Imagens das páginas




1. Translate, Le Directoire, p. xii., l. 8 to p. xiii., 1. 3,“ Plus ses louables motifs" to "d'en parcourir."

(i) Give the 1st person singular and plural of the primitive tenses of veulent, croyions, liront, croissant, développés.

(ii) Write in full the subjunctive present and imperfect of jaillir, répand, mis.

(iii) Account for ne in n'a eu le temps, &c. Give other instances of its use in a similar way.

(iv) Give masculine and feminine plural of égal, beau, tout, roux. 2. Give a slight historical sketch of the French Directory. 3. Mention some other works of Madame de Staël. short description of her life and style.

4. Translate:

Give a

Voilà les contes bleus qu'il vous faut pour vous plaire,
Ma bru. L'on est chez vous contrainte de se taire :
Car madame, à jaser, tient le dé tout le jour.
Mais enfin je prétends discourir à mon tour:
Je vous dis que mon fils n'a rien fait de plus sage
Qu'en recueillant chez soi ce dévot personnage;
Que le ciel au besoin l'a céans envoyé

Pour redresser à tous votre esprit fourvoyé;
Que, pour votre salut, vous le devez entendre;

Et qu'il ne reprend rien qui ne soit à reprendre.

(i) What is the gender of words ending in u and é? Give any exceptions.

(ii) Comment on the words in italics.

5. Give fully the rules for the use, omission, or repetition of articles before nouns, and illustrate each by examples.

6. Correct the following if necessary, and explain your reasons

for so doing:

(i) Elle a obéit la voix de Dieu.

(ii) J'ai ôté le livre de ma sœur. (iii) Quelques riches qu'ils sont.

7. Translate into French a short passage from any standard author. (N.B. Not less than ten lines.)

8. Translate, Le Misanthrope, Act I., Sc. i., " Alceste.-Non je ne puis souffrir" to "du tout mon fait."

9. In what year was this play written? With what reception did it meet?

Higher Local.

TRANSLATION; GRAMMAR; PHILOLOGY; LITERATURE, 1650-1700. 1. "La cour d'Henri IV. s'était espagnolisée." Account for this, and shew its immediate and final effect on the French language.

2. "L'époque littéraire des langues est ordinairement celle de leur décadence au point de vue purement linguistique." Apply this to the language of the 17th century, and compare the French of this period with that of the 13th century with regard to expression.

3. Derive hélas, néanmoins, Passey-lèz-Paris, hormis. Give the history of the words from which they are derived, and illustrate their use in old French.

4. Translate:

Je ne sais ni tromper, ni feindre, ni mentir,
Et quand je le saurais, je n'y puis consentir:
Je ne sais point, en lâche, essuyer les outrages
D'un faquin orgueilleux qui vous tient à ses gages,
De mes sonnets flatteurs lasser tout l'univers,
Et vendre au plus offrant mon encens et mes vers.
Pour un si bas emploi ma muse est trop altière:
Je suis rustique et fier, et j'ai l'âme grossière;
Je ne puis rien nommer, si ce n'est par son nom;
J'appelle un chat un chat, et Rolet un fripon.

(i) Point out and account for any grammatical peculiarities in the passages in italics.

(ii) Give the subjunctive present and imperfect of the verbs feindre, sais, vendre, essuyer, tient.

5. Give a short account of Boileau. his writings? Who were his models? those he imitated, and shew points in short of them.

6. Translate:

What was the object of Compare his works with which he excels or falls

A contemporary of the period, who reflected on the onward march of the new religion over every obstacle in its path, who had seen it gather under its banners states and nations once the most loyal and potent vassals of Rome, would have had little reason to doubt that, before the end of the century, the reform would have extended its sway over the whole of Christendom.

7. Translate from L'Art Poétique, Chant I., 1. 28 to 1. 40, "Quelque sujet" to "leur prix," and Chant IV., I. 90 to I. 120, Que votre ame" to "de honteuses brigues.'

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1. Translate:

Eine Wolke sprach zur andern

Auf dem Wege ihr begegnend:

"Wohin ziehst du? Was beginnst du?"

Ernst versetzt darauf die andre:

"Weiss ich's selber denn?" Zum Spiele

Dienen ja wir armen Wolken

Allen Launen der verborgnen,

Schnellen, wandelreichen Winde.

Account for the case of the words in italics. Give the nominative and genitive singular of all the nouns in the above passage.

2. Distinguish between the strong and weak declension of


Decline with the article: Mann, Frau, Kind, Tisch, Mädchen, Buch, Held. Distinguish between der Band and das Band, der See and die See, der Lohn and das Lohn.

3. What gender are nouns ending in -chen, -niss, -thum, -ung, -keit, -heit. Give one example of each, and where you can one exception to the rule.

4. Translate:

What have you been doing?—I have written a letter to my brother. I write to him every week.-Have you time to take a walk with me?—Yes, I will go with you, but I must first take my letter to the post-office.

5. Translate: Ernst Herzog von Schwaben, Sc. 2, "Mangold, dicht bei den Marmorsäulen " to "dein Werk."

Aufgeschmückt, erstanden, hinabgewallt, wich: give the present indicative imperfect and past participle of these verbs.




1. Translate: Der Staat Friedrichs des Grossen, p. 3, “Viel that" to "zu vertheidigen."

Es war ein Grenzland: explain this. What war is alluded to in this passage?

2. Who were the Habsburger, Bourbonen, Hohenzollern?

3. Translate:

Von den vier Fürsten, welche ihn seit dem deutschen Kriege bis zu dem Tage regierten, wo der greise König in Sanssouci die müden Augen schloss, hat jeder mit seinen Tugenden und Fehlern wie eine nothwendige Ergänzung seines Vorgängers gelebt.

Who are the four princes here alluded to?

4. Decline das müde Auge, ein wunderlicher Tyrann, der grosse König, ein anderer Prinz.

Give some rules for the declension of adjectives in German.

5. Translate into German :

All the world knows of the enormity of London trade, yet few are prepared to appreciate the magnificence of its details. In the narrow byways, where the walls rear themselves so high that looking up one might reasonably expect the stars to appear, as it is said they do when viewed from a deep well, many a house contains a community sufficient to make a German state.

6. Translate: Erns tHerzog von Schwaben, Sc. 2, “ Warmann Thörigt Herz" to "sich versteckt."

Give the present indicative, imperfect and past participles of all the strong verbs in this passage.


Higher Local.


1. Read Götz von Berlichingen. Write a short account of the play, mentioning any points that suggest its being composed under the influence of Shakespeare's writings. When was Götz written?

2. What would you call the second period of Goethe's writings? Name the chief works of that time.

3. Translate:

Der titanisch-gigantische himmelstürmende Sinn jedoch verlieh meiner Dichtungsart keinen Stoff. Eher ziemte sich mir darzustellen jenes friedliche, plastische, allenfals duldende Widerstreben, das die Obergewalt anerkennt, aber sich ihr gleichsetzen möchte. Doch auch die Kühneren jenes Geschlechts, Tantalus, Ixion, Sisiphus waren meine Heiligen. In die Gesellschaft der Götter aufgenommen mochten sie sich nicht untergeordnet genug betragen, als übermüthige Gäste ihres wirthlichen Gönners Zorn verdient, und sich eine traurige Verbannung zugezogen haben. Ich bemitleidete sie, ihr Zustand war von den Alten schon als wahrhaft tragisch anerkennt, und wenn ich sie als Glieder einer ungeheuren Opposition im Hintergrunde meiner "Iphigenie" zeigte, so bin ich ihnen wol einen Theil der Wirkung schuldig, welches dieses Stück hervorzubringen das Glück hatte.

GOETHE, Dichtung und Wahrheit.

Explain this passage by reference to Iphigenie.

4. What form do conditional sentences take in German? Give examples.

5. Translate:

In the United States politics have, except on extraordinary occasions, become a game of which the object is to produce artificial excitement, or they resolve themselves into personal intrigues. The issues which are raised are so insignificant as to be indiscernible to foreigners, though they provide occasion for much apparent activity.

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