OR A PHILOSOPHICAL INQUIRY CONCERNING VNIVERSAL GRAMMAR BY IAMES HARRIS ESQ. ΕΙΣΙΕΝΑΙ ΘΑΡΡΟΥΝΤΑΣ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΓΑΡ ΚΑΙ ΕΝΤΑΥΘΑ ΘΕΟΥΣ. THE SIXTH EDITION. LONDON: PRINTED FOR F. WINGRAVE, IN THE STRAND, SUCCESSOR TO MR. NOURSE. M.DCCC.VI. 1 To the Right Honourable PHILIP Lord HARDWICKE, Lord High Chancellor of Great- My Lord, As no one has exercised the A 2 It *The above Dedication is printed as it originally stood, the Author being desirous that what he intended as real Respect to the noble Lord, when living, should now be considered, as a Testimony of Gratitude to his Memory. iii have still found time to cultivate. With regard to myself, if what I have written be the fruits of that Security and Leisure, obtained by living under a mild and free Government; to whom for this am I more indebted, than to your Lordship, whether I consider you as a Legislator, or as a Magistrate, the first both in dignity and reputation? Permit me therefore thus publicly to assure your Lordship, that with the greatest gratitude and respect I am, My Lord, Your Lordship's most obliged, and most obedient humble Servant, Close of Salisbury, Oct. 1, 1751. James Harris. |