].
London Water Company's, [144], [185].
MERCHANDISE Marks Act Amendment,
[19] Military Works, [25]. Miners
(Eight Hours). 24. NECESSITOUS
Schools, [112], 22. PLUMBERS' Regis-
tration, [148]. Public Health (Scotch),
[185]. SUNDAY Closing, [39], 8;
Irish, [122]. VERMINOUS Persons,
[148]. Voluntary Schools, [29], [40],
[66], 7, 17; amendments in committee,
[67]-[72], 15, 25; in the Lords, [98],
[174], 17, 42. WOMEN'S Franchise,
[34], [148] Workmen's Compensa-
tion for Accidents, see Employers'

BISMARCK, Prince, his eighty-second birth-
day, 18

BOILERMAKERS' Union, orders to members,

[blocks in formation]

BUDGET, the, [113], 23; introduced, [113];
proposals adopted, [118]; Indian, [184]

Capt., and M. Novelitch, found guilty,
45. Budget, [314]. FERDINAND,
Prince, his visit to the Sultan, [314],
47; in Paris, 59. STOILOFF, M., on
the withdrawal of the Austro-Hunga-
rian agent, 49

BURKE, E., centenary of his death, 62
BURMAH.-FRYER, Sir F., appointed first
Lieut.-Governor, [344].

Fort, attacked, [344], 59.



release of, [344]. Scott, Mr., attacked
by the Was, [345]. TRADE [345]
BYE-ELECTIONS, [53], [138]

CAMBRIDGE Senate, meeting, 27

University, honorary degrees con-
ferred, 14

CAMPERDOWN, centenary of the battle of,
celebrated, 59
CANADA.-BAFFIN Land, expedition de-

spatched to, 56. Budget [397]. FIELD-
ING, Mr., on the Budget, [397].
LAURIER, Sir W., knighted, [397];
at Montreal, [397], 51. MANITOBA,
schools question, settlement, [398].
NORTH-WESTERN territories formed
into a province, [398], 58. Nova-Scotia
elections, 21. OTTAWA, Alien Labour
Bill, 19; members unseated, 17; Taite,
Mr., denounces the Quebec bishops, 18.
PARLIAMENT opened, [397]. Pelagic
sealing, [397], 68. Postage, proposed
reduction postponed, 74. QUEBEC,
elections, [398], 25. TARIFF Bill, [397],
22. Trade returns, [399] YUKON
district, discovery of gold, [398], 43
CHAMBERLAIN, Mr. J., receives the Colonial

Premiers, 35; his reception at Glasgow,
63; installed Lord Rector, 63; pre-
sented with the freedom of the city, 64
CHANNEL, attempt to row across, 50
CHARLES, Mr. Justice, resignation, 16
CHARLES I., statue of, decorated,
CHESS matches, result, 9, 29
CHINA.--BLACKBURN Commercial Mis-


sion, [358]. COTTON spinning fac-
tories, [359]. GREAT Britain, new
agreement between, [356], 30.
PORTS, [360]. KIAO-CHAU, Germans
Occupy, [360], 71. LI HUNG TSAO,
death, [357]. Loan negotiations, [358],
52. MISSIONARIES murdered, [360]
66. RAILWAY development, [357].
SHANGHAI, strike of wheelbarrow
coolies, [357]; riots, [357], 19. TEA,
decrease in the export, [360]. Trade,

CHOLERA, epidemic of, Rewa, 11; steamer

CHURCHMEN, Liberal, letter from the, [6], 2
CIVIL list pensions granted, 36

ST. CLEMENT's Church, Leigh, struck by
lightning, 28

COLLIERY, East Hetton, miner discovered
alive, 25

COLONIAL Premiers, at the Colonial Office,
[187][190]; at the Imperial Institute,
33; sworn-in members of the Privy
Council, 38; at St. George's Club, 40

[ocr errors]

COLONIAL Troops, march to the Mansion

House, 33; at Windsor, 38

COMMERCE, Treaty of, of 1865, 45
Federal, [409]-[413], 5, 21, 53; Colonial
Premiers, [172], [187]-[190]; Conserva-
tive Associations, Berwick, [201]; Co-
operative, Perth, 30; Cotton-spinners,
Manchester, 64; Employers' Federa-
tion, 58, 65, 68, 70; Engineers, [192],
65, 71, 72, 74; Independent Labour
party, [110]; Irish Landowners, Dublin,
6; Irish National League, Manchester,
[137]; Labour, Zurich, 50; Lambeth,
the Fourth Pan-Anglican Synod, 37,
45, 46; Medical men, Berlin, 59;
Miners, Leicester, 2; Westminster, 31;
National Liberal Federation, Derby,
[226], 71; Norwich, [79], 15; Quarry-
men, Carnarvon, 16; Sanitary, Venice,
5; Trade Union, Birmingham, 52;
Washington, 15; Zionist, Basle, 51
CO-OPERATIVE Festival, National, at the
Crystal Palace, 49

COUNTY Council, London, election of chair-
man, 14; meeting, 29
Middlesex, 17

posal of, [309], 13, 15. BEROVITCH
Pasha, resignation, [308], 9. Biliotti,
Sir A., rescues Mahomedans, 14.
Blockade of, [310], 16. CANEA occu-
pied by the allied fleets, [308], 9, 11.
GERMAN corps withdrawn, 67. IN-
SURGENTS proclaim union with Greece,
[308], 8; engagements, [308], 12,

MAHOMEDANS and Christians,
fighting between, [308], 2, 6, 7, 35,
49. POWERS, note of the, [309], 12.
SCHAFFER, Col., proposal to nominate
provisional Governor-General, 61
CRICKET.-England and Australia, 72;
Eton and Harrow, 39: Eton and Win-
chester, 35; Oxford and Cambridge,
39; close of the season, 51
discharged, 5. CAREW, Mrs., found
guilty, 7. MAN charged with the
murder of his wife, 68. ScoOTT, Lady,
sentenced, 2

CROOT, W., boxer, his death, 71

DEMONSTRATIONS in Hyde Park, 13, 51;

Trafalgar Square, 15, 49
DENMARK.-BILLS, various, [335]. Bud-

get, [332], [334], [335]. Bye-elections,
[334]. CONSERVATIVE party, secession
from, [335]. ELECTIONS, municipal,
[336]. FINANCIAL reforms, [335].
HOUSEN, M., burgomaster, resignation,
[336]. MINISTRY, the new, [334].
REEDTZ-THOTT, Baron, his policy,
[332]; on the Budget, [332]; resigna-
tion, [333], 25. Rigsdag assembled,
[332], [335]. TARIFF Bill, [334]
DEPTFORD PARK opened to the public, 31
DOMINION DAY celebrated in London, 36.


Comedies, 126; Dramas, 127; Farces,
128; Melodramas, 127; Revivals, 125
DUELS, Badeni, Count, and Herr Wolf, 56;
Turin, Count, and Prince Henri
d'Orléans, [254], 48

EARTHQUAKES. -Ancona, 55; Bologna, 55;
Epirus, 5; India, [140], 32; Kishm,
island of, 3; Lima, 55; Port-au-
Prince, 75; Rome, 55; Switzerland,
55; Trieste, 55; Turkestan, 55; Ven-
ice, 55


- BRISTOL, See of,
separated from Gloucester, 39
BROWNE, Dr. G. F., Bishop of Bristol,

CANTERBURY, Archbishop of, enthroned,
2; CHURCH Congress, Nottingham,
57; CREIGHTON, Dr. M., Bishop of
London, 2; confirmation, 4; en-
throned, 6

EDEN, Rt. Rev. G. R., Bishop of Wake-
field, 50; ELLIOTT, Rev. Canon, A. G.,
Bishop of Kilmore, 52

OWEN, Rev. Canon, nominated Bishop of
St. David's, 9

PEACOCKE, Dr. J. F., elected Archbishop
of Dublin, 27

ST. SAVIOUR'S, Southwark, reopened, 9
TEMPLE, Dr., at the Guildhall, 4
of Stepney, 62

EGYPT. ARABIC verses, the writer of,
prosecuted, 65. BORCHARDT, Dr., on
the tomb of Menes, [369], 67. Budget,
[367]. CENSUS, [369], 32. JUSTICE,
reports of the administration, [368].
MAHOмED Ali, Prince, his engage-
ment to an American lady, 64. PUBLIC
works, [368], 71. REVENUE returns,
[367]. SCOTT, Sir J., his report on the
native tribunals, [368]. Soudan cam-
paign, [369], 47, 52, 54, 67, 71, 74, 75;
garrisons established, [369]; Kassala
surrendered by the Italians, [369], 74;
Rodd, Mr. R., his mission to Abys-
sinia, [369].

EISTEDDFOD, Welsh National, at Newport,

ELCHO Shield conveyed to the Guildhall,

ELECTIONS.Barnsley, [202], 62; Bridge.
ton, [55], [234], 9; Brightside, [187];
Chertsey, 10; Cleveland, [53], 3; Den-
bighshire, East, [192], 56; Deptford,
[217], 66; Forfarshire, [54], [234], 6;
Halifax, [55], 13; Liverpool, [216], 65;
Middleton, [211], 64; Petersfield, [138],
31; Romford, [54], 7; Salisbury, [54],
6; Sheffield, 47; Walthamstow, [54],

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

LONDON and India Docks, 42



OTTAWA, 9, 58

PARIS, charity bazaar, 24

PENNSYLVANIA State Capitol, 7


PURFLEET, Anglo-Russian Oilworks, 3
RAVENSTONE village, 56
RAWCLIFFE Hall, Goole, 53

RHINE, bridge over the, at Rheinfelden,


TILBURY Docks, 28

UPPER Thames Street, 24

WARR, Dowager Lady De La, her house,

WINDSOR, Nova Scotia, 60

FOG, over London and the Channel, 73, 74
FOOTBALL Matches.-Aston Villa and Ever-
ton, 20; England and Scotland, 15, 19;
Oxford and Cambridge, 11

FOSTER, Dr., attempt to descend the Snae-
fell pits, 26

FOUNDATION - stones laid,

Bristol, 35;
Christ's Hospital, Stammersham, 61;
High Wycombe, Conservative Club,
[228]; Pretoria, 31
Fox v. Jerome, case of, 25
FRANCE.-ACADEMY elections, [249], 18.

Ajaccio, British Consul, demonstration
against, 4. Anjou Duc d', his suit
dismissed, 6. Appropriation Bill,
[260]. BANK, question of the re-
newal of the privileges, [251].
Barcarni, French and Italian work-
men, quarrel between, 33. Barthou,
M., at Bayonne, [257]. Bonnefois, J.
M. awarded the Monthyon prize, 66.
Brest, medals, distribution of, 23.
Brisson, M., elected President of the
Chamber, [244]; his reply to Père
Olivier, [250]. British Ambassador,
agreement signed, 55. Bruix, accident
to, [255], 49. Budget, [246], [260].
CARDINALS, invested with the biretta,
27. Chamber reassembled, [244], [250],
[258]; adjourned, [253]. Conseils gén-
éraux, spring session, [250]; autumn
meetings, [255]. Corn, rise in the
price of, [256] Cretan question, [246],

FRANCE, continued.

15. Criminal procedure, secret inquiry
abolished, [251], 65. DARLAN, M.,
resignation, [260], 70. Diplomatic
changes, [257]. Dourmer, M., Governor-
General of Indo-Chinese, [244]. Drey-
fus question, [259], [261]. Dupleix,
Marq., centenary of his birth, [244], 4.
EASTERN question, [247]. Elections,
senatorial, [243], 1; to the Chamber,
[247]. Esterhazy, Major, demands trial,
70. FAURE, Pres., visit to South-
Eastern France, [254]; to Russia, [255],
38, 49; reception at Cronstadt, 49;
farewell luncheon, 50; return to Paris,
51; banquet, 60. Franco-Russian al-
liance, proclamation, [255]. GAYRAUD,
Abbé, elected for Brest, [245], [247], 5;
annulled, [253], 38. HANOTAUX, M.,
on the Guiana boundary question, 20.
Hourst mission, at the Sorbonne, [244].
INCOME tax proposals, [253]. LOUBET,
M., elected President of the Senate,
[244]. MACKAU, Baron de, organiser
of the charity bazaar, prosecuted, 46;
sentenced, 50. Marseilles, municipality
suspend payment, 20. May Day, [250].
Monarchists views, [258]. NIMES,
collection of coins stolen, 36. OR-
LÉANS, Prince Henri d', his duel,
[254], 48. PANAMA Scandal, trial,
[248], [259], 17, 40, 75. Pantheon,
Voltaire and Rousseau, discovery of
remains, 73. PARIS, American Uni-
versity Club, banquet, 11; bomb ex-
plosions, 32, 33, 49; charity bazaar
catches fire, [250], 24; requiem mass,
25; Municipal Council, meeting, [256];
national fête, 41; St. Pierre, Church
of, used for the last time, 19. Paris,
M. G., received at the Académie, 6.
RADICAL party, manifesto, [253]. Reg-
istry Offices, reform, [249]. Religious
processions, result of, 36. Richard,
Card., his pastoral, 60. Richard, M.
G., suspended, [252]. Röntgen rays,
experiments with, 35. SIAM, King of,
his visit, [256]. Socialist party, views,
[252]. Sugar duties question, [244].
TEACHERS in Secondary Schools, Con-
gress of, [249]. VANDAL, M. A., his
eulogy on M. Léon Say, 74

GERLACHE expedition leaves Antwerp, 48

amendment, [275], 29, 43; rejected, 43.
BISMARCK, Prince, his reminiscences,
[278], [280]. Bötticher, Dr. von, re-
signation, [276], 37. Budget, [273].
13, 14, 15. Bulow, Count von, ap-
pointed Secretary of State for Foreign
Affairs, [276], 36, 61. CHINA naval ex-
pedition to, [282], 68. Cologne Gazette
on the Emperor's speech, [284]. Con-
vention with France, [288]. Deutsche
Tages Zeitung, editor of the, sentenced,
10. Duelling, rescript against, [271]-
[273]. EMERGENCY Bill, 27. Emigra-
tion Act, [277]. Estimates, [278].
Fürst Bismarck launched, 56. GRAHL,
Herr von, dismissed, 19. HAMBURG,
editor of a newspaper sentenced, 59;

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