The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare, with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators: Comprehending a Life of the Poet, and an Enlarged History of the Stage, Volume 14Rwington, 1821 |
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Página 4
... SICINIUS VELUTUS , JUNIUS BRUTUS , } Tribunes of the People . YOUNG MARCIUS , Son to Coriolanus . A Roman Herald . TULLUS AUFIDIUS , General of the Volscians . Lieutenant to Aufidius . Conspirators with Aufidius . A Citizen of Antium ...
... SICINIUS VELUTUS , JUNIUS BRUTUS , } Tribunes of the People . YOUNG MARCIUS , Son to Coriolanus . A Roman Herald . TULLUS AUFIDIUS , General of the Volscians . Lieutenant to Aufidius . Conspirators with Aufidius . A Citizen of Antium ...
Página 19
... Sicinius Velutus , and I know not - ' Sdeath ! The rabble should have first unroof'd the city 4 , Ere so prevail'd with me : it will in time Win upon power , and throw forth greater themes For insurrection's arguing 5 . MEN . This is ...
... Sicinius Velutus , and I know not - ' Sdeath ! The rabble should have first unroof'd the city 4 , Ere so prevail'd with me : it will in time Win upon power , and throw forth greater themes For insurrection's arguing 5 . MEN . This is ...
Página 20
... SICINIUS VELUTUS . 1 SEN . Marcius , ' tis true , that you have lately told us ; The Volces are in arms 6 . MAR . They have a leader , Tullus Aufidius , that will put you to't . I sin in envying his nobility : And were I any thing but ...
... SICINIUS VELUTUS . 1 SEN . Marcius , ' tis true , that you have lately told us ; The Volces are in arms 6 . MAR . They have a leader , Tullus Aufidius , that will put you to't . I sin in envying his nobility : And were I any thing but ...
Página 33
... Sicinius Velutus , and I know not - ' sdeath , " The rabble should have first , " & c . Speaking of the people in a subsequent scene , he uses the same expression : 66 - Are these your herd ? " Must these have voices , " & c . Again ...
... Sicinius Velutus , and I know not - ' sdeath , " The rabble should have first , " & c . Speaking of the people in a subsequent scene , he uses the same expression : 66 - Are these your herd ? " Must these have voices , " & c . Again ...
Página 58
... SICINIUS , and BRUTUS . MEN . The augurer tells me , we shall have news to - night . BRU . Good , or bad ? MEN . Not according to the prayer of the people , for they love not Marcius . SIC . Nature teaches beasts to know their friends ...
... SICINIUS , and BRUTUS . MEN . The augurer tells me , we shall have news to - night . BRU . Good , or bad ? MEN . Not according to the prayer of the people , for they love not Marcius . SIC . Nature teaches beasts to know their friends ...
Palavras e frases frequentes
ancient Antigonus Antony and Cleopatra appear Aufidius Autolycus bear beseech blood Bohemia BOSWELL called Camillo Cır Cominius consul Coriolanus Corioli Cymbeline death editors emendation enemy Enter Exeunt eyes father fear give gods Hanmer hath hear heart Hermione honour JOHNSON Julius Cæsar King Henry lady LART Lartius LEON Leontes lord Love's Labour's Lost Macbeth MALONE MASON means Menenius mother never noble old copy Othello passage PAUL Paulina peace Perdita perhaps play Plutarch Polixenes Pr'ythee Pray prince queen Roman Rome SCENE second folio senate sense Shakspeare Shakspeare's SHEP SICINIUS signifies speak speech stand STEEVENS suppose sword tell thee Theobald thing thou art Timon of Athens tongue tribunes Troilus and Cressida true TYRWHITT voices Volces Volumnia WARBURTON wife Winter's Tale word worthy Сом