| Great Britain. Foreign Office, Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office - 1829 - 1062 páginas
...referred to, as in many of the preceding Articles contained. Woods, until it shall intersect the 49th parallel of North Latitude, and from the point of...West, along and with, the said parallel, shall be the dividing line between His Majesty's Territories and those of The United States, to the westward of... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament - 1815 - 620 páginas
...that question rested. By the Treaty of 1783, which established the independence of the United States, the line of demarcation, between the territories of the United States, and those of Great Britain, in America, was to be drawn through the centre of the lakes of the woods, and was to... | |
| 1819 - 480 páginas
...parallel of north (attitude, then that a tine drawn from the said point due north or south, as the c«a may be, until the said line shall intersect the said parallel of north latitude, !>n<l from the point of such intersection due west along ami with the said parallel, shall be the line... | |
| 1816 - 1052 páginas
...President'» Message to both Houses of Congress, 5T —Convention, tyj regulate the Commerce between the Territories of the United States and those of his Britannic Majesty ., 53 Intelligence from Висяог Ayrct.r\ 61 interesting Particulars relative to Sana, farie's... | |
| Robert Walsh - 1817 - 504 páginas
...that question rested. By the treaty of 1783, which established the independence of the United States, the line of demarcation, between the territories of the United States, and those of Great Britain, in America, was to be drawn through the centre of the lakes of the woods, and was to... | |
| 1817 - 514 páginas
...of the Lake of the Woods, due north or south, until it shall intersect the parallel of 49 degrees, and from the point of such intersection due west along, and with that parallel. This was agreed to by the British commissioners. We objected also to the terms denning... | |
| 1817 - 860 páginas
...THE PRINCE. (Cou ntersigned ) The Marquis DE AGUIAR. A Convention to regulate the Commerce between the territories of the United States and those of his Britannic Majesty. The United States of America and his Britannic Majesty, being desirous by a Convention to regulate... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament - 1819 - 956 páginas
...parallel ol north latitude, then that a hne drawn from the said point due north or south, as the case may be, until the said line shall intersect the said...the line of demarcation between the territories of his Britannic majesty and those of the United States, and that the said line shall form the southern... | |
| 1819 - 1216 páginas
...line shall intersect the >aid parallel of north latitude, and from the point of such inlenectioti tine west along and with the said parallel, shall be the line of demarcation bet t> ecu the territories of the United Stales and those of His Britannic Majcily, and that the laid... | |
| Great Britain, Lewis Hertslet - 1820 - 418 páginas
...parallel of north latitude, then that a line drawn from the said point due north or south, as the case may be, until the said line shall intersect the said...the line of demarcation between the Territories of His Britannic Majesty and those of the United States, and that the said line shall form the southern... | |
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