Cel. Or rather, bottomless; that as fast as you pour 189 Ros. No, that same wicked bastard of Venus that was SCENE II. The forest. Enter JAQUES, Lords, and Foresters. Jaq. Which is he that killed the deer? A Lord. Sir, it was I. 195 [Exeunt. Jaq. Let's present him to the Duke, like a Roman con- For. Yes, sir. 6 Jaq. Sing it: 'tis no matter how it be in tune, so it For. SONG. What shall he have that kill'd the deer? 10 Then sing him home: [The rest shall bear this burden. 189 it] in F1. 194 I'll tell] I tell Hudson (Edd. conj.). 196 sleep] go sleep Keightley. SCENE II.] SCENE IV. Pope. Scene and Others, Foresters. Capell. En- 2 A Lord.] Lord. Ff. 1 Lord. Malone. 1 F. Capell. 7 For.] Rowe. Lord. Ff. 2 F. Ca- 10 SONG.] Musicke, Song. Ff. Take thou no scorn to wear the horn; And thy father bore it: The horn, the horn, the lusty horn 15 [Exeunt. Ros. SCENE III. The forest. Enter ROSALIND and CELIA. How say you now? Is it not past two o'clock? and here much Orlando! Cel. I warrant you, with pure love and troubled brain, he hath ta'en his bow and arrows and is gone forth to sleep. Look, who comes here. Enter SILVIUS. Sil. My errand is to you, fair youth; 5 10 wonder much Orlando is not here 4 and is] and Collier, ed. 2 (Collier MS.). and's S. Walker conj. reading 3-5 as verse. 5, 6 Look...you,] One line, Abbott conj. 5 Enter...] Ff (after line 3). 7 bid] F2F3F4. did bid F1. [gives a Letter. Capell. 8 know] F. knew FF3F4. It bears an angry tenour: pardon me; I am but as a guiltless messenger. Ros. Patience herself would startle at this letter She calls me proud, and that she could not love me, Why writes she so to me? Well, shepherd, well, Sil. No, I protest, I know not the contents: Ros. Come, come, you are a fool, And turn'd into the extremity of love. I saw her hand: she has a leathern hand, A freestone-colour'd hand; I verily did think That her old gloves were on, but 'twas her hands: This is a man's invention and his hand. Ros. Why, 'tis a boisterous and a cruel style, Sil. So please you, for I 11 tenour] Theobald. tenure Ff. 13 (letter) Collier MS. 17 man] men So quoted by S. Walker (Versification, p. 266). 18 do] F. did FF3F4. 22 Phebe did write it] Phebe did write it, with her own fair hand Mason Will you hear the letter? never heard it yet; conj. Come, come] Come Taylor conj. MS. 23 turn'd into] turned in Capell conj. turn'd so in Id. conj. 26 on] FF. one FF3. 33 women's] Ff. woman's Rowe. Yet heard too much of Phebe's cruelty. Ros. She Phebes me: mark how the tyrant writes. [Reads] Art thou god to shepherd turn'd, That a maiden's heart hath burn'd? Can a woman rail thus? 40 Sil. Call you this railing? Ros. [reads] Why, thy godhead laid apart, 45 Did you ever hear such railing? Whiles the eye of man did woo me, Meaning me a beast. If the scorn of your bright eyne Sil. Call you this chiding? 40 [Reads] Rowe. Read. Ff. god] a god Keightley. 40, 41 turn'd,...burn'd?] Rowe. turn'd? ...burn'd. F. turn'd?...burn'd? F2 no, he deserves no pity. Wilt What, to make thee an instru F3F4 44 [reads] Rowe. Read. Ff. ment and play false strains upon thee! not to be endured! Well, go your way to her, for I see love hath made thee a tame snake, and say this to her: that if she love me, I charge her to love thee; if she will not, I will never have. her unless thou entreat for her. If you be a true lover, hence, and not a word; for here comes more company. Enter OLIVER. Oli. Good morrow, fair ones: pray you, if [Exit Silvius. you know, 75 Cel. West of this place, down in the neighbour bottom: The rank of osiers by the murmuring stream Left on your right hand brings you to the place. But at this hour the house doth keep itself; There's none within. Oli. If that an eye may profit by a tongue. Such garments and such years: The boy is fair, 80 85 And browner than her brother.' Are not you The owner of the house I did inquire for? Cel. It is no boast, being ask'd, to say we are. And to that youth he calls his Rosalind 68 strains] straines F1. strings FF3F4 70 snake] sneak Becket conj. 72 lover,] F4 louer F1F¿F3. 74 SCENE VI. Pope. 2 75 Where in] Wherein F3F4 purlieus] Capell. Purlews Ff. 76 olive-trees?] Pope. Oliue-trees. Ff. 85 female] femall FF2 and] but Hudson (Lettsom conj.). bestows] behaves Gould conj. 90 86 a ripe sister] a right forester Hudson (Lettsom conj.). to a forester Kinnear conj. a ripe forester Gould conj. a right sister Spence conj. (N. & Q. 1888). the] F1. but the F2F3F 88 owner]owners Halliwell (Capell conj.). |